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1、Knowledge of Safe Lifting & Rigging / Level 1 起重吊装安全知识 / 初级,Purpose 培训目的,Understand Knowledge of Lifting & Rigging 了解起重吊装作业的基本知识 Understand Hazard Types and Causes of Lifting & Rigging Work 了解起重吊装作业的危害种类及成因 Understand and Follow Site Control SOP-Lifting 了解并遵守施工现场安全起重吊装控制流程 Reduce Lifting & Rigging R

2、isk Improve Lifting & Rigging safety situation 减少吊装起重作业风险,改进吊装起重作业安全状态,Training Content 培训内容,Site control of SOP-Lifting 施工现场安全起重吊装控制流程,Summary and Discussion 总结与讨论,Knowledge of Safe Lifting & Rigging 起重吊装安全知识,Knowledge of Lifting & Rigging 起重吊装作业的基本知识,1、Lifting machine 起重机械 2、Slings 索具 3、Signals 起重

3、信号 4、L&R Staff & Responsibilities 起重作业人员及其职责,Knowledge of Lifting & Rigging 起重吊装作业的基本知识,Lifting machine 起重机械,Lifting machine 起重机械,. Definition of LM 起重机械的定义 Lifting machine refers to special equipment for elevation and moving objects/materials by hooks or other hangers,riggings. 起重机是通过吊钩或其他吊具起升、搬运物料

4、的特种机械设备 . Types of LM 起重机械的种类,Crane 起重机 (Tower Crane塔式起重机),Others 其他起重设备 (Lifting jack, chain hoist 千斤顶、手动葫芦),Lifting Machine 起重机械,Lifting 升降机、卷扬机,Lifting machine inspection 起重机械的检测,What to Inspect 需要检测什么,Annual Inspection of the hoisting machinery must be performed by an authorized institute 起重机械的检

5、测必须由有资质的机构进行 The person in charge must maintain a record of these inspections 负责人必须对这些检测进行记录,Annual Inspection 年检,Crane wasnt inspected and tipped over 吊车没有进行检测, 并且已经倾倒,Lifting machine inspection 起重机械的检测,What to Inspect 需要检测什么,Proper air pressure and no leakage 正确的气压,没有泄露 Tires properly inflated 轮胎内

6、气体充足 Wire rope wear 钢丝绳的磨损 Physical damage to crane 吊车的损坏 Loose or missing hardware, nuts, or bolts 硬件、螺母或螺丝钉的丢失 Fluid leakage 液体泄露 Limit Switch 限位装置 Swing radius 旋转半径,Who will be in charge of inspection 谁将负责起重机械的检测,Rigger/Crane Operator 起重工/吊车司机,The rigger must inspect all machinery and equipment p

7、rior to start-up and during use, to make sure that it is in safe work condition. 起重工必须在使用前检查所有的机器和设备,并且在使用过程中确保各个操作条件的安全 If crane needs fixing, it will be taken out of service until reparation completion. 如果需要维修,则不再使用此机器直至维修完毕,Broken Track 破损的 履带,Self-elevated Crane Tower 自升塔式起重机,Normally the first

8、anchorage fixing should be 25 meter above ground distance, not be allowed to exceed 50 meters, then every 16 to 20 meters needs to fix anchor once. 第一道锚固装置距地面一般为25米,最大不超过50米。以后每1620米锚固一道。 The deviation of tower verticality should be less than 2% 塔的垂直度偏差不大于2%。 Frequent check should be performed on fi

9、xing situation of anchorage fixing apparatus 经常检查锚固装置的牢固程度。,Safety devices 安全装置: Operation protective devices: load limit, moment limit, lead limit switch, etc. 操作保护装置:载重限制器,力矩限制器,行程限位等。 Electric protective devices: zero protection, maximum relay, emergency switch, fuse cutout switch, etc. 电器保护装置:零位

10、保护,过电流继电器,紧急开关,熔断保护等。,Safe Operation Procedure for Tower Crane Lifting(SOP-Lifting) 塔式起重机的安全操作规程,It is obliged that tower crane operator must hold the certificate at hand which issued by the National Ministry of Labor. 塔式起重机司机必须持有经国家劳动部门考核合格并颁发的上岗证,执证上岗; Newly assembled or repaired crane must perfor

