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1、Cracking the CEE New English Test By Li Yu from Yali High School,2010年的高考是湖南省实施新课改后的首次高考。 -今年的高考究竟怎样考? -试卷结构如何? -考生要掌握哪些知识点? 本人尝试着通过分析找出变化和差异,简单预测2010年高考的趋势,并提出应对措施,指出英语教学的方向。,解读篇,“变”,高考英语越来越强调综合语言运用能力的考查,试题主观性、开放性程度越来越高。 1. 词汇的增加 2. 听力的变化 3. 完形填空的变化 4. 阅读理解的变化 5. 写作要求的变化 6. 试卷提示的变化,主要变化 (1)对考生英语能力要

2、求方面的变化 词汇能力要求:增加了100个左右牛津英语教材词汇,总词汇量要求为3600左右(最高的省份之一) 阅读能力要求:继续保持较大的阅读量(也是最大的) 书面表达能力要求:分值加大到45分,写作开放度进一步加大,写作字数要求有所提高(不少于120词) (2)试卷分值的变化 主客观试题分值比例:全卷客观题85.5分,占57%(减少),主观题64.5分,占43%(增加), (增加了19分) (主观题在全国各卷中最高的) (3)试卷结构的变化 由听力、知识运用、阅读理解、书面表达四部分组成,具体变化 A听力部分 取消了原听力试题中的第一节播放一遍的短对话,加大了听力填空部分的分值,填空题由原来

3、3个增加到5个 B知识运用部分 第一节:语法单选题定位为语法填空,将过去的词义辨析等项纳入到后两节中考查 第二节:完形填空(一) (传统)(12空) 第三节:完形填空(二)(150字),根据上下文填词,考生将完成两篇短文任务(过去一篇) C. 阅读理解部分 本部分有3篇短文(过去为4篇),D. 写作部分 第一节: 阅读短文,按要求填空(每空不超过3个词)(05年开始,湖南就用) 第二节: 根据各小题的具体要求,简要回答问题 第三节:要求写一篇不少于120词左右的短文,写作开放度加大,不再控制写作内容 E导语的变化 全卷试题指导语将全部使用英文(只有上海卷用),1. 词汇的增加(山东2009新增

4、动词A部) abandon vt 放弃;遗弃 abolish vt 废除;废止 absorb vt 吸收;学会;使全神贯注 abuse vt & n 滥用;虐待;辱骂 accomplish vt 完成;实现 accompany vt 陪伴;伴随发生 accelerate vt 加速;促进 accuse vt 指控;控告 acknowledge vt 承认;告知已收到 accumulate vt & vi 积累;积聚 acquire v. 得到;获得 adapt v. (使)适应;改变; 改写 adjust v. (使)调整; (使)适应 adopt v. 采纳;采用; 采取 adore v.

5、崇拜;敬重 advocate v&n. 提倡;主张; 鼓吹。提倡者;鼓吹者 allocate v. 分配;配给;拨出 appeal v&n. 呼吁;恳求;吸引;上诉 appoint v. 任命;委派; 制定; 约定 appreciate v. 欣赏;赞赏;感激,关于完形,无选项填空 可能给提示词 语法填空 偏重虚词 答案唯一 注重平时积累 find fault with be crazy about be particular about be absent from be patient with be independent of all day long all year round,“

6、不变”,万变不离其宗 无论用何种教材(人教版、译牛版、新概念英语),殊途同归。教材只是载体而已。 考虑到2010年是湖南新课改高考的第一年,步子不宜迈得太大,就是变化也会逐步实行,不可能一下子变得面目全非、难度陡增。因此,要树立信心,新高考并不可怕。,教学启示,一、强化听力 二、强调基础 三、加强学生对篇章的整体把握,注重理解力的提高 四、重视背诵朗读在英语学习中的重要性,一、强化听力 将听力模拟训练题和高考听力真题结合起来,高考真题命题难度适中,能力考查较全面,有很高的可信度,应该是考前强化听力的好材料。 此外,我们应注意把平时的听力训练和朗读结合起来, 使学生熟悉并巩固学过的英语习语和常用

