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1、第一部分JB第四课时: Units 7-8,复习策略 课前热身 要点、考点聚焦 典型例题解析 课时训练,复习策略,1.掌握动词不定式的各种用法,理解 have/has gone to 与 have/has been to 的区别。 2.学习爱迪生永不放弃的精神,了解西方传统 节日圣诞节,掌握与课文有关的词汇。 3.能熟练地用英语描述圣诞节或其他节日,能熟练地用英语介绍某一人物。 , ,课前热身,1.我想如果我制作一支钢笔,里面装有一个仪器,我将能写得 更快。 I think if I make a pen that has a machine in it, Ill be able to wri

2、te faster. 2.其中一些发明在改变世界中所起的作用比另外一些要大 Some of these inventions have changed the world more than others. 3.你最想拥有哪一个? Which of these would you most like to own? 4.不管这有多难,他从不放弃。 No matter how hard it was, he never gave up.,5.十二岁那年,他开始写自己的报纸。 At the age of 12, he started writing his own newspaper. 6.火车快

3、速开过来,那男孩吓得动弹不得。 A train was coming near quickly, and the boy was too frightened to move. 7.那男孩的父亲非常感谢爱迪生,结果教他如何用电报发送信息。 The boys father was so thankful that he taught Edison how to send message by telegraph. 8.我们让他把音量关小点。 Lets ask him to turn it down.,课前热身,9.在圣诞节能来这儿的梦想已经成真。 To be here at Christmas

4、time is a dream that has come true. 10.“装饰这棵树”是什么意思? What do you man by “decorate the tree”? 11.圣诞节期间,朋友们聚在一起,唱着圣诞歌,从一家走到另一家。 During the Christmas season friends get together and go from house to house singing Christmas song. 12.他们这样做是为了娱乐,也为了把圣诞精神带给每家每户的人们。 They do this for fun and to bring the spi

5、rit of Christmas to the people in eachhouse.,课前热身,13.圣诞老人是依据历史上的一个真实的人。 Father Christmas is based on a real person in history. 14.他们整天玩新玩具并去拜访他们的亲戚朋友。 They spend the day playing with the new toys and visiting their relatives and friends. 15.他们以拥抱互相问候,并说:“圣诞快节!” They greet each other with a hug and s

6、ay “Merry christmas!” 16.晚上玛利亚生下这个非凡的孩子。 That night Mary gave birth to this very special boy.,课前热身,要点、考点聚焦,Whats the matter with.? Whats the trouble with. Whats happened to.? Whats up?,2.Whats wrong with.怎么啦?与它意思相同的句子还有:,fix repair三个词为同义词 mend,1.修理,3.,be able to 能,会,可以用过去时和将来时 can 能,会,没有时态变化,要点、考点聚焦

7、,5.write neatly 写整洁,have a lot of fun a funny idea an interesting idea,4. funny 有趣的,可笑的,它的名词是 fun,,为不可数名词,形容词与副词的用法,形容词,副 词,(1)形容词+名词 careful student (2)系动词+形容词 smell bad,(1)行为动词+副词 write quickly (2)副词+形容词 really cool,要点、考点聚焦,6.,come up with 想出 think of 想出,想到 produce 产生,7.,try to do sth. 试图做某事,努力做某事

8、 try doing sty 试着干某事 try ones best to do sth.尽力干某事 do ones best to do sth. try out 试验,三词均可用于想出办法、主意等,=,要点、考点聚焦,8.give up sth. /doing sth. 放弃某事/干某事,give a call 给打电话 give a talk 作报告 give birth to 生孩子 give oneself to 埋头干 give up 放弃(give up doing sth.) give a concert 举行音乐会 give back 归还、返回 give.message 捎

9、口信 give name 命名 give.the message 捎口信,give 构成的短语有,要点、考点聚焦,what kind of spirit 哪一种精神 the spirit of.的精神,10.,ones own. 某人自己的 my own bike 我自己的自行车 own sth. 拥有某物 例: own my own car有我自己的车 。 ,9.own 自己的;拥有,11.,invent 发明(动词);invent a computer invention 发明物(名词),the four inventions inventor 发明家(名词,指人)an inventer,

10、要点、考点聚焦,12.,be interested in 对感兴趣(被动) be interesting 有趣的(主动),-ed 形容词表被动,主语往往是人; -ing形容词表主动,主语往往是物。,14.not.any more/not.any longer /no more 三词都表示为“不再”的意思 ,have nothing to do with be not about与无关 have something to do with 与有关,-ed 形容词与-ing 形容词都有这样的区别。,13.,要点、考点聚焦,be good at 擅长干 do well in 在学得好 ,when he

11、 was 22 当他22岁时 at the age of 22 在他22岁时,16.,两个短语可作同义词替换,15.,be weak in 在弱 do badly in 在干得差,要点、考点聚焦,thankful 感激的 形容词 grateful thank 感谢 动词 thank sb. for sth./doing sth. thanks 感谢 名词 many thanks 多谢 ,17.,19.,18.,send.to 把送给(到) send for 派人去请(叫)(不亲自去) send away 开除 send up 发射 把往上送,with the money 用这些钱 with t

12、he help of./with ones help在的帮助下 with these words 说完这些话 with long history 有着悠久历史,要点、考点聚焦,20.graduate from school 学校毕业,sound like 听起来像 look like 看起来像 ,22,23,at the end of 在的末尾 by the end of 到末为止 in the end at last,finally 最后,终于 ,21.work as.作为工作 例: work as a teacher,24,get together 相聚,是短语 gettogether 聚