11、m trial-run test and be inspected check the bolts of every part are properly fastened. 检查各传动部分、减速器、油量是否充足,各部分螺栓是否紧固; After control switch is closed, check the outside cover of electric appliance and manipulator to ensure in safe condition. 在总开关闭合后,用试电笔检查电器及控制器外壳,确认安全; Inspect the wear status of wire

12、 sling. 检查钢丝绳的磨损情况; Prior to crane operation, complete inspection needs to be carried out to make sure that manipulator, transmission part and brake gear are in good condition. 工作开始前,做一次全面检查,检查各控制器及传动装置、制动装置的可靠性。,Knowledge of Lifting & Rigging 起重吊装作业的基本知识,Slings 索 具,Knowledge of Lifting & Rigging 起重

13、吊装作业的基本知识,Wire rope 钢丝绳,Nylon rope 尼龙绳(化纤),Coir rope 棕绳,Clasp 卡环,Rope lock 绳卡,Elasticity conditioner 松紧器,Ropes 绳(带),Fixture卡具,Hook 吊钩,Slings 索具,Slings 索具,Nylon rope 尼龙绳(化纤),Clasp 卡环,Rope Cappel 绳卡,Hook 吊钩,Slings Legend 索具图例,Wire rope 钢丝绳,Wire rope 钢丝绳,Wire ropes are divided by numbers of strands and

14、 the number of wires in each strand. 钢丝绳按绳股数及每股中的钢丝数区分。 There are 6*7, 7*7, 6*19, 6*37, 6*61 types, etc. Among them, 6*19 and 6*37 are widely used in L&R. Wire rope of 6*19 is used as cable and sling while 6*37 is used in pulley block and as sling. 有6股7丝,7股7丝,6股19丝,6股37丝及6股61丝等。吊装中常用的有619、637两种。619钢

15、丝绳可作缆风绳和吊索;637钢丝绳用于穿滑车组和作吊索。 钢丝绳的安全系数 Safety Coefficient of Wire Rope Usage as 用途 Safety coefficient 安全系数 Cable 用作缆风绳 3.5 Sling without twist 用作无扭曲的吊索时 67 Manual-control lifting machine 用于手动起重设备 4.5 Lashing sling 用作捆绑吊索 810 Power-driven lifting machine 用于电动起重设备 56 Carrying persons 用于载人的升降机 14,Wire R

16、ope 钢丝绳,Fixed ropes have more than two broken wires in one lay in areas beyond end connections or more than one broken wire at one end connection。固定钢丝绳的一捻,在远离末端连接处的地方有两条以上断掉的金属丝,或者在末端连接处有一条以上断掉的金属丝; Running ropes have six randomly distributed broken wires in one lay or three broken wires in one stra

17、nd in one lay。转动钢丝绳的一捻中有六处任意分布的断掉的金属丝或者在其一股中有三条断的金属丝; Wear of one-third of the original diameter of the outside individual wires caused by abrasion, scrubbing, flattening, or peening ; 独立的钢丝绳外表由于磨损,擦洗,压扁或者锤击等原因磨损了它原来直径的1/3; Kinking, crushing, birdcaging, or any other damage resulting in distortion o

18、f the rope structure; 扭结,破碎,笼形畸变或是其他的损坏而导致钢丝绳结构的变形; Evidence of heat damage by any causes. 由任何原因引起的热破坏现象。,Wire rope should be replaced in several circumstances, including, but not limited to: 钢丝绳在以下情况下必须更换,但不仅限于,Wire Rope Usage Regulations 钢丝绳使用规定,Certificate 证书 All wire ropes must passed the test o

19、f LF assigned authority Institute with issued certificate prior to usage; 所有的钢丝绳在使用前必须通过拉法基指定权威认证检测机构的测试并有签发的证书. Tag 吊签 Any tags used in wire rope should include two aspects of information, sling reference No. & safe working load. 钢丝绳所用的吊签应包括两个信息: 钢丝绳编号及安全工作负荷,Only Wire rope meeting the following re

