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1、offer and counter-offer,Chapter 4,An offer is a promise to supply or buy goods on the terms and conditions stated. In an offer, the offeror not only quotes the price of the goods he wishes to sell or to buy but also indicates all necessary terms of transactions for the offerees consideration and acc

2、eptance.,Part 1 Information Related,offer and quotation,quote/quotation是报价,指某一商品的单价; offer是报盘,除单价外,还包括数量,交货期,付款方式等等。 offer一般比较固定,卖方价格报出后,一般不能轻易变动,而quote/quotation则不同,卖方报价后,不受约束,可以根据情况略加调整。尽管有区别,但各国商人则往往把这两个词混用。,Offeror(发盘人) vs. offeree(受盘人) Selling offer(卖盘) vs. Buying offer /Bid(买盘/出价) firm offer(实

3、盘) vs. non-firm offer(虚盘),Features of a firm offer,-Clear, complete, final Leave no room of ambiguity or uncertainty, avoid the use of such words as “perhaps ”, maybe, about. - Once accepted, it becomes a contractual obligation -Should not withdraw a firm offer within its validity,Contents of firm o

4、ffer,Name of commodities, quality and specification, quantity Details of prices, terms of trade, discounts and terms of payments Packing, date of delivery, port of shipment The period for which the offer is valid (expressions like “firm offer” or “irrevocable” within/before),Non-firm offer,Non-firm

5、offer is subject to final confirmation and is not legally binding. for your reference subject to our final confirmation subject to unsold The offeror can withdraw it anytime before the offeree accepts it.,counter offer,The buyer may show disagreement to the price, or packing, or shipment and state h

6、is own terms instead. The effect of a counteroffer is that the original offer is no longer valid, and the offeree now becomes the offeror as the counteroffer becomes the new offer.,Letter of an offer,Letter of a counter offer,Sample Letter 1,Firm offer,Part 2 Sample letters,Sample Letter 1 P106,Samp

7、le Letter 1 P106,Language Points,in reply 兹复 常用于句首 in reply to =in answer to Eg. In reply to your enquiry of January 8, we are sending you an offer as follows: 兹复你方1月8日询盘,现向你方报如下盘:,2.offer n. 报盘,发盘 offer with obligation/engagement =firm offer offer without obligation/engagement =non-firm offer make/

8、send/give sb. an offer for/on sth. at a price. Eg.We have made you an offer at USD 100 per dozen FOB NewYork. 我方向你方报价每打FOB纽约100美元。,offer v. 报盘,发盘 offer sb. sth. (at a price) 以价格向某人报价 eg. We offer you 2,000 dozen Mens Shirts at US$ 54 per dozen,net,CIFNewYork ,shipment August and terms of payment by

9、an irrevocable L/C. 我方报盘男式衬衫,2000打,每打CIF纽约54美元,八月装运,用不可撤销信用证支付。,各种表达 P109 accept offer entertain offer confirm offer decline offer withdraw/cancel offer,3.firm n. 公司,商号 adj. (报盘等)确定的/有效的 offer sb. firm for sth. Eg.We offer you firm for 2,000 dozen Mens Shirts.,实盘的有效期: eg. The offer is firm/valid/ope

10、n/good for 10 days (from August 1.) 本报盘有效期10天,从8月1日起算。,4. subject to 以为条件,以为准, 以为有效 firm offer: eg. We are making you a firm offer as follows, subject to your reply reaching us on or before Sept.30,our time. 我方现向你方报如下盘,以我方时间9月30日或之前复到我处为有效。,eg. We offer you firm subject to your reply here by the end

11、 of this month. 兹报实盘,以本月末复到我处为有效。 We offer you firm subject to your reply by 10 a.m. our time September 30. 兹报实盘,以我方时间9月30日上午10点以前答复为有效。,non-firm offer: eg. We offer you subject to our final confirmation. 以我方最后确认为有效。 our approval 以我方认可为有效 goods being unsold. 以货物尚未售出为有效 prior sale. 以先售为条件(有权先售) chang

