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1、,It might / could be doing ,Do you know the Stonehenge? How much do you know about it?,巨石阵坐落在英国伦敦西南100多千米的索尔兹伯里平原上。是欧洲著名的史前时代文化神庙遗址,约建于公元前4000年。索尔兹伯里平原上,一些巍峨巨石呈环形屹立在绿色的旷野间,这就是英伦三岛最著名、最神秘的史前遗迹巨石阵 巨石阵占地大约11公顷,主要是由许多整块的蓝砂岩组成,每块约重50吨。这些石柱排成圆形,最高的石柱高达10米,不少横架在两根竖直的石柱上。 巨石阵的主要材料是蓝砂岩,小的有5吨,大的重达50吨。但在索尔兹伯里地

2、区的山脉中并没有蓝砂岩,最后,考古学家在南威尔士普利赛力山脉中发现了蓝砂岩。 科学家知道建造圆形石林的石头来自威尔士。但是没有人知道古代的威尔士人如何把这些几十吨重的巨石运到三百多公里之外的索尔兹伯里平原。,Read para. 1,What is Stonehenge? Where is it? 2. How many visitors does Stonehenge receive every year? 3. Why do people like to go there in June?,It is a rock circle.,More than 750,000 visitors.,A

3、s they want to see the sun rising on the longest day of the year.,Read para. 2,What do historians think Stonehenge used for many years ago? 2. Why does Paul Stoker disagree? Whats his opinion?,A temple for ancient leaders communicate with the gods.,Because Stonehenge was built so many years ago, and

4、 the leaders havent arrived in England yet. They arrived much later.,Read para3.,What Stonehenge might be used for?,1. Stonehenge might be a kind of calendar. 2. The Stonehenge have a medical purpose. 3. It might be a burial place to honor ancestors. 4. It was built to celebrate a victory over an en

5、emy.,Read para3.,How long have Stonehenge been there? 2. What is one of the biggest mysteries about Stonehenge? 3. What did Paul Stoker say about Stonehenge?,It must be almost 5000 years old.,One of the greatest mysteries is how it was built.,2a. Match each linking word or phrase with its purpose.,s

6、o as, because, since but, however, though not onlybut also or when, while,expressing a difference giving a choice expressing a result expressing two things happening at the same time giving reasons adding information,Can you think of other mysteries?,百慕大三角(英语:Bermuda Triangle)“百慕大魔鬼三角区”名称的由来,是1945年12月5日美国19飞行队在训练时神秘失踪,当时预定的飞行计划是一个三角形,于是人们后来把美国东南沿海的大西洋上,北起百慕大,延伸到佛罗里达州南部的迈阿密,然后通过巴哈马群岛,穿过波多黎各,到西经40线附近的圣胡安,再折回百慕大,形成的一个地区,称为百慕大三角区域“ 魔鬼三角”。在这个地区,已有数以百计的船只和飞机失事,数以千计的人在此丧生。从1880到1976年间,约有158次失踪事件,其中大多是发生在1949年以来的30年间,曾发生失踪97次,至少有2000人在此丧生或失踪。,


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