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1、,Case 028,Mechanism,Consumer Benefit,Consumer value,Value for object,Just fit,In-control,Self-esteem, , , , , ,Communication Concept,Communication Concept,Different,Benefit,relation,Concept, 文化, , , , , Name ,Case 030,Brand image,New Brand Direction, , ,Brand Naming, , , , ,Case 031,BRAND IMAGE, , ,

2、 Name ,Case 032,L E S S,M O R E,Young age customer,Senile change of brand,Old age customer,Case 033,sales promotion,advertising,Public relations,Promotion,Case 034,Purchase Ticket,Ticket Bar-code,Onsite Purchase,Mobile,Mobile reservation,Regular reservation,Print At Home,Constant Monitoring of Entra

3、nce And Exit,Internet reservation,Mobile,Print At Home,Gate,Bar Code reading,A brand ,2005. 10. 20 21, ,Case 036,IDC Center,Main server,10Mbps,Academy,Town B,client,Town A,client,10Mbps,10Mbps,Star Topology,Case 037,Communication Concept,Different,Benefit,relation,Concept,Case 038,ERM,SRM,Service Co

4、verage,PRM,Enterprise Risk Management,Partner Relationship Management,Supplier Relations Management,- Self Assessment - Business Risk Model,solutions,- IT application,Purchase Intelligence,Case 039,Benefit,Relation,Different,Concept,Case 040,36%,47%,17%,27%, ,30%, ,40%, ,Case 041, , , Name ,BRAND IM

5、AGE,BRAND IMAGE,Case 042,convenience,practicality,specialty,New Brand, .,Case 043,Thinker,Learn-feel-do Informative,Feeler,Feel-learn-do Affective,Doer,Do-learn-feel Habit formation,Reactor,do-feel-learn Self satisfaction,40%,15%,20%,25%,Case 044,Maturity stage,PLC,Case 045,Client Orientation,Media

6、Promotion,Client, ,Agency, /,Agency,Client,Concept,/ideation,Planning,Production,Execution,Case 046,Place(),Promotion(),Price(),Product(),4PS ,锐普PPT论坛chinakui收集,,Case 047,Product,Price,Promotion,Place,The process of planning and executing the conception pricing, promotion and distribution of goods,

7、services and ideas to create exchange that satisfy individual and organizational objects.,Marketing,DD%,BB%,CC%,AA%,step3,BOOM UP,step1,BOOM UP,Brand Essence,fantasy,Personality,older | successful | attractive,Values,express self | confident,Benefits,fashionable look fits mood,Brand strategy, (diffe

8、rentiation) . , , ., ,Client, ,Agency, /,Agency,Client,Concept,Media / Promotion,Planning,Client orientation,Production,execution,/ideation,Strength,Weakness,Opportunity,Threat,SWOT,: 20 pt text,: 20 pt text,: 20 pt text,: 20 pt text, ,- - ,- - ,- - ,Weakness,Strength,Threat,Opportunity,SWOT Analysi

9、s,Place,Promotion,4PS,Price,Product,Distribution,Marketing,Product,Price,Promotion, ,45%,37%,10%,8%, , ,12 100% , , , 1,000 ,Growth rate,Share of Voice,Market Share,etc,75%,30%,45%,22%,Strategic AD management,Global sports marketing activities,Successful new product launch,Local-base marketing suppo

10、rt,Case 057, , 30%, 75%, 22%,Share of Voice 45%,Graph model,Grid model,1,2, , , , (wagon), () , () , , TV, , (), , , , ,Family Life Cycle ,(6),(6),(),A thematic principle Theme Object base,A principle of distinctive fit Unique harmony,An extrnsion Principle Justice Base copulative,A combination Prin

