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1、,Unit 14 Reading I Have a Dream,By Rogers,Menu,Starter: Report,Main course: Reading & Discussion,Soup: Interview,Dessert: Assessment,Report,Report the results of your searching for the information about the historical pictures.,Group 1:Say something about Nazi Germany.,From 1933 to 1945 the Germans

2、in Nazi Germany said that Jews were the cause of the bad economy in Germany. Jewish people were discriminated , arrested and killed. More than 6 million Jewish were murdered during these years.,Which film can you remember is based on it ?,Group 2:Say something about racial discrimination in the USA.

3、,We can see a bus conductor putting up a notice showing that only white people can use this waiting room .This is the so-called “Whites-only” section, which could be found on buses, trains, restaurants and so on at the time of racial discrimination.,Group 3.Say something about the racial separation

4、in South Africa.,Until 1990, South Africa was a country in which the black were ruled by white people. Not only did the white govern the country, they also discriminated the millions of black people in their own country. Blacks didnt have their civil rights.,Reading: I Have a Dream,Main course:,Wher

5、e there is oppression(压迫), there is resistance(反抗).,What do you predict the writer will talk about in this text ? ? ?,Task one: Scanning,Scan the passage quickly and fill in the chart.,Rosa Parks event and King led a boycott.,He went to university in one of the northern states.,King was born .,The s

6、lavery was ended.,He gave the famous speech.,King won the Nobel Peace Prize. A new Civil Rights Act was passed.,A new Voting Rights Bill became law.,King was murdered.,Reading strategy: When you are reading a history article, it is a good idea to make a time chart.,Task two: Skimming Read the passag

7、e and choose the correct answers.,What does the word “boycott” in the 5th paragraph mean ? A. a strike B. a boyish action C. burning D. refusing to take 2. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage? A. Black people refused to take buses for more than 18 months. B. Black girl

8、s couldnt marry white boys . C. Rosa Parks was arrested for hitting a white man. D. The Civil Rights Act was passed in 1965.,Reading strategies: 1. When reading, it is a good idea to guess the meaning of new words , using the clues.,boycott,refused to take the city buses,forbid,were not allowed,murd

9、er,his death,2. Also it is important to find out the information sentence to support you.,Task Three: Detailed reading,Read the passage while listening to the tape. Find out the main idea of each paragraph.,Main idea of each paragraph,The famous speech “I have a dream”,The background of the speech,M

10、artin Luther Kings message,Kings opinion,Rosa Parks event,Kings action against racial discrimination,Kings success,Kings death,On August 28, 1963, after meeting President John F. Kennedy, King delivered his famous speech “I Have a Dream” on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial to a crowd estimated(估计)

11、at 250,000.,Lets get relaxed: Listening to King,I Have a Dream,I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed(信条): “We hold(认为) these truths to be self-evident (不言自明):that all men are created equal.”,I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Geo

12、rgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at a table of brotherhood.,I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I

13、have a dream today.,I have a dream that one day, little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers.,Discussion,2. King believed that he could reach his goal through peaceful actions, not through violence . Give three examples

14、of such peaceful actions.,3. What do you think of Martin Luther King, Jr ?,4. What can we do to be a freedom fighter in the new century?,1. What does the sentence “This Wait has almost always meant Never. ” in Kings letter mean?,1. What does the sentence “This Wait has almost always meant Never. ” i

15、n Kings letter mean?,A. We have never waited.,B. We have never struggled.,C. We have never got a satisfactory reply.,D. We will not wait any longer.,E. It is time for us to take actions and fight for our rights.,F. ,2.King believed that he could reach his goal through peaceful actions, not through v

16、iolence . Give three examples of such peaceful actions.,(1) Marches,(2) Speeches,(3) Boycotts,If you go out, walk or share a ride. Dont take the city bus.,3.What do you think of Martin Luther King, Jr ?,Martin Luther King,Jr,brave,freedom,never give up,peace-loving,truth,clever,Martin Luther king, J

17、r Day -3rd Mon. Jan.,大 洋 网 书 城 热 卖,刁蛮公主,雷锋:1940-1962,骗局,Jolin的6场单词派对,广州的一场春梦,无毒一身轻,达芬奇的椅子,人体使用手册,乔家大院,魔鬼经济学,太医养生宝典,女人慈禧,唐人故事,印记,爱上了你,高原上的探戈,责任胜于能力,局外人(3),联合国官员:世界面临种族主义全面抬头问题, 2006年03月18日 09:22 来源: 国际在线,联合国种族主义问题特别报告员迪耶纳17日在日内瓦说,世界正面临着种族主义、种族歧视和排外思想全面抬头的问题。 迪耶纳在当天的一次记者招待会上说,近年来,一些以反对移民和难民为选举纲领的右翼政党在

18、一些国家上台,它们宣传的种族主义和排外思想对公众起着潜移默化的作用。一些发达国家的知识界人士也从文化和理性的层面逐渐接受了排外和种族歧视思想。 迪耶纳还特别强调指出,无知是种族主义产生的深刻根源。(记者钱慰曾),(编辑: shine ),联合国官员:世界面临种族主义全面抬头问题 2006年03月18日 09:22 来源: 国际在线 联合国种族主义问题特别报告员迪耶纳17日在日内瓦说,世界正面临着种族主义、种族歧视和排外思想全面抬头的问题。 迪耶纳在当天的一次记者招待会上说,近年来,一些以反对移民和难民为选举纲领的右翼政党在一些国家上台,它们宣传的种族主义和排外思想对公众起着潜移默化的作用。一

19、些发达国家的知识界人士也从文化和理性的层面逐渐接受了排外和种族歧视思想。 迪耶纳还特别强调指出,无知是种族主义产生的深刻根源。(记者钱慰曾)(编辑: shine),4. What can we do to be a freedom fighter in the new century?,Interview,Imagine that the year is in the 1960s and that you are a television reporter. Interview Martin Luther King, Jr, using the phrases below.,Interview

20、,1. What is life in the southern states like? 2. What are some of the problems that black people have? 3. What do black people want? 4. Why do you organise the Alabama bus company boycott? 5. What problems do black people have in Birmingham, Alabama? 6. Why did you win Nobel Peace Prize?,Thinking ju

21、mping,Iraq prisoner,Go on interviewing Martin Luther King, Jr. What do you think he will say to this?,2005-10-14,2005-10-14,Assessment,Assessment,1. How do you feel in this period?,2. What have we learned today?,3. What are you still uncertain about?,4. What do you think of your performance today?,5

22、. How is the teachers performance?,Homework,1.Read the text again to finish the passage below.,4.Get some information about Martin Luther King on the internet ( http:/www.stanford.edu/ ),2. Extended reading(NMET2005C卷B篇) .,3. Prepare for the writing of this unit: Building a “harmonious society” (和谐社会” ).,Thank you,Goodbye,


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