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1、阅读理解新增文章*第十八篇 Exercise Can Replace Insulin for Elderly Diabetics Most older people with so-called type II diabetes could stop taking insulin if they would do brisk exercise for 30 minutes just three times a week, according to new medical research results reported in the Copenhagen newspaper Berlings

2、ke Tidende on Monday Results from tests conducted on diabetics at the Copenhagen Central Hospital Rigshospitalets Center for Muscle Research showed that physical exercise can boost the bodys ability to utilize insulin by 30 per cent, the newspaper reportedThis is equal to1 the effect most elderly di

3、abetics get from their insulin medication today, it said Researchers had a group of non-diabetic men and a group of men with type,all more than 60 years of age, exercise on bicycles six times a week for three monthsAfter the three months the doctors measured how much sugar the test subjects muscles

4、could utilise as a measure for how well their insulin worked.2 Associate Professor3 DrFlemming Dela of the Muscle Research Center said the tests demonstrated that the exercising diabetics had just as high insulin utilisation as the healthy non-exercising persons This means that the insulin works jus

5、t as well for both groupsPhysical exercise cannot cure people of diabetes,4 but it can eliminate almost all their symptomsAt the same time it can put off 5 the point at which they have to begin taking insulin or perhaps completely avoid insulin treatmentDela was quoted as saying6 Insulin isa hormone

6、 produced by the pancreas, controlling sugar in the body and used against diabetes Dela said that to achieve the desired effect diabetics need only exercise to the point where they begin to work up7 a sweat, but that the activity has to be maintained since it wears off8 after five days without suffi

7、cient exercise Most diabetics realise that they have to watch their diet while remaining unaware of the importance of exercise, Dela added第十八篇 老年糖尿病患者进行体育锻炼可以取代胰岛素治疗 哥本哈根的贝林时报周一刊登了一则最新医疗研究结果称,大多数型老年糖尿病患者只要每周坚持三次轻:陕的体育锻炼,每次30分钟,都可以不用注射胰岛素。 报道称,哥本哈根市中心医院Rigshospitalet肌肉研究中心对糖尿病人进行测试,结果显示体育锻炼能将身体利用胰岛素的

8、能力提高30。 据说,这一结果和大多数老年糖尿病患者每天接受胰岛素治疗的疗效相同。 研究人员挑选了一组非糖尿病患者,一组型糖尿病患者,都是60岁以上的男性。这些被试者每周骑自行车锻炼六次,并持续了三个月。三个月后,医生测量出被试者肌肉能够利用的血糖总量,以此作为测量他们的胰岛素工作状况如何的标志。 肌肉研究中心副教授弗莱明德拉医生称,实验结果显示,进行体育锻炼的糖尿病患者胰岛素利用率和那些没有锻炼的健康人胰岛素利用率一样高。 “这就意味着,两组被试者的胰岛素都是正常工作的。体育锻炼不能治好患者的糖尿病,但是能最大限度地消除患者症状。另外,即使患者不得不接受胰岛素治疗,体育锻炼也能尽量推迟这一临

9、界点,甚至有可能完全避免实施胰岛素治疗。”德拉医生的话像格言一样被人们所引用。 胰岛素是胰腺分泌的一种激素,可以控制体内血糖,预防糖尿病。 德拉解释说,糖尿病患者只需锻炼到出汗的程度即可达到理想的效果。同时他还强调,这种锻炼必须坚持,如果五天没有进行有效锻炼,效果就会消失。 德拉还补充说,大多数糖尿病患者意识到他们必须控制饮食,却忽略了体育锻炼的重要性。词汇:insulin胰岛素diabetic (患)糖尿病的;n糖尿病患者diabetes糖尿病;多尿症briskbrisk彩轻快的;活泼的,活跃的Copenhagen哥本哈根(丹麦首都)muscle肌肉 utilise(=utilize)利用,

10、使用medication儿药物,药物治疗subject玩实验对象utilisation(=utilization) 利用,使用saying格言hormone激素pancreas胰(腺)注释:1be equal to:等于 2as a measure for how well their insulin worked:作为测量他们的胰岛素工作状况如何的标志。从语法上分析,how引起的从句是for这个介词的宾语从句。3associate professor:副教授4.cannot cure people of diabetes:不能治好人们的糖尿病。cure sbof sth:给某人医治某病。例如