7、句型。我们还可以按照不同情景归类听力中常用的单词和词组,让学生强化记忆,扩充学生的词汇量。 每周至少要保证三次正规的听力训练。,老师在课堂上尽量说英语,不要只是在做听力时单一地训练听力。(从2007年起,情景交际会话放到听力来考查。近年来,高考听力内容的选材贴近考生生活,情景真实,并出现了大量地道的口语,交际性和真实性得到加强。 ) -T: Have you finished your exercises? -S1: Not yet. -S2: Me, either. -T: No rush. Take your time. -All set? -No way. -Why me? -Just

8、my luck! -Im not myself today. -He is the last person I want to see.,二、强调基础 学生良好的英语语感和语言能力必须建立在牢固的基础知识之上。为了让学生在考试中有自信,我们应注重加强学生基础知识和基本技能的整理和巩固,不要让学生做偏题、怪题、难题。 要特别注意增加对词汇的学习和操练。高考阅读理解题中经常出现生僻词,如人名、地名和科技词汇等,还有许多直接或间接考查词汇的试题,我们可以整理词汇表,以帮助学生扫清阅读中的生词障碍,顺利闯过阅读关。在词汇复习中,应拓展词汇知识,注重一词多义和动词词组的研究和归类。,三、加强学生对篇章的

9、整体把握,注重理解力的提高 在高考中,阅读理解、完形填空等题型和学生的阅读理解能力紧密相关,因此,我们对阅读和完形的分析要到位,使学生养成思考和提问的习惯和兴趣,此举的最终目的是增加学生的思维活动量,提高学生的分析能力和评估判断能力。在冲刺阶段,学生应每天坚持进行限时阅读。建议使用近几年高考题进行反复的限时训练,使学生提高阅读速度,熟悉不同体裁、题材文章的写作思路,熟悉高考题的难易程度,感悟命题规律,掌握一些答题技巧。,阅读理解是高考试卷中的重头戏。但阅读理解的训练并非一蹴而就,因此每天坚持2篇文章阅读极为重要。提高阅读能力的重要前提是掌握足够的词汇,所以通过广泛的阅读,增加词汇量也是提高阅读

10、能力的有效途径。 建议 多读与考生的日常生活息息相关的、时代感强的、鲜活的阅读材料。如有可能,不妨读点英文报刊,多关注时事热点。,四、重视背诵朗读在英语学习中的重要性 背诵是最古老、也是最有效的语言学习方法。背诵和朗读在一定程度上能提高写作水平。学生在背诵、朗读过程中可以学到英语写作中的习惯用法,熟悉英美人的思维方式,进而准确表达自己的意见。 背诵可以帮助学生增加对词汇和句子结构的熟练程度,提高接受信息的速度;背诵可以帮助学生积累语言素材(词汇和句式),培养正确的写作思路,全面拓展自己的知识范围。 背诵高考完形真题 经典名篇, 名言警句, 谚语格言,Not only can travel gi

11、ve people relaxation and pleasure, but also it can increase their knowledge of any kind. (Module 4 基训p108) Luckily, the bullet narrowly missed the captain by an inch. (2002 上海) The training and employment opportunities available to young people have fallen. (M3 U2) I got caught in the rain, and my s

12、uit has been ruined. (2007 北京),Its better for you to be exposed to the English native speakers if you would like to master English as a second language. (M7 基训 p14) Project Hope aims at helping more children in poor areas to have access to education. (M4 U1) Im afraid its beyond his ability.(2006四川)

