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1、学习目标,重点难点,重点单词、短语的掌握及运用。,新知预习,课堂探究,【探究1】课文理解 Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer for each question. 1. This text is mainly about Henry Higgins and Colonel Pickering _ about teaching Eliza. A. making a conversation B. quarreling C. making a bet D. fighting 2. Eliza came to visit Hen

2、ry Higgins and Colonel Pickering in order to let them_. A. give her some money B. teach her to speak well C. give her a job as a flower shops assistant. D. have a bath,3. Eliza only offered them _if they could teach her. A. 1 shilling B. 2 shillings C. nothing D. 3 shillings 4. Eliza refused to have

3、 a bath,from what she said, we can infer that she lived a_ life. A. miserable B. happy C. good D. dirty 5. From Act II,what can you infer? A. In order to prove himself, Higgins decided to teach Eliza free of charge. B. Eliza had to change her grammar as well as pronunciation if she wanted to speak w

4、ell. C. When the bet was over, Eliza might get a job in a flower shop. D. Eliza would return to the gutter selling flowers in the street when the experiment was over.,【探究2】重点单词,1. compromise (P34, L35) Oh, she is so deliciously low. (compromises) OK, Ill teach you. (译)_ 【例释】1) Can the two sides reac

5、h a compromise? 双方能互让和解吗? 2) We had to compromise with him on the point. 我们只好就这一点和他妥协。,【归纳】,compromise vi.& n. 妥协,让步,折衷 compromise with sb. on sth.与某人和解reach/arrive at a compromise达成妥协 make a compromise with 与妥协,【运用】完成下列句子 1) Can the two countries (互让和解)? 2) I wanted to go to Greece, and my wife wan

6、ted to go to Spain, _(于是我们折衷了一下去意大利),2. overlook (P35, L11) But you cannot overlook that! (译)_ 【例释】1) My room overlooked the garden. 我的房间俯瞰花园。 2) It was a slight overlook on my part. 这是我的小疏忽。 【归纳】 overlook vt. n俯看;远眺;忽视,不理会overlook a mistake忽略了一个错误 overlook a persons fault 不追究某人的过错,【拓展】 over-是常见前缀,表

7、示“在上面的,超越;太多的”。overact v.夸大地表演overage adj.超龄的overburden vt.使负担过重overdraw v.透支(存款)overhear vt.无意中听到 【运用】完成下列句子 1) Our garden _(可看到) by our neighbors windows. 2) She _ (没有理会他的粗鲁举动) and tried to pretend nothing had happened.,3. fade (P35, L14) Thats usually considered very effective(fades out as they g

8、o off stage together).(译)_ _ 【例释】1) His hopes faded.他的希望破灭了。 2) Will the color in this material fade? 这种料子褪色吗? 3) The stars faded from the sky.星星从天边消失。 4) All memory of the past has faded.往日的记忆已成云烟。,【归纳】 fade vi. & vt. (使)褪色;减弱;逐渐消失 fade away 消失; 逐渐减弱; 褪色 【运用】翻译下列句子 1) The flowers faded for want of

9、water. _ 2) The color fades when exposed to light. _ 3) The sound of the footsteps faded away. _,【探究3】重点短语 1. showin (P34, L14-L15) Show her in, Mrs Pearce. (译)_ 【例释】1) Show him in as soon as he arrives. 他一到立刻带他进来。 2) He showed me into a bedroom. 他把我领进一间卧室。,【归纳】 show sb. in 领进来show sb. out领某人出去show

10、sb. into 领某人进来show sb. around带领某人参观show off卖弄,炫耀 【运用】用show的有关短语完成下列句子 1) He _ me _ the school for three hours. 2) She _ her necklace before the public. 3) Good-bye, Mrs Davis. My secretary will _ you _. 4) The guests were _ the drawing-room,2. Once more (P35, L6) Once more, take her away, Mrs Pearce

11、. (译)_ 【例释】Once more the brave boy made up his mind.这个勇敢的小男孩再一次下定了决心。 【归纳】 once more (once again) 再一次;又一次over and over again 反复;不时地again and again反复地;再三地over and again三番五次地,【运用】完成下列句子 1) _(不时地) we heard the cry from the hut on the hill. 2) They do simple jobs_(一遍又一遍地). 3) Maybe I can experience your

12、 passion_(再次).,3. in need of (P35, L8) Shes in need of both. (译)_ 【例释】1) A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难朋友才是真朋友. 2) I understand your company is in need of some new computer equipment?我获悉你们公司需要一些新计算机设备。,【归纳】 in need在危急中;在危难中in need of需要 【拓展】 in charge of 负责in search of 搜寻in hope of 希望in hono

13、r of 纪念in favor of 有利于in spite of 尽管;in case of 以防万一 in place of 代替。,【运用】完成下列句子 1) You look tired. You are _(需要休息). 2) The boss suddenly put me_(负责) a computer repairing job when I know nothing about it. 3) The majority voted _(支持) the proposal.,【探究4】佳句赏析 If you think of how much money this girl has why, its the best offer Ive had! (P34, L31-L32) (译) _ 解析:这是一个复合句。if引导的是_从句;其中how引导的从句作介词of的宾语;在主句中Ive had是_从句;修饰the best offer。,达标练习,I. 完成句子 1. They _ (忽略了细节) on the problem. 2. He _(领着外国人参观了) our school. 3. He made the same mistakes _(再一次).,


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