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1、状语从句用法详解,万源中学高一英语备课组,说到状语从句,您知道有哪些状语从句吗?,一、时间状语从句 二、地点状语从句 三、方式状语从句 四、程度状语从句 五、原因状语从句 六、结果状语从句 七、目的状语从句 八、条件状语从句 九、让步状语从句 十、比较状语从句,1时间状语从句通常用下列从属连词来引导:after, before, as, once, till, until, (ever) since, when, whenever, while, now (that), as long as, as soon as。如: Now (that) youve grown up, you must

2、stop this childish behaviour. Whenever we met with difficulties, they came to help us. Come and see us whenever you have time. People do not know the value of health till they lose it.,2有些词,如 immediately, directly, instantly等,当用于 as soon as 意义时,也可以引导时间状语从句,如: I got in touch with him immediately I re

3、ceived his letter. My sister came directly she got my message. The machine will start instantly you press the button. Ill telephone you directly I hear the news. Will you look for it immediately you get there?,3某些表示时间的名词词组,如 the (very) moment (= as soon as ), the minute (= as soon as ), the instant

4、(= as soon as ), the day, the year, the morning, every time, each time, next time, the first time等,也可以引导时间状语从句,如: Ill tell you about it the moment you come. I started the instant I heard the report. The instant she saw him she knew he was her brother. Every time I catch a cold, I have pain in my bac

5、k. Im going to see him next time he comes to Shenzhen. He left Europe the year World War broke out. He had impressed me that way the first time I met him. I started the very moment I got your letter. Ill tell him the minute (that) he gets here.,4有些关联从属连词,如 no sooner than / hardly when / scarcely whe

6、n / barely when 等,也能引导时间状语从句。 如果把no sooner, hardly, scarcely, barely置于句首,它所连带的这部分就要倒装,如: She had no sooner heard the news than she fainted. No sooner had she heard the news than she fainted. They had hardly started to work when the trouble began. Hardly had they started to work when the trouble bega

7、n. He had scarcely entered the room when the phone rang. Scarcely had he entered the room when the phone rang.,1方式状语从句通常由 as, as if, as though 来引导,如: You must do the exercises as I show you. Please do exactly as your doctor says. It looks as if it might snow / is going to snow. He acted as / though

8、nothing had happened. He walked as if he was / were drunk. Mary was behaving as though she hadnt grown up.,2在非正式文体或口语中,也可用 the way (that) (= as = in the way in which), how, like等来引导,如: Jean doesnt do it the way I do. She is doing her work the way I like it done. You can do the job how you like. The

9、landlord was watching him like (= just as) a cat watches a mouse. Do you make bread like you make cakes?,程度状语从句可用 to such an extent that / to such a degree that 来引导,如: The temperature rose to such an extent that the firemen had to leave the burning building. The temperature lowered to such a degree

10、that the water froze.,试比较: The temperature rose so high that the firemen had to leave the burning building. The temperature lowered so much that the water froze. 从以上例句可以看出,程度状语从句往往也表示达到某种程度时所引出的结果,所以程度状语从句和结果状语从句在意义上有相通之处。,1引导原因状语从句最常用的连词是 because, since, 和as,所引导的从句可以放在主句之前,也可放在主句之后。其中 because语势最强,s

11、ince次之,as又次之。, because通常表示说话人认为这种理由或原因是听话人所不知道的,全句强调的重点在原因上,不在主句表示的结果上。回答why提出的问题时,只能用because;在强调句型中也只能用because从句,不能用since, as等,如: Because I cant see very well, I have to sit near the front. It was because he was ill that he didnt go with us. It is because he was ill that he didnt come., since 和as 引

12、导的句子,重点在主句的内容,其原因或理由在说话人看来已很明显,或已为听话人所熟悉,since 和as 只是一种附带的说明原因,不是对原因进行强调,如: As he is working hard, he is likely to succeed. Since he cant answer the question, youd better ask someone else. As / Since he was not at home, I spoke to his brother. Since you insist, I will reconsider the matter. As he wa

13、s in a hurry, he left his bag at home., for 是并列连词,它引导的句子只能后置。表示因果关系时,可以和because 换用;但当它用于对主句的内容加以解释或推断时,不能用because 代替,如: He couldnt have seen me, because / for I was not here. The ground is wet, for / because it rained last night. It rained last night, for the ground is wet this morning. because 之前可以

14、加上simply, only, just 等强调词,如: You shouldnt get angry just because some people speak ill of you.,2复合连词也可以引导原因状语从句,这些连词有:now (that), seeing (that), considering (that), for the reason that, by reason that, for fear that, that等,如:,Now (that) (= Since) you mention it, I do remember. Now (that) he is absen

15、t, youll have to do the work by yourself. Now (=Since) the rain has stopped, lets start. Seeing (that) all the guests have arrived, lets have dinner. Considering that they are just beginners, they are doing quite a good job. She didnt go for fear that she would get lost. He has done very well, consi

