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1、New Horizon College English,BOOK 4,A,UNIT3,Section A,Longing for a New Welfare System,An insight into life,of welfare clients in US,Suggestions to improve,the present welfare system,Section B,A Blind Man Helped Me See the Beautiful World,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After-class Tasks,After-readin

2、g Activities,Pre-reading Activities,B4Unit 3,Pre-reading Activities,Section 1,Warm-Up Questions,Warming-up Questions,1.Which person is more likely to get welfare assistance? Why?,a teenage worker, 15 years old, parents died , working in a small coal mine,a rubbish picker, 78 years old, no living par

3、tner, no children,a child beggar, 7 years old, no chance to go to school,a three-year-old child, severely ill, no money for medical treatment,a middle-aged man, disabled with both arms and legs, still earning his life by repairing bicycles,a six-year-old child, disabled in walking, begging for money

4、 on the road,welfare is commonly provided to those who are unemployed, those with illness or disability, those of old age, those with dependent children and to veterans. A persons eligibility for welfare may also be constrained by means testing or other conditions.,2. How can we help the disabled?,U

5、se the modern technologies-assistive technologies to make the life of the disabled much easier. Chinese National Help-the-disabled Day-the third Sunday of May. Offer more job vacancies. Build barrier-free facilities nationwide. Improve the service industries towards the handicapped. Reform on the me

6、dical and relief policies and make them more favorable and practical.,In the United States, they do not have national identification cards. Instead, in the 1930s, the Social Security Administration (SSA) was created, and the federal government mandated that all legal residents and citizens must have

7、 a valid social security card. The Social Security Administration issues these numbers to applicants who meet their criteria.,Welfare System in US,Social Security Card,A Social Security number is important, because the federal government uses it to keep track of how much your yearly wages are and ho

8、w much tax you owe in federal income taxes. Most states require a Social Security number when applying for a drivers license. Applying for state public assistance such as Food Stamps, Medicaid, Unemployment Compensation, TANIF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families) also requires a Social Security

9、Card.,Food Stamps,The Social Security Payments,The Social Security payments taken out by the federal government are placed in a special fund (that earns interest) to pay out Social Security benefits to those who are retired, disabled, or who are a surviving spouse or child. They are also used to hel

10、p pay the Social Security Administration for administering their programs.,Social Security Benefits,Social Security Disability,A person must be examined by a medical doctor and be proven to be disabled to receive this benefit, which includes some special programs and health insurance under Medicare.

11、,Family Benefits,If a spouse was receiving Social Security benefits, and passes away, the surviving spouse and/or dependent children may be eligible for survivors benefits.,Supplemental Security Income (SSI).,If a person earns an extremely low income, they may qualify for a special program administe

12、red by Social Security known as Supplemental Security Income (SSI). Eligibility for this federally funded program must be determined, and then SSI will be given to those who have demonstrated need. It was originally designed to help the aged (who are over 65), the blind, and the disabled who are una

13、ble to work and whose income is so low that they cannot meet basic needs for food and shelter. Blind or disabled children can also receive this benefit in some cases.,Other Examples:,Under the current U.S. welfare system, an unmarried woman with no income can have a child and receive an average of m

14、ore than $3500 a year in cash assistance from the Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) program.,Existing Problems,The United States has the most regressive system of welfare for poor people among developed nations in the twenty-first century, and in recent years it has become even more pun

15、itive. The worlds self-professed leading democracy lacks a national health care policy, a universal right to health care, and a comprehensive family policy. Welfare applicants are subjected to personal intrusions, arcane regulations, and constant surveillance, all designed to humiliate recipients an

16、d deter potential applicants.,1,1,Text Study,Words and Expressions,Writing,Home Assignment,Text Study,Section 2,Organization of the Text,I. Structure Analysis,3,4,14,15,17,Introduction + Problems + Suggestions,Welfare clients are believed to cheat more money out of the present welfare system. (Para.

17、1),General images of welfare clients and welfare caseworkers under the present system,There are welfare clients who choose to live a life of complete honesty. (Para.2),The relationship between welfare clients and caseworkers is tense. (Para.3),Part I,Caseworkers try to convict welfare client of chea

18、ting. One example is offered.,Problems with the present welfare system,Welfare clients find it extremely difficult to have their wheelchairs repaired. One example is offered.,If welfare clients make money, they have to go through the embarrassing situation of being questioned to account for every pe

19、nny.,The welfare system does not encourage welfare clients to work to support them- selves and make a gradual shift away from welfare.,Part II,(Paras.4-8),(Paras.9-12),(Para.13),(Para.14),There needs to be lawyers to protect the rights of welfare clients.,Suggestions to improve the present welfare s