13、 walk the dog / bike (高三月考阅读) You can never be too careful.,对于模块教学,建议分三个阶段教学和复习 1)学生自读模块1-5 (水平考试已复习过) 2)快速复习模块6-8 3)精讲模块9-11(不要忽视这3个模块的教学,是很好的阅读教材),操作篇,1. 加强词汇教学 2. 加强学生阅读能力的培养 3. 语言教学的同时要关注文化的学习 4. 语法教学与交际教学并举 5. 开发课程资源, 拓展学生的知识面,增加学生对英语学习的兴趣,1. 加强词汇教学。,课标词汇要求: 5级:1500-1600个单词; 200-300习惯用语/固定搭配 7级

14、: 2400-2500个单词; 300-400习惯用语/固定搭配 8级: 3500个单词; 400-500习惯用语/固定搭配 9级: 4500个单词,Wilkins(1972)指出:“没有语法不能很好地表达,而没有词汇则什么也不能表达。” 记单词,但不要记“单”词,也不要“单”记词。 在语境、语段中学单词,在体会、应用中掌握单词。,1) 重在积累, 两个”零”工程。 2) 尽量少用电子词典。 3) 在语篇语境中记忆巩固词汇。 4) 教给学生一些猜词悟义的方法。 5) 教给学生一些切实可行的记忆单词的方法。 6) 有意识地补充一些与时事、社会生活、现代科技等密切相关的鲜活的词汇。,1) 重在积累

15、, 两个”零”工程。,Word bank “化整为零” “零存整取” 主动词汇( active vocabulary):四会词语 被动词汇( passive vocabulary):引导学生尽可能掌握教材词汇表以外的课标词汇,将未录入词汇表的生词归入接触性词汇,鼓励学生建立自己的单词表.定期交流,检查,评比. (象psychology, individualism, obesity等在高考中是高频词)。 有时比别人多认识一个词,就比别人胜算的把握多一成。,1. 根据下面的短诗,展开适当的想象,写一篇英语短文。标题自拟。120词左右。(2006 雅礼高三月考),There was a puppy

16、 named Penny, Who was faithful and devoted to my granny. Going anywhere with the companion by her side, Grandma lived with her all her life till they died. Wish them to be living in Heavens happily. 2. balcony,2) 尽量少用电子词典。,blink wink (高三完形) hiccup burp exit export patient sick person walking stick c

17、rutch revenge avenge excited aroused Are you aroused that Im here in your house?,notice watch mind 注意脚下(Watch your step head) 注意你的行为 (Mind your behavior) 小心掉进湖里 Fall into the lake carefully. Be aware of falling into the lake. 性价比 sexual price comparison 温馨提示 (岳麓山)warm tips 民主党派 Democratic Party 熟食(赤

18、冈冲家润多) familiar food,Chinglish现象,3) 在语篇语境中记忆巩固词汇。,simple / simplified(辅导报完形) Our life is not simple, but well make it simplified. honorable / honored Im highly _ (honor) to be here. (p31基训Module 4 Unit 2) (2009.1.Module 6 finals) shameful / ashamed (M6 基训) in mind / on ones mind (2008湖南单选),dependent

19、 / dependable effective / efficient (高三 完形) ruin / damage / destroy (高三 完形) doubt / suspect(高二完形) figure / build / physique identical / similar sensitive / sensible / sensational considerate / considerable,Mr. Smith was one of my _ customers. (高二月考单选) A. average B. usual C. regular D. ordinary regul

20、ar tea regular coffee regular class regular mail regular exercise real true (高三完形) true love (friendship, lies, feeling, spirit),4) 教给学生一些猜词方法。,根据语音 On Mothers Day, people wear carnations. (M5 Mid-terms) Bridge and poker are card games. Coal is a kind of fossil fuel.(高二完形) I didnt follow her logic.

