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1、商务英语情景口语100主题,外国语学院大学英语教学部,3 Making Telephone Appointment,Words and Phrases,Secretary Concerning Possibility Completely Booked postpone,秘书 有关 可能性 完全 预约的 推迟,Words and Phrases,Shuffle Arrange Confirm Dentistry Remind opening,搅乱,重组 安排 确认 牙科医院 提醒 空缺,Words and Phrases,Scheduling conflict Time slot Return

2、 a call Miss sb. Make a meeting Get a hold of sb.,行程安排有冲突 时间段 回电话 没找到某人 安排见面 找到某人,Words and Phrases,Out of town Move a meeting Count on Take care of Look forward to,出城 改变见面时间 指望,料想 照顾,处理 期待,盼望,Words and Phrases,Feel free Put sb. in (for an appointment) Work sb. In Put sb. down (for an appointment),随

3、时 把某人安排进预约名单 额外安排某人 记下某人的预约时间,初级,您好,我是比尔伯顿。 Hello, Bill Burton speaking. 您有事吗? What can I do for you? 很高兴,我终于联系到您了。 I am glad to finally get a hold of you.,初级,那天,我要出城去办事。 I will be out of town that day. 周四下午怎么样? What about Thursday afternoon? 你可以吗? Will that work for you?,初级,我们订在2点好吗? Shall we say a

4、bout 2 oclock? 你好,多丽丝在吗? Hello, is Doris available 请问您是哪位? Who is calling please?,中级,我是布拉德福家庭公司的詹尼詹金思,您给我打过电话。 This is Jenkins of Bradford and Sons returning your call. 我的秘书说您打电话问我们下周二见面的事,是吗? My sectary said you called concerning our meeting next Tuesday? 我们有没有可能把见面的时间改到周一? Is there any possibility

5、 we can move the meeting to Monday?,中级,对不起恐怕我周一的日程已排满了。 I am sorry, I am afraid I am completely booked on Monday. 能否等您回来再说? What it be possible to postpone until you return? 我盼着下周四下午2点与您见面。 I will look forward to seeing you at 2 oclock next Thursday afternoon.,中级,事实上,我确实需要改一下预约时间。 Actually, I do nee

6、d to change the time of my appointment. 我的行程安排有点冲突,所以我无法那么早到医院。 I have a scheduling conflict, and I cant make it that early. 你能把我的名字记载这个时间段吗? Can you put me down for that time slot?,高级,我想告诉您下周二我不能赴约。 I wanted to let you know I will not be able to make our meeting next Tuesday. 我打算在离开之前处理好见面之事,不过我想我可

7、以重新安排一下。 I was counting on taking care of our meeting before I leave, but I suppose I could shuffle a few things.,高级,你如果要更改时间,请随时大我手机联系。 If you need to change the time, please feel free to call me on my cell phone. 我打电话是想确认一下你明天商务9点与帕克医生的预约有没有问题。 I am calling to confirm your appointment for tomorrow

8、 morning at 9 am with Dr. Parker.,高级,对不起,夫人。午饭后唯一的空缺时间是1:15,不过我能把你加在4点以后。 Sorry madam, the only opening we have after lunch is 1:15, but I might be able to work you in after 4.,3. Making Telephone Appointment 电话预约,对话1 A: 您好,我是比尔伯顿。您有事吗? B: 您好,伯顿先生。我是布拉德福家庭公司的詹尼詹金思,您给我打过电话。非常抱歉,您今天商务往我办公室大电话时我正好不在。我的

9、秘书说您打电话问我们下周二见面的事,是吗? A: 是的,詹金思小姐。谢谢您能回电话。很高兴,我终于联系到您了。我想告诉您下周二我不能赴约。那天我要出城办事,有没有可能把见面时间改到周一? B: 对不起,恐怕我周一的日程已排满了。能否等到您回来再说? A: 噢,天啊,我原本打算在离开之前处理好见面之事,不过我想我可以重新安排一下。没错,我们可以重新安排一下。我周四商务才回来。那周四下午怎么样?这个时间你可以吗? B: 应该没问题。我们定在二点可以吗? A: 1:15 好极了。我盼着下周四下午二点与您见面。如果您要更爱时间,请随时打我手机联系。 B: 谢谢,伯顿先生。下周四见。,Dialogue

10、1,A: 您好,我是比尔伯顿。您有事吗? M:Hello,Bill Burton speaking. What can I do for you? B: 您好,伯顿先生。我是布拉德福家庭公司的詹尼詹金思,您给我打过电话。非常抱歉,您今天商务往我办公室大电话时我正好不在。我的秘书说您打电话问我们下周二见面的事,是吗? F:Hello,Mr Burton, this is Jenny Jenkins of Bradford and sons returning your call. Im sorry you missed me when you called my office this morn