11、:This medicine should cure you of your cold这药准能治好你的感冒。put off:推迟,延期Dela was quoted as saying:Dela的话像格言一样被人们所引用。注意谓语是被动语态。work up:逐步引起,激起wear off:逐渐消失(be)unaware of sth不知道,没觉察练习:1How could most elderly type II diabetics stop taking insulin? A By taking more salt than usual B By taking less salt than

12、usual C By doing brisk exercise for half an hour at least three times a week D By going climbin9,swimming or boxing every day2Physical exercise may increase the body ability to utilise insulin byA 70 per centB 30 per centC 60 per centD only a few per cent3. The subjects of the research tests conduct

13、ed at the Copenhagen Central Hospital includedA elderly non-diabetic menB elderly type II diabetic menC both sexes of all agesD both A and B 4. To what a degree have diebetics to exercise in order to achieve the desired effect?A To the degree where they begin to sweatB To the degree where they feel

14、exhausted C To the point when they feel thirstyD To the point when they have to take insulin5.According to Dela,among most diabetics the importance of exercise is of watching their diet A as poorly understood as B as well understood asC less understood than D better understood than the importance答案与

15、题解: 1C 文章一开始就有此问题的明确答案。至于吃多少盐或者从事其他剧烈运动文章自始至 终都没有提到。2B 文章第二段说到,体育锻炼能将身体利用胰岛素的能力提高30。3D 此题答案在文章第四段,实验对象既有型糖尿病患者,也有健康人,而且都是60岁以上的男人。4A文章倒数第二段说到,体育锻炼只要达到出汗的程度就能起作用。5C最后一段明确说到,大多数糖尿病患者知道必须注意饮食,但却并不知道体育锻炼的重要性。*第二十四篇Preventing Child Maltreatment Child maltreatment is a global problem with serious life-1on

16、g consequencesThere are no reliable global estimates for the prevalence of child maltreatmentData for many countries。especially low-and middle-income countries, are lacking Child maltreatment is complex and difficult to studyCurrent estimates vary widely depending on the country and the method of re

17、search usedNonetheless,international studies reveal that approximately 20of women and 5-10of men report being sexually abused as childrenWhile 2550of all children report being physically abusedAdditionally,many children are subject to 1 emotional abuse(sometimes referred to as2 psychological abuse)

18、Every year,there are an estimated 31.000 homicide deaths in children under 15This number underestimates the true extent of the problem, as a significant proportion of deaths due to child maltreatment are incorrectly attributed to 3 falls, burns and drowning Child maltreatment causes suffering to chi

19、ldren and families and can have long-term consequencesMaltreatment causes stress that is associated with disruption in early brain developmentExtreme stress can impair the development of the nervous and immune systemsConsequently,as adults,maltreated children are at increased risk for behavioural ,

20、physical and mental health problemsViathe behavioural and mental health consequences, maltreatment can contribute to heart disease,cancer,suicide and sexually transmitted infections4Beyond the health consequences of child maltreatmentthere is an economic impact, including cost of hospitalization, me

21、ntal health treatment, child welfare, and longer-term health cost.A number of risk factor for child maltreatment have been identified. These risk factors are not present in all social and cultural contexts, but provide an overview when attempting to understand the causes of child maltreatment. It is

22、 important to emphasize that children are the victims and are never to blame for5 maltreatment. A number of characteristics of an individual child may increase the likelihood of being maltreated, such as being either under four years old or an adolescent, being unwanted, or failing to fulfill the ex

23、pectations of parents and having special need, crying persistently or having abnormal physical features.6第二十四篇遏制虐待儿童现象 虐待儿童是一个全球问题,它会严重影响儿童的一生。由于缺乏很多国家虐待儿童的数据,尤其是中低收入国家的数据,目前对于儿童虐待在全球蔓延的程度,我们还未能获得可靠的数据。 虐待儿童的研究很复杂,很困难。当前,各个国家大概的相关数据差别很大,而且使用的研究方法不同也会得出不同的估值。但是,国际研究显示,大约有20的女性和5一l0的男性称自己在童年遭到性虐待,而所有儿