21、Prevent hacker attacking to sever and computer. (8年级月考阅读) Give me an order of chicken curry. (高三阅读) A gene is a short segment of DNA.,Nicotine is in cigarette and is addictive. We drove the pickup to the pond that day.,熟词新义 1. Who has the final say in your family? (NMET 2003) 2. This mirrors the lif

22、e of students. 3. Smith is so cheap. 4. Your homework is due on Friday. (2007江苏完形) When is your baby due? 5. The company covers faults but not loss of dictionary. (M7 U1),5) 教给学生一些切实可行记忆单词的方法。 Asia, Africa, America, Australia, Antarctica (Europe, Oceania) Arctic ambition ambulance schedule (M 2 U 2)

23、 alphabet (M9 U2) + addition / addiction (M7 U2) additive / addictive (雅礼高三月考6) artificial (M10 U1),barbecue (M9 U1) BBQ pistol piston BMW be my wife Adidas All day I dream about soccer. sacred / scared(M9 U2) altitude / attitude(M9 U2) latitude / longitude quantity / quality (M7 U2),fiend / friend

24、evil / devil (M9 U4) resident / president evolution (M7 U1) / revolution (M5 U3) adult adulterate adulterant adultery adulterer adulteress,6)有意识地补充一些与时事、社会生活、现代科技等密切相关的鲜活的词汇。,text message (高三第五次月考 阅读D篇) organic food (2009湖南 阅读填空) environmentally friendly (09湖南 06福建) global warming (2009湖南 阅读填空) econ

25、omical downturn blockbuster box office a great hit,globalization GPS global positioning system 4WD 4-wheeled-drive ABS anti-braking system digitalized shotgun come on tons of,plastic surgery (高三模拟考阅读) have a crush on sb three in a row virtual reality financial crisis podcast (2009 湖北) blogger hang o

26、ut SMS real estate swipe,amazing awesome (M9 U1)(Module 7考试 阅读) terrific super gorgeous,Category games,A- ant B- bat, bee C- crab, cat D- dog E- elephant, eagle F- falcon, fox, fly, frog G- giraffe, goat H- hippo, hen, horse I- iguana, ibis,J- jaguar K- kangaroo, koala L- lizard, leopard, lion M- mo

27、nkey, mouse N- newt O- octopus, owl, ox P- pig, penguin, panda Q - quail R- rabbit, rat, rooster S- shark, squirrel, sheep, snake T-turtle, tiger,U- urchin, unicorn V- viper, vampire bat W-weasel / wolf / whale X- x-ray fish Y- yak Z- zebra,Homophone games,principle / principal (M9 U3) troupe / troo

28、p leak / leek cereal / serial bare / bear (M10 U1) nun / none feat / feet witch / which knight / night,flee / flea sail / sale flour / flower (M10 U1) pear / pair won / one maid / made peace / piece groan / grown hole / whole,1. He soon received promotion, for his superiors realized that he was a ma

29、n of considerable _. A. ability B. adult C. academy D. opportunity 2. It is well known that the Internet will let people have _ to huge amounts of information from their own homes. Aappeal Battention Caccess Dapproach 3. Im really sorry about your camera; it was a (an) _. Aaccommodation Baccident Ca

30、ccuracy Dadvantage,4. After receiving the news, immediate _ had been taken by the local government to stop the disease spreading. A. achievement B. activity C. acquisition D. action 5. Last year he starred in this film _ of Bill Cronshaws best-selling novel. A. adaptation B. adoption C. advertisemen

31、t D. addition 6. Coming to another country to study requires a big _ and it takes a while to fit in. A. agreement B. administration C. admission D. adjustment,课标阅读量要求: 六级:18万词 七级:23万词 八级:30万词 九级: 36万词,2.加强学生阅读能力的培养。,近几年高考阅读理解题的特点:阅读量大,词汇丰富,语言生动、鲜活。 2009年的阅读总量大约为3,088词,比2008年(2,735词)又有增加,阅读速度超过了80wpm

