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1、Unit 3 Computers,词汇过关,短语习得,重点句型,目标解读,1.重点单词拼写,词汇过关,1) We have a lot in c , so we often have a lot to talk about.,【答案】common,2) Many of the students take their c into the classroom to help them do some maths work, which is not preferred by the teachers.,【答案】calculators,3) Once he was considered to be

2、 s , for he couldnt work out the simplest numbers.,【答案】simpleminded,4) Robots can also be called a i .,【答案】artificial, intelligence,5) Everything has its a and d .,【答案】advantages, disadvantages,6) A good c when facing difficulties is to stay calm.,【答案】choice,7) P , I d with you on your plan.,【答案】Per

3、sonally, disagree,8) I need some m to make a dress.,【答案】materials,词汇过关,9) Once he was the c of our football team.,【答案】coach,10) Its dangerous for a young lady to w in the street late at night.,【答案】wander,2. 重点词词形变换,词汇过关,The is a machine which can help us do a lot of . (calculate),【答案】calculator; cal

4、culating; calculations,2) Nowadays the of computers improves very fast. Many problems have been solved by the . (technology),【答案】technology; technological; technologist,3) The use of atomic energy will the lives of coming generations. It will bring changes and it is considered one of the greatest in

5、 this century. (revolution),【答案】revolutionize; revolutional; revolutions,4) We were surprised that she was in ignorance of the coming car. (total),【答案】totally; total,5) Although he was not to be a boy of little , he answered the question , which in fact showed that he was than we thought. (intellige

6、nce),【答案】intelligence; intelligently; intelligent,6) The baby weighed 15 pounds at so that some relatives joked that he was for judo. (bear),【答案】birth; born,词汇过关,7) If you can take full of the mistakes made by your rivals and avoid your own , it will be for your competition. (advantage),8) There see

7、med not much to between those two, but he still made a careful . (choose),【答案】choose; choice,9) , I think it is his matter. Wed better not interfere in it. We are not that sort of . (person),【答案】Personally; personal; persons,词汇过关,10) You have done useful and work. You have a new way to do it. What a

8、 . (create),【答案】advantage; disadvantages; advantageous,【答案】creative; created; creation,短语习得,a technological revolution 技术革命 artificial intelligence 人工智能 begin as 作为开始 a simple-minded man 一个头脑简单的人 serve the human race 为人类服务 deal with 处理 in my opinion 在我看来 public opinion 公众舆论 share a room with 与共居一室 c

9、onnect with 与有关 go by (从旁)走过 after all 毕竟 with the help of 在的帮助下,1.短语积累,短语习得,make up 编造,化妆 watch over 看守,监视 once a year 一年一度 make a decision 做出决定 building materials 建筑材料 in fact 事实上 in a way 在某种程度上 bring something into effect 使某物生效,2. 从上面列举的短语中选择适当的,填入下面的空格中,1) You shouldnt treat him in such a cruel

10、 way. he is your brother.,【答案】After all,2) Dont any excuse. I wont listen to it.,【答案】make up,3) Im sure our teacher we can solve this difficult problem.,【答案】with the help of,4) Give him another chance, please. He is still too young to the situation.,【答案】deal with,5) Once you , you shouldnt change it

11、 again.,【答案】have made a decision,6) Bruck couldnt send any message out of the yard, because a guard him all the time.,【答案】was watching over,短语习得,7) , you should apologize to him for that. Of course it is on you to decide.,【答案】In my opinion,8) It is not right to say he cheated in the exam. he only pi

12、cked up a book fallen on the ground.,【答案】In fact,9) You are responsible for the accident . If you didnt lend him the motorbike, he wouldnt be able to go out.,【答案】in a way,10) With time , he came out from the sadness.,【答案】going by,短语习得,重点句型,1. And my memory became so large that I couldnt believe it !

