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1、翻译硕士(MTI)汉译英冲刺,围脖鬼谷一喵,定语的顺序不必纠结,1前置(短前置长后置) 上海将建成经济、金融、贸易中心。Shanghai will become an economic, financial and trade center. 2后置(防头重脚轻) 浦东新区总体规划目标,是在三四十年里把浦东建设成为有合理的发展结构、先进的综合交通网络、完善的城市基础设施、边界的通讯嘻嘻系统和良好的生态系统的现代化新区。,浦东新区总体规划目标,是在三四十年里把浦东建设成为有合理的发展结构、先进的综合交通网络、完善的城市基础设施、边界的通讯信息系统和良好的生态系统的现代化新区。 The over

2、all planning is aimed to turn Pudong into a modernized new area within thirty or forty years and areas with the sound structrue of development, advanced integrated transportation network, improved municipal infrastructure, convenient and fast communication systems and a good ecological environment.,

3、金融、经贸、房地产、旅游、信息咨询等第三产业已经成为外商投资的新热点。 The tertiary industry such as finance, commerce trade, real estate, tourism, information consultancy had become a new hot spot for foreign investment. 要大力拓展非洲、拉美、东欧、独联体等新兴市场。 Strong effortes should be made to open up emerging market in Africa, Latin America, Easte

4、rn Europe and the Commonwealth of the Independent States.,中国加入世界贸易组织,将为中国、亚洲以及世界各国各地区经济的发展注入新的活力。 Chinas entry into the WTO will inject new vitality into the economic development of China, of Asian and of other countries and regions in the world.,3简化(汉语的定从,分割) 这是中国实现跨世纪发展的必由之路。 by which - for sb to

5、do It is the only road for China to achieve trans-century development. 经贸合作是两国能找到共同语言的最佳领域。 Economic and trade cooperation is the most favorable area for the two countries to seek common ground.,4多重顺序一般摆放原则 经济1(性质) 特2区 Special economic zone 社会主义现代化强国a modern powerful socialist country. 评价、体积、形状、条件、年

6、龄、颜色、本质(与汉语相反),5特例:前后平衡 我国进行了卓有成效的双边和多边外交活动。 China has conducted fruitful diplomatic activities in those bilateral and mulitateral contacts.,中国是一个历史悠久1,人口众多2的国家,创造了灿烂的古文明,对人类做出了巨大贡献。 China is a populous country with a time -honored history. It is home of spl3endid ancient civilization and a major co

7、ntributior to human progress.,要使 大多数 国有1 大中型2 亏损 企业摆脱困境。 We should have extricated most of the large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises operating at a loss from their predicament.,6难点:明确修饰关系 经济全球化在带来发展机遇的同时,也增加了国际经济环境的不确定性,增加了本地区内发展中经济体结构调整的难度和遭遇外部冲击的风险。 the difficulty of restructuring of Asia

8、s developing economies,状语的顺序不用纠结,1主(汉状)谓宾(英状) (英动词)时间地点方式(汉动词) I ask that the congress declare that since the unprovoked and dastardly attack by Japan on Sunday December the 7th, 1942. A state of war has existed between the US and the Japanese empire.,2先总后分(上篇里的主题突出原则) 昨天,建行上海分行推出1了十大优惠举措,意在外资非金融机构染

9、指汽车贷款之前,做大2自己的汽车贷款。 Yesterday the Construction Bank of China Shanghai branch introduced the 10 preferential policies so as to boost its market share in the private car loans before the foreign non-financial institutions are engaged in the business.,3前后平衡 新中国刚刚诞生,在周恩来总理兼外长的主持下,外交工作刚刚起步。 When new Chin

10、a was founded, Chinas diplomacy got started in the charge of Zhou Enlai, Premier and Foreign minister at that time.,4难点:修饰关系 加强依法治税、强化税收征管、严厉打击偷税漏税。 We should levy taxes according to law, tighten tax collection and management and severely fight tax evasion and tax flaws. We should levy taxes, tighte

11、n tax collection and management and severely fight tax evasion and tax flaws according to law.,衔接问题,1 句间衔接(模糊即清晰,少纠结) a 非常普通逻辑连词 中国的外交每个回合都赢得1了胜利,使中国250年的外交史充满了激动人心的突破。 Since every round ended in its victory, China has witnesseed exciting break throughs in its (v+v) Chinas V in contributes to its ex

12、citing breakthroughs in its (n+n),中国的外交每个回合都赢得1了胜利,使中国250年的外交史充满了激动人心的突破。 b 统一主语分词:Winning in every round, China has witnessed exciting breakthroughs in its c 相同名词定从:Every round ended in Chinas victory which constituted exciting breakthroughs in its ,B1:中国的外交每个回合都赢得了胜利,使(结果)中国250年的外交史充满了激动人心的突破。(公式!

13、记!) China won in every round, filling C1:中国的外交每个回合都赢得1了胜利,(这)使中国250年的外交史充满了激动人心的突破。(公式!记!) Every round ended in Chinas victory, which fills its ,2 短语和句子的衔接 顺承用with、转折用despite With its victory in every round, China has witnessed exciting breakthroughs in its 苏州古典园林虽然面积不大,却是一个自成一体的微观世界。 Despite its sm

14、all area, Suzhou classical garden is a self-contained microcosm.,“是”用同位语 杭州是中国的丝绸之府,丝绸产品种类繁多。 Hangzhou, the home of silk in China, boasts a wide variety of silk products.,增删问题,1增:结构完整逻辑合理 要加强电网、通讯、广播电视和大中城市的基础设施建设 We must make greater efforts to build power grids, communications, radio and TV, and i

15、nfrustructure in to build power grids, communication equipments, radio and TV stations, and other infrustructure in ,2减:范畴、重复 要把水资源的开发和节水工作放在突出的位置上。 We should give prominence to the work of utilization and conservation of water resources. 创造精神 creativity 注意:精神,节操,进程也是范畴,杭州的名气主要在风景如画的西湖。西湖一年四季美不胜收,宋代

16、著名诗人苏东坡用“淡妆浓抹总相宜”的诗句来赞美西湖。(意合形合) Hangzhou is well known for its picturesque West Lake. Since the WL is beautiful all the year round, S praised the WL with 那么,除了从句,同义词之外,还能如何处理重复信息?,西湖一年四季美不胜收,宋代著名诗人苏东坡用“淡妆浓抹总相宜”的诗句来赞美西湖。 指代it、上位词the Lake 诗句体现言外之意即可 As it is beautiful all the year round, the West Lake was compared by Su Dongpo, a celebrated poet of the Song Dynasty, to a beauty “who is always charming in either light or heavy makeup.”,


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