细胞生物学 11-核糖体.ppt

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《细胞生物学 11-核糖体.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《细胞生物学 11-核糖体.ppt(45页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、第十一章 核糖体(ribosome),核糖体 (ribosome) 是核糖核蛋白体的简称,是合成蛋白质的细胞元件,其唯一的功能就是按照mRNA的指令由氨基酸高效且精确地合成出多肽链。,第十一章 核糖体(ribosome), 核糖体的基本类型 多聚核糖体与蛋白质的合成,作业,第一节 核糖体的基本类型, 类型与组成成分 核糖体蛋白质与 rRNA的功能分析,一、核糖体的基本类型与成分, 基本类型 附着核糖体 游离核糖体 70S的核糖体 80S的核糖体, 主要成分 r-protein: 40%,核糖体表面 rRNA: 60%,核糖体内部,游离于细胞质还是附着于ER,存在于原核细胞还是真核细胞,Free

2、 and membrane-bound ribosomes,Comparison of ribosome structures: E.coli 70S (upper row in each panel, structure from 18,19) and yeast 80S (lower row in each panel) ribosomes, both limited to 35 resolution. (AJ) Rotational series, with a rotational increment around the vertical axis of 36. Scale bar

3、100 . (K) Exploded views of E.coli and yeast ribosomes, showing close correspondence of features of interface surfaces of ribosomal subunits, most notably the interface canyon (IC). CP, central protuberance; S, stalk; L1 or L1, L1 or L1 analog arm; h, head; g, neck groove; p, platform. Note that the

4、 lower right portion of the small subunit and the lower left portion of the large subunit are surfaces where the sectioning plane has cut a mass that is merged between the two subunits at this resolution. (adapted from Nucleic Acids Research, 1998, 26(2):655-661),Comparison of Ribosomal Components b

5、etween Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes,核糖体的结构, 结构与功能的分析方法 蛋白质合成过程中很多重要步骤与 50S 核糖体大亚单位相关,结构与功能的分析方法,离子交换树脂可分离纯化各种 r 蛋白; 纯化的 r 蛋白与纯化的rRNA进行核糖体的重组装,显示核糖体中 r 蛋白与rRNA的结构关系 双向电泳技术可显示出 E. coli 核糖体在装配各阶段中,与rRNA结合的蛋白质的类型 双功能的交联剂和双向电泳分离可用于研究 r 蛋白在结构上的相互关系 电镜负染色与免疫标记技术结合,研究 r 蛋白在核糖体的亚单位上的定位。 对rRNA,特别是对16S rRNA结构的研究

6、 70S核糖体的小亚单位中rRNA与全部的 r 蛋白关系的空间模型,同一生物中不同种类的 r 蛋白的一级结构均不相同,在免疫学上几乎没有同源性。 不同生物同一种类 r 蛋白之间具有很高的同源性, 并在进化上非常保守。,E. coli (a) 核糖体小亚单位中的部分r蛋白与rRNA的结合位点 (b) 及其在小亚单位上的部位,蛋白质结合到rRNA上具有先后层次性; 核糖体的重组装是自我装配过程。,E. Coli 核糖体小亚单位中rRNA与 r 蛋白的相互关系示意图 线条表示相互作用及作用力的强(粗线)与弱(细线) (引自Alberts et al, 1989), 16S rRNA的一级结构是非常保

7、守的; 16S rRNA的二级结构具有更高的保守性: 臂环结构 (stem-loop structure) rRNA臂环结构的三级结构模型。,核糖体小亚单位rRNA的二级结构 (a) E. coli 16S rRNA;(红色为高度保守区); (b) 酵母菌18S rRNA,它们都具有类似的40个臂环结构(图中140),其长度和位置往 往非常保守;P、E分别代表仅在原核或真核细胞中存在的rRNA的二级结构。,蛋白质合成过程中很多重 要步骤与50S核糖体大亚单位相关,涉及的多数因子为G蛋白(具有GTPase活性),核糖体上与之相关位点称为GTPase相关位点。 最近人们成功地制备L11-rRNA复

