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1、文本解读切入点与目标预设的研究 (叙事类的记叙文),陈新妹 瓯海区第一高级中学 2014年6月19日,瓯海一高英语教研组在2013年10月被温州市教育局选为温州市第一批“促进有效学习”课堂变革高中英语学科实验基地。 温州市高中英语课堂变革实验项目为:“人教版高中英语阅读课型课堂有效导学方式的实践研究” 本学年(启动实验阶段)课改实验基地的研究任务是“文本解读和学习目标预设的研究”。,文本解读的意义: 文本解读是为了更有效的教学,为了确立科学的、合理的、具体的、可操作的导学目标,以及划分重组教学内容、整理教学主线。(郑秋秋,2013) 文本解读要求: 1、非常熟练掌握教学内容; 2、十分透彻理解

2、文章的内涵; 3、抓住文章的主题思想,对文章的主题思想相关的语言点要有很强的敏感性。 (郑秋秋,2013),一、叙事类的记叙文文本特点 二、叙事类的记叙文文本解读的切入点 三、叙事类的记叙文文本学习目标预设,文本解读切入点与目标预设的研究 (叙事类的记叙文),一、叙事类的记叙文文本特点,1、叙事的“六要素”:事情发生的时间、地点、相关人物、事情的起因、经过、结果(When, Where, Who, Why, What, How)。 2、叙事顺序有顺叙、倒叙、插叙等几种形式。 3叙事类文本组材线索:(1)以时间转移为线索;(2)以地点转移为线索;(3)以事件为线索;(4)以某人为线索;(5)以某

3、物为线索;(6)以感情为线索;(7)以见闻为线索 4、叙事类文本的划分: 按事件的发展过程、空间转换、内容变化、人物、场景变化、感情变化、表达方式的变换来划分。,一、叙事类的记叙文文本特点,5叙事类文本的表达方式:叙述、描写(语言,动作,心理,环境等)、议论、抒情、说明等 。多种方式综合运用的表达特色。叙事类的记叙文以记叙、描写为主要表达方式,但议论、抒情等手法又不可缺少。 6叙事类文本语言的特点:准确、生动、直观 7、塑造人物的方法。主要有:外貌描写、神态描写、行动(动作)描写、语言描写、心理描写、侧面描写、侧面烘托等。,必修四第四单元Communication: No Problems?

4、These actions are not got or bad, but are simply ways in which cultures have developed.,必修一第四单元 A Night the Earth Didnt Sleep Slowly the earth began to breath.,选修八第三单元The Problems of the Snakes,必修一第三单元Journey down the Mekong对Wang Wei形象的塑造 必修二第四单元 How Daisy Learnt to Help Wildlife对Daisy 形象的塑造 必修三第二单元

5、Come and Eat Here(1)对王鹏的人物塑造,二、叙事类的记叙文文本解读的切入点,(一)从文本标题角度切入 从文本标题角度切入,抓住文本标题,展开文本解读的起点。 标题的作用大致有:标志文体、揭示主旨或者表达观点、行文线索、富含深意、标明范围等。 在解读叙事类文本标题时,可以根据文本标题的作用切入,利用标题,培养学生预测文本的能力。,(一)从文本标题角度切入,(1)从标题可以了解文体的如:Journey down the Mekong ; In Search of the Amber Room;How Daisy Learned to Help Wildlife;A Trip on

6、 “The True North”; John Snow Defeats “King Cholera”等。 (2)从标题可以知道文本主旨或表达观点,如Communication: No Problem? 等。 (3)从标题可以知道行文线索,如:Journey down the Mekong;In Search of the Amber Room;How Daisy Learned to Help Wildlife;A Trip on “The True North”; Communication: No Problem? ;John Snow Defeats “King Cholera”; A

