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1、Unit 1 The Other Side of Fame,Hemispheres: Reading and Writing Course,Unit 1 The Other Side of Fame,Text A Dont You Know Who I Am?,Text B The Price of Fame,CONTENTS,LEAD-IN,A. Match the following headlines with the right news items.,c,Daniel Radcliffe: Fame Makes Dating Tough _,News items,keys,X,LEA

2、D-IN,Daniel Radcliffe: “Surprised by fame” _,a,News items,keys,X,LEAD-IN,Daniel Radcliffe Leads as Most Valuable Young Star _,b,News items,keys,X,LEAD-IN,B. Discuss with your partner what advantages and disadvantages a celebrity may have, using the figure listed above or other celebrities you are fa

3、miliar with as an example.,READING AND SPEAKING,A. Scan the article to put the following statements into a correct order.,Skill Focus,a. The way people research the assistant job. b. The reason for keeping a secret of a celebrity. c. Her teaching content. d. The reason for her stay at the job for so

4、 long. e. The year when her book was published. f. The reason not to name horrible celebrities. g. Her general impression of celebrities.,Article,Scanning for Answers to Wh-Questions in an Interview In an interview, many questions are asked and answered. Stay alert for questions beginning with wh-qu

5、estion words: who, what, where, when, why and how. Key information is often contained in the answers.,X,_,c b a e d g f,Keys,New Words,Translation,Translation,Translation,Translation,明星私人助理 本刊记者查德李采访了名人私人助理培训部主任丽贝卡坦。 李: 丽贝卡, 你们为名人培训私人助理,你们教学员什么呢? 坦: 第一条规则:尊重名人的隐私。如果你不能为他们保密,你就会丢掉饭碗。决不能告诉别人,你为谁工作,都做些

6、什么。 李: 隐私为什么这么重要? 坦: 因为名人不想在杂志上看到有关自己私生活的报道。 李: 那人们怎样才能深入了解这个职业呢?他们没机会与业内人士交流,Article,坦: 他们可以跟我们交流啊,也可以与以前当过助理的人交流。他们还可以看我写的书。我当过25年的名人助理。 李: 您的书什么时候出版的? 坦: 2007年,书里讲的是作为名人助理的职责。但是我要提醒贵刊的读者他们或许会发现这份工作并不像人们所想象的那样光鲜。书中记述的无非是凌晨四点起床给名人的病狗清理粪便,然后一直工作到第二天深夜这类琐事。 李: 听起来挺烦人 也挺累人的!那您为什么还干了25年呢?,Article,坦: 这份

7、工作报酬丰厚,而且我还遇到了一些我崇拜的好莱坞偶像,也遇到了一些值得我尊敬的名人他们都是善待别人的好人。 李: 您认为大多数名人都是好人吗? 坦: 是的。虽然有些名人确实很糟糕,但有些名人没有得到公允的评价,像普通人一样。例如,歌手汤姆维茨就很棒。我曾经给他写过一封信,告诉他我是多么敬佩他那种对待歌迷、员工以及公众的方式。但我还是决定不把信寄出去我不想让他认为我是在用这种方式找工作。我想我本可以匿名寄出去的但是,我当时没有想到。无论如何,我还是很敬佩他的。,Article,李: 那些糟糕的名人都有谁呢? 坦: 我不能说出他们的名字。 李: 为什么不能? 坦: 那样的话就违背了第一条规则!,Ar

8、ticle,Article,Rebecca 丽贝卡 celebrity n. 名人;名声 trainee n. 受训者 privacy n. 隐私 come out 出版 overrated a. 评价过高的 clean up 彻底打扫,清理 disgusting a. 令人厌恶的 idol n. 偶像 look up to 仰慕 underrated a. 评价过低的 Tom Waits 汤姆维茨 staff n. 全体雇员 anonymously ad. 匿名地,B. Scan the dialogue for answers to the following questions.,REA

9、DING AND SPEAKING,Whats rule number one for being a personal assistant for celebrities? _ 2. What is Rebeccas book mainly about? _ _ 3. What is Rebeccas warning for her new book? _ _,Respect the celebritys privacy.,Its about the responsibilities of the jobpersonal assistant for celebrities.,Readers

10、may discover that working as an assistant for celebrities is overrated.,READING AND SPEAKING,4. Did Rebecca send her letter to Tom Waits? _ 5. How does Rebecca remark on celebrities on the whole? _ _,No, she didnt.,She thinks that some celebrities are horrible, but others are great.,C. Discuss the f

11、ollowing questions with your classmates,READING AND SPEAKING,1. Would you like to be a celebritys personal assistant? Why or why not? 2. Imagine that you could have an assistant. What might your assistant do for you?,TEXT A,There are two sides to everything. Being famous has a dark side as welltendi

