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1、语法专题课,名词性从句,课型:新课讲授,玉林市一中 胡朝丽,检查预习情况,1. At lunch time, the radio weatherman reported that the mist would become a thick fog in the afternoon. 2. The truth is that the fog is too thick for the bus to run that far. 3. What surprised me most was that the old man couldnt see anything. 4. The fact that P

2、olly didnt ask for the mans name is a pity.,Predictive Clause (表语从句),Object Clause (宾语从句),Subject Clause (主语从句),Appositive Clause 同位语从句,预习作业:Find clauses from the following sentences and tell the functions of them,1._ the baby could speak made his parents very happy. A. That B. What C. Why D. If 2.

3、I wonder _ you will go shopping or stay at home. A. that B. if C. whether D. what 3. This is _ he was often late for school. A. what B. that C. why D. whether 4. We all know the truth _ the earth _around the sun. A. if; moved B. that; moves C. why; move D. whether; move,主语从句,宾语从句,表语从句,同位语从句,Practice

4、,名词性从句重难点讲解,1.定语从句和同位语从句的区别 2.语序问题 3.时态呼应 4四组关联词的区别 ( that/what, whether/if, who/whoever, what/whatever),判断下列句子是定语从句还是名词性从句? 1.We expressed the hope that they had expressed. 2. We expressed the hope that they would come to China again.,1.The information has been announced that he won the match. 2.Th

5、e information that he mentioned at the meeting is useful.,AT 定从,AP同从,AP 同从,AT定从,Point One:,判断的方法:,从句中的that是关系代词,充当主语或宾语或表语。 从句中的that是连词,不充当成份,只起到引导作用。,定语,同位语,1.The news _ surprised everybody yesterday now proves to be false. A. which B. when C. what D. how 2.Word has come _ some leaders will come fo

6、r a visit to our school next week. A. what B. whether c. that D. which,Point two:语序问题,You can hardly imagine _when he heard the news . A. how he was excited B. how was he excited C. how excited he was D. he was how excited,请你归纳,在名词性从句中,除了关联词在从句之首外,其它部分应用_的语序。,陈述句,他相信他的梦想总有一天会实现。 He believes _.,his d

7、ream will come true some day,宾语从句的时态呼应,Point Three: 1.从句谓语的时态一般与主句呼应 可根据句意需要而选用其他时态时态.,1. 他告诉我每个人只有一个母亲。 He told me _. 2. 老师告诉我们太阳是从东边升起的。 The teacher told us _ .,everyon has only one mother,the sun rises from the east .,2. 如果从句表达的是客观事实、真理、自然规律等时,从句谓语通常用一般现在时。,1. that 与 what 2. if 与 whether 3. who 与

8、 whoever 4. what 与 whatever,Point Four: 四组关联词的区分,1.用that 或what 填空,1. I wonder if this is _you are looking for. 2. Father made a promise _ if I passed the examination he would buy me a computer.,what,that,3._ I cant understand is why he has changed his mind. 4._ the earth is round is known to us all.

9、 归纳:,What,That,名词性从句中的连词_在从句中无成分,无意思,无省略(宾语从句除外);而_在从句中充当成分。,that,what,2.用if 或whether 填空,1. I dont know _ Ill be free tomorrow. 2. It depends on _we will have enough money. 3. The question is _ this book is worth writing. 4. _ you are not free tomorrow, Ill go without you.,whether/if,whether,whether

10、,If,Whether(是否)/ if ( 是否 ,如果) a.主从、表从、同从 和介词后面的宾从只能用whether,if引导及物动词后的宾从 ; b.只用if引导条件状语从句。,_等引导的名词性从句不含有疑问意义,而是含有条件意味;而_等引导的名词性从句都含有疑问意义。,请你归纳 who,whoever/what, whatever ?,Whoever, whatever,Who, what,课堂 巩固练习,1. It is known to us _ where there is pollution, there is harm. A. which B. where C. what D.

11、 that 2. I have the information _. A. of what hell come soon B. that hell come soon C. of which hell come soon D. his coming soon,3.The question is _the film is worth seeing. A. if B. what C. whether D. how 4.They received orders _ the work be done at once. A .which B. when C. / D .that 5.The reason

12、 _ I have to go is _ my mother is ill in bed. A .why; why B. why; because C. why ; that D. that; because,6. - I saw your neighbor break your window with a basketball. - _ it made me nearly mad. A. That he broke B. What he broke C. He broke D. His break 7.It remains a question _ we can get so much mo

13、ney in such a short time. A.how B. that C. when D. what,8. _ I cant understand is _ she wants to change her mind. A. What; why B. Which; how C. That; why D. What; because 9. _ his dream of going to college will come true is uncertain. A. That B. Whether C. If D. Even if,语序问题,时态问题,关联词的区分,巩固 练习,名词性从句的种类,名 词 性 从 句,课堂小结,Assignment 作业布置,Recite the sentences in the practice. 2. Preview the next unit .,Thank you for attending!,Goodbye,


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