12、e without notice 未经通知可改变 eg.The offer is subject to our final confirmation. 本发盘以我方最后确认为准。,5. EMP=European main ports 欧洲主要港口 include: Genoa 热那亚 意大利 Marseilles 马赛 法国(法国最大海港和第二大城市) Antwerp 安特卫普 比利时 Rotterdam 鹿特丹 荷兰(欧洲最大港口,荷兰第二大城市) London 伦敦 英国 Hamburge 汉堡 德国(德国最大海港和外贸中心) Corpenhagen 哥本哈根 丹麦(首都,最大城市/海港)

13、,Translation:,6. shipment is to be made eg.Shipment is to be made within two months after receipt of your relevant L/C issued by your first class bank in our favor. 装运在收到由你方第一流的银行开立的以我方为受益人的相关信用证后两个月内进行。 eg.Shipment is to be made in three equal monthly instalments,beginning from June,2010. 由2010年6月起

14、分3个月,每月平均装运。,Translation:,7. entertain 考虑接受 eg. We regret that we are not in a position to entertain fresh order at present. 很抱歉,我们目前不能接受新订单。 8. result v. 导致 p111 因+result in+果 果+result from +因,9. strengthen vt. 加强,(价格)上涨 vi. 变强,变坚挺 strengthening /advancing market 行市坚挺/上涨 eg. The market for is risin

15、g/adancing 市场上涨 decling 市场下跌 weak 疲软 strong/strengthening with upward tendency. 市场坚挺且处于上升趋势。,Translation:,Sample Letter 2 non-firm offer P111,Sample Letter 2 P111,Language Points,1. take/have pleasure in doing sth. take/have the pleasure of doing sth. 乐于做某事 eg. 我们很高兴告知贵方,你方所有订单已通过*号轮船发运。 We take ple

16、asure in informing you that we have shipped all your orders by S.S.“*”. S.S.=steamship,Sample Letter 2 non-firm offer,2. Style NO. 型号 Art. NO.=Article NO. /Item NO. 货号 3. effect v. 实现,完成,达到 eg. Shipment/Payment/Insurance is to be effected/made by,n. 结果,效果,效应,作用,(法律)生效,意义,要旨 come into/go into effect

17、开始生效 (be) in effect 有效,在实施中 to the effect that 大意为,以便 bring/carry/put sth. to/into effect 实施/实行某事 eg. P112,eg. 本协议一经签字立即生效。 This agreement will come into effect as soon as it is signed. 随函附送我方形式发票一式三份,以便你方申请进口许可证。 We are enclosing our proforma invoice in triplicate to the effect that you may apply f

18、or import licence.,4. receipt n. 1)收到,接到 We are in receipt of your letter We acknowledge receipt of your letter 2)收据,收条 cargo receipt 货运收据 deposit receipt 存款凭证,存单 freight receipt 运费收据 mates receipt 大副收据,收货单 3)pl. 收到的款项,收入,Sample Letter 2 non-firm offer,Sample Letter 2 non-firm offer,Sample Letter 2

19、non-firm offer,Sample Letter 3 offer P115,Sample Letter 3 P115,Language Points,comply v. 依从,依照+with compliance n. 遵从,依从 eg. To comply with your request,we offer you as follows: In compliance with your request, As per your request, At your request, As requested,Sample Letter 3 offer,2. to be packed i

20、n 用包装 to be packed in new gunny bags of 100kgs each. to be packed in wooden cases of 100kgs net. to be packed in bales of 10 lbs. lbs=pounds 磅 paked in bulk 散装,3. draw v. 开出汇票,抽出,取出,提取, 吸引,招致,吃水 draw a draft on sb. for 向某人索取若干金额汇票 draw your attetion to draw sb. a commision/discount of *%。,eg. p117 我

21、们开出光票向你索取该项余款90英镑。 We have drawn a clean draft on you for the balance of 90. 我方同意开立30天远期付款交单汇票。 We agree to draw (a draft) at 30 days D/P.,Sample Letter 3 offer,4. confirm v. 确认,证实 P116 用法:confirm + n. doing that clause eg. 1)特此确认已按合同如下条款售给贵方标题商品。 We hereby confirm having sold to you the subject goo

