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1、1,第五章 定语从句的译法,翻译和阅读考查的重点!,2,定语从句的译法,前置定语 和 后置定语,较简单,3,后置定语,-位于名词或代词之后的定语 科技英语:准确性+严密性 -频繁使用后置定语,4,作定语的情况,1、介词短语 2、形容词(或其短语) 3、非限定词(不定时、现在分词、过去分词 4、定语从句 5、同位语从句,5,1、介词短语作后置定语,In general,ethers are good solvents for fats,waxes and resins 通常,对脂肪、蜡、树脂醚是好的溶剂。 醚通常是脂肪、蜡、树脂的良好溶剂。,6,The gas from flask is was

2、hed with water to remove ammonia. 烧瓶里出来的气体用/被水洗涤可除去氨。,7,The presence of a substituent group in benzene plays a profound control over orientation of the entering substituent 苯中取代基的存在对进入取代基团的方位起着强有力的控制作用,8,2.形容词(或其短语)作后置定语,Acetylene is hydrocarbon especially high in heat value. 乙炔是烃,在热值上特别高 乙炔是热值特别高的烃

3、。,9,All of the carbon-carbon bonds in benzene are alike and have properties intermediate between those of a single and a double bond 苯中所有的碳-碳键都相似,具有介于单键和双键之间的性质。,10,Hydrocarbons that do not contain the maximum number of hydrogen atoms possible are called unsaturated hydrocarbons 不含有最大氢原子数的烃可能叫不饱和烃。

4、不含有最大可能氢原子数的烃叫不饱和烃。,11,3. 不定时、现在分词、过去分词,要从时态、语态两方面辨析,12,从时态上: 现在分词-动作正在发生 过去分词-动作已经完成,13,从语态上:,现在分词表示的动作具有主动意义 及物动词的过去分词表示被动意义; 不及物动词的过去分词不具有被动含义,仅表示动作已经完成,14,substitute,substituted group 若substitute为及物动词,则译为“被取代的基团” 若substitute为不及物动词,则译为“取代了的基团”,即“取代基”(表示动作已经完成) -根据上下文决定,15,It is this metal ion tha

5、t reacts with the hydrocarbon being nitrated. 就是这个金属离子与要被硝化的烃起反应。(现在分词作后置定语),16,The air is a material containing many kinds of gases. 空气是含有许多气体的一种物质 (现在分词短语作后置定语),17,The functional group of a ketone consists of a carbon atom connected by a double bond to an oxygen atom 酮的官能团是由一个通过双键与氧原子相连的碳原子组成的。 (过

6、去分词短语作后置定语),18,4. 定语从句作后置定语,包括 限制性定语从句 非限制性定语从句 由: 关系代词(that,which,who,whom,whose,but,as) 关系副词(where,when,why,as等)引导,19,限制性定语从句,和所修饰的名词或代词(称为先行词)之间的关系十分密切,是先行词在意义上不可缺少的修饰说明语 限制性定语从句的主句的含意是不完整的,要靠定语从句补充说明,全句概念才能表达清楚 从句与主句之间没有逗号,20,非限制性定语从句特征,和先行词之间的关系不很密切,不起限制作用,只加以补充说明 缺少了非限制性定语从旬,主句的意思仍然完整明确 定语从句与主

7、句之间有逗号分开 主要采取分译法,作为并列分句进行翻译,21,定语从句作后置定语译法,1.翻译成定语 -限制性 2.译成表示同等关系的并列分句 3.译成表示转折的并列分句 4.译成状语从句并列分句 5.由“as”引导的非限制性定语从句,限、非限,22,(1) 译成含“的”字定语-限定从,合译法: “的字结构放在被修饰词之前 把定语从句和主句合译成汉语的单句 -适合于翻译结构不很长的 (最简单、常见的译法),23,Space and oceans are the new world that scientists are trying to explore 太空和海洋是科学家们努力探索的新领域。

