人教新课标创新设计高考英语一轮复习必修Unit Music可编辑.ppt

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1、必修2 Unit 5 Music 课前是10分钟 概括大意 Most families consist of a mother,a father,and,at most,two children living at home.There may be relativesgrandparents,aunts,uncles,cousins living in the same community,but American families usually maintain separate households.This family structure is known as the “nucl

2、ear family”.It is unusual for members of the family other than the husband,wife,and children to live together. 此段落的大意是:Usual family structure of American families.,漫画欣赏 画面描述 A Western young man,sitting at a table,is ready to eat a bowl of noodles.He is holding two forks the same way as we Chinese ho

3、ld chopsticks.He is trying so hard to pick up the noodles that he is sweating a lot.,寓意理解 We dont need to copy others ways of thinking.Sometimes a simpler way of doing things may be a better way. 你能否对此加以扩展,写一篇120词左右的小短文?,课堂双基回归 .词义辨析 1.The pencil fell off the table and went B across the floor. A.aff

4、ecting B.rolling C.sorting D.earning 2.She loves music and is now learning to play an A . A.instrument B.invitation C.incident D.evidence,3.The newspaper says that the BBC will be C the match live from Paris. A.calculating B.performing C.broadcasting D.inspecting 4.In B to being used in industry,las

5、er can be applied to operations in the hospital. A.devotion B.addition C.application D.reception 5.I think at the beginning of each book a D introduction to it is necessary. A.wild B.secure C.swift D.brief 6.Her C to the job left her with very little free time. A.relief B.basis C.devotion D.faith 7.

6、He told me that nobody else in the office had received an A to the party. A.invitation B.bargain C.shelter D.guidance,8.The elderly need special care in winter,as they are D to the sudden changes of weather. A.stubborn B.generous C.humorous D.sensitive 9.His face looked C to me,but I just couldnt re

7、member where we met. A.distant B.confident C.familiar D.logical 10.She doesnt B much money,but she enjoys the work. A.appreciate B.earn C.employ D.charge,1.Ill give you 10 minutes or so to go over the text again before answering my questions. 2.Little did I dream of one day entering a university at

8、that time. 3. To be honest ,this tie is a little too colorful.I dont think it suits your boyfriend. 4.We attach importance to education and encourage constant learning and thinking. 5.“There is no future between us,so I want to break up ,” said the girl to her boyfriend. 6.Children need many things,

9、but above all they need love from their parents.,.短语填空 dream of;to be honest;attach importance to;rely on;get familiar with;or so;break up;in addition;sort out;above all,7.Economic development should rely on both domestic and foreign markets. 8.It is not difficult to sort out the materials as long a

10、s time permits. 9.The famous actress takes various exercises. In addition,she is on a diet. 10.Usually it takes time for anyone to get familiar with a new place. .完成句子 1.Later they give performances in pubs or clubs, for which they are paid in cash (这种演出以现金为报酬).(cash) 2.The musicians were to play jo

11、kes on each other as well as play music,most of which was based loosely on (大多都在模仿) the Beatles.(base),3.As some actors could not sing well enough,they had to rely on other musicians to help them (依靠其他乐手的帮助).(rely) .模仿造句 1.To be honest,a lot of people attach great importance to becoming rich and fam

12、ous. 翻译说实在的,他们很重视产品质量。 To be honest,they attach great importance to the quality of products. 2.The TV organizers had planned to find four musicians who could act as well as sing. 翻译我本打算买架相机的,但差了50块钱。 I had planned to buy a camera,but I was 50 dollars short.,3.Freddy and his band could not go out any

13、where without being followed. 翻译他进入了房间,而没有被人发觉。 He entered the room without being noticed. 4.At last feeling very upset and sensitive,Freddy and his band realized that they must leave the country before it became too painful for them. 翻译趁着我还没发火,你最好快点走开。 Youd better go away before I lose my temper. 5

14、.So they left Britain,to which they were never to return,and went back to the lake. 翻译伦敦是一个人口非常多的城市,我还没有去过呢。 London,to which I have never been,is a city with a large population.,知识要点整合 核心词汇梳理 1.rely vi. 依靠;信赖;指望 搭配 rely on依靠;信赖;指望 As babies,we rely entirely on others for food. 在婴儿时期,我们完全依赖别人喂食。 The

