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1、日本国宝:歌舞伎Kabuki,歌舞伎是日本典型的民族表演艺术,起源于17世纪江户初期,1600年发展为成熟的一个剧种,演员只有男性. 经过400年的历史演变,古典化的歌舞伎已经成为日本传统国粹文化的代表。,歌舞伎与中国京剧素有“东方艺术传统的姊妹花”之称。 晚清诗人黄遵宪在日本杂事诗中赞美道:“玉萧声里锦屏舒,铁板停敲上舞初,多少痴情儿女泪,一齐弹与看芝居。”他把歌舞伎看作“异乡境里遇故知”了。,日本歌舞伎大师: 坂东玉三郎,歌舞伎新星:早乙女太一,Different from Kabuki 日本艺妓(Geisha)产生于17世纪的东京和大阪。最初的艺妓全部是男性,他们在妓院和娱乐场所以表演舞

2、蹈和乐器为生。18世纪中叶,艺妓职业渐渐被女性取代,这一传统也一直沿袭至今。,学艺 在日本,担任艺妓的条件非常苛刻,学艺费用高昂,并不是一般家庭可以承担的。而且学艺历程艰辛,不是所有艺妓都能坚持的。,古时艺妓一般从10岁开始学艺,现在则必须中学毕业(即14、15岁左右)才可以开始学艺。学习的内容繁多,过程十分艰苦。其中包括文化、礼仪、语言、装饰、诗书、琴瑟,直到鞠躬、斟酒等,一举一动、一言一行都有严格的要求,处处体现高贵和稳重。比如训练中有一项的内容是吃热豆腐不能发出声音,更不能碰到唇彩,可见要求之严格。到16岁左右便可以正式担任艺妓,整个演艺历程长达5年。,着装,艺妓的服装是十分华丽的和服,

3、做工、质地和装饰都十分上成,因此也异常昂贵,一般在50万日元以上,有的甚至达100万日元。京都舞妓的服装更是著名,以悬落飘逸的华丽腰带为其特色。这种腰带甚至可长达5米,重量相当沈重,扎束之间需7仆役来帮忙。 艺妓会用一种液状的白色颜料均匀涂满脸部、颈项,因此看起来犹如雕饰华美的人偶一般。,艺妓-社会地位,在日本人的观念中,艺妓是非常体面的职业,女孩子能成为一名合格的艺妓是非常了不起的事情,一个家庭有人担任艺妓将会被视为一种荣誉。,Rollergirl - Geisha Dreams舞姬梦,Empty heart and empty soul A lover on remote control

4、All colors fade to gray The more they play this love charade Why dont you see, why dont you feel that love is free? Ichi-gi ichi-go All alone in Tokyo Dont you see? Dont you know? They have nowhere else to go Ichi-gi, ichi-go Far away from Tokyo They believe In Geisha Dreams,Dadi da Dadi da Dadi Dad

5、i Dadi da Dadi da Dadi da Dadi Dadi Dadi da Dadi da Dadi da Dadi Dadi Dadi da Dadi da Dadi Dadi Dadi da Perfect body and perfect smile An illusion for a while Born to love and trained to please And paid to put your mind at ease But dont you see, but dont you feel that love is free?,Ichi-gi ichi-go A

6、ll alone in Tokyo Dont you see? Dont you know? They have nowhere else to go Ichi-gi, ichi-go Far away from Tokyo They believe In Geisha Dreams,Dadi da Dadi da Dadi Dadi Dadi da Dadi da Dadi da Dadi Dadi Dadi da Dadi da Dadi da Dadi Dadi Dadi da Dadi da Dadi Dadi Dadi da All your love and hopes and d

7、reams All you feel down deep inside aintt real Dont count for anything Cause Geisha dreams arent meant to be Why dont you see, why dont you feel that love is free?,Ichi-gi ichi-go All alone in Tokyo Dont you see? Dont you know? They have nowhere else to go Ichi-gi, ichi-go Far away from Tokyo They b

8、elieve In Geisha Dreams Dadi da Dadi da Dadi Dadi Dadi da Dadi da Dadi da Dadi Dadi Dadi da Dadi da Dadi da Dadi Dadi Dadi da Dadi da Dadi Dadi Dadi da,movie geisha,It talks about a japanese geishas unusual life. The strikingly pretty child of an impoverished fishing family, Chiyo is taken to farawa

9、y Kyoto and sold into slavery to a renowned geisha house where she is renamed Sayuri. Initially reluctant, Sayuri must finally invent and cultivate an image of herself as a desirable geisha in order to survive in Gions cruel hierarchy. Through her eyes, we are given a backstage view of the ancient a

10、nd secretive geisha district, Gion, and of the lives of the women who learn and practice the rigorous arts of the geisha. Behind its facade of haunting beauty the district turns out to be a viciously competitive place where women vie desperately for mens favor and largess, where a young girls virgin

11、ity is auctioned off to the highest bidder, where personal trust is almost nonexistent, and where no woman can afford even to dream about love or happiness. A timeless pocket of the world, Gion cannot remain cut off from the bustle of the modern era forever. When Japan enters the Second World War, Gions isolation is finally breached and Sayuri must once again reinvent herself and her way of existence.,


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