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1、Unit 4 Public transport,特殊句式(六) 反意疑问句 经典背诵 1.He cant have gone home last night,did he? 2.I dont think its right to do so, is it? 3.Your brother doesnt like any sports, does he? 4.You have never been to Hong Kong, have you? 5.You dislike playing online games, dont you? 6.It is the first time that you

2、 have come here, isnt it?,7.Lets go out for a walk,shall we? 8.Let us go home now,will/wont you? 9.There were few people at the park today, were there? 10.His father used to go swimming in winter, didnt he?, 趁热打铁 1.我相信你还没听说那个消息,对吧? _ 2.他过去常常开着窗户睡觉,是吗? _,3.记住给我发个电子邮件,好吗? _ 4.当时教室里有很多学生,是不是? _,【答案】 1.

3、I believe /am sure you havent heard the news,have you? 2.He used to sleep with the window open,usednt /didnt he? 3.Remember to send me an email,will you/wont you? 4.There were many students in the classroom,werent there? 【名师点注】 使用反意疑问句时应注意两点:首先,反问部分的主语和谓语应和前一句子的主语和谓语保持一致;然后还要注意反问部分应使用肯定形式还是否定形式。,.重点

4、词汇 1_adj.遥远的_n距离;间距 2_adv.比较地_adj.比较的;相比的_vt.比较;对比_n比较;对比 3_adj.不方便的_(反义词) 4_adj.&vt.分别_adv.单独地;分别地 5_vt.获得;学到_n获得;得到 6_vt.&vi.扩大;膨胀_n扩大;膨胀 7_n建筑师_n建筑,8_adj.有效的;实质的_n效应;影响;结果_adv.有效地 9_vt.&vi.允许;许可_n允许;许可 10_vt.使恼怒;使厌倦_adj.厌倦的;恼怒的 11_vt.承担;担任_(过去式)_(过去分词) 12_adj.适度的;谦虚的_adv.适度地;谦虚地_n谦虚;谦逊 13_vt.推迟_(

5、同义词),14_v出发;起程_n离开;起程;出发 15_v依靠_adj.可信任的;可依靠的 16_vi.发生;形成_(过去式)_(过去分词) 17_vt.超过;赶上_(过去式)_(过去分词) 18_v专心;专注_n专心;专注 19_adj.不负责的_(反义词),1distant;distance paratively;comparative; compare;comparison 3.inconvenient;convenient 4.separate;separately 5.acquire;acquisition 6.expand;expansion 7.architect;archite

6、cture 8.effective;effect;effectively 9.permit;permission 10.annoy;annoyed 11.undertake;undertook;undertaken 12.modest;modestly;modesty 13.postpone;delay 14.depart;departure 15.rely;reliable 16.arise;arose;arisen 17.overtake;overtook;overtaken 18.concentrate;concentration 19.irresponsible;responsible

7、,.短语回顾 1choke_阻塞 2link_连接 3in the middle_在中间 4_a discount打折 5_the hope that希望 6take notice_注意;注意到 7make better use_更好的利用 8make up_补偿;弥补,9speed_加速 10wash_冲跨 11_repair在修理中 12_ferry乘轮渡 13in addition_除之外;包括 14arise_由产生 15be aimed_目的是;旨在 16_塞车 17a couple_两个;几个,1off 2.up 3.of 4.at 5.in 6.of 7.of 8.for 9.u

8、p 10.away 11.under 12.by 13.to 14.from 15.at 16.traffic jam 17.of,.佳句回顾 1I practised playing the piano all day on Sunday _.(为弥补失去的时间) 2I hope _(你注意)what the teacher is going to tell you. 3The train _(已经加速)in order to arrive in Shanghai ahead of time. 4In this way rains _.(不会把土壤冲刷掉) 5They decided _ i

9、ts cage.(放出鸟),1to make up for the lost time 2.youll take notice of 3.has speeded up 4.dont wash away the soil 5.to release the bird from,1choke v窒息;堵塞;阻塞 choke to death 噎死;窒息死亡 choke with 因而说不出话;哽咽 choke back/down忍住;抑制住 choke off 阻止;抑制 choke up 哽咽,【经典例句】 Unfortunately,the increased number of vehicle

10、s on the road choked_off traffic,and the roads.(P50) 不巧的是,路面上交通车辆堵塞,道路 If the price is too high,demand is choked_off. 如果价格过高,需求就会受到抑制。,【即时应用】 根据汉语提示完成下面小片段 When the doctors tried everything to save the child who almost (1)_(窒息死亡) because of swallowing a pen,the parents just (2)_(哽咽)But after a while