7、n Exciting Job;The Problem of the Snakes等。,(一)从文本标题角度切入,(4)文本标题富含深意的如:A Night the Earth didnt Sleep。 (5)文本标题表明范围的如:Journey down the Mekong;A Night the Earth didnt Sleep;In Search of the Amber Room;How Daisy Learned to Help Wildlife;Come and Eat Here (1);A Trip on “The True North”; Communication: No

8、Problem? ;John Snow Defeats “King Cholera”; An Exciting Job;The Problem of the Snakes等。,基于文本标题解读对教学设计启示,标题是学生了解文本的起点。利用好文本标题,不仅有助于学生更快、更准确了解文本内容、文本结构、文体等,也能很好培养学生的预测能力。 如何利用文本培养学生的预测能力呢? 抓住叙事类文本特点以及标题提供的信息进行有意识的预测,而不是瞎猜。 【教学案例】必修二第二单元In Search of the Amber Room,【教学案例】必修二第二单元In Search of the Amber Ro

9、om Who were/are in search of the Amber Room? Where were/are they in search of the Amber Room? What was/is the Amber Room? When were/are they in search of the Amber Room? Why were/are they in search of the Amber Room? What was/is the result of the search of the Amber Room?,基于文本标题解读对教学设计启示,二、叙事类的记叙文文本

10、解读的切入点,(二)从文本内容角度切入 从文本内容角度切入,抓住文本叙述的六要素,掌握故事梗概;深入了解内容,理解文本所叙事的事件的意义和影响、人物观点思想和作者写作意图等。 【教学案例】必修一第四单元A Night the Earth Didnt Sleep(黄小乐老师的文本解读) 1. The facts of the Tangshan earthquake 2. The writers sadness toward the city between the lines. 3. No matter how great the difficulty is, if we dont give u

11、p, we can overcome it and create wonders. 4.The importance of knowing the signs of an earthquake,二、叙事类的记叙文文本解读的切入点,(三)从文本脉络角度切入 从文本脉络角度切入,梳理文本脉络,把握故事情节;利用文本脉络,加深文本理解。 脉络往往贯穿全文始终,体现了材料之间的内在联系,它把所有材料联结成一个有机体。 叙事类文本所叙述事件的发生、发展、高潮、结局就是文本的脉络。 文本线索有以事情发展(发生、发展、高潮、结果)为线索,以人物为线索,以时间为线索、以地点转移为线索的、以见闻为线索的,以情感

12、变化为线索的等 。 一篇文章往往有多种线索融合在一起。,二、叙事类的记叙文文本解读的切入点,(四)从文本语言角度切入 从文本语言角度切入,依托文本语言,了解故事梗概;品味文本语言,体会主旨情感;领悟语言智慧,学习表现形式。 1、 与文本主要内容相关的语言 2、与文本脉络相关的语言 3、与文本主旨大意相关的语言 4、与作者写作意图的语言 5、与文章结构相关的语言 6、体现事件发展、人物性格特征相关的语言 7、体现叙述类文本特征的语言【教学案例】 8、体现阅读技能培养的语言 ,体现叙述类的记叙文文本特征的语言: 准确、生动、直观,【教学案例】必修一第四单元A Night the Earth did

13、nt Sleep (1)For three days, the water in the village wells rose and fell, rose and fell. (2)At about 3:00 am on July 28, 1976, some people saw bright lights in the sky. (3)But one million people of the city who thought little of these events were asleep as usual that night. (4)At 3:42 am everything

14、began to shake. (5) Eleven kilometers directly below the city one of the greatest earthquakes of the 20th century had begun. (6)It was felt in Beijing, which is more than two hundred kilometers away. (7) One-third of the nation felt it. (8)A huge crack that was eight kilometers long and thirty metre

15、s wide cut cross houses, roads and canals.,体现叙述类的记叙文文本特征的语言: 准确、生动、直观,.(9)Two-thirds of them died or were injured during the earthquakes. (10)Thousands of families were killed and many children were left without parents. (11)The number of people who were killed or seriously injured reached more than