8、,24,Of all the forms of energy that we use,electrical energy is the most convenient 我们使用的各种能量中,电能最方便。,25,Compounds have very different appearances from the element of which they are made. 化合物的形态与构成它们的元素极不相同。,26,When fuels burn,they return once more to the simpler materials out of which they were mad

9、e 燃料燃烧时,又转变成原来构成它们的那些更加简单的物质。,27,One may already have some idea of the material with which organic chemistry deals,but he may not know the extent to which organic chemistry touches on our everyday life 也许有人已经对有机化学所涉及的物质有所了解,但是他可能并不知道有机化学触及我们日常生活已达到什么样的程度。 dealing with about on - involving,28,限制性定语从句

10、省略了关系词,翻译时也同样采用合译法译成定语。如: The rate at which the molecules move depends upon the energy they have 分子运动的速率取决于分子所具有的能量。(省略了关系代词which或 that),which that,29,(2)译成表示同等关系的并列分句,定语从句起着对先行词进一步说明的作用, 往往译成并列分句,可加译“这”、该” 、“其、它、这”等词,30,An acid is a compound whose solutions can produce hydrogen ions 酸是这样一种化合物, 其溶液能

11、产生氢离子。,31,One of the homolog of benzene is toluene which is the raw material for the manufacture of the explosive 苯的一个同系物是甲苯,它是制造炸药的原料。 homo- 同,相同,32,Between these two tiny particles,the proton and the electron,there is a powerful attraction that always present between negative and positive electric

12、 charges 在质子和电子这两个微粒之间有一个很大的吸引力,而这个吸引力总是存在于正、负电荷之间。,33,The elements themselves were changing,which was something that had always been thought impossible by all but the old alchemists. 这些元素本身也在变化, 这是除了古代的炼金术士以外,人们认为不可能的的事情。,ancient, antiquated,34,There are some metals which possess the power to condu

13、ct electricity and ability to be magnetized 某些金属不但/既能导电,而且/又能被磁化。,35,有时,可省略先行词,They worked out a new method by which production has now been rapidly increased 他们制定出一种新方法,采用之后生产能力已迅速提高。,36,In most parts of the sea, there are millions of tiny living things that can hardly seen with our eyes 在大部分海域里,生存

14、着无数的微小生物,用我们的眼睛是看不见的。,37,(3) 译成表示转折的并列分句,当定语从句在意思上与主句相对照或语气转折时,可译成转折句。 加译“而、但、却、可、是” 根据上下文逻辑,38,Matter is composed of molecules that are composed of atoms that are composed of nuclear and electron. 物质是由分子组成的,而分子又是由原子组成,(而)原子又是由原子核和电子组成的。,39,Mild oxidation of a alcohol gives an aldehyde which may be

15、further oxidized to an organic acid. 醇的轻度氧化生成醛,而醛能进一步氧化生成有机酸。,40,(4) 译成状语从句,在意义上相当于表示原因、结果、目的、条件、让步等的状语从句时 可加译“因为、虽然、只要、因而”等词,41,The problem,which is very complicated,has been solved 这个问题虽然很复杂,但已经解决了。 这个很复杂的问题已经解决了。 (表让步),42,For any substance whose formula is known,a mass corresponding to the formul

16、a can be computed 分子式已知的任何物质,与分子式相对应的质量就能被计算出。 不管什么物质,只要知道其分子式,就能求出与分子式相应的质量。 (表条件),43,The considerable success of these studies has brought a theoretical unity to the whole field of organic chemistry which has the effect of making its principles easier to teach and to learn 这些研究的重大成就给有机化学的整个领域带来了理论

17、上的统一,从而使有机化学原理的教和学变得较为容易。 (表结果),44,(5)以as引导的限制性定语从句,值得注意 关系代词经常与such,the sameas as many, as much等配合,在从句中作主语、表语、宾语等 译法较固定,45,such+(名词)+as 或such as,译为 “象之类的” “象(这)那样的” “的一种”等 例如:,46,Without rubber there would be no automobiles such as we have today 如果没有橡胶,就不会有象我们今天这样的汽车。,47,Such liquid fuel rockets as