16、dering (that) he has no experience. I havent finished writing the report yet, not that (= not because) I dislike the work, but that (= but because) I have not time.,3在“主语+ be + 形容词+ that ”句型中,主语通常是人,形容词通常为:glad, happy, pleased, sorry 等表示感情的形容词,这时that 可以看作原因状语从句,如: We are glad that (= because) we hav

17、e reaped another bumper harvest. Im glad (that) you are all right. We are sure that our team will win. Im pleased that you have decided to come.,结果状语从句往往放在主句之后,通常主句是因,从句是果,这和原因状语从句刚好相反,如: He was ill, so that he didnt come. He didnt come because he was ill. 1结果状语从句通常用下列连词引导:so that, such (a) that, su

18、ch that, so that, that 等,如: He was so angry that he left the room without saying a word. The book is written in such simple English that we beginners can understand it without much difficulty. It was such a bad accident that several people got injured. His diligence was such that he made great progr

19、ess. He didnt plan his time well, so that he didnt finish the work in time. She worried so that she could hardly eat her supper. What have I done that you should be so angry with me?,2应注意的几个问题: 在非正式文体中,由 sothat, such (a)that引导的结果状语从句,往往可以省略连词 that,这时,从句之前往往用逗号与主句隔开,在口语中则用停顿表示省略。 He was so tired (,)

20、(that) he could hardly stand. Peter is such a good boy (,) (that) he is loved by everybody. You walk so fast (that) I cant keep pace with you. We left in such a hurry (that) we forgot to lock the door. He was so rude (that) she refused to speak to him. 当so 修饰动词时,后面应稍停顿,如: His heart beat sothat he co

21、uld hardly breathe. She worried so that she could hardly eat her supper. 当so位于句首时,主句的语序应倒装,如: So badly was he injured that he had to go to the hospital. So small was the mark that I could hardly see it.,1目的状语从句通常使用的连词有:so that, in order that, that, so。否定的句式常用 lest, in case, for fear that来引导。 目的状语从句中

22、一般要有 can, may, could, might, will, would, should等情态动词,如: Bring it closer (so) that I may see it better. I put down his address for fear that I should forget it. The teacher must speak clearly so that his students can / may understand well. Well sit nearer the front so we can hear better. (非正式或口语) Th

23、e driver looked over the engine carefully lest it (should) go wrong on the way. Please remind me of it again tomorrow in case I forget. Take an umbrella with you, in case (= for fear) it rains / it may rain / it should rain. He left early in case he should miss the train.,1条件状语从句通常用下列连词引导:if, unless

24、, supposing (that)(仅在问句中使用),suppose (that), in case, so / as long as, so far as, on condition (that), provided (that), 等,如: In case he comes, let me know. You can go out, as / so long as you promise to be back before eleven. I will come again tomorrow provided (that) I have time. (= if) Supposing (t

25、hat) it rains tomorrow, what shall we do? (= if) Unless you tell him yourself, hell lose faith in you completely. Well let you use the room on condition that / provided that you keep it clean and tidy.,2so that / so既可以引导目的状语从句,又可以引导结果状语从句,其区别可以根据上下文的意义来判断,也可以从其结构上来判断。, 凡在讲话时,so that / so从句之前有停顿,在文字中

26、so that / so从句之前有逗号,则为结果状语从句,否则为目的状语从句,如: We all arrived at eight, so (that) the meeting began promptly. (结果状语从句) Well come at eight so (that) the meeting can begin early. (目的状语从句),有时,由 so that或 so 引导的结果状语从句之前并没有逗号,这时,就要看从句中有没有 can, may, could, might, will, would, should等情态动词,如果有,多半是目的状语从句,如果没有,多半是结

27、果状语从句,如: I am going to the lecture early so that Ill get a good seat. (目的状语从句) I went to the lecture early so that I got a good seat. (结果状语从句) 目的状语从句可以移至句首,而结果状语从句不能前移,如: So that he could be heard in every room, John spoke through a microphone. (目的状语从句) John spoke through a microphone so that he was

28、 heard in every room. (结果状语从句),2有时可以把祈使句作为条件从句,祈使句后面要搭配and,如: Come tomorrow, and I will tell you. (= If you come tomorrow, ) Persevere and you will succeed. Give him an inch and hell take a mile. (= If you give him an inch, hell ),注:当表示否定的条件时,可用连词or 或otherwise, 如: Hurry up, or (else) youll be late.

29、Make up your mind, or youll miss the chance. Start at once, or / otherwise youll miss the train. (= If you dont start at once, ) (= Unless you start at once, youll miss the train.),3if only是if的强调式,通常表示说话人的愿望,如: If only it clears up, well go. If only somebody had told us, we could have warned you. 注:

30、if only 引导的状语从句有时可以不依附于主句而独立存在,表示说话人的希望、愿望或遗憾等心情,如: If only he comes in time. (I hope he will come in time.) If only he didnt drive so fast. (I wish he didnt drive so fast.) If only I hadnt been late for work. (I wish I hadnt been late for work.),4在真实条件句中,从句动词通常用一般现在时表示将来时间,主句通常带有情态动词,如: If you move

