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1、*高考英语复习讲座*,2007年高考英语学科专题复习建议 (听力测试、书面表达) 海河中学 刘欣,75. In what field is the boy most likely to work in the future? A. Medicine. (5%) B. Computing.(51%) C. Banking. (44%),听力原文: W: . Any ideas for the future? M: Well, Im interested in finance and my uncle runs a company in Hong Kong, so I decided to go

2、to Hong Kong University. W: Sounds great. Hong Kong is an international financial center. You will surely go far there.,答案: C,84. How do Freds customers know about him? A. Through friends. (41%) B. Through newspapers. (11%) C. Through the program. (48%),听力原文: W:Well Fred, do you think its getting ex

3、pensive to learn to drive these days? M:Well, it depends. If you come for a private instructor like me, its going to be a bit less expensive than going to a big school. The thing is, people have usually heard of the big school and trust them. Well I get customers through personal connections.,答案: A,

4、建议在听力复习中注意下列两点:,一、适当加大复习中听力练习的词汇 范围 二、继续加强对考生听力测试的解题 指导,特别注意提高学生对听力 后半程长对话或独白的解题能 力。,“预测”是指考生利用考前的准备时间仔细阅读题干和选项,分析其提供的背景信息做出正确判断、推测,这样在听录音的过程中将所听到的信息与自己事先预测、推断的选项快速进行对比,从而帮助自己进一步理解所听内容,最终获得准确无误的选项。,注意:预测话题不同于快速审题。快速审题多用于听力第一小节的短对话中,不强调题与题之间的互相联系,且多在录音材料播放的段落间隔中间完成。而预测话题多用在听力第二小节的长对话和独白中,利用每段材料所对应的多道

5、小题及选项之间的相互联系,分析、推断出录音材料的话题和主旨大义,这项工作一般需要在考卷发下后听力放音开始前完成。,今年书面表达难度系数增加主要反映在以下 两点: 1)题材与学生的生活距离较 远。,这个问题给我们带来的启示是: 在今后的写作复习中,要注意抓好学生的英语书面表达基本功,掌握基本词汇、句式、结构,反对教学生背诵大段写好的范文。另外,在指导学生进行书面表达练习时,尽量避免题材格式设置的单一化,要锻炼学生在丰富多彩的语言环境中提高自己的英语写作能力。,2)试题中隐含条件和开放性 结尾的设置加大了对学生 语言运用能力的要求。,第二节:书面表达(满分25分) 假设你是李华,在出国交流学习期间

6、,到当地一家电影院看了一场精彩的电影,但在观影过程中发现了一些问题。请你根据下列提示用英语给影院经理写一封信。 1因广告过多,影片放映晚点; 2影片播放音量过大; 3安全出口标识不明,存在安全隐患; 4适当结尾。 注意: 1词数:80-120; 2可适当加人细节,以使行文连贯; 3信的开头已为你写好(不计人词数)。 参考词汇:安全出口 exit 安全隐患potential safety hazard Dear Manager, Im an exchange student from China. Yesterday, I went to your cinema to see a film. T

7、he film was very good, but _ _ _ Yours faithfully, Li Hua,评分原则: 1本题总分为25分,按5个档次给分。 2评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量,确定或调整档次,最后给分。 3 词数少于80的,从总分中减去2分;词数多于120酌情减分,最多不超过2分。 4 评分时应注意的主要内容为:内容要点、应用词汇和语法结构的数量和准确性、上下文的连贯性及语言的得体性。 5拼写与标点符号足语言准确性的一个方面。评分时,应视其对交际的影响程度予以考虑。英、美拼写及词汇用法均可接受。 6如书写较差,以至影响交际,将

8、分数降低一个档次。 二、内容要点: 1观影过程中发现了一些问题;2因广告过多,放映晚点;3影片播放音量过大;4安全出口标识不明,存在安全隐患;5适当结尾。,考生答卷中需包括的内容要点: 1观影过程中发现了一些问题; 2因广告过多,放映晚点; 3影片播放音量过大; 4安全出口标识不明,存在安全隐 患; 5适当结尾。,Dear Manager, Im an exchange student from China. Yesterday, I went to your cinema to see a film. The film was very good, but I did not enjoy i

