2019英语同步人教必修四刷题首选卷(基础练+能力练):5.4 Word版含答案.docx

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《2019英语同步人教必修四刷题首选卷(基础练+能力练):5.4 Word版含答案.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019英语同步人教必修四刷题首选卷(基础练+能力练):5.4 Word版含答案.docx(12页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、试题为word版 下载可打印编辑Section Learning about Language & Using Language基础题单词拼写1She picked up the actors _ (剑) and carried it off the stage.答案:sword2He began cleaning the wound with a piece of _ (布)答案:cloth3Theyve sold out of the _ (牌子) that I like.答案:brand4We ran out of gas on the _ (高速公路) yesterday.答案:fre

2、eway5Do you think that the _ (入场费) fee for Ocean Park is reasonable?答案:admission6Dont you think its cruel to cage a _ (动物) up?答案:creature7On the question of _ (少数民族) nationalities, Im still a pupil.答案:minority8This restaurant is owned by an Italian _ (移民)答案:settler9He learned his trade as a _ (潜水员)

3、in the North Sea.答案:diver10He used his left hand as a shield against the reflecting _ (阳光)答案:sunlight选词填空 1When the film star turned up, the audience _.答案:came to life2Mr Smith, together with his wife and children _ America and visited the Disneyland this summer.答案:took a trip to3It was such a frigh

4、tening snake that no one dared to _ it.答案:get close to4Everyone is asked to _ the celebration.答案:take part in5They live _ the jungle.答案:within easy reach of6We were informed of the change of plan _.答案:in advance7Although there are various brands, only _ them can be famous.答案:a minority of8How can he

5、 _ the association?答案:gain admission to9The two have never met _ before.答案:face to face 10_ walking, he likes fishing and shooting.答案:As well as单句语法填空1The first _ (settle) here were very friendly to the local people.答案:settlers2Youd better put on a pair of comfortable _ (sneaker)答案:sneakers3John is

6、the only one of the students in the class that never admits _ (make) a mistake even when it is pointed out to him.答案:making4I stood in the middle of the room, staring at the toys, and in my imagination, the toys came to _ (live)答案:life5After walking two hours, they got _ (closed) to the town.答案:clos

7、e6Not only _ he _ (write) his own plays, but he acts in them.答案:does; write7A week after his _ (admit) into the army, he fell ill.答案:admission8This meeting room is a nonsmoking area. I would like to warn you _ advance that if you smoked here you would be fined.答案:in9Even if it should rain tomorrow,

8、they would go for _ outing.答案:an10Our country _ (experience) great changes in the past 30 years.答案:has experienced单句改错1The dog came close to be killed by a car._答案:bebeing2To our disappointment, only a minority of people is in support of our plan to build a new bridge._答案:isare3There are fifty stude

9、nts in our class, all of them are working hard._答案:themwhom4He was down in the mouth all evening, but as soon as his girlfriend came in he came to lives._答案:liveslife5You should make a careful plan on advance._答案:onin能力题完形填空Hiking with some friends provided an opportunity to relax ourselves. Cold wi

10、th a mixture of sun and snow _1_ a quicker step on the mountain. On the way, we _2_ a large troop of boy scouts and their families heading down as well. The majority of the troop was quickly well ahead and out of _3_.Left behind were a boy and his mother who seemed uneasy. We slowed our _4_ to talk

11、with them before we _5_ passed them. They caught up again when my friend _6_ to tie her shoe. The boy at that moment fell down. My friend attempted to _7_ him as he rolled down the path.Helped up, the boy was _8_, crying in his mothers arms. He said that his knee hurt and I could see the _9_ spreadi

12、ng across the mothers face. I asked if I could help, with my friend explaining that I was a nurse. After a quick _10_ I could tell that more than anything he was _11_, his mom as well. But he stayed sitting, wrapped in his moms _12_. Asking if they needed anything before we continued on, I turned to

13、 go leaving the _13_ sitting on a rock.I only took a few steps forward before _14_ that there was more that could be done. I _15_ to my friends for slowing them down, then turned and asked the boy and his mother if they wanted me to wait and hike down with them when they were _16_. I could see the r

14、elief wash over the mothers face as she said “yes” and _17_ stood to continue on.The New England autumn had left the path _18_ with beautiful slippery leaves. So we went slowly, ensuring _19_ footsteps. I realized that I was being gifted with more time to take in the _20_ of the woods, conversation

15、with friends and connections.1A.encouraged BcontrolledCblocked Dstopped答案:A根据“Cold with a mixture of sun and snow”可推知,寒冷会促使(encouraged)人们走得快些。2A.depended on Bcame acrossClooked after Dcared for答案:B根据语境可知,此处表示在路上遇到一群人。depend on “依赖”; come across “偶遇”; look after “照看”; care for “照料;喜爱”。故选B项。3A.sight B

16、balanceCbreath Dtouch答案:A根据“The majority of the troop was quickly well ahead”可推知,这群人因为走得快,所以很快就看不见他们了,out of sight意为“看不见”,和下文的“Left behind were a boy and his mother”呼应。4A.vehicles BactsCpace Drace答案:C由“slowed”可知,此处表示我们放慢了步伐(pace)去和他们交谈。5A.deliberately BconstantlyCabsolutely Deventually答案:D根据“They ca