20、ystem,Welfare clients should take steps to fight for more rights for themselves.,A new system is suggested to encourage welfare clients to develop their talents and support themselves.,Part III,(Para.15),(Para.16),(Para.17),II. Understanding,1. Answer the following questions:,1) What kind of person

21、is the author?,handicapped; confined to wheelchair; carrying a urine bag everyday; independent; self-respect; self-support; self-made,caseworker,medical worker,wheelchair repair company,main welfare office,the handicapped client,2) How could the writer possibly get his wheelchair repaired?,Its very

22、difficult for welfare clients to ask for extra financial help.,3) What can you conclude from the procedure of asking for wheelchair repairs?,4) How do you describe Suzanne?,arrogant; suspicious; indifferent; careless; business-like; a detective,2. Fill in the chart with the information given in the

23、text.,earn part or all of their own livings; develop their talent without guilt or fear.,encourage clients to work / live a better life / earn their own livings.,People will thrive under it.,cheat; bleed the system for extra money.,seek to convict the clients of cheating.,It can be easily abused by

24、the welfare givers as well as the clients.,III. Summary,Life in a wheelchair is tough. Living on welfare is just like sharing a dinner of raw pet food _ the cat. Many welfare _ do not have money to _ a decent life. As a result, lying and cheating the _ system for _ money becomes normal. However, som

25、e unusual individuals, who have made a choice to live a life of complete _, do tell the truth to caseworkers and _ any extra income they make. Being honest, however, is not without its problems.,with,clients,live,welfare,extra,honesty,declare,(To be continued),Caseworkers will greatly _ the frequenc

26、y of their visits and leave behind a small mountain of paper work for the client to _ out. The rules say that not a penny is to be _ for. Not a single gift, no matter how small, is to be unreported. These rules and the natural consequent lying unfortunately tend to transform caseworkers from being h

27、elpers of the poor to being _ constantly searching for any forms of cheating.,increase,fill,unaccounted,detectives,IV. Reproduction,Student A acts as John Callahan, the welfare client, while Student B acts as Suzanne, the caseworker. Role-play the situation, using as many words and expressions in th

28、e text as possible.,Student A: Good morning. This is John Callahan. May I speak to Suzanne?,Student B: This is Suzanne speaking. What seems to be the trouble today, Mr. Callahan?,Student A: My wheelchair cant stop properly. It needs a new brake this time, Im afraid.,Student B: But Mr. Callahan, its

29、only a week since you last had your chair repaired. Ive heard that you put a lot more miles on that wheelchair than average.,Detailed Reading,Section 3,Language Focal Points,1. Suppose (L1),I. Word Study,to think probable; to believe or guess,A:I suppose youll be going to the meeting? B:Yes, I suppo

30、se so / No, I dont suppose so.,2) to acceptas true for the sake of argument; to consider as a possibility,Scientists supposed that large dinosaurs lived in swamps.,(Lets) suppose we each had $100 to spend. What shall we do?,1. be supposed to,I havent seen it myself, but its supposed to be a great mo

31、vie.,to be generally believed or expected to be or do something,Eating too much fat is commonly supposed to cause heart disease.,The meeting was supposed to end at 4 p.m.,1. be supposed to,2) to be expected or required to do or to be something according to a rule, a custom, an arrangement, etc.,What

32、 are you supposed to do if you want to leave the classroom?,Youre not supposed to smoke here.,2. bleed (L2) vt./vi.,vi.- to feel sympathetic grief or anguish,2) vt.- to obtain money from, especially by improper means. bleedfor,The west is bleeding poor countries dry through interest payments on thei

33、r debts.,My heart bleeds for the victims of the air crash.,bleeddry/white 把钱财榨干,3. pension (L4) n./ vt.,A sum of money paid regularly as a retirement benefit,2) to allow to retire, or to dismiss, with a pension,Not everyone wants to be pensioned off at 65.,He lives on his pension.,a retirement pensi

34、on 退休金,4. opt vi. (L6),to make a choice,When he left school, he opted to go to college and study for a degree, rather than getting a job straight away.,很多学生选择继续深造。,Many students opt to further their study.,Most people opt for buying their own houses rather than renting them.,5. to drum up (L. 6) 竭力争

35、取;大力招揽, 招徕,鼓吹,记忆联想:原义为“击鼓召集人员” To drum up ones business. 招徕生意。 To drum up the partys political allegation. 鼓吹本党派的政治主张。,6. under the table (L. 8) 私下,背地里,Business under the table. Opposite: 公开地。,On the table.,7. yield to (para 2),stop resisting,I yield to an impulse. The government refused to yield to