9、t because there were some problems in the cinema. First, the film was delayed as there were so many advertisements at the beginning. It wasrather annoying. Second, the sound of the film was so loud that I could hardly bear it. Third, the EXIT signs could not be seen clearly, which presented potentia

10、l safety hazards. And if something terrible should happen, it would be difficult for people to get out quickly. As a visitor to your city, Im disappointed with my experience in your cinema. Im writing the letter in the hope that you can consider these problems and make some improvements. Yours faith

11、fully Li Hua,要点 1: 观影过程中发现了一些问题;,范文表达: Im an exchange student from China. Yesterday, I went to your cinema to see a film. The film was very good, but I did not enjoy it because there were some problems in the cinema.,多见错误: “problems”写成 “questions等.,要点 2: 因广告过多,放映晚点;,范文表达: First,the film was delayed

12、as there were so many advertisements at the beginningIt was rather annoying,多见错误: “广告”(advertisement)写成message;”放映晚点”写成(film) play lately/ was cancelled/ called off/ hesitated等等。,要点3: 影片播放音量过大;,范文表达: Second,the sound of the film was so loud that I could hardly bear it,多见错误: “音量”写成voice of the film;”

13、播放”写成send out/ broadcast; “过大”写成over-big等等。,要点4: 安全出口标识不明,存在安全隐患;,范文表达: Third, the EXIT signs could not be seen clearly, which presented potential safety hazards,要点5: 适当结尾。,范文表达: As a visitor to your city, Im disappointed with my experience in your cinema. Im writing the letter in the hope that you

14、can consider these problems and make some improvements., I felt have some questions in the film. Thus, there are I have a bit of advises. Hope these advise can gave yours bring some help. First of all, because of have too many advertisements in the film, so film always late. Second, film sound very

15、big, it listen very hard. Third, the cinema exit mark dont understand, could have any potential safety hazard. There are three points advises. I hope them can to yours cinema bring help. I also hope cinema may even good. Hope cinema can to we peoples bring better and new films. Thank you!,作文 1:,作文 2

16、:,there were a lot of message, so the film was not playing in time. When I see the film, I find some things. The first one is that the film was playing while the film sound was very lould. The sound is so loud that I hardly listen the film what said. The second one is that the exit is not clear. As

17、the result, there may be a lot of potential safety hazard. But the film is very good. I like the film very much. I think that when I go to that cinema next time, I can see the best film in the cinema. This is all my opinion. Thank you for you time to reading my message.,there are something bad that

18、I have to tell you. The film was played later than usually because of so much advertisement. The second, the sound of the film was so large that made some people felt uncomfortable. Its important that the sign of exit not be clear what have some potential safety hazard. In my opinion, you should cha

19、nge something for your cinema. It can be good for your or to the other customers. Making less advertisement than before can get more customers. And making the sound of the film can make people willing go to your cinema. Your must make the sign of the exit to make people get a safety envirement. Thes

20、e are my advises for you. I hope you can keep the best cinema in this city.,作文 3:,through my seeing the film, I found some problems. You should know that everyone come here with a excited heart, but lots of ads before the film make me feel boring and sleepy and also made the film late. After the fil

21、m, there seemed an insect in my ears. I think it must be caused be(by) the large sound. I also found a potential safety hazard. When I wanted to go out of the cinema, I found I counldt (find) the exit. After a few minutes I found it. It make me think that is(if) there was a earthquake, people would

22、die because they couldnt find the exit. I think you must be willing to solve them.,作文 4:,there existed some problems while I was seeing the film. Safety always comes the first. However, as the sign of exit isnt clear enough, there may be some potential safety hazards. On the other hand, there were t

23、oo many advertisements before the film, as a result of which, the show of the film was later than supposed. This may be a little important, but it may still disappoint some audiences. Furthermore, the film was sometimes too loud, which annoyed me very much. Well, these are the three problems I found

