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1、unit 6 Computer Network Network Fundamentals,一 new words:,1. suite n.协议集,Communications throughout the Internet is governed by an open collection of standards known as the TCP/IP protocal suite.,翻译:整个因特网的通信是由一组称为TCP/IP协议组的开放标准来控制的。,2. topology n.拓扑(结构),布局,翻译:总线拓扑结构、环形拓扑结构和星形拓扑结构是3种流行的拓扑结构。,The bus t

2、opology, ring topology, and star topology are three popular topologies.,3.forward vt. 发送 adj.前面的 adv.向前,翻译:一份报文到达目的地后,目的地的计算机保留一个副本并绕环形网络转发一个副本。,When a message reaches its destination, the destination machine keeps a copy of it and forwards a copy around the ring.,In an ethernet system, the right to

3、 transmit messages is controlled by the protocol known as Carrier Sense Muptiple Accesswith Collision Detection(CSMA/CD),4.carrier n. 载波 carrier sense 载波检测,载波监听,翻译:在以太网系统中,传输报文的权利由称为带有冲突 检测的载波侦听多路访问(CSMA/CD)的协议控制。,5.convention n. 常规、公约、惯例、协定,A popular convention used for interprocess communication i

4、s the client/server model.,翻译:进程间通信使用的一种流行规约是客户机/服务器模型。,An early application of the client/server model appeared in networks connecting all the computers in a cluster of offices.,翻译:客户机/服务器模型的一种早期应用,出现在将一组办公室里的所有计算机都连接起来的网络中。,6. cluster n 群,组,串,7.duplicate adj. 复制的;副本;重复的,Another early application o

5、f the client/server model was used to reduce the cost of disk storage while also removing the need for duplicate copies of records.,翻译:客户机/服务器模型的另外一种早期应用是为了降低磁盘存储费用,同时消除复制记录的需要。,For example,applications of the peer-to-peer model include instant messaging in which two people carry on a written conver

6、sation over the internet as well as situations in which people play games such as chess or checkers.,翻译:例如,对等模型的应用包括两个人通过因特网进行书面对话的即时通信,以及人们参与下国际象棋或西洋跳棋等游戏的情况。,8. messaging n 消息接发,通信,9. checkers n 西洋跳棋,9.motion picture n. 影片,电影,10.legality n. 依法,合法(性),The peer-to-peer model is also a popular means o

7、f sharing files such as music recordings and motion pictures via the Internet (sometimes with questionable legality),翻译:对等模型还是通过因特网共享音乐录音、影片等文件的一种流行方法(其合法性有时值得怀疑)。,二 technical terms,1. file server 文件服务器 2. carrier sense 载波检测,载波监听 3. protocol suite 协议组,协议集 4. peer-to-peer model 对等模型 5. bus topology n

8、etwork 总线拓扑网络 6. inter-machine cooperation 机器间合作,计算机间合作 7. Ethernet protocol collection 以太网协议集 8. proprietary network 专有网络 9. utility package 实用软件包,公用程序包 10. star network 星形网络,二 technical terms,11. 局域网 local area network (LAN) 12. 令牌环 token ring 13. 无线网络 wireless network 14. 封闭式网络 closed network 15.

9、 环形拓扑结构 ring topology 16. 客户机/服务器模型 client/server model 17. 网络应用程序 network application 18. 进程间通信 interprocess communication 19. 打印服务器 print server 20. 广域网 wide area network (WAN),1. routing path 路由选择通路 2. dual-ring topology 双环形拓扑结构 3. extended star topology 扩展星形拓扑结构 4. backbone network 基干网,骨干网 5. me

10、sh topology 网格拓扑结构 6. 同轴电缆 coaxial cable 7. 逻辑拓扑结构 logical topology 8. 无冲突连网环境 collision-free networking environment 9. 树形拓扑结构 tree topology 10. 目的地节点 destination node,1. destination address 目的地址 2. performance degradation 性能退化(或降级) 3. four-interface bridge 4接口网桥 4. common bus 公共总线,公用总线 5. 数据链路层 dat

11、a-link layer 6. 协议转换器 protocol converter 7. 开放式系统互连 OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) 8. 物理地址 physical address,Translate the following words and expressions into English.,1局域网(LAN) 2广域网(WAN) 3城域网(MAN) 4开放系统互联参考模型(OSI/RM) 5应用层 6表示层 7会话层 8传输层 9网络层 10数据链路层 11物理层,Application layer,Presentation layer,Se