17、ught up”可知,此处表示最终作者和朋友走在了他们前面。deliberately “故意地”; constantly “经常地”; absolutely “绝对地”; eventually “最终”。6A.failed BrememberedCsped Dpaused答案:D根据“tie her shoe”可推知,作者的朋友停下来系鞋带。pause “暂停”,符合语境。7A.follow BliftCcatch Dmiss答案:C根据“The boy at that moment fell down.”和“as he rolled down the path”可知,作者的朋友试图抓住(ca

18、tch)那个跌倒的男孩儿,与下文的“Helped up” 照应。8A.nervous BcuriousCguilty Dlonely答案:A根据“crying in his mothers arms”可推知,跌倒的男孩儿很害怕(nervous),以至于哭了出来。9A.anger BexcitementCregret Dpanic答案:D男孩儿的膝盖受伤了,他的母亲开始惊慌。panic “惊慌”,符合语境。10A.glance BexaminationCchat Dmeasure答案:B根据“I was a nurse”和“I could tell”可推知,作者对男孩儿的伤进行了检查(exami

19、nation)。11A.pleased BdisappointedCpuzzled Dscared答案:D根据语境可推知,男孩儿和他母亲更多的是受到了惊吓。scared “害怕的”,符合语境。 pleased “高兴的”,disappointed “失望的”, puzzled “困惑的”,都与语境不符,故选D。12A.arms BchestClegs Dhands答案:A由第8空后的“crying in his mothers arms”可判断此处也指在他妈妈的怀里。in ones arms “在的怀里”。故选A。13A.team BgroupCpair Dcrowd答案:C根据语境可知,此处

20、表示这对母子,是两个人,故选C项。14A.forgetting BrealizingCreporting Dhoping答案:B根据语境可知,刚离开,作者就意识到可以做更多。故选B。15A.shouted BrepliedCapologized Dpromised答案:C根据“for slowing them down”可推知,作者因使朋友们放慢速度而向他们道歉,apologize to sb. for sth.为固定搭配,意为“因某事向某人道歉”。16A.ready BthankfulCeager Ddesperate答案:A根据语境可知,作者要等这对母子准备好时陪他们一起下山。ready

21、“准备好的”; thankful “感激的”; eager “热切的”; desperate “绝望的”。故选A。17A.almost BevenCimmediately Dgradually答案:C根据语境可知,作者要陪着这对母子一起走,他们决定立马(immediately)站起来继续走。18A.filled BcoveredCprovided Dconnected答案:B根据语境可知,秋天,小路被美丽的落叶覆盖(covered)。19A.casual BheavyCquiet Dsecure答案:D由“slippery leaves”可知,他们走得慢是为了确保安全,以免摔倒。secure

22、“安全的,稳固的”,符合语境。20A.leaves BbeautyCthickness Dcolours答案:B根据上文的“The New England autumn had left the path _18_ with beautiful slippery leaves.”可知,树林很美。当作者放慢脚步后,她有更多的时间去看美丽的树林,和朋友们交谈。B项符合语境。七选五根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。While you may be doing everything right, ignoring just one or two step

23、s in the process may keep you from getting a job, especially in this fierce market. Here is a checklist that covers some of the major links in the jobsearch chain.1.Prepare a good rsum. Make sure it is uptodate and tailored to the types of jobs you are seeking for. _1_ If you cannot afford a career

24、coach, give your rsum to friends or family members to check. Have copies of your rsum printed so that you are ready to hand them out at interviews.2.Pay attention to your clothes. Check your wardrobe to ensure that you have the appropriate professional dress, including shoes, ready for interview. _2

25、_3._3_ Dont isolate yourself from others for days. Network through email messages, phone calls, appointments and meetings, keep you in touch with the outside world and prevent you from becoming depressed. You are more likely to succeed through the people you know via networking. It is important to n

26、etwork with as many people as possible on a facetoface basis.4.Follow up properly. It is quite common to apply for job and never hear back from the company. If you know someone at the company, take measures, such as following up with a phone call a week or so after you apply. _4_Finally, recognize t

27、hat looking for a job is rather difficult. _5_ Staying in touch with family, friends, professional networks and fellow job seekers can help you to maintain a positive attitude and a sense of perspective.ATake a look at your interviewing skills.BExploit the opportunities of networking.CHave someone e

28、lse look at your rsum.DEven at the best of times, a job hunt is often about rejection.EOften surf the Internet for more information.FTidiness in your dress and appearance is necessary.GCheck whether that person will put in a good word for you.1C本段主题为“Prepare a good rsum.”,关键词为rsum。C项“Have someone el

29、se look at your rsum.”谈到了该信息。设空下一句提到如果没有钱请职业咨询师,就让你的朋友、家人检查一下简历,因而设空处应提及找人帮忙看看你的简历,故C项符合语境。2F该部分阐述了参加面试时要注意穿着,关键词为“clothes, professional, appropriate”。这与F项中的“Tidiness in your dress and appearance .”一致。3B根据下文中“Network through email messages, phone calls, appointments and meetings, keep you in touch with the outside world .”可知,本段的关键词为“network”,故B项(从关系网中发掘机会)与本段的主题相符。4G设空处前一句中提到“If you know someone at the company .”,由此推测G项中的“that person”指代的就是“someone”,且语意表述也符合上下文语境。5D该段说的是求职的艰难(rather difficult),D项中所说的“. a job hunt is often about rejection.”(求职常常被拒绝),是对该主题的进一步说明,由此可知选D项。试题为word版 下载可打印编辑


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