11、,they managed to (3)_(抑制住眼泪)and said“thanks” again and again. 【答案】 (1)choked to death (2)choked up (3)choke back/down tears,2permit vt.&vi.允许;准许;许可n.许可证;执照;通行证 permit sb.to do sth.允许某人做某事 permit doing sth.允许做某事 permitn./pron.许可/容许某事物 permission n允许;许可 with/without ones permission 在某人的准许下;未获得的允许 ask

12、for permission 请求允许,【经典例句】 Visit our ticket office and buy one of the travel cards that permit you to travel all over the underground system.(P51) 请光临我们的售票处,购买一张允许你乘坐各条地铁的旅行卡。 Have you got_a_permit to fish in this lake? 你有在这个湖里钓鱼的许可证吗? If you promise_to_do something,you must not break your promise.

13、如果你答应做某事,就一定不要失言。,permit sb.to do sth./promise sb.to do sth. permit sb.to do sth.指允许别人做某事,动作由对方完成。 promise sb.to do sth.指答应别人(向对方承诺)要做某事,动作由承诺人完成。,【即时应用】 完成句子 (4)_,dont touch anything. 未经许可,不许乱动。 【答案】 Without permission,单项选择 (5)Could you please _ me a few minutes?I have a language problem to consult

14、 you. Apermit Bsave Cspare Dprovide 【答案】 C,3annoy v使生气;使烦恼,【经典例句】 He felt/got/was_annoyed_with the boy for being so stupid. 他因这孩子如此的愚蠢而感到烦恼。 I am_annoyed_to hear that he doesnt work well. 听说他工作干不好,我很伤脑筋。 I was_annoyed_by his bad manners. 他的无礼使我恼怒。,【温馨提示】 annoy与surprise,interest,excite等动词具有相同的用法,v.ed

15、形式表示某人感到如何;v.ing形式表示某事令人如何。,【即时应用】 用annoy相关短语的适当形式完成句子 (6)She _(被惹恼)his question. (7)She _(对生气)the boy for his cheating in the exam. (8)He_(恼火地发现)himself cheated. (9)It really _(使我恼火)when people forget to say “thank you ” 【答案】 (6)was annoyed by (7)was annoyed with (8)was annoyed to find (9)annoys me

16、,4distinction n声誉;名声;区别;差别,【经典例句】 It has the distinction of being the oldest and most complex underground system in the world.(P50) 它(伦敦地铁)拥有世界上最古老,最复杂的地铁之称。 It is certainly the first to distinguish_between right and wrong. 明辨是非是第一位的。 The twins were so much alike that it was impossible to distinguis

17、h one from the other. 这对双胞胎如此相像,使人无法分辨。,【即时应用】 (10)The speech mainly deals with the trouble young children have _right from wrong. Adistinguishing Bdistinguished Cto distinguish Dto be distinguished 【解析】 还原句型have trouble doing sth.。 【答案】 A,5beyond prep.在的那一边;迟于;超出 beyond the sea 在海外 beyond descripti

18、on/praise/expression 无法描述/赞扬/表达 beyond hope/reason 没有希望/毫无道理 beyond ones endurance 忍无可忍 beyond ones power/ability 某人力所不能及的,【经典例句】 Sorry,Madam.Youd better come tomorrow because its beyond the visiting hours. 对不起,夫人。你最好明天来,因为现在已过了探视时间。 To express myself in English is beyond my ability. 用英语表达自己超出了我的能力。

19、 I cant tell you beyond what you already know. 除了你知道的,我不能告诉你其他任何事情。,【对接高考】 (11)(2006江苏高考)This new model of car is so expensive that it is _the reach of those with average incomes. Aover Bwithin Cbeyond Dbelow,【解析】 over表示“(数目、程度)超过,多于”;within“在之内”;beyond表示“(范围、限度)超出”;below“在以下”。句意:这种新型的车太贵了,它超出了收入是一般

20、情况的人的购买能力(范围)。beyond the reach“超出范围”。 【答案】 C,(12)(2009全国卷)Everybody was touched _words after they heard her moving story. Abeyond Bwithout Cof Din 【解析】 考查习惯用语。句意:听过她的这个动人的故事以后,他们都被感动得说不出话来。beyond words “无法用语言表达”。 【答案】 A,【即时应用】 完成句子 (13)Most people do not choose to work _. 大多数人过了通常的退休年龄后便不再工作。 (14)Th

