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1、Unit 5 Great people,Lesson 37 Touch the world,柴岗一中 李艳梅,Helen Keller的成长过程,blind deaf well-known writer educator greatly,Learn the text,New words,Planetary Post n.行星邮报 Sullivan 沙利文 Helen Keller 海伦 凯勒 courage n.勇气;胆量 well-known adj. 众所周知 greatly adv.非常;很 writer n.作家 educator n.教育家 blind adj.失明的;瞎的 deaf

2、 adj.聋的 sight n.视力;景象 hearing n.听力;听觉,Listen to the tape and answer the following questions:,When was Helen born ? What made her blind and deaf ? How did Anne Sullivan help Helen when Helen studied at university? What was Helen famous for ? What did Helen do her best to do after she finished her edu

3、cation ?,Reading Task: True or False,1.Helen Keller is a famous writer and educator . 2.Helem Keller was a hero to healthy people around the world. 3.Helen Keller was born in 1880 in England . 4.A high fever made Helen blind and deaf. 5. When she lost her sight and hearing ,she became difficult and

4、wild.,T,F,T,T,F,6.Because Helen couldnt understand other people she shouted and cried. 7.Helens teacher , Anne Sullivan taught her the first word- “ mother ”. 8.Helen had special books with letters she could touch . 9.When Helen studied at university ,her mother sat beside her. 10.Helen Keller was v

5、ery famous for her courage and hard work.,T,F,T,T,F,Language notes,When she lost her sight and hearing, she became difficult and wild. 当她失去了听力和视力时,她变得难以相处并且很暴躁。 She was very famous for her courage and hard work . 她因她的勇气和辛勤工作而著名。 be famous for +事物 Einstein is famous for his Theory of Relativity. be f

6、amous as +职业 Zhou Jielun is famous as a singer.,She did her best to help other people who were deaf or blind. 她尽全力帮助其他的聋哑人或盲人。 do ones best to do sth. She will be greatly missed. 她将被深深地怀念. 一般将来时态的被动语态的谓语构成: will +be +done. A new bridge will be built here next year. The work will be finished in two d

7、ays.,Useful expressions,at the age of 在岁时 blind and deaf people 盲人和聋哑人 fall ill =get ill 生病 have a high fever发高烧 between and 在和之间 begin to do/ begin doing sth 开始做某事 at first 起先,开始 learn to do sth 学会干某事 be famous for /be famous as 因而著名 do ones best to do sth 尽某人最大的努力做某事,Helen Keller, _ writer and edu

8、cator. She was a hero to_ She had been a _and _girl before she fell _.It made her _ and _. In 1887,a young teacher, Anne Sullivan, began_ _ Helen. She spelled words _ Helens _with her finger. One day, Helen was _ in some water. Anne Sullivan spelled _onto Helens hand.,_,well-known,blind and deaf peo

9、ple,bright,happy,ill,blind,deaf,to help,on,hand,playing,w-a-t-e-r,around the world,As Helen grew _, she learned _ read. She also learned to _and _.When Helen studied at _,Anne Sullivan sat _her. After Helen _ university, she visited many countries. She spoke _ her life. She was famous _ her courage

10、and hard work. She will be _missed.,older,to,read,speak,university,beside,finish,about,for,greatly,用所给词或短语完成句子。 special courage deaf at the age of educator 1.Xu Teli is a famous _. 2.The blind can read_books with letters they can touch. 3.Linda wrote the first book _20. 4.When she was young ,she became_. 5.When she heard the news, she showed remarkable_.,educator,deaf,at the age of,special,courage,See you later!,教学评价,


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