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1、Unit Four Book 8,1. 他自以为是了不起的歌手。 2. 听完这个消息,他的母亲用手绢掩面抽泣。 3. 钱包和手机都被抢手,他不得不步行回家。 4. 他相信他的儿子立志要有所成就。 5.这名教授评论说她应该为离开孩子们受到谴责。,1. He rather fancies himself as a singer. 2. Having heard the news, his mother sobbed into handkerchief. 3. Robbed of his wallet and cellphone, he had to walk home. 4. He was con

2、vinced that his son was ambitious to succeed in life. 5. The professor remarked that she should be condemned for leaving her children.,Translations on p71,1. Henry wanted Eliza to make the acquaintance of the American ambassador, so he could act as a referee and judge whether he had passed her off a

3、s a lady. 2. When the thief robbed the shop, he only took two items: an antique musical box and a wax disk with traditional folk songs on them.,3. Before Eliza got into the bathtub, Mrs. Pearce made her take off her dirty vest and horrible stockings. 4. Eliza required help in terms of English gramma

4、r and pronunciation. She needed to start by saying the alphabet correctly.,5. As Eliza was practicing her curtsey, she caught her dress on a nail and tore it. 6. Believer in Buddhism usually will bow to the Buddha with their hands together when they see a statue of Buddha.,1. (某人)冒充 2. 结识,与相见 3. 惊愕地

5、 4. 一般来说 5. 就来说,从角度 6. 带进来 7. 几天前 8. 带走,拿走,1. pass off as 2. make ones acquaintance =make the acquaintance of sb. 3. in amazement 4. generally speaking 5. in terms of 6. show in 7. the other day 8. take away,9. 需要 10. 逐渐模糊 11. 给某人派任务 12. 避雨 13. 一把, 几个 14. 透露身份,显露(本来面目) 15. 伪装, 乔装 16. 毫不犹豫,9. in need

6、 of 10. fade out 11. set sb a task 12. shelter/hide from rain 13. a handful of 14. betray oneself 15. in disguise 16. Without (any) hesitation,17. 把误认为 18. 要是怎么办 19. 优于 20. 打赌 21. 注定 22. 使相信 23取决于,依赖 25下着倾盆大雨,Take/ mistakefor What if Be superior to Make a bet Condemn to Convince sb of =be concinced

7、of Be dependent on/upon It is pouring with rain. / It rains cats and dogs,23答应要求 24. 简单情节 25. 令人头痛的结局 26. 根据把分类 27. 社会地位 28. 收集无价古董 29.把某人当下贱人看待 30.粗俗得可爱,Grant a wish A simple plot A troublesome outcome Classifyby social status Collect priceless antiques Treat sb like dirt Deliciously low,31. 令人作呕的气

8、味 32. 发财 33. 再一次 34. 古典名著的简版 35. 达成妥协 36. 我该怎么办? 37.碰运气 38.自以为是 39. 移交,A disgusting smell make a fortune Once more/ once again easy versions of classic plays come to a compromise What is to become of me? Try one fortune Fancy oneself as Hand over,sob into ones handkerchief resign oneself to act as a

9、 referee make a remark on/ upon hesitate to do hesitate about (doing) sth. reflect upon oneself,用手绢掩面啜泣 使顺从、听从 充当裁判 谈论,就发表意见/评论 做某事犹豫不决 反省自己,重点句型,1.Generally speaking, people are more polite to those whom they think are of higher social class. 总的来说,人们对那些他们认为属于较高社会阶层的人更礼貌一些。 2. 12. Henry Higgins and

10、Colonel Pickering are sitting deep in conversation. 亨利.希金斯正与皮克林上校促膝长谈。,deep in sth.“专心;全神贯注;深陷”,需要 _ 再一次_ 带或领进来_ 声音画面逐渐模糊,渐淡 _ 伪装的,假扮的 _ 结识,与某人相见_ 把某人改变或冒充成._ 就来说:从角度 _ 一般来说 _,In need of,Once more,Show in,Fade out,In disguise,Make ones aquaintance,Pass off as,In terms of,Generally speaking,Be acquai

11、nted with 对。熟悉,1) adaptation n. _;_ 1)He was in good _ _the life there. 他很适应那里的生活。 2)This adaptation was of much difference from the original. 翻译:_ 联想 动词词组(适应): adapt to ,(be adapted for, fit in with, be seasoned with,适应,改编,adaptation to,改编的作品与原著有很大的区别。,2. hesitate vi. _ (1) hesitate about/ over sth

12、. (对某事)犹豫不决,迟疑不决 (2) hesitate about doing sth. (3)hesitate to do 不愿做某事 n. _ 踌躇 _毫不犹豫地 Dont _ that. Do it at once. 对于那件事情不要再犹豫了。马上去做吧。 He _take such a big risk. 他不情愿冒这样大的险。 In case you need something, please dont _ ask me. 如果你需要什么东西, 请不客气地对我说。 _, he jumped into the river so save the drowning young wo

13、man.,犹豫;踌躇,hesitation,without hesitation,hesitate about / over,hesitated to,hesitate to,Without hesitation,3.betray vt. _;_ 用法归纳: betray oneself: show what or who one really is 暴露出本来面目,原形毕露 常用搭配betray ones country /principles/ friends/ truth/ belief betray sth to sb. 向某人泄露某事 1)The officer_ the secre

14、t_ his friends.军官把秘密向朋友泄露了。 2)His accent_ the fact_ he was foreign. 他的口音显露出他是外国人。 3)He had a good disguise, but as soon as he spoke, he _. 他伪装的很好,可是一说话就原形毕露了。(听他的声音就能认出他来。),背叛;显露出本来面目,betrayed,to,betrayed,that,betrayed himself,4. condemn vt. _;_ (1) condemn sb./sth. for /as sth. 因.而谴责某人某事 (2) condem

15、n sb. to 判处某人某种刑罚 (3) condemn sb. to sth./to do sth. 迫使接受困境(或不愉快的状况) adj. 已被定罪的,已被定罪者使用的,受谴责的_ (1)The government issued a statement _ the killings. 政府发表声明谴责这些凶杀事件。 (2) The editor of the newspaper _ _as lacking integrity. 这家报纸的编辑被指责为不够正直。 (3)He _ to death for murder and later hanged. 他因凶杀罪被判处死刑后被绞死。

16、(4)She_ to hang for killing her husband. 她因杀害亲夫被处以绞刑。 (5)They _to a life of hardship. 他们不得不过着艰难的生活。 (6)The meat _ as unfit to eat. 这种肉被宣告不宜食用。,谴责;使注定,condemned,condemning,was condemned,was condemned,was condemned,were condemned,was condemned,promise v._;_ n. _;_ compromise with sb. on sth._ reachcom

17、e to a compromise _ make compromises with_ I hope we shall_. 我希望我们能达成和解 2) The interior decoration of the house is _ between Chinese and foreign styles. 这所房子的内部装饰是中西两式的折中物。 They found it wiser _ her. 他们觉得与她妥协更明智。,妥协;放弃,妥协;和解,在方面和某人妥协,达成妥协,与妥协,reach / come to a compromise.,a compromise.,to compromise

18、 with,6overlook 猜猜下面句子中的overlook 分别是什么意思? 1)Jack lived in a huge two-storied house overlooking New York. 2) You have overlooked several of the mistakes in this work. 3)She overlooked his rudeness and tried to pretend nothing had happened. _,俯视;眺望,忽略;忽视,不予理会,当堂检测,1. in amazement 2. Once more 3. fade out 4. take away 5. in terms of 6. passoff as 7. showingin 8. in need of 9. generally speaking 10. make acquaintance,


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