36、 the hostage takers (人质挟持者)demand,8. profile (L10) n. silhouette,a side view of someones head 侧面像,侧影,2) a short description that gives important details about a person, a group of people, or a place. 人物简介,概况,3) a high/low profile 引人注目/低调,photograph him in profile,从侧面给他拍照,write a profile for him,给他写小

37、传,keep a low profile,保持低调,DNA profiling,DNA 鉴定 (for crime inspection),9. deep down (L. 11) 在心底 at the bottom of ones heart,Collocations with “deep”: Deep-felt (gratitude): Deep-fried (foods): Deep-kiss: vt. Deep-rooted/deep-seated/deep-set.,10. to make fool of sb. (L 12) 愚弄某人,Similar: Make a goose o

38、f sb. Make a hare of sb. Pull ones leg.,make a fool of oneself 出洋相,11. be entitled to (L13),Everyones entitled to vote when they are above 18.,to have the right to have or do something,你到65岁时,可以享受养老金。,You will be entitled to a pension when you reach 65.,en+名词,enflame encircle encourage enchain encas

39、e encage enroll,12. liberal (L14) n.,C someone who accepts different opinions or ways of behaving,He regarded himself as a liberal and a friend of the poor and black people.,他自认为是一个开明的人,是穷人和黑人的朋友。,13. liberal a.,willing to accept different opinions or ways of behaving,We were fortunate enough to hav

40、e a very liberal teacher.,她的父母思想开明,让她拥有许多自由。,Her parents are very liberal and allow her a lot of freedom.,open-minded, enlightened, unprejudiced,14. liberal a.,2) giving or taking generously,Hes very liberal with promises but much less so with money.,他承诺时很慷慨,但给钱时远非如此。,I think Sam is too liberal with

41、 his criticism.,我认为萨姆太爱批评人了。,15. certify vt.,certificate n. 证明(书);结业证书 certification n. 证明;鉴定,to state that something is correct or true,especially after some kind of test,The accounts were certified correct by the finance department. The doctor certified me unfit to go to work for the next month.,I

42、 was certified as a teacher in 2000.,licensed,16. to get the cheapest bid (L. 41) 拿到最低的报价,We had hoped to get the house but another couple was bidding against us. 投标: Several firms have bid for the contract to build the new concert hall. The house went to the highest bidder Any higher/further bids ?

43、 Bid farewell/adieu to sb. 与某人道别 Bid sb. good morning. 向某人请早安,17. alert vt.,1) to make someone notice something important or dangerous,An anonymous (匿名的) letter alerted police to the possibility of a terrorist attack at the airport. He alerted teachers to the importance of observing children at play

44、.,18. alert a.,2) paying attention to what is happening and ready to react if necessary,Passengers should try to stay alert at all times and report any suspicious packages to the police immediately.,乘客应该尽量一直保持警觉,发现任何可疑的包裹都要立即向警方报告。,be alert to do,The authorities should have been alert to the possibi

45、lity of invasion.,19. alert n.,Be on the alert (for),Be on the alert for the pickpocket.,You should be on the alert when you cross the street in heavy traffic.,Watchful and prepared for danger, emergency, or opportunity,20. account for,to be or give a reason for something or doing something,How do y

46、ou account for losing five games in a row?,你如何解释一连输了五场比赛呢?,on account of,= because of, for the sake of,on no account,= under no circumstances 绝不,= by oneself, on ones own,on (ones) own account,There needs to be a lawyer who can act as a champion for the rights,There seems to be some problems Could y

47、ou be quiet? There happens to be a lecture going on. In a smalltown in Germany there once lived a poor shoemaker. There remains nothing more to be done Suddenly there entered a strange figure dressed all in black,A champion for justice She was a champion for the poor all her life.,21. lend oneself /

48、 itself to,to be adaptable to something, to be useful for ,This room doesnt lend itself to bright colors.,Any system of taxation lends itself to manipulation by clever or unscrupulous men.,任何税收制度都有可能被那些狡猾诡诈的人或无耻之徒钻空子。,22. thrive vi.,New businesses thrive in this area. Three managers have left becaus

49、e of the pressure of work but Simpson seems to thrive on stress.,to become very successful or very strong and healthy,这地方新开张的生意都很兴隆。,由于工作的压力,已有三位经理离职了,但辛普森却在压力面前越做越好。,22. thrive vi.,A man can never thrive with a wasteful wife.,to become very successful or very strong and healthy,Babies thrives on their mothers milk.,妻子浪费无度,丈夫无法出头。,To be continued,23. to be the cue to do sth. (L. 26) 是做某事的暗示,The strong wind that puff


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