20、quirements can be used at site : 钢绳只有满足下面的要求,方能在现场使用:,Wire Rope 钢丝绳,Kink 拧曲,Twist 扭曲,Birdcage 笼形畸变,Broken 破损,Introduction of Steel Sling Splicing 钢丝绳插接的介绍,Requirement and specifications for sling splicing 插接的要求与规定 At least five times are required for each strand of wire rope when splicing. Loop shou

21、ld have minimum 15mm of lap butt at the end, in order to restrain from retraction when sling pulls. 钢丝绳每股插接的次数不能低于五次。插接尾部要留15MM的“毛头”, 以备吊索受拉后回缩。,Principle of Wire Rope Lashing 捆绑原则,Find out the load gravity center; 找到被吊装物体的重心 Slings used must meet load requirement; 所用的索具必须满足被吊装重物的要求 Ensure stability

22、 of L 保证吊装的平稳 Proper lashing method 正确的绑扎方式,General Knowledge of Wire Rope Lashing 捆绑钢丝绳常识,Methods of Lashing 绑扎方式,Example of Tight Lashing Method 稳固的绑扎,General Knowledge of Wire Rope Lashing 捆绑钢丝绳常识,Correct 对,Wrong 错,Fixture卡具,CORRECT 正确 ,Installed properly as to number, direction, spacing and torq

23、ue. 数量、方向、间距和扭矩都要以正确的方式安装,Installing Wire Rope Clips 绳卡的安装,Proper installation method of “Safe bent” 安装钢丝绳夹放“安全弯”方法,General Knowledge of Guide-rope Application 溜绳使用常识,It is necessary to use guide-rope during L increase dynamic load. 作用:保证被吊物品的稳定性,防止被吊装物体的摆动,增加动载荷。 The length of guide-rope is determi

24、ned by the load height. 溜绳的长度视吊装的高度而定。 Note: it is not allowed to pull load slantly. 注意:不允许用溜绳斜拉被吊装物品。,Fixture卡具,Manufacturers specification. 根据厂家规格 Never weld on hooks.不允许在吊钩上焊接 Work with safety latch. 吊装使用安全插销,Hooks are designed to apply the load at the bottom of the saddle. 吊钩的载荷受力于鞍部底端,LOAD,Hook

25、s 吊钩,Hand Signal 起重手语,An illustration of the signals must be posted at the job site 在工作现场必须张贴一张手势信号的图示说明,Remarks: While using hand signal, corresponding whistling tone should be adopted. 强调:现场吊装使用起重手语时,必须配合哨语的运用。,Knowledge of Safe Lifting & Rigging 起重吊装作业的基本安全知识,Staff and Responsibilities 起重作业人员及其职责

26、,Staff and Responsibilities 起重作业人员及其职责,Crane operator 起重机司机 Signal man 信号员 Rigger 起重工 L&R supervisor 吊装监督员,Crane operator 起重机司机,Staff and Responsibilities 起重作业人员及其职责,1. Ensure all overhanging parts are fully and safely equipped. Check the levelling of outrigger, verify the loading status of foundati

27、on and frequently oberserve the foundation change at the location of outrigger. 保证所有的外伸部分都充分配置并且是安全的;检查支腿的水平,核实地基的承载;观察支腿处的地基变化. 2. Prior to L 在旋转半径上有任何障碍物时不能起吊任何物体。 Without clear signal from signal man, not allowed to operate any L&R. 在没有从信号工那里得到清晰的信号之前不能起吊任何物体。 6. Be capable of correctly understan

28、ding hand signals. 能正确的理解手语信号。,Signal Man 信号员,Check with the rigger to ensure load is proper equipped before giving the signals. 在发出信号前和起重工确认,保证吊装物体装配得当。 Give the clear and correct signals to crane operator 向起重机司机发出准确而清晰的信号。,Staff and responsibilities 起重作业人员及其职责,Rigger 起重工,Inspect 检查保证使用正确的起重器具。 Che

29、ck the rope knot-tying method as well as sling angle to avoid sling over-load. 检查绳结方法/吊索角度,避免出现绳索的过载. Ensure load stability. When object is 200-500mm above ground level, remain at that position for three to five minutes. Only after ensure object is stable enough then continue to proceed. 保证吊装物体的稳定性。

