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1、企業應用電子商務的趨勢,張耀仁 Chief Scientist,蕃薯藤數位科技 http:/,簡歷,張耀仁 Chief Scientist,蕃薯藤數位科技(2000/1-) IBM亞太區電子商務資深顧問(1997-2000/1) 中原大學電子系所專任副教授 (1995-2000/1) 電子商務著作 電子商務系統,高立出版,1998/11 初版,2000/3, 二版二刷,Make it Service Company instead of Marketing Company,Customer Retention & Customer Acquisition focus on long-term

2、customer relation rather than marketing (wallet share vs. market share) deliver service based on customer value beauty of subscription,At YAM, acquiring a major Information Service customer takes 3 to 9 months.,Know what Internet can do best for you,B2C (On-line retailing) Back to College CRM (Custo

3、mer Retention) Cost Real Money,Click and Mortar enhance the business with Internet tech,Bank, Insurance Company (Subscription Type Service) Consolidate billing, transaction record Targetted Promotion Book Store, Travel Agency, Stock Trading (Information Centric Service) Information Service, Membersh

4、ip, Incentive Program,Click and Mortar (Cont.),Chain Store, Retailor (Logistics Type Service) QR/ECR, SCM Manufacturing, OEM Virtual Factory,B-to-C Survival Games,Financial, Travel Agency/Ticketing, Book Distribution Presale can be virtualized. 3C Retailing, Grocery Retailing, Furniture Retailing Ph

5、ysical inspection is unlikely to be skipped. Complicated logistics Job Banks How significant Computerized Match is? Internet HR Pure Play vs. Managed HR service,e 化 Traveler Service,Universal Messaging,Portability,Asychronous,Fax,GSM,eFax,Fax-,email,Phone,SMS,gateway,Voice Portal,wap,Wap portal,Brow

6、ser PDA,Http:/,Content, Community, Communication, Commerce,Virtual Community,Content Provider,Operator,Mobile Service Gateway,Commerce Site,Internet,Telecom,Web,Deployment of M-Commerce,The Vision is “Pervasive Web”,蕃薯藤大陸3C通路佈局(賽博數碼廣場),Flagship Franchise,ITGO (eMarketing),SCM,Geography

7、 coverage, Speed, Right Targetting,Membership, Stickiness, Repeat Buy, Cross-selling,Cost-Efficient, Control, Speed,Click and Mortar,1,2,3,e化主動行銷,To e- or Not to e-,Taiwan is increasingly becoming a player global supply chain Becoming an e-business may not be an advantage but a minimum requirement i

8、n some cases Streaming Business Flows and Cost Reduction Manufacturing- PDM, ERP Retailing- SCM High Tech- Knowledge Management, ERP,the Informed Buying Cycle 智慧型消費者的時代來臨,1,2,3,Strategies,Tactics,Rationale,Impacts of Internet/Intranet on Corporate Strategy,一般性,專業性,廣,窄,資源性質,事業範圍,移轉,共享,協調整合,財務導向,營運導向,

9、管控,Src: HBR,Internet 時代的經濟規模,網路降低通訊成本,有利於分散與跨國企業。 網路與電腦化,有利於較大規模經營者。,Taiwans SME,1,000,000,Own IT, Hire service team,IT not required,IT required, cannot afford,裕隆,台積電,日盛,台塑,家庭式鐵工廠,鄉下建材行,YAM Confidential,“Knowledge Portal”,Company Portal,Personal Portal,Industry Portal,Internet Portal,Customers Serve

10、d,IT Complexity,Thin Client,ASP,Own IT,YAM Confidential,Enterprise Information Portal Knowledge Portal,Employees as Customers,電子商業技術展望,Thin Client,Hosting,ASP,Own IT,SB,MB,e-Commerce,CRM,KM/e-Learning,SCM,E-Business,Storefront/Auction,Business Drive,IT Complexity,Biz Scale,YAM Confidential,ASP- Appl

11、ication Service Providers 應用服務提供模式,New service paradigm accountant vs leased accounting system service personnel vs. leased billing system “Lease but not own” “Use but not maintain” “Pay for what is used” Issues Who can be the ASP? Securities, Privacy Performance, Scalability Service Charge,YAM Conf

12、idential,B-to-B eCommerce 模式與策略,Buyers solutions procurement Sellers solutions e-dealer, customer care, CRM eMarketplace Trading Hub,B,S,S,S,W,RS,RS,RS,S,RS,buyer,supplier,reseller,Wholesale,S,S,S,B,B,B,B,W,YAM Confidential,Challenges with eMarketplace,Payment is not an issue. Revenue is not secured

13、. Membership, (renewable) Advertisement, (CPM) Installation/Setup, (one time fee) Transaction Fee (per order) New directions,Challenges with ERP/SCM,Gaps between existing business flows and software built-in business logics Very costly to SMEs Long introduction time Insufficient commitment to making

14、 change Operation the ASP way is not mature yet,ASP Business Segments,B2C B2B EIP eLearning,Commerce Hosting Affiliated Store eMP Virtual Company EIP ASP eLearning ASP,YAM Confidential,e-Path for Company,(Sharing) Phase I: Company as Community mail, webpages, bulletin, calendar (sync to Outlook & Lo

15、tus), UMS, corporate stores (Empowerment) Phase II: eLearning, EIP (Enterprise Information Portal) (Moblity & Flexibility) Phase III: MIS (workflow, procurement, ERP provided by ASP),YAM Confidential,S,S,S,B,B,B,B2C,eLearning,HR,Company Portal,Industry Portal,S,buyer,supplier,Hosted reseller,B,Consu

16、mer Market,RS,RS,Corp. store,A Scenario,YAM Confidential,Content,Core Tech,Call Center,Legacy,eCommerce,Traffic/Profile,Customer Base,Distribution Center,(Now),(Future),Partners,eBusiness IT components,CRM,e-Learning,YAM Confidential,Levels of ASP,Application hosting compared to virtual hosting, col

17、ocation Data Center (storage for informational asset) Domain Expertise Core competence Expertise from alliance Konwledge management,YAM Confidential,Domain Expertise,Security,Economic Scale,Criteria of business development,Ability to replicate Scalability,Scale up,Replicate,Marketshare,YAM Confident

18、ial,Ability to Replicate,Replicate to different territories different categories Leverage system, biz models, connections, domain know-how, partnerships,YAM Confidential,Revenue Streams at YAM,Sponsorship: 104, Hrgini, CNet,ASP / Information Service: Eva Air, Hrgini, Eslite, Loyo,Cobrand Privilege: B, Allproducts,結論,The window for Internet Pure-Play is gone. 明日報,資迅人/酷必得, e化企業 Survival,Competitive,Taking Advantages while we still can Think from a broader spectrum Customer Value, Customer/Employee Care, Business Process, IT Resources,


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