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1、Must could might cant,Unit 5 It must belong to Carla.,Unit 5 It must belong to Carla. 一、Key words and phrases: 1、 belong to:v, 属于 belong to Carla him her meusthem e.g: The book belongs to Tom. 2、 must: 必须 must be: 一定是, to show that you think something is ture. must be Carlas his hers mine ours their

2、s e.g: The book must be Toms. The book must belong to Tom.,3. Must/could/might/cant belong to Carla/him/her/me/us/them. 4、author:writer e.g:LuXun is peoples favorite author. 5、toy:玩具 toy car 6、Hemingway: a famous American author 7、picnic: 野餐 at a picnic :在野餐,二,Look at the pictures and make conversat

3、ions according to the given information.,Tom likes playing soccer ball.,Whose soccer ball is this?,It must be Toms.Because Tom likes playing soccer.,Liu xiang,-It_ be Liu Xiangs. Because it has his name on it.,-Whose exercise book is this ?,must,-It_ belong to John . Because they both play football.

4、,John,Tony,-Whose football is this ?,might/ could,-It_ belong to Bush. Because_,Bush,-Whose red bicycle is this ?,cant,his bike is white and blue.,hair band 发带,Whose hair band is it?,Lily,Jim,It might / could / must belong to _. Because she is a girl . It cant be _s. Because _.,Jim,Speaking,Practice

5、 the conversation above. Then make up conversations using the information given.,Example: A: Whose volleyball is this? B: It must be Carlas.Because she loves volleyball. C: It must belong to Carla. Because she loves volleyball.,Explain: Bob loves basketball. 红楼梦is Lucys favorite book. Mary has a blu

6、e bicycle. Anna studies French. Mr Li is going to the movies. Tina often wears a blue hat.,1It must belong to Carla. belong to“属于”的意思。其中to为介词,后跟人名 或代词宾格。例如: These books belong to me. 这些书是我的。 Who does this belong to? 这是谁的? Must/could/might/cant be Carlas Be 后跟所有格。表示是谁的 These books must be mine/yours/

7、hers .,Exercises: Complete the sentences with the correct words. 1、A:Whose book is this? B:It must be _(Mary). 2、A:Whose CD is this? B:It must belong to _(Mary). 3、A:Whose volleyball is this? B:It must be _(her). 4、A:Whose photo is this? B:It must belong to _(she). 5、A:Whose glasses are these? B:The

8、y must _(is) Bobs.,Marys,Mary,hers,her,be,Look at the picture. Write the things you see in the correct columns in the chart.,1a Look at the picture. Write the things you see in the correct columns in the chart.,T-shirt,CD,toy car,magazine,book,cups,jacket,1b Listen and match each person with a thing

9、 and a reason.,Writing,1This book _ be Carlas. Her name is on the book. Amight Bcould Cmust Dcant 2Jacks bike is blue, so this yellow one _ be his. Amustnt Bcant Ccouldnt Dmightnt 3The guitar _ belong to Alice. Only she plays the guitar here. Acould Bmust Ccant Dcan,C,B,B,Writing,4What do you think “upset” mean? Im not sure. It _ mean sad, Amust Bcan Cmight Dcant 5This backpack must be _. I saw her carry it yesterday. ALucys BLucy CLucys DLucys 6The toy car must belong to _. AJanes Byour CTom DHis brothers,C,D,C,


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