18、 are now being used for space research have to carry their own supply of oxygen 象现在用于太空研究的这类液态燃料火箭,必须自己携带氧气。,48,the sameas,译为 和一样的” “与相同的” 例如:,49,Many inventors followed the same principles as that French inventor had used in his invention 许多发明家遵循那个法国发明家在他的发明中曾用过的同样原理进行发明创造。,50,例子,Social science is

19、that branch of intellectual enquiry which seeks to study humans and their endeavors in the same reasoned, orderly, systematic, and dispassioned manner that natural scientists use for the study of natural phenomena. 2003,51,Social science is that branch of intellectual enquiry which seeks to study hu

20、mans and their endeavors in the same reasoned, orderly, systematic, and dispassioned manner that natural scientists use for the study of natural phenomena. 结构:主句+ which引导的定语从句+方式状语 +定语从句 词: Intellectual:智力的, 知识的 Enquiry:询问- 探究 inquire Endeavor:奋力,努力 humans and their endeavors - 人类及其行为 Reasoned:理性的 O

21、rderly:有序的 Dispassioned:冷静的 Manner:方式,52,Social science is that branch of intellectual enquiry which seeks to study humans and their endeavors in the same reasoned, orderly, systematic, and dispassioned manner that natural scientists use for the study of natural phenomena. 社会科学是知识探索的一个分支,它力图像自然科学家研究

22、自然现象那样,用理性的、有序的、系统的和冷静的方式研究人类及其行为。 考点:1)定语从句;2)方式状语;3)多重并列定语,53,定语从句作后置定语译法总结,(1)译成“的”字定语-限制性定从 (2)译成表示同等关系的并列分句 (3)译成表示转折的并列分句 (4)译成状语从句,54,非限制性定语从句译法,55,非限制性定语从句译法,特点: 和先行词之间的关系不很密切 不起限制作用 只加以补充说明,56,非限制性定语从句译法,主要采取分译法(作为并列分句进行汉译) 定语从句多数译为并列句的一个分句 译成独立的简单句,57,非限制性定语从句三种技巧,译成并列分句,重复先行词的含义 根据全句的意义使用

23、 指示代词“这一”、“该”、“其” 人称代词“它”、“它们”等 3. 具有转接意义时,加连词“而”、但”等,58,We have seen many chemical changes,from which physical changes are different 我们见过许多化学变化,它们和物理变化不同 (which译成“它们”),59,完全独立句,Nevertheless the problem was solved successfully,which showed that the computations were accurate. 不过问题还是圆满地解决了, 这说明计算很准确,

24、60,The process of combining with oxygen is oxidation,of which burning is one type 与氧结合的过程就是氧化,燃烧就是其中的一种,61,Zinc can react with dilute hydrochloric acid,with which copper cannot 锌能跟盐酸反应,但铜却不能。 (加上转折词但),62,也可省略先行词,When the free electrons in a conductor move in one direction onlythe current thus establ

25、ished is called a direct current,which is often abbreviated to d.c. 导体的自由电子只以一个方向运动时所产生的电流称为直流电,常常缩写为d.c.。,63,非限制性定语从句也可合译,从句与主句关系较密切时 较短而且有描述性含义时 -即译成带“的”的前置定语,64,Thomas Edison,who invented the electric lamp,made important contribution to science 发明了电灯的托马斯爱迪生,对科学作出了重要贡献。,65,You can break up a beam

26、of light with a prism,which is made of glass 你能用玻璃制的棱镜分解一束光。,66,由“as“引导的非限制性定语从句,相当于表示说话人态度和看法的插入语, 一般译成状语从句: “正如”“正如那样”,67,As has been pointed out above,solids do not expand as much as gases and liquids 正如上面所指出的,固体的膨胀没有气体和液体的那么大,68,As we know,the molecules of gas move freely in all directions 众所周知,

27、气体分子向四面八方自由运动。,69,As can be seen from the picture As shown above -看图写作常用语,70,例子,His function is analogous to that of a judge, who must accept the obligation of revealing in as obvious a maerer as possible the course of reasoning which led him to his decision. 06,71,His function is analogous to that

