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1、,Unit Three On Price,Contents,1.Brief Introduction 2.Some ideas for a “typical” answer to an enquiry 3.给客户写的关于价格让步的信 4.如何写讨价还价信 5. Special terms 6. Useful expressions,3.1 Brief Introduction,对外贸易中的商品单价通常由四个部分组成,即计量单位、单位价格、计价货币和价格术语。 国际贸易中使用的价格术语很多,其中以 F.O.B、C.I.F、及C.F.R三种价格术语最为常用。对于这三种价格术语,国际上有多种解释,现

2、将这三种价格术语扼要解释如下: 1.F.O.B 该价格叫装运港船上交货价,简称“船上交货”。F.O.B是 Free On Board的缩写。采用这一价格术语时要在其后注明装运港名称。 2.C.I.F 该价格叫成本加保险费加运费价。C.I.F是Cost, Insurance and Freight的缩写。采用这种价格术语的时候,应在C.I.F后注明目的港名称。 3.C.F.R该价格叫成本加运费价。采用这种价格术语时,也应在 C.F.R后注明目的港名称。,3.2 Some ideas for a “typical” answer to an enquiry by letter, fax, e-ma

3、il or phone-or even to a personal enquiry.,1 Thank the customer for their interest in your products and confirm that you can ( or cant ) help. 2 “Sell” your product and explain how it is suitable for your customers needs. 3 Say that youre sending a catalogue, price list, advertising literature, etc.

4、,3.2 Some ideas for a “typical” answer to an enquiry by letter, fax, e-mail or phone-or even to a personal enquiry.,4 Explain how the customer can get “hands-on” experience of the product: Offer to send samples or get a rep to visit with samples / demo; State the location of distributors showroom ne

5、ar enquirers address; Announce an exhibit at a forthcoming trade fair;,3.2 Some ideas for a “typical” answer to an enquiry by letter, fax, e-mail or phone-or even to a personal enquiry.,5 Quote Exactly what you are selling: confirm the specification of your product; Price in buyers or another hard c

6、urrency, including terms of delivery ( CIF, FOB, etc. ) and validity: Total : 3,450 US dollars CIF Hongkong. The prices shown in this offer are valid for a period of 60 days from the date hereof. Discount: for cash / bulk, etc.; Terms of payment: cash with order / letter of credit, etc.: Payment by

7、irrevocable letter of credit in US dollars on a United state bank, allowing part-shipment, transshipment and valid for 90 days from order date. Shipping date: The goods will be ready for shipment 3 to 4 weeks from receipt of your written order and confirmation of your letter of credit.,3.2 Some idea

8、s for a “typical” answer to an enquiry by letter, fax, e-mail or phone-or even to a personal enquiry.,6 End on an optimistic note and encourage the customer to phone, e-mail or fax you personally for more information.,3.3给客户写的关于价格让步的信,贸易往来中价格是一个关键问题,贸易双方在价格上总要费一番力气才能达成一致。本文是关于价格让步的一封信。,3.3给客户写的关于价格让

9、步的信,Dear Sirs: Thank you for your letter of 20 January 2006. We are disappointed to hear that our price for Flame cigarette lighters is too high for you to work on. You mentioned that Japanese goods are being offered to you at a price approximately 10% lower than that quoted by us. We accept what yo

10、u say, but we are of the opinion that the quality of the other makes does not measure up to that of our products. Although we are keen to do business with you, we regret that we cannot accept your counter offer . The best we can do is to reduce our previous quotation by 2%. We trust that this will m

11、eet with your approval. We look forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully,3.4如何写讨价还价信,贸易往来中,买家总是觉得价钱太高,卖家总是觉得自己的价钱合理、再低就亏了。在这种情况下,谈判、争论、讨价还价不可避免。 讨价还价信也是说服信的一种,这种讨价还价信的目的是使双方达成一致、做成买卖。为了更多的为己方争得利益,写信的时候一定要强调己方反对对方要求价格的原因,并要提出双方都能接受的条件。,3.4如何写讨价还价信,写讨价还价信应遵循下面的原则: 1. Thank-you expression for what

12、 the reader has done. 2. State reasons for non-acceptance and inability to take the desired action. 3. Make a counteroffer or suggest that there may be other opportunities to do business together. 4. Mention the possible benefits associated with the readers concession and encourage him to take actio

13、n. 5. Close the letter courteously and positively.,3.4如何写讨价还价信,下面是一封要求对方降低价格的信,我们来看看是怎么写的: Dear Sirs We write to thank you for your quotation of 20th March and the samples of the LTZ Trimming Edge Cutters you enclosed. Having carefully examined the samples you mailed, we feel quite satisfied with th

14、e quality of your goods and the way in which you have handled our inquiry. It would be profitable for both sides if a long-term business relationship could be established. However, our marketing research reveals that the prices you quoted appear to be on the high side. Goods of similar quality which

15、 are sold at the prevailing levels are three percent cheaper than yours. Some of our clients feel worried that accepting such an offer would only leave them with a small margin of profit on their sales.,3.4如何写讨价还价信,May we suggest that you perhaps make some allowance, say, two percent off your quoted

