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1、Marketing and Society: Social Responsibility and Marketing Ethics,营销与社会:社会责任和营销伦理,20 - 1,Objectives 目标,Know the major social criticisms of marketing. Be able to define consumerism and environmentalism and know how they affect marketing strategies. Learn the principles of socially responsible marketi

2、ng. Learn the role of ethics in marketing.,明确关于市场营销主要的社会评判 定义消费者保护主义和环境保护主义,并解释它们对营销策略的影响 描述社会营销原理 解释市场营销中道德规范的作用,20 - 2,Only used organic fruits and hormone-free milk Bought from socially disadvantaged and minority suppliers Donated 7.5% of pretax profits to good causes,Natural-ingredient based cos

3、metics formulated without animal testing Donated a percentage of profits to animal-rights groups and homeless shelters,Ben & Jerrys . The Body Shop,Case Study 案例研究,20 - 3,Growth and profits flattened for both firms in the 1990s 2000: Ben profit driven management is now in charge of the Body Shop.,Le

4、ssons learned: What you sell is important Be proud to be in business Make a solid commitment to change Focus on two bottom lines Forget the hype,Ben & Jerrys . The Body Shop,Case Study 案例研究,20 - 4,Social Criticisms of Marketing 社会对于营销的批评,Marketings Impact on Individual Consumers High Prices High cos

5、ts of distribution High advertising and promotion costs Excessive markups,营销对个体消费者的影响 定价过高 高成本的分销 高成本的广告和促销 过多毛利,20 - 5,Social Criticisms of Marketing 社会对于营销的批评,Marketings Impact on Individual Consumers Deceptive Practices Pricing Promotion Packaging High-Pressure Selling,营销对个体消费者的影响 欺诈作为 定价 促销 包括 强

6、制买卖,20 - 6,Social Criticisms of Marketing 社会对于营销的批评,Marketings Impact on Individual Consumers Shoddy or Unsafe Products Planned Obsolescence Poor Service to Disadvantaged Consumers,营销对个体消费者的影响 假冒伪劣或不安全产品 提前淘汰 对穷人的恶劣服务,20 - 7,Social Criticisms of Marketing 社会对于营销的批评,Marketings Impact on Society as a

7、Whole False Wants and Too Much Materialism Too Few Social Goods Cultural Pollution Too Much Political Power,市场营销对整个社会的冲击 不实的欲望和物质主义 社会公共财物太少 文化污染 政治权势过大,20 - 8,Social Criticisms of Marketing 社会对于营销的批评,Marketings Impact on Other Businesses Acquisitions of Competitors Marketing Practices Creating Barr

8、iers to Entry,营销对其它商家的冲击 降低竞争度 营销惯例 创造进入障碍,20 - 9,Citizen & Public Actions to Regulate Marketing 公民和公从众规范营销行为的活动,Consumerism Traditional Sellers Rights Traditional Buyers Rights Additional Rights Proposed by Consumer Advocates Each proposed right has led to more specific proposals by consumerists,消费

9、者保护主义 传统的销售商权利 传统的消费者权利 消费者呼吁增加的权利 每一个提议的权利都会带来消费者保护主义者更多的建议,20 - 10,Environmentalism Environmental Sustainability Pollution prevention Product stewardship New environmental technology Sustainability vision,环境保护主义 环境可持续发展 污染预防 产品功用 新的环保技术 可持续发展理念,Citizen & Public Actions to Regulate Marketing 公民和公从众

10、规范营销行为的活动,20 - 11,Public Actions to Regulate Marketing Major legal issues affect every area of marketing management, including: Selling and advertising decisions Channel decisions Product decisions Packaging decisions Price decisions Competitive reaction decisions,规范市场营销的公众行为 营销管理的各方法都受法规的影响,包括: 销售和

11、广告决策 分销渠道决策 产品决策 包括决策 价格决策 竞争关系决策,Citizen & Public Actions to Regulate Marketing 公民和公从众规范营销行为的活动,20 - 12,Consumer-Oriented Marketing Innovative Marketing Value Marketing Societal Marketing Sense-of-Mission Marketing,顾客导向的市场营销 创新性市场营销 价值营销 社会营销 使命感导向的市场营销,Enlightened Marketing 启迪营销,20 - 13,Business A

12、ctions Toward Socially Responsible Marketing 走向对社会负责的市场营销,Enlightened Marketing Customer-Oriented Marketing: Companies view and organize their marketing activities from the consumers point of view. Innovative Marketing: Companies seek real product and marketing improvements.,启迪营销 顾客导向的市场营销: 公司从顾客的观点

13、来看待并组织它的市场营销活动 创新营销: 公司不断寻求真正的产品和营销改进,20 - 14,Enlightened Marketing Value Marketing: Companies put most of their resources into value-building marketing investments. Sense-of-Mission Marketing: Companies define their mission in broad social terms rather than in narrow product terms.,启迪营销 价值营销: 公司将大部

14、分资源放在创立价值的营销投资上。 使命感导向的市场营销: 公司以广泛的社会观点而非狭窄的产品观点来阐述其使命。,Business Actions Toward Socially Responsible Marketing 走向对社会负责的市场营销,20 - 15,Enlightened Marketing Societal Marketing: Companies make marketing decisions by considering consumers wants, the companys requirements, consumers long-run interests, an

15、d societys long-run interests.,启迪营销 社会营销 开明的公司在作营销决策时,不仅要考虑消费者的需求和公司需要,还要考虑消费者和社会的长期利益。,Business Actions Toward Socially Responsible Marketing 走向对社会负责的市场营销,20 - 16,Enlightened Marketing Societal Classification of Products Deficient products Pleasing products Salutary products Desirable products,启迪营销

16、 产品的社会分类 缺陷产品 满意产品 有益产品 讨好产品,Business Actions Toward Socially Responsible Marketing 走向对社会负责的市场营销,20 - 17,Marketing Ethics Corporate Marketing Ethics Policies Guiding Principle in Policy Determination Free market and legal system Individual companies and managers International Ethical Policies are a Special Challenge,市场营销的道德观 公司营销道德准则 确定准则的指导原则 自由市场与法制制度 各个公司和管理者 道德问题对国际市场营销人员提出了特殊挑战,Business Actions Toward Socially Responsible Marketing 走向对社会负责的市场营销,


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