外研版初中英语九年级上册Module 12 《Unit 3 Language in use》课件.ppt

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1、,Unit 3 Language in use,Module 12 Save our world,To summarize and consolidate the rules of word building,Objective:,Observe,Observe the following sentences carefully. They are all from this module.,1. Reuse means “use again”. 2. Though pollution is heavy now, I dont think its hopeless. 3. If the riv

2、ers are polluted, farmers cant use the water for their crops. 4. If everyone starts to do something, the world will be saved.,5. We all need a healthy environment, but we produce waste every day, and it is harmful to our environment. 6. Do not waste things. 7. Repeat these three words daily: reduce,

3、 reuse and recycle. 8. Before you buy something new, think whether it is really necessary because maybe old one is just as good! 9. but lets take these simple steps today so that we will save the world for our grandsons and granddaughters tomorrow.,1. _ (use) means “use again”. 2. Though _ (pollute)

4、 is heavy now, I dont think its _ (hope). 3. If the rivers are polluted, _ (farm) cant use the water for their crops. 4. If _ (everyone) starts to do _ (something), the world will be saved. 5. We all need a _ (health) environment, but we produce _ (waste) every day, and it is _ (harm) to our environ

5、ment.,Reuse,pollution,hopeless,farmers,everyone,something,healthy,waste,harmful,go,Ready?,6. Do not _ (waste) things. 7. Repeat these three words daily: reduce, _ (use) and _ (recycle). 8. Before you buy _ (something) new, think whether it is _ (real) necessary because maybe old one is just as good!

6、 9. but lets take these simple steps today so that we will save the world for our _ (grandson) and _ (granddaughter) tomorrow.,waste,reuse,recycle,something,really,grandsons,granddaughters,构词法,1. 合成法,将两个或两个以上独立且语义不同的单词合在一起构成新词的方法称作合成法。,2. 派生法,通过在词根前面加前缀或在词根后面加后缀构成一个新词的方法称作派生法。,2. 派生法,2. 派生法,词根,词缀,名词

7、,形容词,副词,+,interest,uninterested,interestingly,uninteresting,interested,interesting,help,helpfully,helplessly,helpful,helpless,able,disable,unable,enable,ability,3. 转换法,英语构词法中把一种词性转化为另一种词性而词形不变的方法称为转化法。,(1) v. n. Lets talk about it more. I think wed better finish the talk now. 咱们再谈谈这件事吧。 我想我们最好现在结束谈话

8、。,(2) n. v. She gave me a cup of water. You should water the flowers twice a day. 她给了我一杯水。 你应该每天给这些花浇两次水。,(3) adj. n. She was wearing a black dress. The girl in black looks very beautiful. 她穿着一条黑色的裙子。 那个穿黑衣服的女孩看上去很漂亮。,以下部分为课本练习,供老师在对答案时选择使用。,Learning to,Sometimes if you know the meaning of the parts

9、 of a word, you can work out the meaning of the whole word.,re + new + able renewable,again,can be,can be new again,1,P100,Make new words. Join the parts of the words in Box A with the words in Box B. you need to use some of the parts more than once.,-able -ful im- -less re- un-,care collect hope po

10、ssible use usual wanted waste,A,B,careful careless,collectable,hopeful hopeless,impossible,reuse usable useful useless,unwanted,wasteful,unusual,Now work in groups. Play the guessing game English for Fun.,English for Fun,1. full of care _ 2. can be collected _ 3. full of hope _ 4. without any hope _

11、 5. not possible _,6. not usual _ 7. without any use _ 8. use again _ 9. not wanted _ 10. making a lot of waste _,careful,collectable,hopeful,hopeless,impossible,unusual,useless,reuse,unwanted,wasteful,2,P100,Complete the sentences with the words in the box.,hopeful impossible reuse unhealthy wastef

12、ul,1. Polluted water is _. 2. It is _ to throw so much food away. 3. If you look after things well, you may _ some of them later. 4. It is _ to clean up the whole river in such a short time. 5. If we pay attention to pollution now, the future will be _.,unhealthy,wasteful,reuse,impossible,hopeful,3,