15、man is not to be relied on.这人不可靠。 句型 rely on sb.to do sth.指望某人做某事;相信某人会做某事 rely on ones doing sth.指望某人做某事;相信某人会做某事 rely on it that.相信;指望,These days we rely heavily on computers to organize our work. 现在,我们在很大程度上依赖电脑来安排我们的工作。 You cant just rely on your parents lending you the money. 你不能只指望父母借钱给你。 You

16、may rely on it that he will come to meet you. 你放心好了,他会来接你的。 2.familiar adj.熟悉的;熟知的 搭配 be familiar to sb.对某人来说是熟悉的 be familiar with sth.熟悉或通晓 The voice on the phone sounded familiar to me. 电话里的声音我听起来很熟悉。 Are you familiar with this type of machine?你熟悉这种机器吗? I am not really familiar with the local laws

17、. 实际上我对当地的法律并不熟。,3.sensitive adj. 敏感的;灵敏的 搭配 be sensitive to.对敏感;对体贴 Ruth is very sensitive to cold.鲁斯对寒冷非常敏感。 She is very sensitive to other peoples feelings. 她很能体谅他人的感情。 拓展 be sensitive to/about.介意;在乎 Shes very sensitive to criticism.她一听批评就急。 Some students are especially sensitive about making mis

18、takes. 有些学生对出错很是在意。 链接 sensible感觉得到的,明智的 be sensible of觉察到,意识到,重点短语例释 1.dream of 梦想;梦到 句型 dream of (doing) sth.梦见;梦想(做) She dreamed of success in a few years.她梦想几年后能成功。 I often dreamed of becoming a doctor.我时常梦想成为一位医生。 提示 dream of常用于否定句,意为“做梦也未想到;从未想到”。 Little/Never did I dream of being elected.我做梦也

19、没想到会当选。 拓展 dream of there being.梦想到有 I never dreamed of there being such a good hotel in this town. 我真没想到这个城镇中还有这么好的宾馆。,2.break up 分解;驱散;拆散;打碎;结束;放学;(关系)破裂 The ice will break up when the warm weather comes. 天气转暖时,冰就会破裂。 The police came and broke up the crowd.警察来了,驱散了人群。 The meeting broke up at eleve

20、n oclock.会议在11点结束了。 When do you break up for the summer holiday? 你们什么时候放暑假? 3.sort out整理;选出;分类 We must sort out the good apples from the bad. 咱们得把好苹果 拣出来,同坏的分开。 It is necessary that he sort out the information for my reference. 他有必要整理些资料供我参考。,4.above all 首先;最重要的是;特别是;尤其 But above all tell me quickly

21、 what I have to do. 但是最重要的是赶快告诉我必须做什么。 A clock must be above all correct.时钟首先要走时准确。 疑难语句细解 1.They may start as a group of highschool students,for whom practicing their music in someones house is the first step to fame. 他们开始可能是一组中学生,在某个人家里排练音乐是成名的第 一步。 【要点指南】 for whom.是一个由“介词关系代词”引导的定语 从句。此时,介词的选用要么与

22、前面的先行词有搭配关系,要么 与后面从句中的动词或形容词有搭配关系。此句中for与前面的 students有搭配关系,“对学生来说”。,The village around which many trees are planted is a very good place to live in. 这村子的四周种了很多树,是一个理想的居住地。 In the dark street,there wasnt a single person to whom she could turn for help. 在漆黑的街上,没有一个人她可以求助。 The author,with whom all of u

23、s are familiar,will visit our company. 那位我们大家都很熟悉的作家将来我们公司访问。 2.At last feeling very upset and sensitive,Freddy and his band realized that they must leave the country before it became too painful for them.终于由于深感苦恼,神经高度紧张,弗雷迪和 他的乐队意识到他们必须趁着自己还不太痛苦就离开这个国家。,【要点指南】 before引导时间状语从句时,有时可译为“趁着还 没”,此时从句中的谓语动

24、词通常是短暂性动词。 Write it down before you forget it.趁着还没忘,把它写下来吧。 Go at once before I change my mind. 趁着我还没改变主意,你马上滚吧。 拓展 while引导时间状语从句时,有时可译为“趁着”,但从句的谓语动 词是延续性动词。 Write it down while it is still fresh in your memory. 趁着仍记忆犹新,把它写下来吧。 We must strike while the iron is hot.我们必须趁热打铁。 The boy played the computer games while his mother was away. 那孩子趁着妈妈不在家打起了电脑游戏。,点击此处进入 课后能力训练,


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