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1、试题为word版 下载可打印编辑课时跟踪练(十二)Learning about Language & Using Language一、全练语言点,基稳才能楼高本课语言点针对练习.单词拼写1His father was a senior (高级的) officer at the bank.2Im afraid your teacher wont approve (同意) of your going there.3More than 100 applications for travel visas have to be processed (处理)4The appointment (任命) of

2、 a new mayor was reported in the newspaper.5I have formed the habit of polishing (擦亮) my shoes before I leave home.6They were making efforts to provide time and accurate (准确的) weather forecasts during the Olympic Games.7Rice is the chief (主要的) crop in most southern provinces.8Sam has been appointed

3、as manager of the engineering department (部门) to take the place of George.单句改错1The time in London is five hours ahead that in New York.ahead后加of2They were excited that their product was superior than their competitors.thanto3My parents dont approve me making friends with him. approve后加of4Our company

4、 is in process of moving to the new offices.process前加the5Phone his secretary and make appointment.make后加an6The bus we have been waiting was too crowded, so we decided to catch a later one.havehad.补全句子1My husband who is_three_years_senior_to me, is very considerate and always places me in the first p

5、lace. 比我大三岁的丈夫非常体贴,总是把我放在首位。2I would appreciate it if you_could_approve_my_application.如果您能批准我的申请,我将非常感激。3You should phone the doctor if you want to make_an_appointment.如果你想预约,必须给医生打电话。4The little girl wanted to polish_all_the_furniture with a piece of cloth in the house to help her mother do some h

6、ousework.这个小女孩想要用一块布把屋子里的所有家具擦亮来帮助她的母亲做家务。5When Don paid a brief visit to me yesterday afternoon, I had_been_writing a film review for hours.昨天下午当唐来短暂拜访我的时候,我已经写了几个小时的影评了。 本单元语言点温故练习.补全句子1We are_all_eager_to_see a brilliant opening ceremony of the 24th Winter Olympics to be held in Beijing and Zhang

7、jiakou.我们都期望看到将要在北京和张家口举行的第24届冬季奥运会的精彩的开幕式。2We must concentrate_our_efforts_on improving education.我们必须致力于改进教育工作。3We want people to acquire_the_habit_of_using public transport instead of their cars.我们希望人们养成使用公共交通而不是私家车的习惯。4The doctor demanded that the patient (should)_be_operated_on at once.医生要求马上给这

8、个病人动手术。5He is_not_only_the_pride_of_our_school,_but_(also)_the_pride_of all the people in our hometown. 他不但是我们学校的骄傲,而且还是我们家乡人们的骄傲。6The accident has_reached_a_point_where both their parents are to be called in.事情已经发展到不得不请双方家长来一趟的程度了。.把下面句子改为倒装句1You will keep good relationships with others only when y

9、ou find peace in your heart.Only_when_you_find_peace_in_your_heart_will_you_keep_good_relationships_with_others.2Look! Two kids come from the opposite street.Look!_From_the_opposite_street_come_two_kids.3Though he was faced with danger, the young man jumped into the river to save the struggling boy.

10、Faced_with_danger_though_he_was,_the_young_man_jumped_into_the_river_to_save_the_struggling_boy.4People can not only work or study online, but they can also watch films or play games online.Not_only_can_people_work_or_study_online,_but_they_can_also_watch_films_or_play_games_online.5He had hardly ar

11、rived when it began to snow.Hardly_had_he_arrived_when_it_began_to_snow.二、勤练高考题型,多练自能生巧.阅读理解Soccer is not a violent game. But players can hit the ball with their head to purposely change the direction of the ball. In the sport, this move is known as a “header”. Besides, they may sometimes collide (碰

12、撞) with other players, the ground and goal posts (门柱)Catherine McGill is an expert at the Childrens National Health System in Washington, DC. She examines many children who have suffered concussions (脑震荡). Concussions are the most common brain injury when children are playing soccer. Her research sh

13、ows that concussions from soccer and other youth sports are increasing these days.Catherine McGill says, “On the one hand, we are getting better. That means parents, coaches and medical providers are getting better at recognizing and responding to that injury. They are paying more attention to the s