30、当吊物吊起距地面200mm-500mm停止3到5分钟,确保物体稳定后再继续吊装. Prevent lifted loose material from falling down and make sure spare parts/components are at same length. 防止吊起的松散材料落下;保证散件吊装物的长短一致。 Adopt correct wire rope lashing method. It is required that there are at least two suspension points for spare parts/components

31、L&R. 采用正确的捆绑方式,散件吊点不能少于2点。 Adopt proper lashing methods to avoid damage of wire rope knot during L&R. 在吊装过程中采用合适的方法避免绳结损坏。 Use guide-line according to L&R object height to lessen swing of objects. 根据吊装物体的高度使用溜绳,避免物体的摆动。,Staff and Responsibility 起重作业人员及其职责,L&R Supervisor 吊装监督员,Supervise and guarantee

32、 the L&R operation is carried out by the approved MS. 监督并确保吊装作业按照审核批准的吊装方案实施. Make sure that crane operator is competent with training certificate. 保证让培训过且持有合格证书的的司机操作起重机。 Make sure that rigger and signal man are competent. 保证让有资质的起重工和信号员进行吊装工作。 Direct crane operator, rigger and signal man to take t

33、heir own reponsibilities. 在安全吊装过程中指挥起重机司机、起重工和信号员各负其责。 Adopt proper measures to avoid hazards once unsafe situation need to be reported. 一旦有不安全的情况报告,他应采取适当的措施。 Ensure all the L&R safely operated. 保证所有吊装操作都安全的执行,Staff and Responsibility 起重作业人员及其职责,Distribution of Weight and Gravity Center as well Sli

34、ng Connection 吊装物体重量、重心的分配及吊索连接,Know the Weight of the Load 了解装载的重量,Use shipping ticket or other documentation as reference. 参照货运单和其他文件中的数据 Ensure lift calculations are correct 确保提升数据计算正确 Make sure that load is within load rated capacity for boom length and load radius of crane. 确保荷载量是在悬臂长度和荷载半径额定量之

35、内 Crane is rated by the maximum weight it will lift at a minimum radius and minimum boom length the further from its centerpoint, the less it will lift. 吊车是以最大重量制定的额定量,它将以最小的半径和最小的悬臂长度进行升降-距中心越远,提升的重量越小,Sling Angles吊角,Basic knowledge of Lifting SWL 吊装安全工作负荷计算的基本知识,How Horizontal Angle Affects Sling

36、Capacity 水平角如何影响绳索的承重力,90,60,45,30,Basic knowledge of Lifting SWL 吊装安全工作负荷计算的基本知识,Sling Angle Factor 吊角公式,Where: L = Length of the sling. 绳索长度 H = Height of the connection point from the horizontal plane of the load.连接点到水平吊物的距离,Sling Angle Factor = L/H,Basic knowledge of Lifting SWL 吊装安全工作负荷计算的基本知识,

37、Traveling with a Load 行进装载,Knowledge of Safe Lifting & Rigging 起重吊装安全知识,Understand Hazard Types and Causes of Lifting & Rigging Work 了解起重吊装作业的危害种类及成因,Knowledge of Safe Lifting & Rigging 起重吊装安全知识,Understand Hazard Types and Causes of L & R 了解起重吊装作业的危害种类及成因,Types of Hazards 危害种类 Overturns 倾覆 Falls 坠落

38、Electrocution 触电 Compress 挤(压) Struck-down 物体击打 Fire 火灾 Other hazards 其它伤害,Hazards Types and Causes of L&R Work 起重吊装作业的危害种类及成因,How Do Accidents Occur? 事故是如何发生的?,Instability unsecured load, load capacity exceeded, or ground not even or too soft 不稳定性 - 装载不稳定、超载、或者是地面不达标或是土质过软 Lack of communication - t

39、he point of operation is too far from the crane operator or not in full view of the operator; 缺乏沟通 - 操作点距吊车司机过远或是不能完全控制在司机的视野内 Lack of training 缺乏培训 Inadequate maintenance or inspection 维护不足或检查不当,Site Control of SOP-Lifting 施工现场安全起重吊装控制流程,Knowledge of Safe Lifting & Rigging 起重吊装安全知识,Site Control of