21、e town centre had changed _. 镇中心已变得完全认不出来了。 (15)The problem is far _. 这个问题远远超过了我的能力范围。 【答案】 (13)beyond the normal retirement age (14)beyond all recognition (15)beyond my ability,6arise vi.(arose,arisen)出现;发生;起身;起因于;起源于,【经典例句】 The number of road accidents and the deaths arising_from those accidents h

22、as increased greatly over the past year.(P62) 在去年,交通事故的数量和因这些事故造成的死亡数量都大幅增加。 A new difficulty has arisen. 出现了新的困难。 Use the money when the need arises. 有需要时就使用这笔钱。,rise/arise/raise/lift rise vi.上升,增加,上涨,兴起。 arise 引起,发生,出自;arise from.由引起。 raise vt.提高,提出,饲养,筹集,抚养,养育。在用于“提升”的意义时,可包含费力也可不包含费力,但总带有“垂直”提升的

23、意思;raise ones voice 提高嗓门。 lift vt.升高,提高,兴起,指“提升很重的或者抬起比较重的东西”,强调花费的努力。,【即时应用】 (16)Bob has been working hard in an attempt to have his pay _as soon as possible. Aarisen Brisen Craised Dlifted 【解析】 get/have sth.done结构,A、B两项均是不及物动词;D项抬起,升高;raise加薪。句意:鲍伯一直努力工作以图老板为其尽快加薪。 【答案】 C,7undertake v着手做;从事;负责;担保

24、undertaken.承担;着手 undertake to do sth.保证/同意做某事 undertake that.保证 undertaker n承办者;承担者,【经典例句】 When I first undertook the project,I found the information confusing because I didnt know how to organize it.(P57) 我第一次从事这个工作时,我发现信息很迷惑,因为我不知道如何组织。 He undertook to pay the money back in six months. 他保证六个月内还钱。

25、We undertook a trip to the west. 我们到西部旅行了一次。,【即时应用】 完成句子 (17)He _(保证)finish the job by Friday. (18)I cant _(担保)you will make a profit. (19)Who will _(承担这个任务)? (20)She _(承担了责任)for the change. 【答案】 (17)undertook to (18)undertake that (19)undertake the task (20)undertook the responsibilities,1make bett

26、er use of 更好地利用 【经典例句】 Make_full_use_of every chance to speak English. 要充分利用一切机会说英语。 New printing techniques have recently come_into_use. 最近,新的印刷技术已经开始使用了。 It_is_no_use_learning without thinking. 学而不思则惘。,make full/good use of 充分利用 make the best most of充分利用 be of use(be useful) 有用处 be in use 在使用中 com

27、e into use开始被使用 bring/put.to use 把加以利用 Its no use doing.做没有用,【即时应用】 完成句子 (21)He has made up his mind and _(说服他是不可能的) (22)In our company,the Internet has been _(充分利用) 【答案】 (21)its impossible to persuade him (22)made full use of,2wash away 冲掉;冲垮;冲走 【经典例句】 The bridge was_washed_away by the flood. 桥被洪水冲

28、垮了。 The waves washed the boats away from the coast. 海浪把岸边的小船冲走了。,wash down 冲洗;冲下 wash out 洗掉 wash.up把冲上岸 wash off 被冲洗掉;被洗掉 wash oneself 洗澡(手、脸),【即时应用】 完成句子 (23)She was no longer able to _(给自己洗澡) (24)Part of the path had been _(冲走)by the sea. (25)_(冲洗)the walls before painting them. (26)Those grease

29、stains wont _(被洗掉) (27)The body was found _(被冲上岸)on a beach. (28)The boy is old enough _(洗身体) 【答案】 (23)wash herself (24)washed away (25)Wash off (26)wash off (27)washed up (28)to wash himself,3in the hope that.希望 【经典例句】 I am in_the_hope_of getting good results after hard working. 努力工作后我希望得到好的结果。 He

30、sent his son to a key middle school in_the_hope_that he can enter a famous university when he finishes middle school. 他把儿子送进一所重点中学,希望他中学毕业后能考取一所著名大学。,【即时应用】 用hope 的适当形式填空 (29)She went there in _of finding a good job. (30)She went there in _ of finding a good job. (31)She went there,_ to find a good

31、job. (32)She went there in the hope _ she could find a good job. 【答案】 (29)hopes (30)the hope (31)hoping (32)that,1Drivers should be especially careful near schools,where_there_are likely to be many children. 司机们开到学校附近尤其要小心,因为那里可能会有许多孩子。 【句式分析】 there be 结构的be 可以换成happen,seem,stand,sit,appear,grow,liv