12、ssion layer,Transport layer,Network layer,Data link layer,Physical layer,Local-area network,Wide-area network,metropolitan area network,Open System Interconnect Reference Model,Translate the following words and expressions into English.,12分布式数据处理 13载波信号 14数据通信 15调制解调器 16流量控制 17网络吞吐量 18综合业务数字网络(ISDN)

13、 19双绞线 20同轴电缆 21光纤电缆,flow control,Network throughout,Integrated Services Digital Network,Twisted Pair,Coaxial Cable,Fiber Cable,Distributed data processing,Carrier signal,Data communication,Modem,Translate the following words and expressions into English.,22宽带网络 23无线通信 24无线电传播 25微波传输 26低频(LF) 27超低频(

14、VLF) 28中频(MF) 29桥 30路由器 31. 网关 32中继器,Low frequency,Very low frequency,Media frequency,Router,Gateway,Repeater,Broadband Network,Wireless communication,Radio transmission,Microwave transmission,Bridge,Translate the following words and expressions into English.,33网络拥塞 34传输控制协议/网络协议 (TCP/IP) 35文件传输协议(F

15、TP) 37超文本传输协议(HTTP) 38PPP协议 39口令认证协议(PAP) 40虚拟专用网络(VPN) 41超文本标记语言(HTML) 42. 防火墙软件 43域名系统(DNS),Hyper Text Transfer Protocol,Point to Point Protocol,Password Authentication Protocol,Hypertext Markup Language,Firewall Software,Network Congestion,Transmission Control Protocol,Internet Protocol,File Tran

16、sfer Protocol,Virtual Private Network,Domain Name System,Translate the following words and expressions into English.,44电子邮件 45客户机端 46. 服务器端 47万维网(WWW) 48网络服务供应商(ISP) 49网络管理员 50简单网络管理协议 (SNMP) 52线路利用率 53. 多路复用技术 54频分多路复用(FDM),Internet Service Provider,Internet Administrator,Simple Network Management

17、Protocol,Line utilization,Electronic Mail,The Client Side,The Server Side,The Word Wide Web,Division Multiplexing technology,Frequency Division Multiplexing,Translate the following words and expressions into English.,55时分多路复用(TDM) 56波分多路复用(WDM) 57. 网络拓扑 58. 网络结构 59. 星形结构 59. 环形结构 60. 总线结构 61. 树形结构 6

18、2. 信息系统 62. 信息技术 63. 网络管理 64数据终端设备(DTE),tree configuration,Information System,Information Technology,Data Terminal Equipment,network configuration,star configuration,ring configuration,bus configuration,network management,Network topology,Time Division Multiplexing,Wavelength Division Multiplexing,T

19、ranslate the following words and expressions into English.,65用户交换机 66电路交换网关 67. 交换技术 68. 电路交换 69. 报文交换 70. 分组交换 71. 帧中继交换 72. 异步传输模式(ATM) 73.集线器 74.数据率 75.误码率 76数字数据网(DDN),data rate,Digital Data Network,Hub,Message Exchange,Frame Relay Exchange,Error Rate,switching technology,Private Branch Exchange

20、,circuit-switching gateway,Asynchronous Transfer Mode,Circuit Switching,Packet Switching,Translate the following words and expressions into English.,77ADSL(非对称数字用户线) 78UDP 79. 模拟信号 80. 前端设备 81. 公共交换电话网络(PSTN) 82.数据通信设备(DCE) 83.无绳电话(CT) 84.同步卫星通信(SSC) 85.个人通信系统(PCS) 86.卫星直播系统(DBS),Public Switched Tel

21、ephone Network,Analog signals,Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line,User Datagram Protocol,Front-end device,Data Communication Equipment,Cordless Telephone,Synchronous Satellite Communication,Personal Communication System,Direct Broadband system,Translate the following paragraph into Chinese:,1.Devic

22、es commonly used in LANs include repeaters, hubs, LAN extenders, bridges, LAN switches, and routers.,翻译:在局域网中使用的设备通常包括中继器、集线器、局域网扩展器、网桥 局域网交换机和路由器。,2.WANs devices include WAN switches, access servers, modems, CSU/DSUs, and ISDN terminal adapters. Other devices found in WAN environments that are excl

23、usive to WAN implementations include routers, ATM switches, and multiplexers.,翻译:广域网设备包括广域网交换机、访问服务器、调制解调器、信道服务 单元/数据服务单元以及ISDN终端适配器在广域网环境中用到的但不 属于广域网设备的包括路由器、ATM交换机和多路复用器。,CSU: channel serve units 信道服务单元,DSU: data serve units 数据服务单元,Translate the following paragraph into Chinese:,3.Some people beli