11、ciple Media mix Complement,Use existing Products,STEP 1,STEP 2,STEP 3,STEP 4,Become Aware of New,New Product is Available,Buy New Product,M A R K E T V A L U E,2008,2006,2005,3000,5000,7000, ,/ , ,/ , , /, ,/ , , , , , , , , ,Brand Management Process,Brand Diagnosis,STEP 1,Brand Perspective,STEP 2,B

12、rand Culture,STEP 3,Brand Communication,STEP 4,Case 064,Business Contents,Category 1,Category 2,Category 3,Category 4,Sub_category 01,Sub_category 02,Sub_category 03,Sub_category 04,Sub_category 01,Sub_category 02,Sub_category 01,Sub_category 02,Sub_category 01,Sub_category 02,eSolution,consulting,s

13、trategy,Model of Sale Formation,Use existing Products,STEP 1,STEP 2,STEP 3,STEP 4,Become Aware of New,New Product is Available,Buy New Product,锐普PPT论坛chinakui收集,,Safety needs,Social needs,Esteem needs,Self Actualization needs,NEEDS Analysis,- - , - ,- , - ,- - , ,Case 067,Brand Management Process,St

14、ep1 Media mix,Step2 Target mix,STEP 3 Brand mix,STEP 4 Seasonality,STEP 5 Regional mix,Process Completed,Renewal Category,Search System,Community Shop,Web Design,Recruit System,Mailing system, ,advertising,creative,Media planning,measurability,concept,1,2,2,2,0,Case 070, ?,Are you getting there?, ?,

15、Where are we?, ?,Why are we there?, ?,How could we get ther?, ?,Where could we are?,T-plan,Case 071,attention,interest,desire,memory,action,AIDMA,Estelmo Lews, . AIDMA . 1. Attention - . 2. Interest - . 3. Desire - . 4. Memory - . . 5. Action - ., ,Web Design,Search System,Recruit System,Community S

16、hop,Mailing system Admin tool,Site System , / System , & , System , ,RENEWAL,Case 072,Rogers , ,Late majority, ,laggard,Social factors, ,(Target Market), (Consumer Promise), (Support), (Personality),Case 074,Case 075, ,TV ?, ?, TV ?, ?, ?, , , FTP, , Process, ,ADMIN, / , , ,Case 077,What is the Bran

17、d?,Rational product features.,attributes,What will It do for me?,Rational expectations as a Result of use.,benefits,What kind of person woluld it be?,Basic human values-the end Emotional rewards one expects From using the brand.,values,What does it mean to me?,The image of the brand. As Elicited in

18、terms of human Characteristics.,personality,What is the enduring Core of the brand?,Every brand has a “soil” which creates it and identifies it.,essence,The brand,Support,AD Goal,Target Market,Consumer Promise,Personality,System Infra,Creative Power,PROJECT SUPPORT SYSTEM,Media Power,Promotion Strat

19、egy,Communication Strategy,Marketing Consulting,* SYSTEM FLOW,STEP 1,STEP 2,STEP 3,STEP 4,Irrelevant characters,Relevant characters,Flot,Setting,Symbols,Mood,Lead character,Flot,Setting,Irrelevant Characters,Relevant characters,Symbols,Mood,Case 082,OSI Model Layer,application,network,transport,sess

20、ion,presentation,data link,physical,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,Form oracle,Case 083,Max marketing model, ,synergy,linkage,sales,Activ- ation,advertising,Accoun- tability,media,targeting,PRODUCT FUNCTIONS,BRAND NAME,GRAPHICS,PRDUCT DESIGN MIX,LOGOS / TRADEMARK MIX,PACKAGING,AUGMENTED PRODUCT FEATURES,CONTENTS CAS

21、E 1,CONTENTS CASE 1,CONTENTS CASE 1,锐普PPT论坛chinakui收集,, ,STEP 07,STEP 06,STEP 05, ,STEP 04, & ,STEP 03, ,STEP 02, ,STEP 01, , , ERP , , , , , , , , , ,Sales coupon/stamp,Service contest,Early Buying Deal,Push manager,Rebate,Demonstrator,Premium/Incentive,Contest,Price deal,allowance,Rebate,Dealer se

