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1、,Welcome to our English Salon,Welcome to Our English Salon,Western Festivals and Traditional Chinese Festivals,Western Christmas Day New Years Day Valentines day April Fools Day Halloween Thanksgiving,Chinese Spring Festival The Lantern Festival Tomb-sweeping Festival The Dragon Boat Festival Mid-Au

2、tumn Day,Christmas Day,Christmas Day Date: Dec.24 Christmas Eve (silent night)平安夜 Dec.25 Christmas Day Santa Claus or Father Christmas red coat and trousers with white cuffs (袖口)and collar(衣领), and black leather belt and boots, delivers presents (发放礼物) nine flying reindeer(驯鹿) sleigh (雪橇) Jesus Chri

3、st(耶稣),stockings (长筒袜) receive the presents exchanging gifts and Christmas cards,Christmas dinner turkey (火鸡) mashed potatoes(土豆泥)cranberry sauce (越橘酱) Favorite desserts(甜点)mince pie(肉馅饼) pumpkin pie(南瓜馅饼), plum pudding(李子布丁) fruitcake,Christmas carols Silent Night 平安夜 Jingle bells ring铃铛响铃铛 Listen,

4、 Angel caroling听,天使 报佳音,New Years Day,Date: January 1st the old year out and the new year in Make new plans and resolutions Fireworks Auld Lang Syne (友谊地久天长),Valentines Day 情人节,Date: February 14th Cupid (God of love) 丘皮特 a young boy with bow and arrow Roses and chocolates Valentines cards Big dinner

5、,April fools day,Date: April the1st have a little and very beautiful party say some foolish things play the game in the party play jokes and hoaxes(恶作剧) April Fool,Halloween,Date:October 31st Costumes(节日服装) pumpkinlights(南瓜灯) Knock their doors Trick or Treat Candies, gifts ,money,Thanksgiving Day,Da

6、te: Fourth Thursday in November Thanksgiving dinner Traditional food: turkey pumpkin pie Thanks for God Express thanks,Spring Festival,Date:The lunar January 1st go back to hometown Paste couplets (贴春联) Spring Festival Eve stay up for good luck(守岁) dumplings red envelope(红包) visit t relatives,The La

7、ntern Festival(元宵节),Date: The lunar January15th watch lanterns lantern puzzles rice glue ball(元宵) fireworks,Tomb-sweeping Day,pay respect to deceased ancestors and family members tomb sweeping Ancestor Worshipping hell note(纸钱) willow branches(柳条) kite flying spring outing 踏青 Swing(荡秋千),The Dragon B

8、oat Festival,Date: the lunar calendar May 5th Dragon boat racing Zongzi,Mid-Autumn Day(中秋节),Date: August 15th on lunar calendar Moon cake Family get together Watch the moon The legend of Change elixir iliks (长生不老药),Time For a Game,1.Students are divided into groups, two people in each group. 2.One describes the festival he or she chooses from the emcee .Remember he cannot say the date of the festival. The other one guess the festival and say out the date. 3.the winner will been given some presents,English Song,


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