13、会、聚欢会,是名词 ,要点、考点聚焦,during 在期间,用在表示一段时间的名词前 in 在时,表示具体发生的时间 ,in spring 在春天 季节前无冠词,表示泛指用 in。 during the spring 在这个春天期间,季节前加冠词 “the”,是特指这个春天这段时间,用“during”。,during the holiday 在假期期间 in 1998 在1998年,25,要点、考点聚焦,三个短语可以用来做同义句转换。例如 We filled the bottle with milk The bottle was filled with milk The bottle was

14、full of milk.,fill.with 把装上,表主动 be filled with.里装上了表被动 be full of.里装满了表状态,27.,even though 即使,纵然。从句内容常作为一种前提 even if 即使纵然。从句表示假定性,例句:Even if he is poor, she loves him very much. 即使他很穷,她也仍然非常爱他。 Even thongh he is poor, she shill loves him. 尽管他很穷,但她仍然爱他。,26.,要点、考点聚焦,28.He didnt know what to do. 他不知道该干什

15、么。,to do 为动词不定式作宾语。 再如:have nice food to eat;have sth. to say。,29.People have a lot of interesting thing to do. 人们有许多有趣的事要做,to do 动词不定式常与疑问词连用, 该句型常与宾语从句互相转换, 即:He didnt know wat he should do.,要点、考点聚焦,30.be always doing 总是干某事 ,have /has gone to 去了, 还未回来(在途中或目的地) have/has been to 去了,已经回来,31.tell of t

16、ell about 讲述,32.give birth to 生孩子,33.,【例1】Can you show me _ an email? 福州市.2003 A.send B.how to send C.what to send D.to send,典型例题解析,【例3】Do you know _? At 8:00 a.m. 大连市. 2003 A.who to talk with B.when to have a meeting C.what to do next D.where to go swimming,【例2】Did you see the football match last n

17、ight? Yes, I have never seen _ exciting match before.福州市.2003 A.such a B.so a C.such an D.so an,B,C,B,典型例题解析,【例4】The young man broke his arm is the accident and had to _ him job.河南省.2003 A.send up B.put up C.give up D.get up ,【例6】当李先生听到这个好消息时,兴奋得说不出话来。 Mr Li was _ excited _ say anything when he hear

18、d this piece of good news.北京市 2003,【例5】He walked _ fast for us catch up with.天津市.2003 A.so, that B.such, that C.enough, to D.too, to,【例7】Pass _ the knife please.My pencil is broken. 北京市. 2003 A.I B.me C.my D.mine,C,D,B,too to,词汇 A.根据所给中文或首字母提示完成句子。 1.Which of the cars would you most like to o_? 2.Th

19、omas Edison was a great American i_. 3.He works a_ a waiter in the restaurant. 4.They do this just for f_ (娱乐). 5.W_ the money they built a public library. ,课时训练,wn,nventor,s,un,ith,B.用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。 1.He became _(interesting)in maths 2.They didnt work so _ (careful)as they could. 3.Ask them speak _

20、(quiet), my father is sleeping. 4.They spent the day _(play) with each other. 5.The _(thank) mother couldnt help crying. ,课时训练,interested,carefully,quietly,playing,thankful,C.句型转换。 1.I dont know how to decorate the Christmas tree. (改为同义句) I dont know how _ _ decorate the Christmas tree. 2.She was so

21、 excited that she couldnt say a word. (改为同义句) She was _ _ _ say a word. 3.The box is full of books. (改为同义句) The box is _ _books. 4.She is our teacher and she is also our friend (改为同义句) She is our teacher. She is our friend _ _ 5.When he was five, he went to London.(改为同义句) _ _ _ _five, he went to Lon

22、don. ,课时训练,I could,At the age of,too excited to,filled with,as well,1.Miss Yang is a good teacher. She _ of her students. A.is always thinking B.is often thinking C.always think D.thinks always 2.Why are you so _ in this book? I dont think it is very _. A.interested, interested B.interesting, intere

23、sting C.interesting, interested D.interested, interesting 3.You may listen to the radio, but please _. My sister is studying. A.turn it on B.turn it up C.turn it down D.turn it off 4.Will you _ see him next Monday? A.be able to B.able to C.can D.can be able to 5.They are reading the book _ “Red Star

24、 Over China”. A.called B.to call C.to named D.name,课时训练,(A),(D),(C),(A),(A),6.He has been here _. A.for two oclock B.two hours ago C.since two oclock D.since two hours 7.What he said _ at last. A.came true B.came up C.realised D.came on 8.My daughter is _ a little girl. She can look after herself. A

25、.not any more B.not any longer C.no more D.no longer 9.There are _ people in the room that he cant sit down. A.such many B.so many C.such much D.so much 10.I think English is _ science subject. A.more useful as B.as useful as C.so useful as D.as more useful as,课时训练,(C),(A),(D),(B),(B),11.Father Chri

26、stmas is based on a _ person in a history story. A.real, true B.real, real C.true, real D.true, true 12.That _ fun. A.looks B.sounds C.looks like D.sounds like 13.Merry Christmas, Mary. _. A.Dont say so B.Thank you C.The same to you D.All right 14.Please remember _ the light when you leave the room. A.to turn off B.turn off C.turning off D.to turn on 15.He didnt tell me _ it. A.what to do B.how to do C.what do D.have do,课时训练,A,D,C,A,B,See you next time!,


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