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1、真题研练 5050 TaskTask 1 1:阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 1 12020各题所给的四个选项(A A、B B、C C 和 D D) 中,选出最佳选项。 (2016浙江)During the war,my husband was stationed at an army camp in a desert in California.I went to live there in order to be _1_ him.I hated the place.I had never _2_been so unhappy.My husband was ordered out on a

2、 longterm duty,and I was left in a tiny shack(棚屋) alone.The heat was_3_almost 125 F even in the shade of a cactus(仙人掌)_4_a soul to talk to.The wind blew nonstop,and all the food I ate,and the very air I breathed,were_5_ with sand,sand,sand! I was so sorry for myself that I wrote to my parents.I told

3、 them I was _6_ and coming back home.I said I couldnt stand it one minute longer.I _7_ be in prison! My father answered my _8_with just two linestwo lines that will always sing in my_9_two lines that completely changed my life: Two men looked out from prison bars, One saw the mud,the other saw the s

4、tars. I read those two lines _10_.I was ashamed of myself.I made up my mind I would find out what was good in my present _11_;I would look for the stars. I made friends with the natives,and their _12_ amazed me.They gave me presents of their favorite artworks which they had _13_ to sell to tourists.

5、I studied the delightful forms of the cactus.I watched for the desert sunsets,and _14_ for seashells that had been left there millions of years ago when the sands of the desert had been an ocean _15_. What brought about this _16_ change in me? The desert hadnt changed,_17_ I had.I had changed my _18

6、_.And by doing so,I changed an unhappy experience into the most amazing _19_ of my life.I was excited by this new world that I had discovered.I had looked out of my selfcreated prison and _20_ the stars. 【语篇解读】 这是一篇记叙文。作者讲述自己为了离丈夫近一些,住在他所在的沙漠的 军营里,寂寞的生活和艰苦的生活条件让作者难以忍受,她写信告诉父母要回家。父亲给她的 信中就两行字,就是这两行字使

7、作者改变了自己对人生的态度。 1A.off Bbehind Cnear Dbeyond 1 答案 C 考查介词辨析及语境理解。根据上一句,作者的丈夫驻扎在沙漠的兵营中,所 以,作者去和他住在一起是为了住得近一些。故选 C。 2A.before Balready Cthen Dstill 答案 A 考查副词辨析及语境理解。根据下文的内容可知,在恶劣的沙漠环境中,作者 几乎要放弃,所以,她从来没有这么难过。故选 A。 3A.inflexible Bincomprehensible Cuncontrollable Dunbearable 答案 D 考查形容词辨析及语境理解。根据almost 125

8、F even in the shade of a cactus(仙人掌)可知,沙漠环境让人难以承受。故选 D。 4A.Only BNot CMany DSuch 答案 B 考查形容词辨析及语境理解。因为恶劣的沙漠环境,所以“没有一个人可以说 话”。故选 B。 5A.covered Bfilled Cburied Dcharged 答案 B 考查动词辨析及语境理解。be filled with.“”固定短语,意为 充满着。 故选 B。 6A.catching up Bkeeping up Cgiving up Dgetting up 答案 C 考查动词短语辨析及语境理解。因为恶劣的沙漠环境,作者

9、几乎要放弃,想要 回家。故选 C。 7A.ought to Bmight well Cwould rather Dhad better 答案 C 考查短语辨析及语境理解。根据上一句 I said I couldnt stand it one minute longer,所以作者宁愿待在监狱里,也不愿待在那儿。故选 C。 8A.request Bcall Cquestion Dletter 答案 D 考查名词辨析及语境理解。根据下文语境,作者的爸爸回信了,故选 D。 9A.comparison Bimagination Cconsideration Dmemory 答案 D “考查名词辨析及语境

10、理解。此句指的是 在我的记忆里总是在吟诵的两行话”, comparison“表示 比较”;imagination “想象”;consideration “考虑”;memory “记忆”。故 选 D。 2 10A.over and over Bby and by Cup and down Dnow and then 答案 A 考查副词短语辨析及语境理解。over and over “意为 一遍一遍地”。故选 A。 11A.company Boccupation Csituation Drelationship 答案 C 考查名词辨析及语境理解。因为无法改变现在的情况,所以作者下决心找到目 前情况