13、P101,Complete the table.,use,use,usefully/ uselessly,hope,hopeful/ hopeless,pollute,polluted/ unpolluted,water,waste,wasteful/ wasted,wastefully,usual/ unusual,4,P101,Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in Activity 3.,She was _ that her new job would make her more successful.,h

14、opeful,1. The factory _ the river, and the fish died. 2. We often walk in the countryside. It is a(n) _ activity for us. 3. Do not use so much water. It is very _. 4. To keep the flowers growing, you need to _ them once a day.,polluted,usual,wasteful,water,5,P101,Complete the sentences.,A _ is a box

15、 that you keep your lunch in.,lunchbox,1. A _ is a card that you write on one side of and send to someone by post. 2. A _ is a room where you have classes at school. 3. A _ is a book that has one or more stories for children. 4. A _ is a black board that is used at school for writing on with chalk.,

16、postcard,classroom,storybook,blackboard,6,P101,Work in pairs. Look at the pictures and answer the questions.,1. What kind of things can be recycled? 2. How can these things be used? 3. How does this help the environment?,4. Have you ever recycled or used things that can be recycled? How?,possible an

17、swers:,Cloth, paper, cans, plastic, glass, etc.,Recycled paper can be used for notebooks, tickets or writing paper.,It helps save a lot of resources and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.,Yes. I recycled aluminum cans and paper by selling them to the recycled factory.,Mike: I hear you are off to the C

18、aribbean for a holiday! Lucky you! But arent you (1) _ the pollution that such long plane journeys may cause for the environment? Ken: I know, but what can I do about it? I already try my best to protect the environment. I recycle. I dont (2) _ things if I dont want them any more. I (3)_ the lights

19、when I leave a room. Dont tell me I shouldnt travel by plane any more!,be good for throw away turn off worry about,worried about,throw away,turn off,7,P102,Complete the conversation with the correct form of the expressions in the box.,Mike: No, of course not. But we can do more to protect the enviro

20、nment. For example, we can help keep the air clean by planting trees. Trees (4) _ the environment. In this way, we can reduce the harm of pollution. Ken: Good! So I can enjoy my holiday, and when I come back, Ill plant some trees! Mike: Thats the idea! Maybe we can all join in and start a small fore

21、st!,be good for throw away turn off worry about,are good for,1. It is OK to throw used things away. Looking after them takes a lot of time. 2. Do not throw away things made of glass, plastic and paper, but recycle them when possible. 3. Take a bag when you go shopping. 4. Producing electricity and u

22、sing oil will not cause pollution. 5. Turn off lights when you do not need them. 6. Ride a bike or walk, and do not often drive your car.,8,P102,Listen and check () the true sentences.,glass, plastic and paper,recycle,Reuse,take a bag,are hard to,reduce pollution,waste electricity,Walk or cycle,poll

23、ution,9,P102,Listen again and complete the table.,Review,英语中常见的构词法: 1.合成法 2. 派生法 (加前缀、后缀) 3. 转化法(词性变词形不变),1. Both of the books were _ to her and she couldnt decide which one to buy. 2. How _ of John to break the cup! 3. The meat has a strange smell. Im afraid its hardly _.,I. 从方框中选择适当的单词并用其正确形式填空。,Q

24、uiz,注: word 文档 点击此处链接,helpful,careless,eatable,correct energy eat possible appear help success care,correct energy eat possible appear help success care,4. Tom is an _ boy and it seems that he never gets tired. 5. Im afraid that its _ for us to get there before eight. 6. The sun _ behind the clouds

25、and it began to rain. 7. Im sorry to say your answer is _. Please try again. 8. Its not easy to become a _ actor.,energetic,impossible,disappeared,incorrect,successful,.完成下列同义句。 1. Its not polite to speak to others with your mouth full of food. Its _ to speak to others with your mouth full of food.

26、2. The teacher asked him to write the composition again. The teacher asked him to _ the composition.,impolite,rewrite,3. Hes not popular with some of the neighbors. Hes _ with some of the neighbors. 4. I hate sweet food. Especially, I dont like eating cake. I hate sweet food. Especially, I _ eating cake. 5. Hamburgers, candy and ice cream arent healthy food. Hamburgers, candy and ice cream are _ food.,unpopular,dislike,unhealthy,1. Search for more information about pollution. Make an oral presentation to your class. 2. Finish the exercises in Learning English.,Homework,


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