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1、SLA (Second Language Acquisition) and Pragmatics,Content,I SLA II Interlanguage III Reference,SLA,Acquisition,Second Language,Second Language V.Foreign Language,Acquisition V. Learning,SL V.Foreign Language Second Language which plays an institutional and social role in the community (i.e. it functi

2、ons as a recognized means of communication among members who speak some other languages as their mother tongue). Foreign language learning takes place in settings where the language plays no major role in the community and is primarily learnt only in the classroom. Eg .English is learnt as a foreign

3、 language in France or Japan.,下一页,Acquisition V.Learning Krashen thinks Acquisition refers to picking up a second language through exposure,whereas the term Learning is used to refer to the conscious study of a second language. Ellis prefers to use Acquisition and Learning interchangeably, irrespect

4、ed of whether conscious or subconscious process are involed.,Interlanguage,Interlanguage,definition,causes,features,Systematic(系统性),Dynamic(动态性),Permeable (渗透性),Fossilization(石化性),Interlingua interference,Intralingua interference,Definition,The term ”interlanguage” was coined to refer to the languag

5、e system constructed by second language learners on their way to the target language(Nemser,1971;Selinker,1972 ;Corder, 1977 ) “中介语”这一术语首次被引用指:处于目的语与母语之间结构上处于中间状态的外语学习者的独特的语言系统。 Eg. 中国人表示一种祝福:Go to work happily ,and come back home safely! 中国人打招呼:“Hi ,where are you going ?”,Interlingua interference (

6、语际干扰) Positive transfer Eg . “我爱你 “ - “I love you ” “我学英语”-“I study English “ 我是一位老师。-I am a teacher. negative transfer Eg. 我明天上街 -“ I tomorrow go to the street.” 我不知道他是谁-“I dont know who is he ” Intralingua interference(语内干扰) Eg . ”These mans are from the United States”(那些男人来自美国) ”He can write the

7、name with English ”(他能用英语写名字),Fossilization,Definition Classification Causes,Internal causes,External causes,Definition,It has been observed that somewhere in the L2 learning process, such an IL may reach one or more temporary restricting phases during which the development of the IL appears to be d

8、etained (Nemser, 1971; Selinker, 1972; Schumann, 1975). A permanent cessation of progress toward the TL has been referred to as fossilization (Selinker, 1972).,Classification,Temporary fossilization:暂时性石化: Temporary fossilization refers to stability of language acquisition or the plateau phenomenon

9、of learning, at the moment language parameter is steady and static, the phenomenon is alterable under certain conditions . Permanent fossilization永久性石化: Because most of the students interlanguage is in the temporary and stable stage, no permanent fossilization. Because stable stage is not real fossi

10、lization.So there is no real permanent fossilization.,Internal Causes Motivition: adults do not have the motivation to change their accent and to acquire native-like pronunciation. Unlike children, who are generally more open to TL culture, adults have more rigid language ego boundaries. (Guiora et

11、al., 1972). Communicative needs: The learner believes that he does not need to develop his interlanguage any further in order to communicate effectively whatever he wants to. Acquisition device: Fossilization manifests that learners do not have the language ability of the native speakers , only a fe

12、w people can activate this particular language acquisition device and achieve success, while most of them failed after the crucial stage, what they can resort to is only general cognitive mechanism, and therefore they can not reach the end of the interlanguange continuum and appear fossilization.,Ex

13、ternal causes,Communicative pressure: the pressure caused when language learners cant express views In language exchange as its beyond ones language ability which will lead to fossilization. Lack of learning opportunities: Language learners have few opportunities of foreign language input and use. F

14、eedback: positive cognitive feedbacks cause fossilization ; (e.g. “Oh,I see”) negative feedbacks help to prevent fossilization. (e.g. “I dont understand you” ),External causes,Communicative pressure: the pressure caused when language learners cant express views In language exchange as its beyond one

15、s language ability which will lead to fossilization. Lack of learning opportunities: Language learners have few opportunities of foreign language input and use. Feedback: positive cognitive feedbacks cause fossilization ; (e.g. “Oh,I see”) negative feedbacks help to prevent fossilization. (e.g. “I d

16、ont understand you” ),External causes,Communicative pressure: the pressure caused when language learners cant express views In language exchange as its beyond ones language ability which will lead to fossilization. Lack of learning opportunities: Language learners have few opportunities of foreign l

17、anguage input and use. Feedback: positive cognitive feedbacks cause fossilization ; (e.g. “Oh,I see”) negative feedbacks help to prevent fossilization. (e.g. “I dont understand you” ),Reference,王立飞,2009.9,第二语言习得入门,高等教育出版社 Rod Ellis, 1999.4 ,第二语言习得研究,上海外语教育出版社 Bernard Spolsky, 2000.6, 第二语言学习的条件,上海外语教

18、育出版社 刘润清 文旭, 2006.3,新编语言学教程,外语教学与研究出版社 束定芳 庄智象, 2008, 现代语言教学,上海外语教育出版社,呆呆,热词派,伤不起,伤不起,学俄语的人你伤不起啊 两周前学了俄语 于是踏上了不归路啊 当初谁跟我宣传的俄语是世界上最美的语言之一 一个单词20多个字母啊 文章里的单词变的字典里都查不到,女人善变,单词也善变啊 单词都有阴阳中性啊 没事多个软银符号还不发音啊 同一个拼写重音不一样意思还不一样啊 颤音P,不该颤的地方颤,该颤的还颤,名词变格,形容词还跟着变格 动词还完成体未完成体,你算完成体还是算未完成体 Tom不念汤姆念多姆 名字那么长,还父称,什么什么

19、娃,葫芦娃吧 颤音,神马是颤音,奏是舌头在口腔里颤抖啊 还有恶心的数字13901234567就得这么说:一千三百九十一千二百三十四五百六十七啊 自行车是男的啊,男青年是男的啊,他看起来像女的啊的,不过其实他还是男的啊。,名词要变格啊!也就是说一个名词可以变成六个单词, 还有复数的六种. 形容词副词代词物主代词数词,动词还能变成副词啊, 动词还能变成形容词啊,还分主动被动现在过去啊. 动词还有完成体未完成体,这就是俩单词,.还有过去时现在时和将来时,这就是六个,你当你细胞分裂呢 我爱你不是我爱你,我爱的是四格的你! 我有六个啊,哪来的那另外五个我. 学俄语的都是上辈子折翼天使啊 你们伤不起啊!,

20、读音: mi 古同“梅”。 其形:丑怪惊人能妩媚,断魂只有晓寒知。 其神:任他桃李争欢赏,不为繁华易素心。 如此来看,槑,实则形神俱呆,怪道古人用此二字组成其名了。,的基本字义,“槑”字由两个“呆”组成,于是在网络语言里被用来形容人很呆,很傻,很天真。 2008年的夏天,继“囧”字在网上引起一阵“骚动”之后,“槑”等一些生僻字又在网上大行其道,一时间“雷”到不少网友。,的网络意义,“槑”也是三十年不见忠贞不渝的著名情侣“达槑恋”的女主人公,即张槑。男主人公为王明达。 “槑”字样子形同两个小人手牵着手,因此也用来表示情侣热恋中的状态(恋爱中的男人女人,人称智商降低,用“呆”形容再适合不过了,很形象,很达意)。,另一种含义,Leader:蒋丹丹,PPT- Maker :李敏,Representor:刘钇彤 刘雪梅,Answerer:杨珊珊 闫永杰 单娜娜,


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