8、合物的晶体,获得了其空间结构高分辨率的三维图象。 这一结果证实了前人用各种实验所获得的种种结论。 提出直观、可靠而且比人们的预料更为精巧复杂和可能的作用机制,从而为揭开核糖体这一具有30多亿年历史的、古老的、高度而复杂的分子机器的运转奥秘迈出了极重要的一步。,L11- rRNA 复 合 物 的 三 维 结 构,二、核糖体蛋白质与 rRNA 的功能分析, 核糖体上具有一系列与蛋白质合成有关的结合位点与催化位点 在蛋白质合成中肽酰转移酶的活性研究,核糖体上具有一系列与蛋白质 合成有关的结合位点与催化位点,与mRNA的结合位点; 与新掺入的氨酰-tRNA的结合位点 氨酰基位点,又称A位点; 与延伸中

9、的肽酰-tRNA的结合位点 肽酰基位点,又称P位点; 肽酰转移后与即将释放的tRNA的结合位点 E位点(exit site); 与肽酰-tRNA从A位点转移到P位点有关的转移酶(即延伸因子EF-G) 的结合位点; 肽酰转移酶的催化位点; 与蛋白质合成有关的其它起始因子、延伸因子和终止因子的结合位点。,(a),Important Binding Sites on the Prokaryotic Ribosome This model of ribosome structure shows the A (aminoacyl) and P (peptidyl) sites as cavities o

10、n the ribosome where charged (amino acid-carrying) tRNA molecules bind during polypeptide synthesis. The more recently postulated E (exit) site is the site from which discharged tRNAs leave the ribosome. The mRNA-binding site binds a particular nucleotide sequence near the 5 end of the mRNA, placing

11、 the mRNA in the proper position for the translation of its first codon. (a) The diagrammatic representation of a ribosome. The pair of horizontal dashed lines indicate where the mRNA molecule lies. (b) A more realistic representation. The binding sites are all located at or near the interface betwe

12、en the large and small subunits.,(b),在蛋白质合成中肽酰转移酶的活性研究, 核糖体蛋白 在核糖体中rRNA是起主要作用的结构成分 r 蛋白质的主要功能,核糖体蛋白,很难确定哪一种蛋白具有催化功能: 在E. coli中核糖体蛋白突变甚至缺失对蛋白质合成并没有表现出“全”或“无”的影响。 多数抗蛋白质合成抑制剂的突变株,并非由于r 蛋白的基因突变而往往是 rRNA基因突变。 在整个进化过程中rRNA的结构比核糖体蛋白的结构具有更高的保守性。,在核糖体中rRNA是起主要作用的结构成分, 具有肽酰转移酶的活性; 为tRNA提供结合位点(A位点、P位点和E位点); 为

13、多种蛋白质合成因子提供结合位点; 在蛋白质合成起始时参与同mRNA选择性地结合以及在肽链的延伸中与mRNA结合; 核糖体大小亚单位的结合、校正阅读(proof reading)、无意义链或框架漂移的校正、以及抗菌素的作用等都与rRNA有关。,r 蛋白质的主要功能,对rRNA 折叠成有功能的三维结构是十分重要的; 在蛋白质合成中, 某些r蛋白可能对核糖体的构象起“微调”作用; 在核糖体的结合位点上甚至可能在催化作用中, 核糖体蛋白与rRNA共同行使功能。,第二节 多聚核糖体与蛋白质的合成, 多聚核糖体 (polyribosome or polysome) 蛋白质的合成 (synthesis of

14、 the protein) RNA在生命起源中的地位及其演化过程,一、多聚核糖体 (polyribosome or polysome),细胞内各种多肽的合成,不论其分子量的大小或是mRNA的长短如何,单位时间内所合成的多肽分子数目都大体相等。 以多聚核糖体的形式进行多肽合成,对mRNA的利用及对其浓度的调控更为经济和有效。,概念 核糖体在细胞内并不是单个独立地执行功能,而 是由多个甚至几十个核糖体串连在一条mRNA分子上高 效地进行肽链的合成,这种具有特殊功能与形态结构 的核糖体与mRNA的聚合体称为多聚核糖体。,多聚核糖体的生物学意义,Visualizing transcription an

15、d translation,(a),(b),Large subunit,Small subunit,mRNA,Large subunit,Small subunit,Completed polypeptide,(a),(b),(c),Polyribosomes (a) Schematic drawing of a polyribsome (polysome). (b) Electron micrograph of a grazing section through the outer edge of a rough ER cisterna. The ribosomes are aligned