24、. I hope that not only can you take some steps immediately, but your business will be better as well.,作文 5:,分析上述问题后给我们带来的启示是:一、在今后的写作复习中,加强对学生读题、审题的指导,教会学生解题时要严格审题,重视书面表达题的试题要求,对其中可能存在的隐含条件中要做到有备无患。只有在不轻视试题的情况下,对试题要求进行仔细分析研究,才能够为答好试卷奠定坚实的基础。,二、要加强对学生写作训练的过程指导。弗劳尔和黑斯的写作认知过程理论认为,写作是一个循环往复的过程,而不是一个线性的过

25、程,教师应采用过程教学法,将教学重点放在学生的写作过程上,而不仅仅着眼于最终的写作成品。所以,在给学生营造一个轻松、自由、支持性的写作氛围的同时,通过多样化的写作活动,如写前准备(包括快速写作和写提纲)、写初稿、小组讨论和修改、改写初稿、教师评改、最后定稿等,在写作的不同阶段指导学生练习写作,让他们在反复的写作与修改中开拓思路、完善文章内容。教师的指导应贯穿整个写作过程。,学生在写作过程中, 要做到: 一. 审题阶段要“一抓”、“三问”; 二. 构思拟文阶段要“四步扩展”; 三. 誊写阶段要 “三注意”.,“一抓”是指审题阶段要抓要点。一般要找出五个内容要点来,如果文字说明部分找不够的话,就要

26、注意题令的上下文是否有暗示,或给出的开头、结尾中是否隐含有条件。,“三问”是指动笔拟文前要提问自己三个问题: 一、问标题; 二、问人称; 三、问时态。,“四步扩展”是指具体拟文中的四个步骤,包括: 一、短语简述; 二、添词成句; 三、联句成篇; 四、修饰成文。,“三注意”是指誊写阶段要注意的三个方面,它们是“大、个(隔)、头” 三个字。“大”指的是考生作文时,字体最好采用斜体,字要写得大一些,这有两个好处,一来容易辨认,二来不会给阅卷人造成字数不够的感觉。“隔” 指的是词与词之间最好隔开一点距离,不要连笔。字迹不要过于潦草,不要龙飞凤舞。“头” 指的是重视写好文章的开头部分,这是给阅卷人留下第

27、一印象的地方,一定要写好。我们说:“千错万错,开头不能错;千好万好,开头一定要好。,我在书面表达练习中要求学生做到以下几点: 细读提示,写全要点; 繁简适度,突出亮点; 承上启下,层次分明; 卷面干净,书写工整。,互批法:学生间相互批改,老师作指导。 示范法:布置完作文题目后,叫一个英文功地较好的学生上讲台,在黑板与全体同学一起现场写作,然后教师进行当堂批改,此时特别注意寻找文中的闪光点,有时能起到很好的带头作用。 助手改错法:找几个作文较好的学生,每人批改几篇文章,找出学生作文中的典型错误集中收集起来,抄在黑板上,进行公开评论。老师进行宏观调控,评讲后要求学生再改、再重写,最后交一篇干净、整

28、洁、规范的作文给老师。,这几年天津卷书面表达考图表的形式多了些。给人的感觉是中文文字提示方面的内容偏多。而不给中文文字提示的看图写文或先读英文后写文章的作文形式还鲜有出现。无论哪种形式,我们在训练中都要注意避免让学生照着文字说明翻译,而且在给学生提示的时候能给单词就不给短语,能给短语就不给句子,给信息的时候也尽量把信息的顺序打乱,然后让学生们根据逻辑自己重新排列信息的顺序。,注意阅卷人一般从四个角度去评分,第一个角度是考语言的准确性,主要是用词和语法方面;第二个角度是要考学生用词的广度、能否及有多少使用高级词汇;第三个角度是考内容要点是否全面;第四个角度是连贯性,即上下文的关联词语的应用是否恰倒好处。考试中心一直都是本着这样的原则来评分,即可以容忍学生在复杂句中有难度的地方犯错误,而不能容忍一竿子“简单到底”最后还出现些许错误。因此要鼓励学生们敢写、多写,写得好,还要写得美。,谢谢老师们 ! 2006/ 12/ 20,


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