22、rvice,Sampling,DM/Event/DH,Exhibition,Display stand,ERP SYSTEM,/,/,/,/,MRP/MPS,/,PR consulting,Crisis management,Investor relations,Media Relations,Event management,Database marketing,Marketing promotion,Production,On-line PR,PR consulting,Crisis management,Investor relations,Media relations,Event m

23、anagement,Database marketing,Marketing promotion,Production,On-line PR,Internet Host,Windows for Workgroups,Windows 95 & 98,Apple Macintosh System,Windows NT,IBM Mainframe,TCP/IP,Network Printer,UNIX System,VMS System,Windows 2000,PR AGENCY,PR consulting,Crisis management,Media relations,Event manag

24、ement,Marketing promotion,On-line PR,Investor relations,Database marketing,Production,Advertising,Internet Host,Windows for Workgroups,Windows 95 & Windows 98,Apple Macintosh System,IBM Mainframe,Windows NT,Windows 2000,MS Lan Manager,UNIX System,Network Printer,VMS System,P A R T,Trade allowanes,Pr

25、ice offs,In-on or near-packs,Sampling,Coupons,Trade coupons,Free-in-the-mail Premiums,Self-liquidating Premiums,Contests & Sweepstakes,Refund offers,Bonus packs,Stamp & Continuity plans,2005,2006,2007,2008,2010,6,030,034,7,010,000,9,000,000,11,000,000,?,numeric,5 step,4 step,3 step,2 step,1 step,inn

26、ovator,Early adaptor,Early majority,Late majority,laggard,Different,Benefit,Relation,LA,Ontario,Miami,Santiago,Tokyo,Kuala Lumpur,Jakarta,Sydney,Auckland,Shanghai,Dubai,Amman,Johanesburg,Beijing,Case 098,POLAND,EUROPE, ,Objective,2. Sales Activity,No. 1 Wholesaler in Japan with integrated marketing

27、system linking storage terminal and sales channel through on-line network up to 2010,10 Million kl,Sale volume in 2010,Your Brain “On” Presentations,Right Brain,Left Brain,Sensory Emotions, impressions Imagistic, holistic Here and now,Logical, sequential Analytic, data Short-term memory Defense inte

28、nsive,Presentation Impact,Brain Processes, ,IT , , , , , ,Try Again! , 10 , & 200 & 200,3,1,5,4,2, ,锐普PPT论坛chinakui收集,, , , , , , , OHP TV , PT PT PT PT, / , Update , , , , , , , , PT SHOP ,P T S H O P, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 2003 , 5.0 , , ,Try again! , , , , , ,Try Again, , ,“ ” .,powerPT,Tem

29、plate,Story Board,Design,Setting,Plan,Powerful Presentation Design Products Process,with designer,Presentation Design,Presentation Design,2005.05 () / MOU 2004.09 (, ) 2004.07 (KIDP) 2004.07 () MOU 2004.05 2003 () 2003.03 27() 2002.09 PT shop 2001.12 SK ISAC 2002 1999.03 97 () , , (2005. 01. 01), ,

30、,( ) ( , ), ,1,4,3,2,3. PT Training, , , , , , Color , , Gif animation image ,III. , , , , , , , , , ,. ,. ,2. 3, ,Content, , ,Visual, ,Delivery,DESIGN SCHOOL,INJECTION SCHOOL,EXTRUSION SCHOOL,TECH SCHOOL, , Package, , ,Fast Growth,The First & Flagship Products Premium Products,Profit Management Professional Marketers,Brand Recognition Marketing Clinic In-store Communication PR, Quality & SVC Marketing,Mid, Long-term Sales Goal Strategies by Market Fast Execution,Product Leadership,People Leadership,Market Leadership,Major Strategic Issues,/, , , ,/, ,


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