11、ing. My secretary said you called concerning our meeting next Tuesday?,Dialogue 1,A: 是的,詹金思小姐。谢谢您能回电话。很高兴,我终于联系到您了。我想告诉您下周二我不能赴约。那天我要出城办事,有没有可能把见面时间改到周一? M:Yes Ms Jenkins, thank you for returning my call. Im glad to finally get hold of you. I want to let you know I will not be able to make our meeti

12、ng next Tuesday. I would be out of town that day. Is there any possibility we can move the meeting to Monday?,B: 对不起,恐怕我周一的日程已排满了。能否等到您回来再说? F:I am sorry. Im afraid I am completely booked on Monday. Would it be Possible to postpone until you return? A: 噢,天啊,我原本打算在离开之前处理好见面之事,不过我想我可以重新安排一下。没错,我们可以重新安

13、排一下。我周四商务才回来。那周四下午怎么样?这个时间你可以吗? M:Oh,dear. I was counting on taking care of our meeting before leave. But I suppose I can shut off a few things. Yes, we can arrange something. I will be back Thursday morning. What about Thursday afternoon? Would that work for you?,B: 应该没问题。我们定在二点可以吗? F:That should b

14、e fine, shall we say about two oclock? A: 1:15 好极了。我盼着下周四下午二点与您见面。如果您要更爱时间,请随时打我手机联系。 M:Perfect! I look forward to seeing you at two oclock next Thursday afternoon. If you need to change the time, please feel free to call me on my cell phone. B: 谢谢,伯顿先生。下周四见。 F:Thanks Burdon, Ill see you on Thursday

15、.,3. Making Telephone Appointment 电话预约,对话2 A: 您好 B: 您好,多丽丝在吗? A: 我是多丽丝。请问您是哪位? B: 你好,多丽丝,我是帕克牙医医院的迈克。我打电话是想确认一下你明天商务9点与帕克医生的预约有没有问题。 A: 噢,我差点忘了。谢谢你打电话提醒我。事实上,我确实需要改一下预约时间。我的行程安排有点冲突,所以我无法那么早到医院。 B: 如果把你往后排,那样可以吗? A: 那得午饭以后。2点以前你们有空吗? B: 对不起,夫人。午饭后唯一的空缺时间是1:15,不过我能把你加在4点以后。这个时间是不是会更合适? A: 那好吧,我想我能在1:

16、15赶到。你能把我的名字记在这个时间段吗? B: 没问题。我把你明天商务预约时间改为明天下午1:15。 A: 太好了。非常感谢。,Dialogue 2,A: 您好 F:Hello B: 您好,多丽丝在吗? M:Hello,is Doris available? A: 我是多丽丝。请问您是哪位? F:This is Doris, who is calling please? B:你好, 多丽丝,我是帕克牙医医院的迈克。我打电话是想确认一下你明天商务9点与帕克医生的预约有没有问题。 M:Hi,Doras, this is Mike calling from Parkers dentistry. I

17、m calling to confirm your appointment for tomorrow morning at 9am with Doctor Parker.,Dialogue 2,A: 噢,我差点忘了。谢谢你打电话提醒我。事实上,我确实需要改一下预约时间。我的行程安排有点冲突,所以我无法那么早到医院。 F:Oh,I almost forgot. Thank you for calling to remind me. Actually, I do need to change the time of my appointment. I have a scheduling confl

18、ict, and I cant make it that early. B: 如果把你往后排,那样可以吗? M:If I put you in that later slot, would that work out?,Dialogue 2,A: 那得午饭以后。2点以前你们有空吗? F:It would have to be after lunch. Do you have anything available about 2 oclock? B: 对不起,夫人。午饭后唯一的空缺时间是1:15,不过我能把你加在4点以后。这个时间是不是会更合适? M:Sorry,Mam. The only op

19、ening we have after lunch is 1:15, but I might be able to work you in at 4:00. Would that be a better time?,A: 那好吧,我想我能在1:15赶到。你能把我的名字记在这个时间段吗? F:Thats all right. I think I should be able to make it at 1:15. Can you put me down for that time slot? B: 没问题。我把你明天商务预约时间改为明天下午1:15。 M:No problem, I have your appointment changed from tomorrow morning to tomorrow afternoon at 1:15 A: 太好了。非常感谢。 F:Wonderful. Thanks very much.,


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