12、ng to be mobbed by adoring fans and the like.,TEXT A,所有事物都有两面,成名也有不好的一面常常会被热情的粉丝等围得水泄不通。,Dont You Know Who I Am?,1. One that the super famous face is balancing the needs of privacy and . One time in New York an Marilyn Monroe was walking down Madison Avenue accompanied by Eli Wallach.,TEXT A,TRANSLA

13、TION,dilemma,recognition,unnoticed,“My God, dont these people know who you are?” Wallach asked her. Marilyn, whose application of , took nearly as long as Boris Karloffs Frankenstein Monster, at him.,TEXT A,TRANSLATION,makeup,grinned,“Im only recognized when I want to be. Watch this.” She began to h

14、er hips and walk in a way that was familiar to and was eventually by fans.,TEXT A,TRANSLATION,mobbed,swing,moviegoers,adoring,2. For some stars privacy is an overrated . In 1919, Douglas Fairbanks and Mary Pickford went on their European honeymoon. The two international icons had divorced their spou

15、ses and how they would be greeted. They neednt have worried. In London their limo was surrounded by admiring women who pulled Mary Pickford out of the car to shake her hand, still after two years for her efforts selling war bonds.,TRANSLATION,commodity,previous,grateful,were concerned about,In Paris

16、 they couldnt get any sleep with crowds gathering below their hotel room to serenade them. In Amsterdam they a party and were mobbed by other guests who wanted to get close to them. The acrobatic Fairbanks placed his wife on his shoulder and escaped through the window.,TEXT A,TRANSLATION,attended,Fi

17、nally, they found privacy in Hamburg. Because of World War I their movies were not shown there. For an hour the famous newlyweds walked the streets unnoticed until the bored Mary turned to her husband and said, “Doug, Im this. Lets go back to one of those countries where they mob us.”,TEXT A,TRANSLA

18、TION,sick of,3. Joan Crawford had similar . Once in the 1930s she was staying in New York getting over her with Clark Gable. Tired of idling around her hotel, she told her associates they should go out and get some fresh air. The associates who had trouble keeping up with the stars pace were when sh

19、e took a .,TRANSLATION,sentiments,breakup,brisk,startled,detour,“Oh my God. Shes going into Grand Central Station!” Someone shouted, “Look, its Joan Crawford!” and she was mobbed. It took thirty minutes to escape the crowd and get back to their hotel suite. Her hair , her dress torn and her face scr

20、atched, Crawford the door out of breath. “Ohoh my. That was wonderful. Lets do it again!”,TRANSLATION,disarranged,leaned against,4. Notoriety can get you out of a jam. Tired of being identified as James Bond, Sean Connery took an unusual step for a Hollywoods Leading Man by publicly revealing his ba

21、ldness on screen, beginning with The Man Who Would Be King (1976). On in Casablanca, the Scotsman the use of a chauffer and limo, choosing instead to drive himself in Volkswagen Bug.,TRANSLATION,location,rejected,One day he drove around town dressed in a sweat shirt and shorts and was stopped for qu

22、estioning by the local police. The former Mr. Universe runner-up had unfortunately left his passport back at the hotel and was arrested as a character. Just as he was about to be , Connery shouted, “007! Im 007. damn you!” They recognized him and let him go.,TRANSLATION,suspicious,locked up,TRANSLAT

23、ION,5. If you lose your hair, you can keep your privacy. Rob Reiners big break was Harrison Ford turning down the role of Meathead on All in the Family (1971-1980) because Ford couldnt stand Archie Bunkers and . When the show first went into production, Reiner and his would leave the CBS film studio

24、 to eat lunch at the neighboring Farmers Market.,ignorance,stubbornness,cast,mates,TRANSLATION,low meant they were mostly ignored by the tourists. A few months later All in the Family was a and they received great attention. From then on the cast generally preferred to stay in their dressing rooms a

25、t lunchtime. All except the ever hungry Meathead, Rob Reiner, who removed the wig he wore on the show and continued to eat at the Market in peace.,Initial,ratings,monster,hit,TEXT STRUCTURE ANALYSIS,Part Paragraph Main Idea,TEXT A,1. What is the troublesome situation that celebrities have to face? _

26、,A. For questions 1-7, choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C, and D. For questions 8-10, complete the sentences with the information from the text.,READING COMPREHENSION,A. They are easily chased by fans. B. They are easily recognized by others. C. They need to balance privacy

27、protection and recognition. D. They need to make themselves widely known.,C,TEXT A,2. From this article, what do we know about Marilyns usual make-up? _,READING COMPREHENSION,She looked like a grinning monster after making up. She spent a lot of time on making up. She was quite unskilled at putting

28、on make-up Her appearance after making up made her easily recognized.,B,TEXT A,3. Before Douglas Fairbanks and Mary Pickford started their European journey in 1919, they were deeply worried about _.,READING COMPREHENSION,whether they would be welcomed whether fans there would oppose their marriage w