28、of a judge, who must accept the obligation of revealing in as obvious a manner as possible the course of reasoning which led him to his decision. 句子结构:典型定从组合 词汇: His:知识分子的 Analogous:相似的- similar Obligation:义务, 职责, 债务 - accept承担 Manner:礼貌 -风格, 方式, 样式, 习惯 in an obvious manner(明显的方式) as obvious as poss

29、ible(尽可能明显) as obvious as possible: 搭配 Course:过程, 经过 课程 Reasoning:推理 led him to :导致, 通向 做出决定,72,His function is analogous to that of a judge, who must accept the obligation of revealing in as obvious a manner as possible the course of reasoning which led him to his decision. 知识分子的作用与法官的作用类似,后者必须承担用尽

30、可能明显的方式来揭示让他做出决定的推理过程的责任 修改:知识分子的作用类似于法官的作用,后者必须承担起这样的责任:用尽可能明显的方式来揭示让他做出决定的推理过程。,73,同位语从句: 作后置定语,同位语从句: 说明前面的某个词(本位语) 主要由that,也用 whether / if (是否 )引导,但没有词义,不作成份,只起连接作用,74,本位语一般有:,fact, idea, theory, problem, doubt, trith, question, evidence等,75,同位语从句作后置定语,Have you heard any idea how fast sound trav

31、els? 你知道声音传播的有多快? have no idea of do not know,76,This explains the rule that like dissolves like. 这就解释了相似相溶的规则。,77,分译,It goes without saying that oxygen is the most active element in the atmosphere. 不言而喻,氧气是大气中最活泼的元素。,78,We have come to the correct conclusion that two volumes of hydrogen and on volu

32、me of oxygen are united into on volume of steam. 我们已得出正确的结论:两体积的氢和一体积的氧化合生成一体积的水蒸汽。,79,合译,He made the assumption that the electronic charges is numerically equal to the charge on a hydrogen. 他假定电子的电荷数与一个氢离子的电荷数相等。,80,定语从句作后置定语译法,1.翻译成定语 -限制性 2.译成表示同等关系的并列分句 3.译成表示转折的并列分句 4.译成状语从句并列分句 5.由“as”引导的非限制性定

33、语从句,限、非限,81,例子,I shall define him as an individual who has elected as his primary duty and pleasure in life the activity of thinking in Socratic(苏格拉底)way about moral problems. 2003,82,I shall define him as an individual who has elected as his primary duty and pleasure in life the activity of thinkin

34、g in Socratic(苏格拉底)way about moral problems. 结构:who定从较长,宜后置翻译 词汇: define as:把 定义为 Him:知识分子 Individual: 单独的, 个人的 - 个体 Elect:选举,推选 - 选择 Primary:第一位的, 主要的 ;小学,83,I shall define him as an individual who has elected as his primary duty and pleasure in life the activity of thinking in Socratic(苏格拉底)way ab

35、out moral problems. 1、我把知识分子定义为这样的个体:他用苏格拉底的方式思考道德问题,并以此作为其生命中的主要职责与乐趣。 2、我把知识分子定义为这样的个体,他把用苏格拉底的方式思考道德问题作为自己生命中的主要责任与乐趣。,84,练习,There will be television chat shows hosted by robots, and cars with pollution monitors that will disable them when they offend. 2001,85,There will be television chat shows

36、hosted by robots, and cars with pollution monitors that will disable them when they offend. 2001 结构:双主语存在句,两主语都带有定语 词汇: Chat:谈话、聊天 Host:主人 做东- 主持 Robot 机器人 Monitor 监控器 Offend:冒犯, 违反 - 违规 - 排污超标,86,There will be television chat shows hosted by robots, and cars with pollution monitors that will disable them when they offend. 届时,将出现由机器人主持的电视谈话节目以及装有污染监控器的汽车,一旦这些汽车排污超标(违规),监控器就会使其停驶。,87,定语从句,1)多练习 2)多总结 3)掌握翻译技巧,


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