13、(P18) so.that.和so that 引导的结果状语从句 He is so clever that he can answer all the questions by himself. 他很聪明,结果他能独自回答完这些问题。 He got up very late so that he missed the early bus.,即时强化练习: 翻译下列句子: 1) 他工作很努力,能按时完成这项工作。 2) 我们起得这么早,结果赶上了第一班火车。 3) 街上人这么多,我们不得不等一会。,重点句型,【答案】 1) He works so hard that he can finish

14、the work on time. 2) We got up so early as to catch the first train. =We got up so early that we caught the first train. =We got up early so that we caught the first train. 3) There are so many people in the street that we have to wait. 2. There were times when my size was totally changed.(P18) Ther

15、e were times when 从句。有时候 There were times when I felt a little rebellious and just wanted to run away from it. 有时候我感到有些反叛只想逃避。,即时强化练习: 翻译下列句子: 1)有时候Brian会去拜访他爷爷。,重点句型,2)有时候我当时只有10岁的姐姐不得不照顾我们。,【答案】 1) There were times when Brian called on his grandpa. 2) There were times when my sister who was 10 at

16、the time, had to look after us.,1. Discuss what they have in common. (P17) ( have ) in common ( with) 1) 与有共同处, 和一样 They are brothers, but they have nothing in common. Their views have much in common with mine. 2) in common 公用,共有 Real friends should have everything in common. Mr.and Mrs.Smith own th

17、e store in common. 【词汇网络】“in + 名词”表示“处于某种状态”的短语: in progress 在进行中 in action 在行动中 in astonishment 吃惊的 ,目标解读,in bad mood 心情不好 in bad temper 心情不好,生气 in bed 在睡觉 in blossom / bloom 在开花 in chains 在囚禁中 in charge 看管 in church 做祈祷 in class 在上课 in good condition 健康情况良好 in confusion 在混乱中 in anxiety 焦虑的 in cont

18、rol of 控制 in need of 需要,目标解读,in danger 有危险 in debt 负债 in demand 有需求 in despair 绝望的 in dispute 在争论 in doubt 怀疑 in fear and trembling 提心吊胆 in full blossom 开着花 in good health 身体好 in horror 恐惧 in hospital 住院 in operation 在运转 in order 状态良好 ,目标解读,in peace 和平地 in power 掌权 in practice 在实践中 in process 在进行中 i

19、n question 正被讨论 in retirement 退休 in secret 秘密 in silence 沉默 in sorrow 悲伤 in stock 有库存 in store 储藏着 in surprise 吃惊 in a dilemma 处于进退两难的境地 ,目标解读,in a hurry 急急忙忙 in an emergency 处于紧急情况中 in high spirits 情绪高涨 in tears 流着泪 in ruins 成为废墟 2. Why do you think so? (P17) 1) so可用在think,believe,expect, hope,be a

20、fraid,say,tell,imagine,suppose等表示看法、意见的词语之后,用来替代句中充当宾语的 that分句。如: “Do you think it will rain?”“Yes,I think so” “你认为会下雨吗?”“是的,我想是这样。” 否定用法时,有两种表示方法: ,目标解读,“主语do not动词so”与“主语动词not” “Is it going to rain?”“I dont expect so/ I expect not.” “天要下雨吗?”“我希望不下。” 【特别提示】think的否定式常用:I dont think so hope或be afraid

21、应该用:I hope notIm afraid not “Are we on time?”“Im afraid not”“我们准时到了吗?”“恐怕没有。” 2)so和not还可用在say及“tell宾语”之后,如: Tom said so 汤姆这样说的。 Mike told me so 迈克这样告诉我的。 3)so(not)可用来代替if后面的从句。如: Has the letter come?If so,read it,please 来信了吗?如果来了,请读一读。,目标解读,4)分句替代词not,还可以和perhaps,possibly, probably,certainly,surely等

22、情态副词搭配,构成带有情态意义的简略答语。如: “Will he come?”“Perhaps not.(Perhaps he will not come.)” “他要来吗?”“也许不会来。” 5) 在be,appear,become,get,keep,seem,prove,turn等系动词之后,替代前面已经提到过的用作表语的形容词或名词。例如: I was not satisfied, but I tried to appear so to please him. 我并不满意,但是为了让他高兴,我尽量显得很满意。 3. Take turns to make the ideas as inte

23、resting or lively as you like. (P21) turn既可用作及物动词、不及物动词,又可用作连系动词。 1)turn作及物动词时,意为“使转动;翻转”,后接名词或代词。如: ,目标解读, Tom turns his head. 汤姆把头转过去。 Its easy to turn this tap. 这水龙头好拧。 2)turn作不及物动词时,意为“转弯;转身”。 She turned and walked back to her house. 她转身走回家。 The wheels of the car begin to turn. 汽车的轮子开始转动。 3) tur

