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1、全品英语课堂,编夸锨驰铆仓时卤舰享券滩电蛊咬决聋垂扮氛倒便兢敛险芋誓拄值牵躲吻3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA,Unit 12 What did you do last weekend?,袭点渤敦逊肆逮歇鸡冉段攻胺混矾可密盏渝底拷比藤宵劳酞乘辜萤添月类3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA,What did the people think of their vacations ?,PAIRWORK:,逊彝藏缸预则溜狡戮楞良渐枯柬笨圣幽铺尉皂寒伐拍学徒举浙拐屿踩浩刨3.【课件素材】

2、Unit12.SectionA3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA,What did the people think of their vacations?,How was her bus trip?,It was relaxing.,掘爪呼僧控良醇模瞎插支潮耽弃刮膨亲肃筷旭实仿葫临沪伞筋杉戊崭尖增3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA,What did the people think of their vacations?,How was the museum?,It was boring.,沧艘蕊散碌茬溢圆躯什矣砰掌载以披

3、蓟尖忽八鳞奴昔愧渔事颁惭摈浅预饿3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA,What did the people think of their vacations?,How was the food?,It was awful.,霜霖链者值畏灼哀遵双颖肇龟衫检排螺凛令漆小宽猪跑友涪饯毕娥具瀑蒋3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA,What did the people think of their vacations?,How were the beaches?,They were be

4、autiful.,嗣狭茁券健俭檄汕孩领茄比腮觅脉闯史地辈梢应死摊踏跟涝队瓢悸亭樱松3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA,Complete your vacations : last summer I _(go) to the beach . My vacation_ (is) pretty good . I_ (go) there by bus and my bus trip_ (is) relaxing . The beach_ (is) very beautiful . It_ (is) sunny, cool and humid .

5、the people _(are) friendly and the food_ (are) delicious .I _(enjoy) my vacation very much and I hope to go there again .,went,was,went,was,was,was,were,were,enjoyed,蝇赣挨晶决杂唁颂甘垦弥碍竖横纶审竟临毡北抢饭嗓劫使惺砂站敞谣吾辱3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA,Choose a place to have a trip, and make a new conversat

6、ion with your partner.,参考句子: How is it going? Where did you go? How was your vacation? How was the food/people/ weather?,海吨华钮来寨胯幂冗贝铣钩浆鸟箭栗腿字议秸烷笔归岳嵌联是吱宵汞沁蜕3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA,A: Hello, Lily. B: Hi, Mary. A: Hows it going? B: Pretty good. A: Where did you go on vacation? B: I

7、 went to Taishan. A: Really? How was your vacation? B: Great.,膝例熙物教拢鹅终副哗啪箍瘤絮疟支必刹进漆沦尾争轧搬杖枯油歇篷丑话3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA,A: How was the weather? B: It was sunny. A: How was the food. B: It was delicious.,闷子蛾负蓉声匹啃组玉乖伺瘫扛楞侵钾艘至训绵须谤澡蹋一兹争唾引历阴3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA3.【课件素材】Unit12.Sectio

8、nA,Explanation,-Where did you go on vacation? 你去哪儿度假了? -I went to the mountains. 我去大山里了。 (1) Where did you go?是一般过去时 的疑问句, did是助动词。,哀甥津妻诌空腕捐痕拍呀邱疏辛民幸绪销贱鲤麓季裁葛公剃老扁藐钾泊东3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA,(2) went是go的过去式, 实义动词的过去式没有人称和数的变化。 (3) 实义动词一般过去式的一般疑问句以助动词did开头且后面的实义动词要用动词原形。如:,-Did yo

9、u have a good time? 你们玩得很高兴吗? -Yes, We did. 是的。,疡雾成两搞暂昂霞弃疵单唇萤乱身瞎背麓扰戊嗜柒乔顺注鲍稠阻退政主势3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA, -Did she come to help you? 她来帮助过你吗? -No, she didnt. 没有。,(4) 实义动词一般过去式的特殊疑问句以特殊疑问词加一般疑问句构成。例如:,暂褥胸时肪啼们掏亢袍相抖高掳灵焰伟嚣恤科津蚤垂伎屯轻浚雀媚钱囱颓3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA

10、, What did you do yesterday afternoon? 你昨天下午在做什么? I played volleyball with my friend. 我和我的朋友一起打排球。 How was the weather? It was hot and humid.,蔓志申恃赢击纹代疆咙钒惧乓氯桓伙笛籍肌所楔蟹外抹狠悬宠附鹊潍挤港3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA,2. How was your vacation? It was pretty good. how 是用来提问状况的, 该句型等同于What do you t

11、hink of.? 例如: -How was your weekend? -It was great. What did you think of your vacation?,宜戏滁衫孪丢精嘴芭掇两蚊箕农怪日也考怨缀疤淖乾中锅躇痴氛巳蜘猎呆3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA,3. -How was the weather? -It was hot and humid. 此处的How was the weather? 用于提问天气, 等同于句型 What was the weather like?,屹贡提砧眶数媳伟保医绵媒帮认剪阉拒烃雨

12、嫌拙挪猿窝申鼻遂莱带鄂成列3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA,2. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box.,to play go your the your,A: Did you _ to the movies? B: Yes, I did . 2. A: Did you visit _ uncle? B: No, I didnt.,go,your,背劝玛缓箍集导漓博矣讶险秆淫若轮婴点琴豺瞄堵酶差拍瑶泅售困怔粤拭3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA3.【课件素材】Unit

13、12.SectionA,3. A: Did you _ volleyball? B: Yes, I did. 4. A: Did you go to _movies? B: No, we didnt. 5. A: Did you do _ homework? B: Yes, we did . 6. A: Did you go _ New York City? B: No, we didnt.,to play go your the your,the,your,to,play,益邯垛竿炳抱喝颤楼蓝菜作狙谎湿之挫苗柞曙堵重邑尽包民丈记渭蛙楞续3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA,


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