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1、New Concept English 1,Lesson 39,Dont drop it !,By Yooann,New Word,front frnt n . 前 方 vase vz n . 花 瓶 in front of prep . 在.前方 drop drp v . 掉 下 careful kefl adj . 小心的,仔细的 flower fla n . 花,Word Power,1.in front of 表示“在.的前方”.是方位介词. eg:He stands in front of our classroom. 2.drop可作动词也可作名词. a.作名词,表示“滴”. eg

2、:Ultraviolet drops are relatively rare around the world. b.作动词,表示“掉下”.,“in the front of”和“in front of”,“in front of”和“in the front of”都可以表示“在.前方” “in front of”强调某物体外部的前面.反义词为behind. eg:sit in front of the room. “in the front of”强调某物体内部的前面.反义词为at the back of eg:sit in the front of the room.,3.careful

3、 表示“小心的,仔细的”。 eg:He is a careful girl. care 可作动词也可作名词. a.作名词,表示“关怀,照料”. b.作动词,表示“照顾”(take care of) eg:I dont care about your words.,4.flower 表示“花”.可数名词. flour和flower的读音都差不多,但是意思是完全不一样的.flour 表示“面粉”. 5.do with 表示“处理”.,do with和deal with,do with 常与连接代词 what 连用. deal with 常与连接副词 how 连用. eg:I dont know w

4、hat to do with this case. =I dont know how to deal with this case. Pracice:1.我和他没有任何关系. 2.他擅长应付各种社交场合. handle 作动词时也可以表示“处理”.,一般将来时基本结构.,Lesson 40,What are you going to do? Im going to .,New Word,show v. 给.看 send v. 发送 take v. 带走,Word Power,1.show 作动词,表示“给.看”. 常用搭配:show sb sth=show sth to sb eg:Id like to show you something. =Id like to show something to you. 2.send作动词,表示“送给”. 常用搭配:send sb sth=send sth to sb. eg:He sent me a pair of shoes last sunday. =He sent a pair of shoes to me last Sunday.,Thanks for your attending!,无垠文海 邀你畅享 ,PPT文档讨论群:253147947,


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