24、n作连系动词时,意为“变得;成为”,一般通过改变状态或形式(如:变颜色、变质、变味等), 而成为完全不同的事物。后面一般接形容词作表语。如: The milk turned sour in the heat. 牛奶在高温下变酸了。 The weather turned cold. 天气变冷了。 4)turn还可用作名词,意为“转动;机会;旋转”。 He gave the handle a few turns. 他把那个把手转了几下。 It is my turn to play. 该轮到我玩了。,目标解读,【一句巧记】Its your turn to turn the apple turning

25、 red at the turn by turns. 【词汇网络】turn sth on 意为“打开(电灯、电视、收音机、自来水等)”; turn sb on 使兴奋,使刺激 turn sth off 意为“关上;关掉(电灯、电视、收音机、自来水等)”;turn sb off 使不喜欢,讨厌或厌恶 turn sth down 意为“关小;调低”。 turn sb down 拒绝:拒绝某人 turn up 表示“出现” turn out 表示“结果” turn to sb for help 向某人求助 take turns to do/at doing 或do sth by turns 都表示“

26、轮流做某事”的意思。 Its ones turn to do. 表示“轮到某人做某事。”,目标解读,4. In fact, I look like one too. (P22) one在这里应该看作是“a+名词”结构中省略了与前面相同的名词,但因为a不能单独使用,因此把a变成one。 A cake made of wheat costs less than one made of rice.(one a cake)句子中出现相同的名词时的一些替代用法: one:替代前面出现的单数可数名词,但前面一定有限定词; My child doesnt like this bookShow her a m

27、ore interesting one ones:替代前面出现的复数可数名词,但前面一定有限定词; The new designs are much better than the old ones. 新的图案比旧的好多了。 that:替代前面出现的单数可数名词,但后面一定有修饰语; Ill take the seat next to that (=the one) by the window. 我坐在窗口的那个座位旁边。,目标解读,those:替代前面出现的复数可数名词,但后面一定有修饰语; Todays computers are of much greater difference fr

28、om those(=the ones)used in the past. 今天的计算机和以前的大不相同。 it:替代前面出现的单个事物; My father bought a bike and gave it to me. 我父亲买了一辆自行车,把它给我了。 them:替代前面出现的复数事物。 When you have got some apples, you should share them with others. 【特别提示】1)当替代词one或ones在形容词比较级、最高级以及某些限定词如this,that, which和序数词等之后,可以省略。 This book is much

29、 better than that(one),目标解读,2)“a+名词”=one “a+修饰词+名词”=a.one I dont like this book. Please give me a red book.=a red one I dont like this book. Please give me a book with thick cover.=one 3)除了that/it外,其它几个词都不能替代不可数名词。 5. In a way, my programmer is like my coach. (P23) in a way:用一种方法;从某种程度/某种角度来说 We sho

30、uld solve the problem in a way we are most familiar with. We have won in a way. in the way:挡路了;用那种方法 You are in the way. Please move away. Do it in the way I did it.,目标解读,on the/ones way:在路上,就要来了 On my way to school, I met an old friend of mine. by the way:顺便说一下,顺便问一下 By the way, who will give us a

31、speech tomorrow? 【词汇网络】动词与way连用构成的短语: lose ones way 迷路 feel ones way 摸索出一条路 make ones way 艰难地前行 find ones way 找到一条路 fight ones way 打开一条路 push ones way 推开一条路 change ones way 改变方向,目标解读,6. I can make up new moves. (P23) make up: 注意一下几个意义: 1) 化妆 She took over 30 minutes to make herself up. 她花了30多分钟化妆。 2

32、) 编造 Is she telling the truth, or making it all up? 她说的是实话还是全属虚构? 3) 组成 We need one more player to make up a team. 我们还差一个队员来组成一个队。,目标解读,4) 占 They make up about six percent of the total population. 他们大约占总人口的6%。 In schools girls make up about 47% of the student population. 在学校中女生占学生总数的47%。 【词汇网络】make所构成的其它短语: be made up of:由组成 make up for 弥补 be made of 由制成(通常为物理变化) be made from 由制成(通常为化学变化) be made into 制成 be made in: 在某地制造 be made by: 由某人制造,目标解读,


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