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1、2012奥迪上海特别客户联谊活动 2012 Audi Shanghai Group relations Marketing Event http:/ Catalogue,项目背景 Background 活动目的 Objective 视觉设计 Visual Design 活动亮点 Highlights 活动内容 Contents 活动KPI Activity KPI,1,2,3,4,5,7,预算分解 Budget,项目背景 Background,上海作为一个国际性的大都市,汇聚了来自世界各地的精英人才,成为一个众人向往实现自我的梦想之地; Being an international metro

2、polis, Shanghai has gathered elites globally and has become a dreamland for self-fulfilling.,一汽-大众奥迪总部设在吉林长春,吉林孕育了她在中国的成长,每个吉林人对她有着特殊的情感;The Audi headquarter is located and gestated in Changchun, Jilin, so every Jilin people has a special feeling about it.,许多吉林同胞在上海工作、生活,很多人逐渐成为这个城市的新贵,具有很高的精神追求,一定的

3、物质需要。这些对奥迪有着深厚情感的吉林精英成为了上海一批特殊的奥迪忠实客户。Many Jilin compatriots work and live in Shanghai and are gradually becoming the new rich of the city, meanwhile they have high spiritual pursuit and certain material needs.,通过与吉林省驻沪办沟通交流了解到,驻沪办与生活在上海的众多高层次高素质的吉林同胞保持着很好的联系,通过驻沪办可以影响和加深与沪上吉林同胞的感情,并通过圈子营销更好的传播奥迪品牌;

4、Through communicating with the Office of Jilin Province in Shanghai, we can know the office keep a good contact with Jilin compatriots who are living in high-quality and high level lives ,moreover, we can deepen the feelings of compatriots in Shanghai , and Through group relations Marketing communic

5、ate Audi brand;,活动目的 Objective,情感沟通:吉林人对于家乡共同的感情,通过客户联谊和圈子营销进一步加深,让他们走到一起,为奥迪东部区以后的活动建立人脉; Emotion communication: Group Interpersonal Relations Marketing, brings Jilin Elites together in Shanghai, and to build a social network for further events of Audi east region.,口碑营销:通过吉林籍精英人士的高端平台、人脉,传播奥迪品牌,形成品

6、牌的口碑传播。 Buzz marketing: To build a communication for brand buzz by disseminating Audi brand via Jilin elites high-end platform and network.,潜在客户:邀请吉林籍的奥迪客户和潜在客户参加活动,积攒有特殊情感的忠诚客户群体; Potential buyers: To Influence those potential buyers with special emotions by inviting Jilin elites to the event.,视觉设计

7、 Visual design,2012奥迪上海特别客户联谊活动,活动亮点 Highlights,高端酒店奥迪车辆展示,展示奥迪Q7,使往来的高端人群对奥迪品牌及产品留下深刻影响,销售顾问提供现场咨询;Audi auto show in hotel, Audi Q7;making deep impressions of Audi brand and products on the high-end crowd come and go; consulting from sales consultant.,静态车展 Static auto show,联谊晚宴 Banquet,结合奥迪元素、中秋团圆元

8、素的联谊晚宴、嘉宾互动表演等环节让来宾有宾至如归的感觉;Banquet, music and show combining with elements of Audi and Mid-Autumn Festival make all guests feel at home.,来宾互动 Guests interaction,设置趣味互动表演环节,营造轻松融洽的沟通气氛,每位与会嘉宾获赠送精美的奥迪中秋礼品留念。Place fantastic interaction, create a relaxed and harmonious communication atmosphere. All par

9、ticipants will be given a souvenir Mid-Autumn Festival gift of Audi.,活动内容 Contents,主题: 2012上海奥迪特别客户联谊活动 Theme: 2012 Audi Shanghai Group relations Marketing Event 时间:2012年9月底(暂定) Time: End-September 2012 (Tentative) 地点:上海吉臣酒店(地址:上海市静安区万航渡路818号 ) Place: Ambassador Hotel Shanghai (Address: 500 Wanhang

10、Road, Jingan district) 来宾:上海吉林籍精英人士30位(驻沪办、商会、教授、律师等) Guest: 30 Jilin elites (chamber of commerce, professors, lawyers etc.) 形式:静态车展 / 联谊互动 Form: Static auto show/banquet/interaction,2012上海奥迪特别客户联谊活动 2012 Audi Shanghai Group relations Marketing Event,酒店介绍 Hotel Introduction,上海吉臣酒店 Ambassador Hotel,上

11、海吉臣酒店是由上海吉林实业有限公司投资兴建,委托香港铭源集团管理有限公司全权管理的高星级精品商务酒店。 酒店坐落于静安区、长宁区和普陀区三区交汇的中心点曹家渡商圈,中山公园商业圈、静安寺商业圈近在咫尺。,东北精英上海小聚的聚集地 Northeast elites shanghai gathering spot,地地道道家乡风味的东北菜 Exact and pure northeast dishes,活动内容 Contents,静态车展 Static auto show,备注: 展车地台使用已购买可拆卸地台,不另收取地台制作肥用。,活动内容 Contents,联谊晚宴流程 Schedule,活动

12、内容 Contents,嘉宾互动Interaction,每位参与活动嘉宾事前收到的活动邀请函会有一个编号,活动签到环节剪下编号投入抽奖箱 Each guest has a invitation number, he need to put the number tap into raffle box when he sign up. 由奥迪东部区领导抽取号码,抽中号码的来宾参与互动表演环节 The leader of Audi east region will fix the winner number, the winner guest will join in interaction pe

13、rformance. 卡拉ok大欢唱环节 Happy karaoke 以轻松娱乐的活动,营造轻松融洽的现场气氛,促成深层次情感沟通 Create a harmonious atmosphere in scene by relaxed entertainment activities, to promote a deep-seated emotional communication.,嘉宾互动环节 卡拉ok大欢唱 Guest interaction Karaoke,所有参与活动嘉宾获得奥迪赠送精美车模及月饼礼盒一份,礼品刻有此次活动主题,以作纪念。Each Audi car model incl

14、udes a carve of the event theme for commemoration.,室内布置 Decoration,室内布置 Decoration,活动KPI Activity KPI,有效集客:30名 Gathering rate: 30 促进长期销售:610台 Long-term sales: 6-10 与吉林籍精英人士建立互动,为之后活动积累人脉; To build interactions with Jilin elites for further events. 通过精英人群的高端平台,进行奥迪品牌传播,促成品牌的口碑营销。 To build a communication for brand buzz buy disseminating Audi brand via elites high-end platform,预算分解Budget,谢谢! Thank you!,


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