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1、Unit 4 Halloween,an elephant,a dog,a tiger,a lion,a panda,a monkey,a bear,a rabbit,a zebra,a bird,a cat,I like+ 名词复数形式,a horse,horses,The horse can run fast.,Do you like ,Do you like birds? Yes, I do. Birds, birds. I like birds, because the bird can fly high. Do you like horses? Yes, I do. Horses, h

2、orses. I like horses, because the horse can run fast. Do you like dogs? Yes, I do. Dogs, dogs. I like dogs, because the dog is our friend.,Say a chant :,What do I need,?,v.需要,You need ,You need ,a CD Walkman,a tape,a TV,a tape recorder,a VCD,a songbook,Halloween,Halloween,Halloween,Halloween,西方的鬼节万圣

3、节,万圣节的打扮:万圣节的装饰多以桔色和黑色为主。黑色代表像黑貓、蜘蛛和巫婆,桔色代表像南瓜燈 (Jack-O-Lantern) 等等,都是常见的万圣节象征。,万圣节前夜最流行的游戏是“咬苹果”。游戏时,人们让苹果漂浮在装满水的盆里,然后让孩子们在不用手的条件下用嘴去咬苹果,谁先咬到,谁就是优胜者.,現今的万圣节:孩子们在這一天穿戴看起來像骷髅或鬼的面具,或裝扮着海盜、仙女等奇装异服,提着南瓜灯笼,在大街小巷挨家挨户地敲门玩 “Trick or Treat“(要嘛!招待我,不然我就给您好戏看 )的游戏。,Where are Ben and his family?,Where are Ben a

4、nd his family?,They are in the sitting-room.,thing (东西;物品),thing东西;物品,buy things 买东西,They would like to buy things for a Halloween party.,他们想要为万圣节聚会买东西。,What do they need? They need ,(),(),(),vases,a vase,after glass father bathroom,/a:/,What does Ben like? He likes,masks,pumpkin lanterns,mask,s,pum

5、pkin,s,pumpkin lanterns,Answer the questions: What masks do they like? They like horses, tigers and monkeys. How much are the things? They are eighty-seven yuan. “Here are your masks.”means( 意思是)_ . 这是你的面具。 “Heres your change.means(意思是)_. 这是你的零钱。,If tomorrow is Halloween. We will have a Halloween pa

6、rty. What do we need?,1.Make a shopping list.,a tiger mask,a dog mask,a horse mask,some flowers,some chocolate,a pumpkin lantern,a vase,Make a model:,A: Can I help you? What do you need? B:I need /, please. A: What else do you need? B:I need /, please. A: Here you are. B: How much are they? A: yuan, please. B: Here you are. A: Thank you. Heres your change.,Homework:,1.Read after the tape ten minutes.(听读磁带10分钟) 2.Recite the dialogue.(背诵对话) 3.Act the dialogue with your friends.(和朋友表演对话),See you !,


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