24、童的25一50都称自己曾受肉体上的虐待。除此之外,很多儿童受到情感虐待(有时又成为心理虐待)o 每年,有大约31,000名15岁以下儿童遭到谋杀,但是由于很大一部分由儿童虐待造成的死亡被错误地归因于坠楼、烧死或溺死,所以这一数据不能反映出这一问题真正的严重程度。 虐待儿童会给儿童和其家人带来持久的伤痛。虐待会造成压力,而压力会干扰儿童早期的大脑发育。高度压力会损伤神经和免疫系统的发育。之后,儿童长大成人,但是他们在行为、生理以及心理方面出现疾病的危险性大大增加。通过行为和心理上对健康的影响,虐待又会导致心脏病、癌症、自杀以及性传播疾病等。 儿童虐待除了会造成健康问题,还会造成经济损失,包括住院

25、费用、心理治疗费用、儿童福利和长期的医疗费用。 人们已经明确了造成儿童被虐待的大量风险因素。并不是所有的社会文化背景都包含这些风险因素,但是至少提供了一个风险因素概况,可以帮助理解儿童被虐待的成因。有一点很重要,需要强调:儿童是受害者,而且绝不应该怪他们。不过,有几大特征会增加儿童。受虐待的可能性,这些特点包括:4岁以下或者处于青春期、不受欢迎、不能满足父母的期望、有特殊需求、不停哭闹或是身体有异常。词汇:Maltreatment 虐待impair 损害consequence结局,结果prevalence流行approximately大约,大概abuse滥用;虐待homicide杀人attri

26、bute归因于disruption扰乱via 通过transmit 传染,传播likelihood可能性adolescent 青春之男孩或女孩儿persistently 坚持地,持续地注释:1be subject to:遭受 2be referred to as:被当做3be attributed t0:把归因于 4Consequently,as adults,maltreated children are at increased risk for behavioural,physical and mental health problemsVia the behavioural and m

27、ental health consequence s,maltreatment can contribute to heart disease,cancer,suicide and sexually transmitted infections因此,那些曾被虐待的儿童,到了成人期,在行为、生理以及心理等方面出现疾病的危险性大大增加。通过行为和心理上对健康的影响,虐待又会导致其出现心脏病、癌症、自杀以及性传播疾病等。5.to blame for:因怪罪,责怪(某人)6 A number of characteristics of an individual child may increase

28、the likelihood of being maltreated,such as being either under four years old or an adolescent,being unwanted,or failing to fulfil the expectations of parents and having special needs,crying persistently or having abnormal physical features练习:1. The difficult situation in the global estimates of the

29、child maltreatment is due to the following factors EXCEPT _according to the passage.A child maltreatment is a global problemB there is no exact data about low-and mid-income countriesC there is a shortage of the professional data collectorsD different scientists use different research methods2.Which

30、 of the following statements is ture according to the passage? A 20% of women got sexually abused in their childhood. B 2550of all children were reported to have been physically abused C 25_50of children were psychologically abused D 6075of children were neglected by their parents3Many homicide deat

31、hs in children under 15 are wrongly categorized into the following types EXCEPT_ according to the passage A drowning in swimming B diarrhea C bums D falls4Which of the following is NOT mentioned as the bad impact caused by child maltreatment? A The child will behave badly in his memory of his childh

32、ood when he grows up B Child maltreatment hurts his nervous and immune systems C Child maltreatment damages his early brain development D The child is easily affected by many diseases in his adulthood5The maltreated children often bear all the following characteristics EXCEPT_ to the passage A they

33、frequently and easily cry B they are in infants or in adolescent period C they are often neglected by their parents or friends D they often try their best to meet the requirements from their parents答案与题解:1C 文中第一段提到了虐待儿童是-全球问题,无法获得中低收入国家中儿童受虐数字资料,第二段开头提到了儿童受虐数字难以统计的另外一个原因,即研究方法的差异性,只有专业统计人员是否缺乏没有提及,因

34、此答案为C。2B文中第二段对数字有明确说明。3B 文中第三段指出每年l5岁以下儿童死亡大概在31,000人,该数字大大低估了实际情况,是因为有相当多的由于受虐而导致死亡的儿童被归因为摔死、烧死、淹死。没有明确指出腹泻,因此可推断出该题答案为B。4A文中提到虐待儿童会导致其出现身体上的疾病,包括神经系统,免疫系统,大脑发育,以及成年后出现的疾病,但那没有提到是否会对其记忆力产生影响,因此,答案为A。5D参见注释。完形填空新增文章*第七篇 ExerciseWhether or not exercise adds _l_ the length of life,it is common experie

