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1、科目:大学英语精读2,章节名称:Lessons from Jefferson 主页目录 : 班 级:xxx 制作者:xxx 学 号:xxx,教学目标,学习目标,教学重点,教学难点,教学内容,教学活动,练习题目,教学目标 :,1、认识新单词(new words); 2、认识新的短语(phrase & expressions); 3、了解名人背景(如:Thomas Jefferson, Gorge Washington,Abraham Lincoln); 4、掌握课文中的重要词汇、短语和语法; 5、通过使用多媒体使学生更好的掌握知识; 6、通过讲解结合大量的课堂练习,掌握知识点。,返回,教学目标,

2、学习目标,教学重点,教学难点,教学内容,教学活动,练习题目,学 习 目 标 :,1、讲解前对课文进行提前预习和规划; 2、回答有关问题,加以理解和运用 3、学习者互相合作监督和核查学习,通过英文对话交流,发现错误,纠正错误; 4、背诵其中的几段文字,加深理解和记忆能力; 5、通过有关媒体的辅助,加强听力练习,并附著有检查系统的习题。随时发现随时理解。 6、认真听老师讲课,寻找出陌生或是还没巩固的知识点,注意老师用黑粗体字标注的文字(重点难点),以求当堂消化; 7、自己制定一个详细可行的学习计划,复习学习过的知识点。,教学目标,学习目标,教学重点,教学难点,教学内容,教学活动,练习题目,返回,教

3、学重点 :,1、 Thomas Jefferson,The third President of the united States may be less famous than George Washington and Abraham Lincoln ,but most people remember at least one fact about him :he wrote the Declaration of Independence. 2、Jefferson believed that a free man obtains knowledge from many source be

4、sides books and that personal investigation is important,解决办法,教学目标,学习目标,教学重点,教学难点,教学内容,教学活动,练习题目,返回,解决方案:,1、对名人的熟悉,通过超链接,当单击人名的时候,会自动弹出一个标签,上面有人物简介,生平事迹,并且附有照片。 2、若要了解当时背景,则单击视频标记,播放当时模拟情景,了解背景。 3、注意第2句中的结构类型和语法及其常见单词的不同用法,返回,教学目标,学习目标,教学重点,教学难点,教学内容,教学活动,练习题目,教学难点 :,1、If you will only do this you m

5、ay find out why people are dissatisfied and understand the revolution that is threatening France. 2、Jefferson felt that the people “may safely be trusted to hear everything true and false ,and to form a correct judgment 3、Of all Jeffersons many talents ,one is central .he was above all a good and ti

6、reless writer .His complete works ,now being published for the first time ,will fill more than,解决办法,教学目标,学习目标,教学重点,教学难点,教学内容,教学活动,练习题目,返回,解决方案:,1由老师讲解,认真分解句子类型,短语和词汇的用法,掌握If 条件语句的语法规则。 2通过多媒体教学给同学们呈现大量例句和翻译,让同学们更好的使用。 3同学们利用时间自学,对语句进行掌握,相信通过不断努力,同学们会自己掌握好的。,返回,教学目标,学习目标,教学重点,教学难点,教学内容,教学活动,练习题目,教学内容

7、:,1 Thomas Jefferson,The third President of the united States may be less famous than George Washington and Abraham Lincoln ,but most people remember at least one fact about him :he wrote the Declaration of Independence. 2 Although Jefferson lived more than 200 years ago ,there is much that we can l

8、earn from today .many of his ideas are especially interesting to modern youth .here are some of the things he said and write : 3 Go and see. Jefferson believed that a free man obtains knowledge from many source besides books and that personal investigation is important .when still a young man ,he wa

9、s appointed to committee to find out whether the South Branch of the James river was deep enough to be used by large boats .While the other members of the committee sat in the state capital and studied paper on the subject ,Jefferson got into a canoe and made on-the-spot observation.,教学目标,学习目标,教学重点,

10、教学难点,教学内容,教学活动,练习题目,返回,托马斯杰弗逊(Thomas Jefferson,1743年4月13日1826年7月4日) 为美利坚合众国第三任总统(1801年1809年)。同时也是美国独立宣言(1776年)主要起草人,及美国开国元勋中最具影响力者之一。其任期中之重大事件包括路易西安那购地案(Louisiana Purchase, 1803年)、1807年禁运法案(Embargo Act of 1807年)、以及路易斯与克拉克探勘(Lewis and Clark Expedition, 18041806年)。,返回,乔治华盛顿是美国首任总统(17891797年),美国独立战争大陆军