16、 prices? We feel confident that the revised ones would help introduce your products into our local markets. And you could also rely on large volume of orders from us if our customers see increasing benefits from their deals. Please kindly inform us of your decision as soon as possible because we nee

17、d your information to work out our import schedule by the end of this month. Yours faithfully,3.5 Special terms,1. A1 grade 甲级 商品品级(商品质量等级、商品质量分级)是指对同一品种的商品,按其达到商品质量标准的程度所确定的等级。它是表示商品质量高低优劣的标志,也是表示商品在某种条件下适合其用途大小的标志,是商品鉴定的重要内容之一。 商品品级是相对的、有条件的,有时会因不同时期、不同地区、不同使用条件及不同个性而产生不同的质量等级和市场需求。一般来说,工业品分三个等级,而

18、食品特别是农副产品、土特产等多为四个等级,最多达到六七个等级,如茶叶、棉花、卷烟等。,3.5 Special terms,2.drawn at sight 见票即付 即期信用证(Sight Credit)是指受益人根据信用证的规定,可凭即期跟单汇票或仅凭单据收取货款的信用证。其特点是受益人收汇安全迅速。 远期信用证(Usance / time Credit)是指开证行或其指定付款行收到受益人交来的远期汇票后,并不立即付款,而是先行承兑,俟汇票到期再行付款的信用证。,3.5 Special terms,3. quotation 与offer quote/quotation是报价,指某一商品的单价

19、,offer是报盘,除单价外,还包括数量,交货期,付款方式等等。 另外,offer比较固定,卖方价格报出后,一般不能轻易变动,而quote/quotation 则不同,卖方报价后,不受约束,可以根据情况略加调整。,3.5 Special terms,4. trial order 试订单 试订单的意思是,买卖双方第一次做生意,买方不知道卖方提供的产品是否在本国/本地市场卖得好,就先订小量的货做个试销。如果试销情况令人满意,就可以向卖方下大单了;如果试销情况不好,对买方来说,顶多就亏这一批小量的货,以后不再买这家供应商的货就是了。因此,试订单的买方都是新客户,量也不会大。,3.5 Special

20、terms,trade discount 同业折扣 对本行业不同买主所给予的折扣。生产企业对其产品的经销商、批发商及零售商以及批发商对零售商所给的折扣都是同业折扣。,3.5 Special terms,counteroffer 还价,还盘 还价是针对对方的报价所作出的回应行为。报价称为发盘,还价则称为还盘。还价行为出现是必然的。一是因为对于一方提出的报价,另一方不会马上就接受;二是即便对方提出的最初报价比自己预料的要好,还价也同样是需要的,因为这样可以更多地实现自己的利益。 在价格磋商中,由于还价行为的出现,使谈判双方必然出现价格之争。 在谈判中应当通过细心的观察,认真的分析,设法搞清对方进行

21、价格之争的真实用意。根据不同的原因采取不同的方式、措施来应对和处理。这也是做好还价工作的一个重要条件。 还价不是一种简单的压价行为,合理的、有效的还价必须以市场调查为基础,以“货比三家”为条件。这样才能确保还价的合理性。还价是不是合理,有没有充足的依据,这不仅直接关系到自己方面的利益,也关系到谈判能否成功。,3.6 Useful expressions,1. 随函附寄 We are enclosing our price list. We enclose the S / C in duplicate. 2. 早日赐复,不胜感激。 Your early reply is appreciated.

22、 3. 我们能折中一下吗? Can we meet each other half way? 4. 对某事拼命讨价还价 To drive a hard bargain,3.6 Useful expressions,5. If you can reduce the price by 5%, we shall be able to order 200 metric tons. 如果你方能降价百分之五,我们将订购二百公吨。 6. Business is possible if you increase the price by 2%. 如果你方提价百分之二,交易才有可能。 7. We are not

23、 interested unless your price is reduced to a level in line with the market price. 除非你们把价格降到与市场价格相等,否则我们不感兴趣。,3.6 Useful expressions,8. We have been informed that the current price on your side is much higher than what you say. 我们听说你方的现行价比你方所说的要高很多。 9. Sellers decide to wait no matter when the price

24、 picks up. 不管价格何时回升,卖方决定再等一等。 10. 如果你们考虑一下质量的话,我们的价格是很有竞争性的。 Our prices are highly competitive when you consider quality.,3.6 Useful expressions,11. 我们的价格是净价,不含佣金。 Our price is net without commission. 12. To meet your requirements, we would like to reduce our price by 2%, which, I hope, will be sati

25、sfactory to you. 为满足你方要求,我们愿降价百分之二,希望能令你们满意。 13. Im awfully sorry. This is our floor price. If you find it unworkable, we may as well call the deal off. 很遗憾,这是我们的底价。如果你方觉得价格不可行,我们只好取消这笔交易。,3.6 Useful expressions,14. Will you please quote F.O.B Brussels in U.S. dollar? 请你们以美元、布鲁塞尔船上交货价报价。 15. 我们最好先谈价