16、in loops and spirals, indicating their attachment to mRNA molecules to form polysomes. (c) Electron micrograph of metal-shadowed polysomes isolated from reticulocytes engaged in hemoglobin synthesis. Most of these polysomes have between four and six ribosomes.,mRNA,+,In step 1, initiation of transla

17、tion begins with the association of the 30S ribosomal subunit with the mRNA at the AUG initiation codon, a step that requires IF1 and IF3. The 30S ribosomal subunit binds to the mRNA at the AUG initiation codon as the result of an interaction between a complementary nucleotide sequence on the rRNA a

18、nd mRNA. In step 2, a ternary (three-membered) complex consisting of formylmethionyl-tRNA-IF2-GTP becomes associated with the mRNA-30S ribosomal subunit complex accompanied by the release of IF3. In step 3, the 50S subunit joins the complex with the accompanying release of IF1, IF2, and the products

19、 of GTP hydrolysis (GDP and Pi).,The initiation of protein synthesis in prokaryotes,(a),(b),Steps in the elongation of the nascent polypeptide during translation in prokaryotes (a) In step 1, an aminoacyl-tRNA whose anticodon is complementary to the second codon of the mRNA enters the empty A site o

20、f the ribosome. The binding of the tRNA is accompanied by the release of GDP-Tu. In step 2, peptide bond formation is accomplished by the transfer of the nascent polypeptide chain from the tRNA in the P site to the aminoacyl-tRNA of th A site, forming a peptidyl-tRNA in the A site and a deacylated t

21、RNA in the P site. The reaction is catalyzed by a part of the 28S rRNA acting as a ribosome. In step 3, the binding of factor G and the hydrolysis of its associated GTP results in the translocation of the ribosome relative to the mRNA. Translocation is accompanied by the movement of the deacylated t

22、RNA and peptidyl-tRNA into the E and P sites, respectively. In step 4, the deacylated tRNA leaves the ribosome, and a new aminoacyl-tRNA enters the A site. (b) Peptide bond formation and the subsequent displacement of the deacylated tRNA.,三、RNA在生命起源中的地位及其演化过程, 生命是自我复制的体系 DNA代替了RNA的遗传信息功能 蛋白质取代了绝大部分R

23、NA酶的功能,Evolution of RNAs that can direct Protein synthesis,Evolution of new enzymes that create and make RNA copies from it,Question Discussing the following: During the evolution of life on the earth, RNA has been demoted from its glorious position as the first self-replicating catalyst. Its role n

24、ow is as a mere messenger in the information flow from DNA to protein.,生命是自我复制的体系,三种生物大分子,只有RNA既具有信息载体功能又具有酶的催化功能。因此,推测RNA可能是生命起源中最早的生物大分子; 核酶(ribosome):具有催化作用的RNA; 由RNA催化产生了蛋白质。,Ribosome,Substrate RNA,base pairing between ribozyme and substrate,Substrate cleavage,Substrate release,cleaved RNA,riboz

25、yme,DNA代替了RNA的遗传信息功能, DNA双链比RNA单链稳定; DNA链中胸腺嘧啶代替了RNA链中的尿嘧啶,使之易于修复。,蛋白质取代了绝大部分RNA酶的功能,蛋白质化学结构的多样性与构象的多变性; 与RNA相比,蛋白质能更为有效地催化多种生化反应,并提供更为复杂的细胞结构成分,逐渐演化成今天的细胞。,作 业,P383思考题: ; 。,Thank you !,Schematic representation of the different cellular events through which altered ribosome biogenesis might contribu

26、te to neoplastic transformation. Alterations in the genes involved in ribosome biogenesis may generate intrinsic altered ribosomes (eg, hypopseudouridylated ribosomes in X-linked dyskeratosis congenita) characterized by an altered capacity for translating mRNAs coding for proteins associated with tu

27、morigenesis. Alternatively, altered ribosome biogenesis may be associated with quantitative changes in cellular ribosome availability, which could influence translation of the genes involved in neoplastic transformation as well. It should also be considered that most of the proteins involved in ribosome biogenesis have extra-ribosomal functions that may support tumorigenesis independently of ribosome function and mRNA translation. Adapted from The American Journal of Pathology, 2008, 173(2):301-310.,


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