29、hether their privacy could be protected there whether their honeymoon would end in happiness,A,TEXT A,4. What can you infer from the statement “They neednt have worried.” in paragraph 2? _,C,READING COMPREHENSION,A. They neednt have worried about their wedding. B. Their wedding proved to be a huge s

30、uccess. C. They received great attention from adoring fans. D. Their previous worry didnt work at all.,TEXT A,5. Joan Crawford went out to get some fresh air because _.,READING COMPREHENSION,A. she had been sick of hotel life B. she just had broken up with Clark C. she liked sightseeing in New York

31、D. she liked to meet her fans in New York,A,TEXT A,6. Her associates were greatly surprised when Joan Crawford went into Grand Central Station because they _.,READING COMPREHENSION,failed to keep up with her would easily get lost were afraid that she might be mobbed by her fans there noticed that sh

32、e was not tidily dressed at that time,C,TEXT A,7. Which of the following didnt explain why Sean Connery was not recognized by the local police in Casablanca? _,READING COMPREHENSION,A. He dressed in a sweat shirt and shorts. B. He didnt take his driving license with him. C. He drove himself in Volks

33、wagen Bug. D. He was bald.,B,8. Sean Connery was once stopped for questioning and then arrested as by the local police on location in Casablanca. 9. Initially, Reiner and his cast mates could eat at Farmers Market without being mobbed because their programs had_ 10. The reason why only the Meathead

34、could continue to eat at Farmers Market is because he _ he wore on the show so that fans failed to recognize him.,a suspicious character,READING COMPREHENSION,low ratings,could remove the wig,TEXT A,B. Answer the following questions according to the text.,READING COMPREHENSION,What was it that made

35、Monroe mobbed by her fans? _ _,It was her walking style that made her recognized and mobbed by her fans.,TEXT A,READING COMPREHENSION,2. Who does the “former Mr. Universe runner-up” in paragraph 4 refer to? _ _ 3. What made Rob Reiner have the chance to play a role in All in the Family? _ _,The form

36、er Mr. Universe runner-up refers to Sean Connery.,Harrison Ford turned down the role of Meathead on All in the Family, and Rob took his place.,TEXT A,C. Read the poem below and discuss the following questions with a partner.,Fame is a Bee Emily Dickinson Fame is a bee. It has a song. It has a sting.

37、 Ah, too, it has a wing.,READING COMPREHENSION,.,TEXT A,Vocabulary,Study the words that can collocate with “cast” and complete the following sentences with them.,New investigation is beginning to cast considerable_ on this interpretation of events, however. 2. She has cast _ her ambition she had as

38、a ten-year-old girl to be an actress.,doubts,aside,3. 80% of middle-class voters cast their for the Conservative party, while more than 50% of working-class and very poor voters voted for the Labor Party. 4. If you cast an _ over the maps, youll definitely not lose your way. 5. Willows with their fe

39、et in the water cast green _ over the pool.,votes,eye,shadows,6. Try as he might, the man could not cast _ the strains of life by himself. 7. The character of your parents helps to explain or cast on who you are and how you behave and respond, given certain circumstances.,light,off,8. We cast _ for

40、the necessary tools to repair our car, but couldnt find them in the garage. 9. The sculptor is preparing to cast the in bronze to express the friendly relationship between the two countries. 10. The company is casting its _ wide to get the right person for the post.,about,statue,net,TEXT B,Stars may

41、 experience the negative as well as benefits arising from their fame. But do those benefits outweigh the negative or the other way round? Three black celebrities stated what price they have paid for their fame respectively.,Text B,出名给明星们带来的可能有好有坏,但究竟是好处更多还是坏处更多呢?三位黑人名人分别讲诉他们为名声付出的代价。,The Price of Fa

42、me,TRANSLATION,1. It is one of those things that perhaps everyone has thought about, talked about, even dreamed about. Who hasnt imagined in the spotlight of international fame and enjoying the associated with being a celebrity?,basking,glamour,TRANSLATION,2. But despite all of the benefits that com

43、e with being famousthe , the wealth, the influence, the recognitionmany of those who experience fame say there is a negative side that a tremendous price and sometimes the benefits of a life in the spotlight.,admiration,first-hand,extracts,outweighs,TRANSLATION,There is a list of things, celebrities

44、 say, that make their lives less than perfect, and the price of fame comes in the form of lies, , distortions, media scrutiny, sometimes rude and overly enthusiastic fans, and the to enjoy whats considered to be “a normal, private life.”,rumors,continuous,inability,TRANSLATION,3. Actor, comedian and

45、 former talk show host Arsenio Hall , “Being black and successful is the most difficult thing in the world.”,goes so far as to say,TRANSLATION,4. Consider the price of fame that Janet Jackson has had to pay for most of her 28 years. The singer, dancer, actress was born into perhaps the most famous family in entertainment and has lived virtually her entire life under public scrutiny. Since she began acting on the Old Good Times television show, she has had to live her life in a fishbowl.,TRANSLATION,And on more occasi


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