11、下好的一面。故选 C。 12A.movement Breaction Cguidance Dpurpose 答案 B 考查名词辨析及语境理解。根据下文可知,作者对当地人的反应感到惊讶。故 选 B。 13A.refused Bfailed Cmanaged Dhappened 答案 A 考查动词辨析及语境理解。根据下文可知,当地人把不愿意卖给游客的艺术品 送给了作者。故选 A。 14A.asked Bhunted Cwaited Dheaded 答案 B 考查动词短语辨析及语境理解。根据下文可知,作者是在寻找贝壳,huntfor “意为 寻找”。故选 B。 15A.floor Bsurface

12、Crock Dlevel 答案 A 考查名词辨析及语境理解。根据常识,贝壳是生活在海底的。故选 A。 16A.shocking Bchallenging Cpuzzling Dastonishing 答案 D 考查形容词辨析及语境理解。根据上下文的内容可知,作者发生了让人吃惊的 变化。astonishing “使人吃惊的,惊人的”;shocking“令人震惊的”。不符合句意。故选 D。 17A.as Bbut Cfor Dor 答案 B 考查连词辨析及语境理解。根据前句沙漠并没有改变,和后一句作者改变了, 这两句话之间是转折关系。故选 B。 18A.attitude Bprinciple Ci

13、dentity Dstandard 答案 A 考查名词辨析及语境理解。作者改变了看待事物的态度。故选 A。 19A.vacation Boperation 3 Caffair Dadventure 答案 D 考查名词辨析及语境理解。根据上文可知,作者把不愉快的经历改变成了我生 命中最神奇的冒险之旅。故选 D。 20A.sought Bcounted Cfound Dreached 答案 C 考查动词辨析及语境理解。根据上文内容作者克服了恶劣的沙漠环境,改变了 “看待事物的态度,找到了 星星”。故选 C。 Task 2Task 2:词汇积累 1inflexible adj.缺乏弹性的,不可改变的

14、 incomprehensible 难懂的,不可理解的 2catch up赶上 keep up保持,维持 give up 放弃 3comparison对比 4company陪伴,公司 occupation 工作,占用 5movement运动,活动 6shocking骇人的 challenging 具有挑战性的 7on a longterm duty 长期值班 8selfcreated 自己创造的 selfcentered 自我中心的 Task 3Task 3:语法填空 During the war,I had _1_ unforgettable experience.When I was gi

15、ving up, what was it _2_ completely changed my attitude towards my life. I often wonder what brought about this _3_ (astonish) change in me? The place _4_ I lived hadnt changed,_5_ I had.I had changed my attitude.And _6_ doing so,I _7_ (change) an unhappy experience into the most _8_ (amaze)adventur

16、e of my life.I was excited by _9_ I had discovered.I had looked out of my selfcreated prison _10_ found the stars. 答案 1.an 2.that 3.astonishing 4.where 5.but 6by 7.changed 8.amazing 9.what 10.and Task 4Task 4:短文改错(下面文字有十处错误,请改正) repeated me After I read those two lines ,I was ashamed of .I made up r

17、epeatedly myself my mind that I would find out what was good in my present situation. friend I began to make with the natives,and they did amazed me.They gave friends what me presents of their most favorite artworks which they had been refused to sell to 4 study tourists.I the delightful forms of th

18、e cactus.I watched for the desert sunsets, studied or and that hunted for seashells that had been left there millions of years ago the sands when of the desert had been an ocean floor. Task 5Task 5:攻克长难句(分析句子结构,尝试翻译成汉语) 1They gave me presents of their favorite artworks which they had refused to sell

19、 to tourists. 分析:本句是一个复合句。which“引导定语从句,先行词是 their favorite artworks”,指 “物,关系词在从句中作 sell”的宾语。 译文:他们将他们最喜欢的艺术品当作礼物送给我,而他们原来可是拒绝将这些艺术品卖 给游客的。 2I watched for the desert sunsets,and hunted for seashells that had been left there millions of years ago when the sands of the desert had been an ocean floor. 分

20、析:此句中含有两个定语从句,第一个 that had been left there.是修饰先行词 seashells 的,第二个 when the sands of the desert had been an ocean floor 是修饰先行 词 years。 译文:我看着沙漠的日落,寻找数百万年前留在那儿的贝壳,那里当时还是洋底。 Task 6Task 6:经典句式背诵 1I made up my mindmade up my mind I would find out what was goodwhat was good in my present situation. 我下定决心找出在目前情况下一些好的东西。 2My father answered my letter with just two linestwotwo lineslines thatthat will always sing in my memorytwo lines thattwo lines that completely changed my life. 我父亲给我的回信只有两行在我的记忆里将总是在高歌的两行,也是彻底改变了我生 活的两行。 5


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