32、e,exist等。,There once lived a monk in the old temple and he was reciting scriptures day and night. 从前这个庙里住着个和尚,他一天到晚念经。 There happened to be a policeman nearby,who caught hold of the thief. 碰巧附近有个警察把小偷给抓住了。,【对接高考】 (33)(2010陕西高考)John opened the door.There_he had never seen before. Aa girl did stand Ba

33、 girl stood Cdid a girl stand Dstood a girl 【答案】 D,【即时应用】 用所给词的适当形式填空 (34)There _(be) a chair and two tables in the room. (35)There _(be) no money in his pocket,he had to go home. (36)It is necessary for there _(be) a dictionary with you. (37)What is the chance of there _(be) some good dictionaries

34、in that bookstore? 【答案】 (34)is (35)being (36)to be (37)being,2Below are some of the major causes of road accidents involving vehicles such as cars and lorries and what drivers should do to prevent them. 下面列举的是和交通工具,如汽车、卡车有关的引起交通事故的一些主要原因以及驾驶者该如何做来阻止事故发生的建议。 【句式分析】 up,down,below,above,over,out,in等副词放

35、于句首且主语为名词时,句子主谓语要倒装,属于全部倒装,即谓语放在主语前面。,【对接高考】 (38)(2010江苏高考)Is everyone here? Not yet.Look,there _the rest of our guests! Acome Bcomes Cis coming Dare coming 【答案】 A,【即时应用】 完成句子 (39)South of the river _. 一个小型工厂坐落在这条河的南岸。 (40)Out _. 孩子们冲了出去。 【答案】 (39)lies a small factory (40)rushed the children,.单词拼写 1

36、The naughty boy is always making trouble,which a_his father. 2The s_showed that many students prefer to have a weekend. 3A shark can smell blood at a d_of 500 meters. 4I r_on your words absolutely. 5A rise in the temperature of the gas results in the e_of electric wires.,6He devotes his time to the

37、_(获得)of knowledge. 7In my project I will discuss the transport _(系统)in Beijing. 8The book _(谈到)to is intended for children. 9He travelled a lot and had a lot of travelling _(经历) 10It saves money to buy a _(往返)ticket. 【答案】 1.annoys 2.survey 3.distance 4.rely 5.expansion 6acquisition 7.system 8.referr

38、ed 9.experiences 10.return,.选词填空 choke off;at a discount;in the hope that;take notice of;make up for;in use;wash away;under repair;arise from;be aimed at1.Though built more than 40 years ago,the Nanjing Changjiang River Bridge is still_. 2Her screams were suddenly_. 3We are selling oldfashioned clot

39、hes_. 4Nothing can_what they have suffered. 5The road is _,so the road is blocked.,6His illness _lack of rest. 7Criticism should _helping those criticized. 8Heavy rain will not only_the soil but will cause serious flood as well. 9Please _my announcement,or youll be confused. 10He bought an expensive

40、 diamond ring for the girl_she would promise to marry him. 【答案】 1.in use 2.choked off 3.at a discount 4.make up for 5.under repair 6.arose from 7.be aimed at 8.wash away 9.take notice of 10.in the hope that,.翻译句子 1我们对这条河的污染情况进行了调查。(conduct a survey) _ 2我们从远处就可以看到那座山。(from the distance) _,3花园中央砌造了一个漂

41、亮的石头喷水池。(be set in) _ 4他惟恐婚姻破裂,把一切都告诉了妻子。(rather than) _ 5我们应该分清是非。(make a distinction) _,【答案】 1.We conducted a survey about the pollution of the river. 2We can see the mountain from the distance. 3A beautiful stone fountain was set in the middle of the garden. 4Rather than risk breaking up his marr

42、iage,he told his wife everything. 5We should make a distinction between right and wrong.,.用所给词的适当形式填空 1_(pass) the headmasters office,I saw an old man sitting there talking with the headmaster. 2I want a copy of newspaper_(read) 3The show made me _(interest)in the study of science. 4Dont get _(catch) in the heavy rain. 5I saw her _(seat)at the table. 6The man_(speak)at the meeting now is from Beijing.,7He told us about his trip abroad in an_(excite)voice. 8I want to have him_(find) a car for me. 【答案】 1.Passing 2.to read 3.interested 4.caught 5.seated 6.speaking 7.excited 8.find,


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