11、总司令。1789年,当选为美国第一任总统,1793年连任,在两届任期结束后,他自愿放弃权力不再续任,隐退于弗农山庄园。华盛顿被尊称为美国国父,学者们则将他和亚伯拉罕林肯并列为美国历史上最伟大的总统。,返回,亚伯拉罕林肯(Abraham Lincoln,1809年1865年),美国政治家,第16任总统(任期:1861年3月4日1865年4月15日),也是首位共和党籍总统。在其总统任内,美国爆发了内战,史称南北战争。林肯击败了南方分离势力,废除了奴隶制度,维护了国家的统一。但就在内战结束后不久,林肯不幸遇刺身亡。他是第一位遭到刺杀的美国总统,更是一位出身贫寒的伟大总统。,返回,Declaratio

12、n of Independence.,返回,4 You can learn from everyone. By birth and by education Jefferson belonged to the highest social class. If you will only do this you may find out why people are dissatisfied and understand the revolution that is threatening France. 5 Judge for yourself .Jefferson refused to ac

13、cept other peoples opinions without careful thought . ” Neither believe nor reject anything, ”he wrote to his nephew ,”because any other person has reject or believed it .Heaven has given you a mind for judging truth and error .Use it. ” 6 Jefferson felt that the people “may safely be trusted to hea

14、r everything true and false ,and to form a correct judgment Were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspaper or newspapers without a government ,I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter. ” ,返回,教学目标,学习目标,教学重点,教学难点,教学内容,教学活动,练习题目,10 fifty volumes. His talen

15、ts as an author was soon discovered ,and when the time came to write the Declaration of Independence at Philadelphia in 1776,the task of writing it was his .Millions have thrilled to his words :”We hold there trust to be self evident , that all men are created equal” 11 When Jefferson died on July 4

16、, 1826, the 50th anniversary of American independence, he left his country a rich legacy of ideas and examples. American education owes a great debt to Thomas Jefferson, believed that only a nation of educated people could remain free.,教学目标,学习目标,教学重点,教学难点,教学内容,教学活动,练习题目,返回,教学活动:,1、领导同学们学习新的单词,对新的单词进

17、行领读,同学们紧跟着连续读三次,教师听出同学们读错的音标时及时纠正。对单词进行讲解,扩充用法,引申有关含义和短语及词义和读音相似的句子。如:above all = most important to 首先 2、听写练习。第一步:听写新学过的单词,老师并伴有重复和提示语句;第二步:听写课文大意,一边听写,老师一边进行翻译和有关句子的解释。 3、听力练习。在一篇课文讲解之前,让同学们听两遍原文听力,并且要求同学们第一遍听时对照课本仔细听,第二遍听时,让同学们跟着大声朗读文章。 4、课堂互动。对同学们提问有关问题,让同学们积极回答,锻炼同学们的积极性和随机应变能力;让同学们每人读一到两段文章,提高朗

18、读能力,锻炼口才。,教学目标,学习目标,教学重点,教学难点,教学内容,教学活动,练习题目,返回,5、课文讲解。对课文进行全面详细的讲解,对单词、短语、语法结构全面分析总结,对课文进行翻译,在讲解过程中征求同学们的意见,随时作出教书育人的态度。对同学们的问题一一进行详细回答。 6、习题讲解。只听或只讲解并不能使学生良好的掌握课文中的大量知识点,还需要大量的练习来指导,加以理解。不断扩充知识点,对于各个概念进行充分的理解。 7、反馈测试。对所学过的知识进行提问,让同学们进行互动回答和单独回答,查询同学们对知识点的掌握情况。对于课文要求背诵的段落,让学生站在讲台上有表情得熟练背诵。,返回,教学目标,

19、学习目标,教学重点,教学难点,教学内容,教学活动,练习题目,练 习 题 目 内 容 :,一、Translate the following phrase into English ,using the compound adjectives given below: Down-to-earth wait-and-see out-and-out Out-of-the-way up-to-date life-and-death Word-for-word never-to-be-forgotten face-to- face Divide-and-rule 等着瞧的态度: 生死搏斗: 求实精神 : 彻头彻底的谎言: 偏僻的山庄 :,教学目标,学习目标,教学重点,教学难点,教学内容,教学活动,练习题目,返回,面对面的谈话: 分而治之的政策: 最新式的政策: 逐字翻译: 永远不会忘记的夜晚:,返回,教学目标,学习目标,教学重点,教学难点,教学内容,教学活动,练习题目,返回,


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