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1、Revision,NCE1 Lesson1-78,词汇总复习(Lets read!),名词 服装:handbag blouse trousers pocket 交通:aeroplane 食物:bone cheese soap sugar honey jam lamb steak mince Scotch whisky wine beer cabbage lettuce pea bean 称呼:winner tourist 职业:keyboard operator engineer taxi driver air hostess postman mechanic hairdresser hous

2、ewife customs officer employee sales reps office assistant butcher dentist shop assistant greengrocer baker stationer 年月:January February March April May June July August September October November December,星期:week Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday weekend 季节:season spring sum

3、mer autumn winter 地点:village church dairy town 生活:case carpet fork spoon cupboard cigarette tobacco stereo refrigerator electric cooker hammer kettle teapot envelope pad change photograph passport fashion appointment noise 学校:chalk handwriting subject conversation phrasebook 房子:building cloakroom 方位

4、:middle north south east west 疾病: temperature flu measles mumps aspirin,自然界:sky bridge valley hill bank weather climate 身体部位:tongue 量词短语:a pound of, half a pound of , a quarter of , a bunch of 国家-国籍: country nationality ChinaChinese JapanJanpanese EnglandEnglish AmericaAmerican KoreaKorean RussiaRus

5、sian FranceFrench GermanyGerman BrazilBrazilian HollandDutch ItalyItalian NorwayNorwegian SpainSpanish SwedenSwedish AustraliaAustralian AustraAustrian CanadaCanadian FinlandFinnish IndiaIndian NigeriaNigerian TurkeyTurkish PolandPolish ThailandThai 其他 size crowd,countable noun or uncountable noun,d

6、ress,tooth,water,mince,bread,grape,cabbage,employee,milkman,sister,jam,glue,可数名词的复数,watch bus key library wolf dish window potato hippo child mouse foot sheep woman walkman,相关句型,1 Is this your? Yes, it is. No, it isnt. 2 Are these? Yes, they are. No, they arent. 3 Whats your job? Im a/an 4 What are

7、their jobs? They are 5 Look at 6 Whose is this/that? This/That is my(your/his/her/its/our/their),7 What colour is? Its 8 What colour are.? Theyre 9 Give me/him/her/us/them a/some 10Which one? Which ones? 11Where is it? Its in/on/under/next to/near/behind/between/in front of 12 Where are they? Theyre

8、 13There is a/some There are some 14 Is there a/any.? Are there any.?,Giveto me.,翻译,1杯子里有些水吗? 不,没有. 2 这件外套是谁的? Tom的 3你的职业是什么? 我是一名工程师. 4这些是你的杂志吗? 不,不是. 5请把那个锤子给我. 6在碗橱里有一些干净的碟子.,代词(Lets do!),exercise,1 This isnt _pen. _is red.(I) 2 _is my brother. That is_bike. (he) 3 Do you know _(it) name? 4 Dont

9、worry.Let_(I) help_(you). 5 I often go to school with_(they). 6 This isnt_knife._is green.(she),my,mine,He,his,its,me,you,them,her,Hers,形容词,dirty-clean sharp-blunt good-bad lazyhard-working busy-free same-different comfortable-uncomfortable smart lovely tired thirsty terrible fresh pure ripe choice

10、pleasant mild wet rich absent sweet exciting awful last urgent,名词前,be动词后,副词,1 quickly slowly certainly thirstily warmly pleasantly suddenly badly usually hurriedly terribly 2 hard late early well fast better best either always so just again ago together home yet downstairs upstairs,通常放在动词后,homework,

11、1 写出下列单词的复数watch, bus, key, library , wolf , dish, window , potato,hippo, child mouse, foot , sheep, woman , walkman 2 翻译下列句子 1杯子里有些水吗? 不,没有. 2 这件外套是谁的? Tom的 3你的职业是什么? 我是一名工程师. 4这些是你的杂志吗? 不,不是. 5请把那个锤子给我. 6在碗橱里有一些干净的碟子 3复习名词,人称代词,形容词和副词,动词,实意动词: empty sharpen type shine shave drop boil lift rise set

12、 arrive remember remain break enjoy keep spend smile understand speak greet 动词词组: put on take off turn on turn off buy,number five a new student a keyboard operator an engineer an air hostess my daughters come upstairs the same colour a lovely hat sales reps,五号 一个新学生 电脑操作员 工程师 空姐 我女儿的 上楼 相同的颜色 一顶可爱的

13、帽子 推销员,新概念词组总结,office assistant customs officer taxi driver an ice cream man the dressing table the stereo on the right on the left in the middle of put on,办公室文员 海关官员 出租车司机 买冰淇淋的人 梳妆台 音响 在右边 在左边 在中间 穿上,take off turn on turn off shut the door look at a photograph of between two hills the banks of the

14、 river another photograph come out of,脱下 打开 关掉 关门 看 什么的照片 在两座山之间 河岸 另一张照片 从哪跑出,go into go out of walk across run along jump off work hard make a bookcase her favourite colour wait for,走进 走出 横穿 沿着跑 跳下 努力工作 做书橱 她最喜欢的颜色 等待什么,listen to the stereo wash the dishes give it to me do with in front of be care