32、, 是近几年阅读量最大的一次。阅读理解题的语言具有很强的鲜活性和时代性。,1) 以阅读为主线,在阅读中带动词汇、语法等的学习。,一旦阅读水平提高了,有助于带动英语水平的全面升级,如:词汇量的增大、语法结构的强化、文化背景的熏陶、语感的增强、思维能力和写作能力的增强等等. 要求学生每天坚持阅读2篇英语文章 高中3年达到36万字的阅读量 三量:词汇量,阅读量,阅读质量 中学:海量阅读 高三:恶补阅读 人生:享受阅读 阅读“悦”读,英语界名人、名家论阅读,光学几句干巴巴的英文不行不要总是把阅读的目的放在提高英文上,阅读首先是吸收知识,吸收知识的过程中自然而然就吸收了语言。-许国璋 用英文思维是许多英

33、语学习者都希望达到的一种境界,因为这是用英语流畅地表达思想的基础。对于一个生活在非英语环境中的中国学生来说,要做到部分或全部用英文来思考确有很大难度,但也不是可望而不可及。从自己学习英语的经历中,我体会到坚持大量阅读是实现这一目标最有效的途径之一。-何其莘,2) 培养学生正确的阅读习惯。,许多中学生不明确学英语的宗旨和目的,好象学习是为了应付考试,甚至把课外阅读看成是浪费时间,得不偿失,不愿花时间。有的学生在阅读的时候,喜欢用手或笔指着读,有的则咬文嚼字,边读边对一词一句进行分析,等别人早已读完,他还不知文章所云。要彻底改掉这些不良习惯并非易事,得下一番苦功。,要求学生每天读2篇短文,可以少读

34、,但要天天读。平时时间紧,少读点,假期多读点。总之, 要培养一个好的阅读习惯,这样久而久之,便可积少成多。不但能增加所学词汇的复现率,而且增加学生的知识面, 培养用英语直接思维的能力。为了培养学生的阅读习惯,根据学生的实际情况,因人而异地给予阅读指点,提出不同要求,帮助学生树立信心,逐步形成一个良好的阅读习惯。(阅读考查的不只是语言,而是学生的思维方式。),Classroom training is far from enough for language learning. We have to practise English anytime possible.,read for info

35、rmation read for skill read for language read for cultural background read for vocabulary read for linguistic sense read for enjoyment So reading is more than reading.,阅读是主要的语言输入, 也是高考的重头戏。教给学生阅读的方法和策略非常重要. 我们的学生,甚至高三学生, 只习惯于能在字里行间里找到现成答案的事实细节题。 literal meaning 但现在的阅读题大多是找不到现成的直接答案的推理判断题、主旨大意题、猜词悟义题

36、等. 学生不会领悟作者的深层涵义,不知道话外之意, 弦外之音。 figurative meaning, ironic, sarcastic.,即使是事实细节题, 也会绕个弯, 换同义词、近义词或改变词性等来提问。如: automobilecar chillycold chefcook early in the morningat dawn statussocial position (2007 湖北D篇) tabletspills (2005天津) totallycompletely (2006江苏) to entertain, inform, and inspire- pleasure, k

37、nowledge and encouragement be linked to-be concerned with rope-thread-string-wire 因此, Reading strategy 非常重要(学习策略)。,3. 语言教学的同时要关注文化的学习。,英语不仅是语言的教学还是文化的教学。语言与文化密不可分。所以在备课的同时,不仅要备知识,还要备文化。一方面通过英语教材逐步介绍中西方社会文化背景知识,多让学生了解英语文化和汉语文化的差异,增强学生的跨文化交流意识。(文化意识),鸡皮疙瘩 goose skin 嫉妒,红眼病 green-eyed monster(高三阅读) Ada

38、ms apple crash courses (高三阅读填空) cram school French window (2010高三月考2听力填空) French horn Take French leave Dutch treat,No.10 Downing Street(第2次月考听力) soup kitchen (2009江苏完形) tie the knot (2009雅礼月考8阅读简答) doggy bag window shopping baby boomer (NMET2005阅读) nuclear family (2006湖南阅读填空) extended family senior