14、afety of their children. On the other hand, kids are getting bigger, faster, and stronger across the sports, so more injuries will happen simply because of that.”Catherine McGill spoke at a recent meeting on ways to make soccer safer for young players. The meeting was held recently in Washington, DC

15、. She said, “Researchers are examining the influences of soccerrelated head injuries. They want to know whether repeated hits to the head can cause CTE.” CTE is a brain disease which will become worse and worse as a person ages.She said she was often asked by parents about at what age children shoul

16、d start “heading” or whether there should be “heading” at all. She thinks that this is a very individual decision. The age for one child may be very different from the age for another.语篇解读:本文是一篇新闻报道。研究发现用头击球可能会引起头部受伤。1We can learn from the first two paragraphs that playing soccer _.Aneeds many diffe

17、rent skillsBbelongs to a very violent gameCmay cause brain injuries to childrenDis not good for little children解析:选C细节理解题。根据文章前两段内容可知,孩子们在踢足球的时候常常用头顶球,还可能和别人发生碰撞,这些都可能导致孩子们的脑部受伤。2The underlined word “that” in Paragraph 3 means _.Amore and more children enjoy playing sportsByoung players are becoming

18、 stronger and fasterCparents pay more attention to their childrens safetyDteachers protect children from suffering brain injuries解析:选B代词指代题。根据画线词所在的上文可知,因为孩子越来越高大、强壮,跑得也越来越快了,因此踢球时更容易发生碰撞而导致脑损伤。3In Catherines opinion, kids should start “heading” _.Aaccording to their own situationsBwhen they are str

19、ongerCfrom an early ageDwhen they are faster解析:选A推理判断题。根据文中最后一段“She thinks that this is a very individual decision. The age for one child may be very different from the age for another.”可知,由于每个人的情况不同,因此Catherine建议孩子根据自己的情况来决定是否用头击球。4What is the main idea of this passage?AHow to make soccer safer for

20、 children.BWhy more children choose to play soccer.C“Heading” is harmful to children who play soccer.DThe advantages and disadvantages of playing soccer.解析:选C主旨大意题。文章主要介绍专家的研究发现:孩子们踢足球的时候用头顶球会给他们头部带来伤害。.语法填空Have you heard someone takes an air trip without a seat? It may sound impossible _1_ it did h

21、appen recently. An American passenger had to stand during a sevenhour flight because _2_ an obese man sitting next to him.Arthur Berkowitz, 57, said his 400pound neighbor on US Airways Flight 901 from Anchorage to Philadelphia made it impossible _3_ (get) into his seat. The obese man spilled over in

22、to Mr. Berkowitzs personal space and he could not move because the plane was full so he _4_ (force) to stand up.He said the obese man was very sorry. _5_ first thing he said was, “I want to apologize. I may be the _6_ (bad) nightmare you have even met.”Mr. Berkowitz added that it was an absolute saf

23、ety risk because he could not use his seat belt for taking off and _7_ (land). There was a young exchange student from Eastern Europe in the same row, who had to lean _8_ the window because there was so little space.Flight attendants _9_ got to know about the problem said they could not help him as

24、he was not allowed to sit in their jump seats. They were sympathetic, but they could not do _10_. And they admitted their gate agent had made a mistake in allowing the passenger to board without having bought two seats.语篇解读:本文讲的是一则奇闻轶事,讲述了飞机上一名乘客的奇特遭遇。1but从句子意思可以判断此处需要一个连词表转折,填but。2of根据表述可知,此处需要填of,

25、because of意为“因为;由于”。3to get根据句子意思可知,此处需要一个动词不定式作真正的宾语,填to get。4was forced根据语境可知,此处需要谓语动词且为一般过去时的被动语态,填was forced。5The根据后面的序数词可知,此处需要一个定冠词,填The。6worst根据句子意思可知,此处需要用形容词最高级,填worst。7landing根据前面并列成分可知,此处需要一个动名词,填landing。8on/against本空需要一个介词和前面的lean搭配,表“倚靠”,填on或against。9who本句是一个定语从句,需要一个引导词指代人,填who。10anything此处需要一个不定代词表“任何事情”,填anything。试题为word版 下载可打印编辑


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