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1、Meeting you ancestors,Unit 5,课前10分钟,概括大意 But in any sport,a players success or failure results from a combination of both physical and mental abilities.Most coaches use psychological techniques to help their athletes cope with stress and concentrate on their performance.For example,the English footb

2、all team listens to music in the changing rooms before a game to help the players relax and not feel so nervous.Before a difficult match,tennis players are encouraged to use visualization,techniques to build confidence and this is almost as good as practice. 此段落的大意是:_,Mental training is as important

3、 as physical training in sport.,漫画欣赏,画面描述,A boy is trying hard to push forward the hour hand of the clock while an old man is making a great effort to push backward the minute hand of the same clock.Obviously,the boy wants time to speed up while the old man wishes that time could slow down.,寓意理解,Whe

4、n people are young,they dont realize how important time is.Only when they become old are they aware of the value of time.As the saying goes,“Time and tide wait for no man.” As young people,we should make the best of our present time to fulfill our dreams or we will regret it in the future. 你能否对此加以扩展

5、,写一篇120词左右的小短文?,课堂双基回归,.词义辨析 1As there is less and less coal and oil,scientists are exploring new ways of making use of _ energy,such as sunlight,wind and water for power and fuel. Aprimary Balternative Cinstant Dunique 2It is generally _ that stress is caused by too much work. Aassumed Binterrupted

6、 Caccelerated Dpreserved 3He will be put into prison if there is _ evidence to prove his guilt. Abrilliant Bhorrible Ceffective Dample,B,A,D,4It was only later that we realized the true _ of his remark. Aanalysis Bcategory Csignificance Drelief 5He could have finished it on schedule,but _ he fell be

7、hind. Aanyway Bsomehow Csomewhat Danyhow 6We must seize this opportunity and take proper measures to _ the growth of our economy. Aaccelerate Bapplaud Coverlook Daccumulate 7She had almost reached her destination when something _ her attention and she stopped. Apreserved Bsharpened Cabolished Darres

8、ted,C,B,A,D,8Someone who is suffering from sunstroke feels _ and has a high temperature. Aspecific Bample Cdizzy Dvalid 9He had a headache and went to the chemists to get something for his pain _. Aaffection Brelief Coutcome Dexit 10Many parents opposed the _ of the classes into different sets. Adiv

9、ision Baccuracy Cmess Dpatent,C,B,A,.短语填空 cut up;keep out;as well;lie in wait for;regardless of; look ahead;think of;show sb around;in spite of;pull out 1Kelly loved her husband _ the fact that he drank too much. 2_,we must expect some changes to be made in our system of government. 3If you come to

10、London for a visit,I will _. 4She frequently _ Sophie,the child she lost during the war. 5The project became so expensive that we had to _.,in spite of,Looking ahead,show you around,thinks of,pull out,6The club welcomes all new members _ age and sex. 7She _ the meat on her plate. 8The robbers were _

11、 me as I came out of the bank. 9Were going to the cinema tonight,why dont you come along _? 10The notice hanging on the front wall is meant to _ the unwanted visitors,especially at working hours. .完成句子 1We have been excavating layers of ash almost six metres thick,which suggests that they _ (可能整个冬天都

12、在烧火) all winter.(keep),regardless of,cut up,lying in wait for,as well,keep out,might have kept the fire burning,2_ (正 如植物学的分析结果明确告诉我们的那样),all the fields around here used to be part of a large shallow lake.(specifically) 3He chose one large stone and began to hit one of the scrapers hard on the edge_

13、 (需要磨锋利的) (sharpen),As the botanical analyses have been specifically showing us,that needed sharpening,.单项填空 1So we think it is reasonable to assume they lived in these caves,_ the cold. Aregardless of Binstead of Cin terms of Dby means of 2We havent yet found any doors,but we think they might have

14、hung animal skins at the cave mouth to _ the cold. Akeep off Bkeep out Ckeep away Dkeep to,A,B,3After that they would have had to rub an ample _ of salt inside the skin to make it soft enough. Anumber Bmany Camount Dscore 4_ about the preparations for her feast,Lala quickly turned for home with her

15、collection of nuts and fruit. ATo worry BTo be worried CWorried DHaving worried 5Lala accelerated her walk up the path to the caves _ that there might be wild animals lying in wait for her. Afeared Bto fear Chaving feared Dfearing,C,C,D,知识要点整合,核必词汇梳理,1assume vt. 假设;猜想;以为 It is generally assumed that

16、 stress is caused by too much work. 普遍认为,紧张系工作过重所致。 Assuming that the proposal is accepted,when are we going to get the money? 假定这个建议被采纳,我们什么时候能拿到钱? 句型assume sb.(to be)认为某人是 I had assumed him to be a Belgian.我本以为他是比利时人。 He is not such a fool as you assume him to be.他不像你认为的是 个傻瓜。,2regardless adv. 不加理

17、会;不顾一切地;无论如何 You get a lot of criticism but you just have to carry on regardless. 你受到许多批评,但无论如何你必须坚持下去。 识记regardless of不管;不顾 The club welcomes all new members regardless of age.俱乐部对 所有新成员不分年龄一律欢迎。 The amount will be paid to everyone regardless of whether they have children or not. 不管有没有孩子,每个人都会得到相同的

18、金额。 链接despite不管,不顾 in spite of不管,不顾 whatever不管,3somehow adv. 以方式;不知怎么地 Somehow or other,the baby burst into tears. 那个婴儿不知为什么大哭起来。 He could have finished it on schedule,but somehow he fell behind. 他原本能按预定进度做完这件事的,但不知怎地却落后了。 We must stop him from seeing her somehow. 我们得想个办法阻止他和她来往。 I always know Id ge