39、 citizen(高三阅读) cancer stick (高二完形),kick off show sb. the door in the seventh heaven ( 2008高三完形) on cloud nine ( 2006高三完形) over the moon (M6 U2) Anglo-Saxon (M3 U2) (高二阅读) New England wear the heart on ones sleeve(高三模拟考试阅读) keep a stiff upper lip carpool (2010高三月考1阅读),baseball (基训 p43 Module 4 Unit 2

40、) pitcher, batter, 4 bases, home plate 棒球是美国国球, 美国人非常痴迷 (huge fans) NBA (月考阅读) nothing but net slam dunk dribble rebound MVP,关注英语学习的生活化趋势。,Make a milk shake banana smoothie.(M 5 辅导报听力) -Wow, the iPod is so sweet.(月考听力) -Are you tired? -Sort of. ( 月考听力) - Im not good at basketball, you know. - Come o

41、n. Were playing for fun. Just try. (高二月考单选) - OK, then all set? (2009年湖南省普通高中学业水平考试样题),ISBN (NMET 2003) (M1 U1 P14) international standard book number Easter eggs (NMET 2003) movie ratings: PG, R (2008下第2次月考听力填空) PG = parental guidance R = restricted,现行教材、 阅读文章、高考题大都来自原汁原味的英语国家的文章。 non-native speake

42、rs-culture shock Egg Force One(2008湖南完形) (Air Force One) Egg-cellent egg (Excellent eggs) Emergen-C (维生素C广告) Freeze: The computer is frozen. The policeman shouted, “Freeze!”,Module 3 Unit 1 English and its history,1066 Celtic Anglo-Saxon Norman Conquest Germanic Nordic William the Conqueror Upper cl

43、ass Vikings Queens English,NMET 2001 D If you ask people to name the one person who had the greatest effect on the English language, you will get answers like “Shakespeare,” “Samuel Johnson,” and “Webster,” but none of these men had any effect at all compared to a man who didnt even speak English Wi

44、lliam the Conqueror.,Before 1066,in the land we now call Great Britain lived peoples belonging to two major language groups .In the west-central region lived the Welsh ,who spoke a Celtic language, and in the north lived the Scots, whose language, though not the same as Welsh,was also Celtic. In the

45、 rest of the country lived the Saxons, actually a mixture of Anglos, Saxons, and other Germanic and Nordic people ,who spoke what we now call Anglo-Saxon (or Old English ),a Germanic language. If this state of affairs had lasted, English today would be close to German.,But this state of affairs did

46、not last. In 1066 the Normans led by William defeated the Saxons and began their rule over England .For about a century ,French became the official language of England while Old English became the language of peasants .As a result ,English words of politics and the law come from French rather than G

47、erman .In some cases ,modern English even shows a distinction between upper-class French and lower-class Anglo-Saxon in its words .We even have different words for some foods ,meat in particular ,depending on whether it is still out in the fields or at home ready to be cooked ,which shows the fact t

48、hat the Saxon peasants were doing the farming ,while the upper-class Normans were doing most of the eating . ,4. 语法教学与交际教学并举,避免题海战术。,语法知识的教学可以采用提示、注意和观察、发现、分析、归纳、对比、总结和运用等方式进行。应该有意识地组织学生参与到上述过程之中,以使他们在科学的思维方法上也得到锻炼。在语法教学过程中,要注意语法点教学的适度循环、反复、巩固和加深,不宜“一次清”,过分强调其系统性;同时还要注意培养学生形成适合自己的有效的语法学习策略。 演绎法 归纳法,-Which is more important, grammar or communication? -Of course communication. That is what language is. “The reason I didnt use my own was because Id lent it to a guy down the hall. (The Catcher In The Rye) -It is grammatically incorrect, but it makes sense. 把语法教学渗透在篇章教学中。,1. When he the door, he


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