2019年大学金融英语chapter 18 American Commercial Banks.ppt

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1、Chapter Eighteen,American Commercial Banks,Learning objectives,After studying this chapter you should be able to: 1. Define the term of “commercial bank” 2. Tell the major functions performed by commercial banks 3. Describe briefly the principal business activities carried out by U.S. commercial ban

2、ks 4. Explain the chief sources of funds for U.S. commercial banks 5. Know the future challenges to be faced by U.S. commercial banks,Notes,I. New Words 1. to charter vt. 特许设立/成立to establish by adopting a charter 2. check n.(美)支票(英)cheque 3. to secure vt. 对进行担保to guarantee, e.g. secured loan担保贷款 4.

3、option n. 选择,选项 5. stockholder n.(美)股东(英)shareholder 6. challenge n. 挑战demanding or difficult task 7. intense a. 激烈的strong, e.g. competition激烈的竞争 8. to decline vi. 下减,减少,Notes,II. Useful and Idiomatic Expressions 1. to arrange for 为作安排to make arrangement for. 2. to write check 开出支票 3. a round of $5

4、million 一个500万的整数 4. to draw check on. 向开出支票要求它付款 5. in response to. 作为对的回应 6. to receive requests for. 收到有关的请求 7. to share risks among. 在间分担风险 8. in denomination of. 面值为,面额为,Notes,III. Key Terms 1. (the) Comptroller of the Currency(美)货币监理专员署a federal bank regulatory agency created by the National B

5、anking Act 2. lead bank 牵头行 3. maturity n. 到期,付款期限,到期日the date on which deposits, bond, insurance policy, bill of exchange become due for payment 4. municipal bonds (美)市政债券bonds issued by or sometimes guaranteed by, a state or local government or governmental agency 5. Treasury bills or T-bills (美)短

6、期国库券securities sold by the federal government with initial maturities of less than one year. They are often considered the lowest-risk security available 6. mortgage loans 用不动产作抵押所获贷款,抵押贷款(有时可简化成mortgage) 7. federal funds 联邦资金short-term deposits bought or sold between banks,Notes,8. tight money 货币紧缩

7、,银根吃紧 9. credit crunch 信贷紧缩=shortage of funds suffered by banks. When there is such shortage, banks are forced to curtail lending to large corporate customers. British people often use “credit squeeze” to express the same meaning. 10. commercial paper 商业票据negotiable instruments, esp. short-term prom

8、issory notes issued by corporations to investors and traded among investors as securities 11. promissory note 本票,期票an instrument representing a promise to pay a sum of money, and often interest, to (or to the order of) the bearer or a named payee在美国promissory note常常被简化为note 12. finance company 金融公司a

9、ny institution other than a bank that makes loans to businesses or individuals 13. securitization n. 证券化the process of transforming illiquid financial assets into marketable ones 14. primary capital 原有资本equity capital supporting the lending and deposit activities of a bank,Main Text,Definition of Co

10、mmercial Bank In the States a commercial bank is defined as an organization chartered either by the Comptroller of the Currency and known as a national bank or chartered by the state in which it will conduct the business of banking.,Main Text,Major Functions of Commercial Banks (1) They lend; (2) Th

11、ey accept time and demand deposits; (3) They facilitate the transfer of funds in the economy.,Main Text,Principal Business Activities of U.S. Commercial Banks 1. Deposit Taking 2. Loan Making 3. Buying U.S. Government Securities and Municipal Bonds 4. Limited Investment Banking Business,Main Text,So

12、urces of Funds for Commercial Banks 1. Borrowings from Depositors 2. Borrowings from Their Branches in Other Countries 3. Borrowings from Federal Funds 4. Other Sources of Funds to Commercial Banks (1) Borrowing by issuing or selling commercial paper (2) Through the use of promissory notes or bonds

13、by banks (3) The capital contributed by stockholders and the retained earnings (4) Deposits taken,Main Text,New Challenges to Be Faced by U.S. Commercial Banks The intermediation of credit directly through the financial markets Commercial banks lending costs may be too high in the future because of

14、the new capital adequacy rules set by American bank regulatory agencies,1. What are the major functions performed by commercial banks? 2. Can you tell the principal business activities carried out by American commercial banks? 3. How many sources of funds are there for American commercial banks? What are they? 4. What challenges will American commercial banks face in the future?,Questions for Chapter 18,This is the end of Chapter 18,Thank you for your attention,


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