19、t the job,somehow. 也不知为什么,我总觉得能得到那份工作。,4relief n. (痛苦或忧虑)减轻;解除 It was a great relief to find that my family was all safe. 看到我的家人安然无恙,我感到极大的欣慰。 News of their safety came as a great relief. 他们平安的消息给大家带来了巨大的安慰。 Much to my relief the car was not damaged. 令我非常庆幸的是车并没有损坏。 To our great relief,the children

20、all arrived home safely. 孩子们都安全到家,使我们大大松了一口气。,5patient adj. 耐心的;忍耐的 Youll just have to be patient and wait till Im finished. 你只能耐心点,等我把事情做完。 搭配 be patient with.对有耐心 Shes very patient with young children. 她对幼儿特别有耐心。 Youll have to be patient with my mother;shes going rather deaf. 你对我母亲得有耐心她的耳朵越来越聋了。,重

21、点短语例释,1cut up 切碎;剁碎 He always cuts up his food before he eats it. 他总是把食物切碎后再吃。 She cut up the carrots and put them in the pot. 她把萝卜切碎后放入了锅里。 链接 cut.into pieces切碎 cut.in half切成两半 cut.into halves切成两半,2look ahead 向前看;为将来打算 Look ahead.That may be a Chinese temple. 您看前面,那可能是座中国寺庙吧。 A wise man always look

22、s ahead.聪明人总是为将来打算。 3keep out 挡住;使进不来;不让进入;不要进来 They have shut the door and meant to keep us out. 他们关上门,打算不让我们进来。 The notice says,“Danger! Keep out!” 标志牌上写着:“危险!禁止入内!”,疑难语句细解,1If only she had looked ahead and planned better! 她要是早有预见,计划得更好些就好了! 【要点指南】 if only “但愿,要是就好了”,此短语后 接一句子,句中的谓语动词要用过去时态表虚拟语气。

23、If only she had had more courage! 当时她要是再勇敢一点就好了! If only that photo werent missing.但愿那张照片没有丢失。 If only it would stop raining.要是雨能停下就好了。,2Abruptly she sat down,only to be scooped up by her laughing,shouting sister,Luna. 突然间她坐了下去,但又被她那又笑又叫的妹妹卢娜一把 搂了起来。 【要点指南】 “only不定式”结构通常在句中作结果状 语,表示出乎意料或令人失望的结果。当不定式

24、与句子的 主语是被动关系时,不定式要用被动形式。 They lifted a rock only to have it drop on their own feet. 他们搬起石头却砸了自己的脚。 She wanted to do a good deed,only to be scolded by her teacher. 她想做件好事,不料反而受到老师的斥责。 He hurried home only to find the guests had left. 他匆匆忙忙赶回家,结果发现客人们已经走了。,It took her nearly half a year to find his ad

25、dress,only to learn that he had passed away ten years before. 她用了半年时间才找到他的地址,结果却听说他早在10年前就去世了。,突破阅读理解,怎样领悟作者的意图、观点或态度,【方法技巧】 作者在写作时都是有目的的。要么真实地报道或传递信息,要么劝说读者接受或反对某种观点,要么是赞扬或批评某种行为或现象,要么讲述自己的经历,要么表达自己的感想与感受等等。因此,我们在阅读时,一定要注意作者在文中所使用的涉及观点、,情感、态度的词语,特别是形容词、副词或表示转折意义的连词或副词,从中体会作者真正的意图、观点或态度。 【实例验证】 We A

26、mericans are wasteful people,not used to saving.The frontiers men began this pattern,for natures resources were so plentiful that no one ever imagined a shortage.Within a few years of the first Virginian settlement,for example,pioneers burned down their houses when they were ready to move west.They

27、wanted to have the nails for future use.No one even gave a thought to the priceless hard woods that went up in smoke.As a people we destroy many things that other people save.I received a letter from one of Englands,largest banks.It was enclosed in a used envelop that had been readdressed to me.Such

28、 a practice would be unthinkable in the United States.American banks,even the smallest,always use expensive stationary with the names of all twentyeight vicepresidents listed on one side of the page. The overall tone which emerges from the authors view of America is _. Ascolding and critical Bproud

29、and patriotic Csentimental and exaggerated Dhumorous and straightforward 答案:A,【实践应用】 Now and again I have had horrible dreams,but not enough of them make me lose my delight in dreams.To begin with,I like the idea of dreaming of going to bed and lying still and then,by some astonishing magic,wanderin

30、g into another kind of existence.As a child,I could never understand why grownups took dreaming so calmly when they could make such a fuss (大惊小怪) about any holiday.This still puzzles me.I am puzzled by people who say they never dream and appear to have no interest in the subject.It is much more asto

31、nishing than it would be if they said they never went out for a walk.Most people do not seem to accept dreaming as part of their lives.They appear to see it as an annoying little habit,like sneezing (打喷嚏)I can never,understand this.My dream life does not seem as important as my waking life because there is far less of it,but to me it is important. What is the authors attitude toward dreaming? AHe likes it. BHe thinks it puzzling. CHe used to like it. DHe dislikes it. 解析:虽然作者将梦描述为horrible,但从后面的转折连词but可知作者的态度,他喜欢做梦,认为做梦是正常的事情。 答案:A,点击此处进入 课后能力训练 点击此处进入 学习方法指导,


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