16、 400,000. (12)All of the citys hospitals, 75% of its factories and buildings and 90% of its homes were gone. (13)Two dams fell and most of the bridges also feel or were not safe for traveling. (14)Tens of thousands of cows would never give milk again. (15)Soon after the earthquakes the army sent 150

17、,000 soldiers to Tangshan to help the rescue workers. (16)Hundreds of thousands of people were helped. (17)To the north of the city, most of the 10,000 miners were rescued from the coal mines there.,二、叙事类的记叙文文本解读的切入点,(五)从关键细节角度切入 从关键细节角度切入,抓住关键细节,感受人物形象。 叙事离不开写人,解读叙事类文本就要解读通过语言文字感受人物的特点。而人物的性格或品质往往就

18、是通过一些细节来表现的,一个动作、一个表情、一句话等深刻地刻画出人物的本质特征,从而从人物形象鲜活起来。 (外貌描写、神态描写、行动(动作)描写、语言描写、心理描写、侧面描写、侧面烘托等。) 【教学案例】Come and Eat Here (1)文本解读,二、叙事类的记叙文文本解读的切入点,(六)从文本场景角度切入 从文本场景角度切入,关注场景描写,促进文本领悟。 场景描写包括场面描写和环境描写,恰当而巧妙的场景描写是叙事类作品中一道亮丽的风景线。它在营造故事意境,渲染故事气氛,揭示人物性格,表现人物情感,揭示故事主题等方面起到了相当大的作用。 【教学案例1】必修一第四单元A Night th

19、e Earth Didnt Sleep 【教学案例2】选修七第四单元 A Letter Home,【教学案例2】选修七第四单元 A Letter Home,说明作者工作的环境,作者没有用Poor condition等字眼,而是采用环境的描写。 “Its a bush schoolthe classrooms are made of bamboo and the roofs of grass. It takes me only a few minutes to walk to school down a muddy track. ”,【教学案例2】选修七第四单元 A Letter Home,说明

20、他们生活条件原始,作者也采用了环境描写。 “Tombes father, Mukap, led us to his house, a low bamboo hut with grass sticking out of roof There were no windows and the doorway was just big enough to get through. The hut was dark inside so it took time for our eyes to adjust. Fresh grass had been laid on the floor The only

21、possessions I could see were one broom, a few tin plates and cups and a couple of jars.”,三、叙事类的记叙文文本学习目标预设,阅读课型第一课时学习目标: 1. Reading for surface understanding; 2. Reading for main idea; 3. Reading for target languages. 阅读课型第二课时学习目标: 1. Reading for deeper understanding 2. Reading for passage structure

22、 3. Reading for thinking 4. Reading for language understanding and language building (郑秋秋,2013),三、叙事类的记叙文文本学习目标预设,阅读课型第一课时学习目标预设: 1. Reading for surface understanding; (标题预测、文本初次理解(理解故事梗概、掌握故事的六要素) 2. Reading for main idea; 理清文本脉络、了解主旨大意 3. Reading for target languages. 目标语言是与surface understanding 和

23、main idea相关的语言。,三、叙事类的记叙文文本学习目标预设,阅读课型第二课时学习目标预设: 1. Reading for deeper understanding 深层理解文本内容,了解事件发展的影响和意义、人物的观点思想 2. Reading for passage structure 再度理解文本脉络,理清文本结构 3. Reading for thinking 抓住关键信息、了解作者意图,启发学生思考点 4. Reading for language understanding and language building 目标语言是与deeper understanding和thinking相关的语言。 【教学案例】必修一第四单元A Night the Earth Didnt Sleep (黄小乐老师的学习目标预设),阅读教学的过程是一个高度综合的过程,而这个过程的逻辑起点是教师对教学文本的多元解读。在解读文本的基础上构建学生的学习。(葛炳芳,2013) 由文本标题、文本内容、文本脉络、文本语言、文本细节之径,探文本之奥秘,这是我们教研组正在尝试的文本解读之径。 走进文本解读 走进阅读教学,


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