40、SOP-Lifting 施工现场安全起重吊装控制流程,Risk assessment 风险评估,Crane Inspection Check List 吊车进场检验,L&R MS Approval 吊装方案审批,Issuance of PTW 签发吊装作业许可证,Supervision at site 吊装过程安全监督,Inspection after work finish 吊装结束检验,Site Inspection before start-up 施工前现场检验,Categories and Requirements of site L&R operation 现场吊装种类的范畴及相应要

41、求,1, Normal lift 常规吊装作业 Executed as per SOP-Lifting, only with necessary records or paperwork accroding to site requirement ; 按照吊装SOP(吊装操作流程)进行,只需要按照现场要求,做必要的记录或纸质文件; Normal lifts can only be performed by the dedicated operation team. In absence of signal man, rigger can perform his duty. 常规吊装作业必须由指

42、定的吊装小组进行。在信号员不在场的情况下,起重工可行使信号员的功能. 2, Hazardous lift 危险性吊装 Under the following situations, lifts are regarded as hazardous lifts 在下述情形下,视为危险性吊装 More than 30 tons, 30吨 80% of crane capacity at proposed operation radius 在规定操作半径下,被吊物重量达吊车负荷的80% Double lifts 使用两台吊车抬吊设备 Equipment need to be assembled at

43、site prior to L&R operation 需要进行现场组对的设备吊装,Categories and Requirements of site L&R operation 现场吊装种类的范畴及相应要求,Requirements 要求: Full written Lifting Plan( including MS & Risk Assessment) approved by LF Safe Lifting Supervisor 拉法基吊装安全工程师审批的全套书面吊装计划, 包括施工方案及风险评估 Norminated team dedicated to that particula

44、r lift (number and tasks as per MS) 指定的吊装队伍负责某项特定的吊装作业(数量及任务根据施工方案内容) Record of pre-inspection / toolbox meeting / lifting operation record 吊装前检查记录 / 班前会 / 吊装工作记录 3, Large-scale lifts (more than 40 tons) 大型吊装(重量大于40吨) Requirements 要求: Need documents mentioned in the second category in addition to sp

45、ecial PTW for large-scale lifts. 上述2.中的所有条件, 以及大型吊装作业许可证PTW,Site Control of SOP-Lifting 施工现场安全起重吊装控制流程,Risk Assessment 风险评估表,Risk Assessment - L & R 风险评估表,Site Control of SOP-Lifting 施工现场安全起重吊装控制流程,Crane Inspection Check List 吊车进场检验,Crane Approach Inspection Check List 吊 车 进 场 检 查 清 单,Site Control o

46、f SOP-Lifting 施工现场安全起重吊装控制流程,Contractor submit L&R MS 承包商提报吊装方案,Submission 提交,Review and Approval of L&R Method Statement(MS) 吊装方案审核,Lafarge L&R Supervisor Review & Approve MS 拉法基吊装安全工程师 审核吊装方案,Failed 未通过,Site Preparation 进行现场吊装作业准备,Pass 通 过,L&R MS Review Content 吊装方案审核内容 MS is compiled as per valid

47、 version of standards, codes, regulations, etc. 吊装方案引用的标准规范、规程等必须是有效版本 Key technical parameters 吊装工艺参数 Checking calculation of the strength and stability of the rigging, lifting lug and compensating beams etc.吊装用索具、吊耳、平衡梁等的强度及稳定性的验算 Checking calculation of the strength and stability of partial lift

48、吊物(局部)吊装强度及稳定性验算 Selection of main equipments/machinery 主要设备(机具)的选用 Lifting layout plan (Warning area should not be less than proposed operation radius) 吊装平面布置图 (警戒区域不得小于吊装的工作半径) Labor 劳动力组织 Organization chart 组织机构 Safety technical measurement 安全技术措施 Identify and evaluate hazards, risk assessment and safety prediction scheme. 主要危险源的识别与风险评估、安全预案,Site Control of SOP-Lifting 施工现场安全起重吊装控制流程,Site Control of SOP-Lifting 施工现场安全起重吊装控制流程,Self-check And Cross inspection 承包商吊前 自检、互检合格,Submission 提交,Site inspection before lift start-up 施工前现场检验,Lafarge L&R Supervisor confirmation before st


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