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1、On Golden Pond is a quiet, reflective movie about an elderly couple spending the summer by a lake.,Clip 1 Back to Golden Pond,Quibbling on Age (1/2),Ethel: And now hes had a fall. Norman: Maybe he wanted to kill himself. Maybe he wanted to be cremated. Probably got cancer or termites or something. E

2、thel: Shut up, Norman! Norman: Not a bad way to go, huh?. Quick front flip off the mantel(壁炉台) , a bit of a kick(极度刺激)and end up in the fire. Nothing to it. Ethel: Norman, will you shut up?. Norman: When my numbers up, do that for me. Prop me up on the mantel, point out which way is down. Might even

3、 try for a full gainer(反身翻腾)with a half twist(转体半周).,Ones number is up. 这个习惯用语起源于一次大战期间军队里的行话。“His number is up.” 他阵亡了。这里的number是指军人的番号。 现在这个习惯用语常指“劫数难逃,大难临头”。,Ethel: Norman Thayer, Jr., your fascination with dying is beginning to frazzle磨损my good humor. Norman: Not fascination. Just crosses my mind

4、 now and then. Ethel: Every five minutes. Dont you have anything else to think about? Norman: Nothing quite as interesting.,Quibbling on Age (2/2),Clip 2 Chelseas arrival,Norman: Look at this little fat girl, Ethel. Ethel: Oh, Norman! Youre as thin as a rail.,Norman: Rented a car? Chelsea: In Boston

5、. Norman: What sort of car is it? Chelsea: I dont know. Green, I think. Ethel: Ooh! A green car. Norman: I meant what sort of make is it. Chelsea: I dont know. Ethel: She doesnt know, Norman. It doesnt matter. Norman: Of course it doesnt. I was just curious. Chelsea: Well, I guess I should have look

6、ed. Lets see. Its very ugly and it breaks down a lot. Norman: Ugly and breaks down. Sounds like a Nash.,Billy: I hear you turned 80 today. Norman: Is that what you heard? Billy: Yeah. Man, thats really old. Norman: You should meet my father. Billy: Your fathers still alive? Norman: No, but you shoul

7、d meet him.,The first talk between Billy and Norman,Normans speech at his Birthday party,.Ive been trying all day to draw some profound conclusion about living four score years. I havent thought of anything. Im surprised I got here so fast. But Im glad I got to spend so much time with this beautiful

8、 woman. Whats your name again?,ETHEL: Oh, for the Lords sake, here we go again. You had a miserable childhood. Your father was overbearing, your mother ignored you. What else is new? Chelsea, you have a great big chip on your shoulder which is very unattractive. It is. It is. You stay away for years

9、 at a time. You never come home unless I beg you to and then when you do, all you can do is “be disagreeable about the past”. Whats the point? Dont you think that everyone looks back on their childhood with a certain amount of bitterness and regret about something? It doesnt have to ruin your life,

10、darling. Youre a big girl now. Arent you tired of it all? Bore, bore, bore! Life marches by, Chels. I suggest you get on with it.,Clip 3 Talk on Father-daughter relationship,a chip on ones shoulder (informal) a deeply ingrained grievance, typically about a particular thing (非正式) 根深蒂固的不满, 芥蒂。,carry/h

11、ave/wear a chip on ones shoulder 愤愤不平,准 备 随 时 吵 嘴 、 打 架 的 样 子,一 般 是 指 感 到 委 屈 , 一 有 机 会 就 爆 发 的 人 。,Ethel: You mustnt let Norman upset you, Billy. Billy: Sure. Ethel: He wasnt yelling at you, you know. Billy: Sounds like he is yelling at me. Ethel: No, he was yelling at life. Billy: What the heck do

12、es that mean? Ethel: It means hes like an old lion. He has to remind himself that he can still roar. Billy. Sometimes you have to look hard at a person and remember that hes doing the best he can. Hes just trying to find his way, thats all. Just like you.,Clip 4 The old arsonist,Hey, Norman. Are you

13、 afraid of dying?,Chelsea. Chelsea! Chelsea!,Clip 5 In danger,Ethel: Darling, youre wrong about your dad. He does care. He cares deeply. Its just that hes an absolute mutt about telling anyone. I know hed walk through fire for me. And hed walk through fire for you, too. If you dont understand that,

14、youre not looking closely enough. Chelsea: I dont even know him. Ethel: Chels,. Norman is 80 years old. He has heart palpitations and trouble remembering things. Just exactly when do you expect this friendship to begin? Chelsea: Im afraid of him. Ethel: Well, hes afraid of you. So you should get alo

15、ng fine. Here he comes, Chels. Talk to him!,Clip 6 Amicable settlement,Chelsea: It seems that you and me have been mad at each other for so long. Norman: I didnt know we were mad. I thought we just didnt like each other. Chelsea: I want to be your friend. Norman: Oh. This mean youll come around more

16、 often? Mean a lot to your mother. Chelsea: Ill come around more often. Norman: Well.,Ethel: .Youve talked about death ever since we met, but this is the first time I really felt it. Norman: How does it feel? Ethel: Oh,. it feels odd. Cold, I guess. Not that bad, really. Not so. frightening. Almost

17、comforting. Not such a bad place to go, I dont know.,Clip 7 Everlasting Golden Pond,Norman: Ethel, listen. The loons. Theyve come round to say goodbye. Just the two of them now. The babys all grown-up and moved to Los Angeles or somewhere.,Themes Exploration,Old age and eternal love Generation gap Parent-child relationship,The End,


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