15、ful a piece of a loaf of a bar of a bottle of,听音箱 洗碗碟 把它给我 处理 在什么的前面 小心 一片 一条 一块 一瓶,a pound of half a pound of a quarter of a pound of a tin of make the tea over there hurry up next door type the letter make biscuits,一磅 半磅 四分之一磅 一听 沏茶 在那 赶快 隔壁 打信 做饼干,black coffee a nice piece come from in spring eve

16、ry day in the north rise early set late certainly interesting,不加牛奶的咖啡 一片好的 来自 在春天 每天 在北部 升的早 落得迟 相当的有意思,live at go to work go to school stay at home do her homework eat her lunch drink tea arrive home watch television,住在 去上班 去上学 呆在家里 做家庭作业 吃午饭 喝茶 到家 看电视,by car on foot the living room at the moment a

17、n interesting book large size feel ill look ill call the doctor,乘坐小汽车 走路 客厅 此刻 一本有趣的书 大码 感到病了 看起来病了 打电话给医生,open your mouth show me your tongue have a bad cold stay in bed good news see a dentist have a temperature take some medicine,张开嘴 给舌头给我看 得了中感冒 呆在床上 好消息 看牙 发烧 服药,get up for another two days eat

18、rich food remain in bed each day keep the room warm play with matches make a noise lean out of the window break the vase,起床 在过两天 吃油腻的食物 继续呆在床上 每天 保持房间温暖 玩火柴 制造噪音 把头探出窗外 打破花瓶,at half past ten the key to the front door give her the key enjoy yourself at the butchers be absent from last week spend thre

19、e days stay at my mother at church at the office,十点半 前门的钥匙 给她钥匙 玩的开心 在肉店 缺席 上周 度过三天 呆在我妈家 在教堂 在办公室,hundreds of in the crowd an exciting finish five other cars three times yesterday speak to you be like answer the phone know very well lose ones way tell the way take out in fashion get a pair for me a

20、 terrible toothache have a appointment fell awful,成百上千 在人群中 令人兴奋的结果 另外五辆车 昨天三次 对你说 像什么样 接电话 了解。 迷路 指路 拿出 流行 为我带一双 要命的牙疼 预约 感到难受,快速抢答(Lets ask and answer!),Whats your fathers job? How to say “看黑板” in English? Whose is this computer? What colour is your wardrobe? What colour is your mothers favourite

21、handbag? If you want to get a book from your classmate,how do you say? Where do you put your shoes? Where does your mother put her lipstick(口红)? Whats in your bedroom?,Whats in Mrs Smiths living room? What must you do if your bedroom is untidy? What are you doing now? Where are you sitting now? Can

22、you swim in the sea? How do you usually go to school? What does your best friend usually do? How do you ask for a hot dog? What nationality are you? Where is Hans from?,What will you say if your friend looks ill? What must he do if he has a bad cold? Must he stay in bed if he has a fever? What time

23、is it now? What did you do last week? What did you eat this morning? Where were you at 10 a.m.? When did you get up yesterday morning?,情景,n.-adj. v.-n. adj.-adv. un- -ful -able,sunny,snowy,windy, cloudy,goggy,rainy writer,reader,swimmer,runner quickly,slowly,thirstly,hurriedly untidy,unhappy,uncomfo

24、rtable,unusual helpful,careful,useful,beautiful fashionable,comfortable,V,时态,练习(Exercises) 1.Please (open )the door ,then ( close)it again. 2. ( clean)your bedroom,Jim! Dont ( play)with the cat. 3.Why not ( go)fishing, lets ( go)! 4.I dont ( like) ( watch)TV , I enjoy ( read)books. 5.Lucy doesnt ( h

25、ave) too much homework ( do). 6.We are all looking forward to ( go) on the school trip . 7.You cant ( play)football in the street.You may ( play)it there. 8.Can you ( tell) Kate ( bring)her photo to school tomorrow? 9. Id like ( go) ( shop) now. 1, _ Tom _ (help) his mother clean the yard yesterday?

26、 2. On my last day off, Mary _ (sleep) late. 3. They _(have) a school trip last Sunday. They _ (visit) the Great Wall and _ (meet) a lot of foreigners. 4. _ (be) there some water in the glass? I want to drink some. -No, there _ (not be). Please buy some. 5. There _ (be ) a lot of fish in the lake a

27、few years ago, but now there _ (not be) any.,Reading,On the bus Tom is a little boy .He is five .Today his father takes him to see his grandparents .His home is far away from his grandparents .So they are going there by bus . There are only nine people on it .They all have seats .Tom is very happy .

28、He is running on the bus .His father says ,Dont run !Sit down ,please I miss my grandfather and grandmother very much ! I want this bus to go fast .Tom says . ( )1.Tom goes to see his garndparents with his mother . ( )2.Tom goes to see his grandparents by bus . ( )3.Tom and his father are running on

29、 the bus . ( )4.Toms home is far away from his grandparents ( )5.The driver tells tom to sit down .,Reading,No driver A bus is coming .Boris and Mike get on .This is a double-decker bus .Boris says to Mike ,”its so crowded on the bottom ,lets go upstairs . Mike says :”no .i wont go there . “why ?” “

30、how silly you are !Dont you see there is no driver upstairs ?”,get on double-decker bus Crowded on the bottom upstairs,Lesson 1-144,Tell the tense,判断下列各句所属时态: We are learning English now. We read and write English every day. Victor neither read nor wrote English yesterday. But he is going to read English early next morning. He has lived here for ten years.,


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