35、nce that a certain_2_of regular exercise improves the health and contributes a feeling of well-beingFurthermore, exercise_3_involves play and recreation,and relieves nervous tension and mental fatigue in so doing, is not only pleasant but beneficial. How much and what kind of exercise one should _4_

36、 merits careful considerationThe growing child and the normal young man and young woman thrill with the exhilaration of strenuous sports1They fatigue to the_5_of exhaustion but recover promptly witha period of restBut not so with_6_ of middle age and beyondFor them moderation is_7_ vital importance

37、Just how much exercise a person of a given age can safely take is a question _8_to answerIndividual variability is_ 9_ great to permit of generalizationA game of tennis may be perfectly safe for one person of forty but folly for anotherThe safe limit for exercise _lO_ on the condition of the heart,t

38、he condition of the muscles,the type of exercise,and the regularity with which it is takenTwo general suggestions,however,will _ll_ as sound advice for anyoneThe first is that the condition of the heart and general health should be_12_ periodically by careful,thorough physical examinationsThe_13_ is

39、 that exercise should bekept below the point of physical exhaustionWhat type of exercise one should _14_ depends upon ones physical conditionYoungpeople can safely enjoy vigorous competitive sports,but most older persons do better to limit themselves to less strenuous activities2 Walking,swimming,sk

40、ating are among the sports that one can enjoy and safely participate_15_ throughout lifeRegularity is important if one is to get the most enjoyment and benefit out of exercise3第七篇体育运动不论体育运动是否能延长人的寿命,人们普遍认为,适量而有规律的体育运动可以增强体质,并使人愉悦。另外,体育运动集玩乐和消遣于一体,可以使人放松紧张情绪,缓解精神疲劳。因此,做运动一举两得:既能放松,又有益于身心健康。 一个人适合做什么样


42、择哪种类型的运动取决于他的体质。年轻人可以放心地参加有力度的竞技性运动,但大多数老年人最好还是把自己的活动限制在不太剧烈的程度之内j散步、游泳和滑冰是人们喜欢的运动并且各个年龄段的人都可以参加。任何人想从体育运动中获得最大的乐趣和益处,那么有规律就很重要了。 词汇:wellbeing康乐recreation n娱乐,消遣fatigue 疲劳thrill 激动exhilaration n高兴;振奋strenuous adj紧张的;费力的exhaustion n筋疲力尽promptly adv迅速地moderation n适度,适中variability n变异性,可变性generalizatio

43、n 乃一般化,普遍化folly n愚蠢,蠢事 regularity n规律性periodically adv定期地vigorous 办精力充沛的,有力的competitive a巧竞争的,比赛的skate vi滑冰enjoyment 见享受,欢乐,愉快注释:1The growing child and the normal young man and young woman thrill with the exhilaration of strenuous sports发育中的儿童和_般的青年男女都会因紧张剧烈的运动而激动不已。2. .but most older persons do bet

44、ter to limit themselves to less strenuous activities , 但大多数老年人最好还是把自己的活动限制在不太剧烈的程度之内。do better to do sth:最好做事情。limit sbsthto sth:把限制在(范围内)。3Regularity is important if one is to get the most enjoyment and benefit out of exercise如果任何人想从体育锻炼中获得最大的乐趣和益处,那么有规律是很重要的事情。be to do sth:打算做(事情)。这里的be是助动词,与不定式一起

45、构成谓语,表示预定、命令、责任、义务、意图、可能性等,意思是:“准备、应该、必须、打算”。例如: We are to meet at 5我们计划五点见面。 At what time am I to come? 我应该在什么时候来? You are not to do that不许你那么做。练习:1A for B to C at D of2A heavinessB highness C amount D number3A which B where C when D why4A carry B make C bring D take5A point B place C left D revers

46、e6A these B this C those D that7A against B below C on D of8A easy B hard C impossible D unnecessary9A very B too C constantly D considerably10A depends B bases C acts D carries11A refer B regard C serve D treat12A delayed B defended C designed D determined13A other B another C one D same14A endure B choose C rebuild D produce15A with B from C in


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