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1、,普陀中学课题组 2015. 4 .21,高中英语阅读教学中的评判性思维 -阐释(Interpretation)与评鉴(Evaluation),一教学分析,The reading passage is an autobiography of a volcanologist. He mainly talks about three aspects working as a volcanologist in this article.,1. 教学内容分析,一教学分析,教学内容分析 教学目标,The students will be able to (1) analyze the structure

2、 of the passage by getting the main idea of each paragraph. (2) understand the deep meaning of certain words phrases and sentences by reading between the lines. (3) know the writers attitude to the job and express their own attitude to the job by using critical reading skills:interpretation and eval

3、uation.,一教学分析,教学内容分析 教学目标 教学重点和难点,(1) the analysis of the structure (2) the interpretation of the title and some phrases (3) the understanding of the attitude to the job and even to life,一教学分析,教学内容分析 教学目标 教学重点和难点 教学设计思路,(1)在阅读过程中,需要对文本信息进行提取、概括、推理、批判等思维活动,从而达到对文本的真正理解。阅读是读者和作者的对话,“作者只能提供线索,读者的任务是利用这

4、些线索构建自己的意义。”,(2)美国密歇根州外语课程标准中的交际内容三种模式:人际模式(interpersonal) 诠释模式(interpretive) 展示模式(presentational),“学生能对以书面语和口头为表达形式的各类主题给予理解和解释”,“学生能用各类主题向观众或读者传达信息、陈述概念和看法”,一教学分析,教学内容分析 教学目标 教学重点和难点 教学设计思路,(1) 解读文本标题 (2) 分析文本结构 (3) 理解文本主线 (4) 读懂作者态度 (5) 表达自己观点,理解-欣赏-评价,(1) 解读文本标题,标题三大特点: 概括性、针对性、醒目性(郝昌明, 2009) 标题

5、三个要素: topic, focus , comment (谈忠贞,2012),An Exciting Job,topic,comment,(2) 分析文本结构,An Exciting Job Part 1: description and evaluation -the job Part 2: the first experience -the eruption Part 3: reasons for enthusiasm,?,(3) 理解文本主线,exciting,Part 1: greatest, unusual, never bored, occasionally dangerous,

6、 the most important, save many lives,Part 2: a fantastic sight, be lucky to have a closer look at eruption,Part 3: be enthusiastic about, be still amazed at ,?,二教学过程,Step 1 Lead-in (Watch a video clip of volcano eruption),Q1. What do you think of the volcano eruption? Q2. What do you think of the jo

7、b working as a volcanologist?,通过视频和图片处理了一些本课的主要词汇:volcano, volcanologist, erupt, eruption, lava, fountain。,Structure of the passage: Part 1: description and evaluation Part 2: the first experience Part 3: reasons for enthusiasm,Para.1&2,Para.3&4,Para.5,(1) analyze the structure of the passage by get

8、ting the main idea of each para.,Step 2 Reading for the structure,Part 1: description and evaluation (para 1&2),Whats the writers daily work?,Step 3 Reading for details,I travel to unusual places and work alongside people from all over the world. Sometimes working outdoors, sometimes in an office, s

9、ometimes using scientific equipment and sometimes meeting local people and tourists, I am never bored.,I travel to unusual places and work alongside people from all over the world. Sometimes working outdoors, sometimes in an office, sometimes using scientific equipment and sometimes meeting local pe

10、ople and tourists, I am never bored.,I feel _.,My job is _.,proud,interesting / exciting,proud,I have the greatest job in the world.,However, the most important thing about my job is that I help protect ordinary people from one of the most powerful forces on earth the volcano.,Our work has saved man

11、y lives because people in the path of the lava can be warned to leave their houses. Unfortunately, we cannot move their homes out of the way, and many houses have been covered with lava or burned to the ground.,“unfortunately” shows the writer wishes that _.,he could save the people as well as their

12、 houses,Part 1: description and evaluation (para 1&2),Whats the writers daily work? What does the writer think of his job?,-the job,job,greatest,exciting,never boring,occasionally dangerous,important,magnificent,challenging,Part 2: the first experience Para.3&4,-the eruption,the bed shaking,a strang

13、e sound like a train passing,the bedroom as bright as day, red hot lava fountaining,a fantastic sight,exciting to watch,unforgettable,The day after this eruption I was lucky enough to have a much closer look at it. Two other scientists and I were dirven up the mountain and dropped as close as possib

14、le to the crater that had been formed during the eruption. Having earlier collected special clothes from the observatory, we put them on before we went any cloer. All three of us looked like spacemen. We had white protective suits that covered our whole body, helmets, big boots and special gloves. I

15、t was not easy to walk in these suits, but we slowly made our way to the edge of the crater and looked down into the red, boiling centre. The other two climbed down into the crater to collect some lava for later study, but this being my first experience, I stayed at the top and watched them.,lucky,s

16、lowly,(2) know the deep meaning of certain words phrases and sentences by reading between the lines,An Exciting Job ?,(3) know the writers attitude to the job and express the students own attitude to the job by using critical reading skills:interpretation and evaluation,教学设计思路 (1) 解读文本标题 (4) 读懂作者态度

17、(5) 表达自己观点,Step 4 Thinking and Summary,英语语言文学标准12条原则: 1.学生通过广泛阅读印刷与非印刷的文本,建立对文本、自我以及美国和世界文化的理解。 3.学生运用各种策略方法去理解、阐释、评价和欣赏文本。综合先前的经验,与其他读者和作者互动 6.学生运用语言结构知识、语言惯例(比如拼写、标点符号),媒体技巧,比喻语言及其类型,去创造、批评和讨论印刷与非印刷的文本。,人际模式 (interpersonal),诠释模式(interpretive),美国密歇根州外语课程标准中的交际内容,学生能用各类主题向观众或读者传达信息、陈述概念和看法,展示模式 (pre

18、sentational),Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. I am honored to introduce . to you all. He was appointed . His job However, . Once . It was so frightening for us, but He is/feelsfor Now lets welcome!,Suppose you are the host(ess), make a brief introduction .,The writer (Daniel Smith) has been invit

19、ed to attend the anniversary of his former school because of his great job as a volcanologist.,Step 5 Homework,Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. I am honored to introduce Daniel Smith, a great volcanologist to you all. He was appointed as a volcanologist twenty years ago. His job is occasionally d

20、angerous and tiring. However, having worked for so many years, he is still enthusiastic about it. Once he was sleeping when suddenly an eruption happened. It was so frightening for us, but he felt lucky to get close to the crater after the eruption. He is proud of his job, for it can help protect ordinary people. Now lets welcome!,Sample:,When work is a pleasure , life is joy ! When work is duty , life is slavery .,Thanks!,


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