26、格条件,因为它是做生意的一个关键。 Its better for us to have a talk on price terms, because it is one of the key points in our dealings. 16. Ill have to consult my home office before I can give you a definite answer on the price terms. 在答复你方有关价格条件之前,我得先跟我们国内公司联系一下。 17. Business is closed at this price. 交易就按此价敲定。,3.6

27、 Useful expressions,18. Your price is acceptable (unacceptable). Your price is feasible (infeasible). Your price is workable. Your price is realistic (unrealistic). Your price is reasonable (unreasonable). Your price is practicable (impracticable).,3.6 Useful expressions,Your price is attractive (no

28、t attractive). Your price is inducing (not inducing). Your price is convincing (not convincing). Your price is competitive (not competitive). The goods are (not) competitively priced. Price is turning high(low).,3.6 Useful expressions,Price is high(low). Price is rising (falling). Price is up (down)

29、. Price is looking up. Price has skyrocketed Price has shot up. Price has risen perpendicularly. Price has risen in a spiral.,3.6 Useful expressions,Price has hiked. Your price is on the high side. Price has advanced. The goods are priced too high. Your price is rather stiff. Price is leveling off.

30、Your price is prohibitive.,3.6 Useful expressions,19. The Japanese yen is strengthening. 日元坚挺。 20. The U.S. Dollar is weakening. 美圆疲软。 21. Your price is much higher than the price from U.K. France and Germany. 你方价格比英、法、德的都高。,3.6 Useful expressions,22. Since the prices of the raw materials have been

31、raised, Im afraid that we have to adjust the prices of our products accordingly. 由于原材料价格上涨,我们不得不对产品的价格做相应的调整。 23. Your price is $500/mt, twice of the other countries. 你们每公吨500美元的价格是其他国家的两倍。 24. Is it possible for you to raise (lift) the price by 5%? 你们能否把价格提高5%?,3.7 外贸英语价格词汇,1. unit price 单价 attract

32、ive price / best price / cheap price / competitive price / favorable price / home ( international )market price / import ( export ) price / keen price / lowest price / moderate price / prevailing price / reasonable price / retail ( wholesale ) price / rock-bottom price / cost price / factory price /

33、 manufacturers price / purchase price / sale price / fixed price / cash price / preferential price / maximum price, ceiling price / minimum price / average price / base price price freeze / price fixing / price index / price fall,3.7 外贸英语价格词汇,2. net price net weight / net operating income / net prof

34、it / net earning 3. manager sales / general / export / international sales / national / regional / district / advertising / marketing / personnel / material / product-line / production / purchasing / quality control ,3.7 外贸英语价格词汇,4. EOM (End-of-the-Moth)Sale 月终大甩卖 5. middlemans fee 介绍费 6. pay in ins

35、tallments 分期付款 7. first installment(payment) 分期付款的首期款 8. outstanding account 未清账款 9. buy one, get one free 买一送一,3.8 Substitution Drills,1 A: Our price is U.S.$ 98 per pound. B: I must say the price is too high for me to accept. must point out the price is too high to interest us. can assure you the

36、price is too high to be competitive. 2 A: I hope youll quote favorably. quote us your best terms. give us your lowest price quotes. B: Our rates are in line with the world market. Our prices fit in with todays market situation. We always give our customers the best terms,3.8 Substitution Drills,3 A:

37、 Our users are under the impression that your prices are usually on the high side compared with those of other suppliers. have the idea that your prices are usually a bit too high. are of the opinion that your prices are usually rather stiff. B: One cant consider price separately from quality. One h

38、as to take quality into account. When comparing prices, one has to take into consideration the quality of the goods.,3.8 Substitution Drills,4 A: Other suppliers are offering a much higher rate of commission. a much better price. more favorable payment terms. B: 2% is the usual commission we allow f

39、or a small quantity. $100 is actually the lowest we can do for a small quantity. 5 Thats the best we can do. the lowest price we can offer. our bottom price. We cant go any lower. We cant take less.,3.8 Substitution Drills,6 A: If we guarantee an annual order of a certain amount, would you give us a

40、 special discount? would you give us a higher rate of commission? would you give us some advertising expenses? B:We can make that kind of arrangement with you. will have to know how much you can guarantee first. cant promise anything before we know more of your plan.,3.8 Substitution Drills,7 A: We

41、may offer you allowances on a sliding scale. B: Could you put it more exactly? put it more precisely? give the details? 8 The price depends on the size. /quality/material/style,3.8 Substitution Drills,9 It sells at 20 yuan a case./50 pounds/40 dollars/35 marks 10 How much is this large size one?/ th

42、e electronic fan?/ the computer software? 11 Its about 300 yuan including the case./postage/batteries,3.8 Practice,Dear Sir, You letter of 15th August addressed to our Head Office has been passed on to us for attention and reply. We now take pleasure in advising you that the price of Brown Crystal S

43、ugar is at 100 per metric ton F.O.B. Of course we also quote C.F.R. or C.I.F. prices if buyers so desire. The price terms to be employed depend much on the characteristics of the goods as well as their specific transport requirement and shall always serve the best interest of buyers and sellers alike. We are looking forward to your order. Yours truly,2.9 Homework Making a conversation -Exe. on P60,


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