31、, Ill shoot you. If I press this button, what will happen? If you come, you can see it. If you finish early, you may go.,注 当从句表示将来已经完成或正在进行的动作时,动词用现在完成时或现在进行时,如: I will return the book on Monday if I have read it. The police wont take your car away if you are sitting in it.,注 如果从句表示现在的意图、意愿、决心等,则可以用

32、will / shall,如: If you will read the book, Ill let you have it. If you will help me, we can finish by six. If you will give up smoking / drinking, your health will improve.,5有一种条件句,其从句动词不管主语的人称和数如何,一律用 “should + 不定式”,主句动词可根据意义需要采取不同形式,如: If he should hear of your marriage, he would be surprised. If

33、you should hear the news, please let us know. If you should be interested, Ill tell you the whole story. If it should rain, we had better stay indoors. If he should come tomorrow, I would tell him everything.,注:在正式文体中,可用 should I (we, you etc) 代替 If I (we, you etc) should ,如: Should I be free tomorr

34、ow, I will come. Should you see Mike, will you ask him to ring me up? Should you see my mother, tell her I am quite well.,6非真实条件句:, 当从句表示与现在事实相反的条件时,从句动词用一般过去时或 were型虚拟式,主句动词用 would / should / could / might + 不定式,如: If I were you, I should consult a doctor. If I lived in the twenty-first century, my

35、 life might be different in a number of ways. 当从句表示与过去事实相反的条件时,从句动词用过去完成时,主句动词用would / should / could / might +不定式完成式,如: If he had tried hard last term, he would have succeeded. If he had taken his doctors advice, he might not have died., 当从句表示将来不大可能实现的条件时,从句动词用一般过去时或 were / was to +不定式,主句动词用would /

36、 should / could / might +不定式,如: What would you do if it snowed tomorrow? He wouldnt do it unless you were to order him to. 在正式文体中可用“were +主语”等倒装结构代替“if +主语+ were”等结构;“had +主语 + ed分词”代替“if +主语+ had + ed分词”结构,如: Were I in your place, I would be very worried. Were John to go to the university, he would

37、 have to work hard. Had the captain been more careful, his ship would not have been sunk. Had it not been for the expense, I should have gone to Italy., 当从句表示将来不大可能实现的条件时,从句动词用一般过去时或 were / was to +不定式,主句动词用would / should / could / might +不定式,如: What would you do if it snowed tomorrow? He wouldnt do

38、 it unless you were to order him to. 在正式文体中可用“were +主语”等倒装结构代替“if +主语+ were”等结构;“had +主语 + ed分词”代替“if +主语+ had + ed分词”结构,如: Were I in your place, I would be very worried. Were John to go to the university, he would have to work hard. Had the captain been more careful, his ship would not have been su

39、nk. Had it not been for the expense, I should have gone to Italy.,7unless 与if not 的用法比较: If you dont start at once, you will miss the train. Unless you start at once, you will miss the train. unless 在意义上相当于if not ,在有些场合两者可以交替使用,但在有些场合又不可以互换,以下是不可互换的情况:, 当if not 引导非真实条件状语从句时,一般不可以改用unless,如: If she w

40、erent so silly, she would understand. (事实上她很傻,改成Unless she were so silly含义为她不傻) If I hadnt stopped her, she would have jumped into the river. (事实上我阻止了她,改成Unless I had stopped her含义为我没有阻止她。), unless 表示除外的唯一条件,因此通常不能用and 连接两个unless 从句,而if not 则不受此限,如: She wont lose weight if she does not keep a diet a

41、nd if she does not take exercises every day. She wont lose weight unless she keeps a diet and takes exercises every day. (不说:unless she keeps a diet and unless she takes exercises every day.), unless 从句中可用否定词,而 if not 从句中不可再加否定词,因此在 unless 引导的否定从句中,不可用 if not 代替 unless ,如: I will go unless no one el

42、se does. I will go if no one else doesnt. Dont ask me to explain unless you really dont understand. Dont ask me to explain if you really not dont understand. , 在if not 从句中通常用非肯定词,而在 unless 引导的肯定形式的条件从句中,通常用肯定词,而不用非肯定词,如: I will be very angry if you havent spoken to her yet. I will be very angry unle

43、ss you have already spoken to her.,请参阅课件: 让步状语从句专讲,比较状语从句一般由从属连词as或than来引导,这种从句常采用省略句的句型,如: He worked as fast as a skilled worker. The project was completed earlier than we had expected. He is as young as you (are young). Please come as soon as (it is) possible. 区别:We know you better than he (knows

44、you). We know you better than (we know) him.,注 在否定句中,用asas 或soas 均可,但后者语气更强调,如: He is not as / so young as you.,十一、as far as 或so far as 可以引导状语从句,有些语法书将其称之为“限制状语从句”,如: As far as / So far as I can see, this is a thorny problem. So far as I am concerned, I have no objection.,注 thethe 句型也是比较状语从句的一种,例如: The harder we work, the better we shall serve the people. 其中the 为连接副词,既起连接作用,又修饰后面的副词。 注意省略: The sooner he comes, the better (it will be). The higher the ground (is), the cooler the air (will be).,


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