24、eve that the future holds only two kinds of communication: fiber and wireless. All fixed computers, telephone, faxes, and so on will be by fiber, and all mobile ones will use wireless.,翻译:有些人认为:未来仅仅存在两种通信:光纤和无线所有固定的计算机、 电话、传真机等等都将使用光纤通信,而所有可移动的设备都将使用无线通信。,Translate the following paragraph into Chine

25、se:,4.Conceptually, the Internet is divided into several hundred top- level domains, where each domain covers many host. The top-level domains come in two flavors: generic and countries. The generic domains are com (commercial), edu (educational institutions), gov (government), int (certain internat

26、ional organizations), net (network providers), mil (nonprofit organizations). The country domains include one entry for every country, as defined in ISO 3166.,翻译:概念上,因特网分为数百个顶层主域,每个主域都包括许多主机顶层 主域形成两类:类属的和国家的类属域包括com(商业类),edu(教育学 院类),gov(政府类),int(某种国际组织),net(网络提供者), mil(非盈利组织)国家类主域包括给每一个国家一个入口,象ISO31

27、66中 定义的那样,Leo:Tony,我经常听到防火墙一词,你能告诉我它究竟是什么吗?,Tony :好的,没有问题。其实防火墙就是一个软件程序或者硬件设备,它可以帮助屏蔽试图通过网络入侵你计算机的黑客以及病毒、蠕虫等恶意程序。,Leo:看起来防火墙对于计算机系统还是很重要的。那我的系统中 有防火墙吗?,Tony:如果你使用的是Windows XP(SP2),那系统中就内置了防火墙,并且默认设置下Windows 防火墙是开启的。然而,有些情况下,防火墙可能被关闭。,Leo:明白了。如果防火墙被关闭了,我该怎么做?,IT行业对话六:Enable your firewall,Tony:如果是这种情况

28、,你可以这样做: 1.进入“控制面板”,选择“Windows安全中心”。 2.点击“Windows防火墙”。 3.选择“开启(推荐)”。,Leo:我懂了。关于Windows防火墙你能不能在给我详细的讲解一下? 比如说它是如何工作的呢?,Leo:如果我确实需要使用这程序,是不是应该选择“解除阻止”?,Tony :不客气,IT行业对话六:Enable your firewall,Tony:既然你对此这么感兴趣,我就跟你具体讲一下吧。如果你运行 一个即时通讯的程序,这个程序需要通过网络来接收信息。防火墙 就会询问你是否要“继续阻止”或者“解除阻止”这一连接。你便会看到 一个对话框。,Tony:是的,

29、如果你选择了允许这一连接,Windows防火墙会创建 一个例外,这样以来,以后你再使用这个程序接收信息的时候就不 会受到干扰了。,Leo:我明白了,十分感谢你。,1 A computer system includes a computer, peripheral devices, and software. The electric, electronic, and mechanical devices used for processing data are referred to as hardware. In addition to the computer itself, the t

30、erm “hardware” refers to components called peripheral devices that expand the computers input, output, and storage capabilities. Computer hardware in and of itself does not provide a particularly useful mind tool. To be useful, a computer requires a set of instructions, called software or a computer

31、 program, which tells the computer how to perform a particular task. Computers become even more effective when connected to other computers in a network so users can share information.,请翻译下列段落,2 The word main in a C program tells the computer where the program starts. Since a program can have only o

32、ne starting point, every C program must contain one and only one main () function. As we have seen, all statements that make up the main () function are included within the brace following the function name.,翻译:C程序从main开始.因为一个程序有且仅有一个开始点,所以每一个C程序必须包含且仅包含一个main()函数,正如我们所看到的,组成main()函数的所有的语句都包含在函数名后的一

33、对内.,Leo:Tony,有什么办法允许网络中的其他人访问我电脑里的资源吗?,Leo:那我该怎么做呢?,IT行业对话七:Share folders and files in Windows XP,Tony:有一个简单的方法。你可以将文件或文件夹共享给网络中的 其他用户。,Tony:首先,你要禁用系统默认的“简单文件共享”。在“文件夹选项” 中的“视图”选项卡里,取消对“高级设置”中“使用简单文件共享”的 选择。,Tony :其次,右击你想共享的文件夹,选择“共享与安全”。在“共享” 选项卡中,点选“共享这个文件夹”。最后,点击“应用”就可以了。,Leo :好,做完了。,Leo :那别人怎么访问我共享的文件夹呢?,Tony:其他人只要通过你的计算机名或IP地址来查找你的计算机就 行了。,Leo:真是太谢谢了。,Tony:不客气。,IT行业对话七:Share folders and files in Windows XP,


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