22、ds on terms and conditions as follows:,2)参照往来传真,我们很高兴确认以下交易. With reference to faxes exchanged,we are glad to confirm the following transaction.,5. stock n. 1)存货 (单复数均可) P118 spot stock(s) 现货 eg. There are no more spot stocks on hand. 手头没有现货。 Stocks are short /low/light 存货减少/不足 2)所存具体商品 +in/of *prod

23、ucts eg. We have a sufficient/limited stock of textiles 我们有充足的/有限的纺织品存货。,3)贮存 (不可数名词) 相关介词短语 in stock 库存,现货 out of stock 缺货 ready stock 现货 from/ex stock 供现货 v. 有存货,供应,6. on hand 手头上,到场,在场 at hand 在附近,近在手边,即将发生 by hand 用手,由专人 in hand 手头上,在进行中,控制/掌握住,7. enter into/sign a contract with sb. 与某人签订合同 It i

24、s imperative that.+should V原 是必要的。(比necessary 程度深) eg. It is imperative that shipment be effected at your early convenience. 尽早安排装运是必要的。,8. await vt. 等待 用法: await +n./doing wait + for n. to do eg. We shall await hearing further from you. We shall wait to hear further from you.,Sample Letter 3 offer,

25、Put the following Chinese into English,1、我们现向你方报500公吨东北大米(Northeast Rice),每公吨200美元CIF纽约,7月装运,此报盘以你方5月5日前复到为有效。 2、5月2日函悉,按你方要求,我们作如下发盘,以我方最后确认为主。 3、支付方式为以我方为受益人的保兑的即期信用证。,1.We offer, subject to your reply reaching us on or before May 5th , 500 metric tons of Northeast Rice at USD 200 per metric ton C

26、IF NewYork for shipment in July. 2.Were in receipt of your letter of /dated May 2, and as requested, we are offering you the following subject to our final confirmation. 3.Payment is to be effected by a confirmed letter of credit in our favor, payable by draft at sight.,Sample Letter,Counter offer,P

27、art 2 Sample letters,Sample Letter 1 counter offer P131,Sample Letter 4 counter offer P131,Sample Letter 1 P106,Language Points,While .,表转折意,句中不再加表转折意的词,如but/however Eg.尽管我们渴望与你方进行交易,但很遗憾,你方的价格我们无法接受。 Although/While we are desirous of doing business with you, we regret that your price is not accepta

28、ble to us.,Sample Letter 1 counter offer P131,2.counter-offer n./v. 还盘 eg. 如果不能接受我方报盘,请发传真告知你方最好的还盘。 If our offer is not acceptable, please fax your best counter-offer. 你方还盘价格不合理。 The price you counter-offered is unreasonable.,such being the case 情况既然如此,3. reduce v. 降低,减少 = cut down eg. 为了达成交易,我们将进一

29、步降低价格 In order to close this deal, we shall further reduce our price. reduce+ by 降幅 reduce+ to 降至 reduce from to 从降至,reduction n. 降低,减少 用法: make a reduction + of 降价幅度 to 降价至 make a *% reduction in the price make reduction in the price, say *%. make sb. allowance on the price. 在价格上给予减让/折让 eg.如果贵方能够降价

30、20%,我们将与你们进行交易。,If you can reduce your price by 20%,we will do business with you. If you can make a reduction of 20% in the price ,we will do business with you. If you can make reduction in the price , say 20%, we will do business with you.,4. worth adj. 值的,相当于价值的 值得的,有价值的 n. 价值,值一定金额的数量 EG. The act

31、ual worth of *is well over $*. 比较: worthy adj. 值得的,配得上的,有价值的, 可尊敬的 worthwhile adj. 值得花时间/精力的,值得的 worth 一般作表语,而不作定语修饰名词 worthy与worthwhile既可作表语,又可作定语。,用法: be worth +n./doing be worthy +to do be worthy of +n./doing be worthwhile +to do /doing,5.concession n. 让步 make a concession /some concessions 作出让步

32、eg. 1) If you could make some concessions, say a reduction of 20%, we may conclude the transaction. 如果你方能作出一些让步,比方说降价20%,我们也许能达成交易。 2)We wont make any concessions, as we will not make any profits at the price you named. 我们不能让步,因为以你方指定的价格我们将无利可图。,Sample Letter 1 counter offer P131,6. keen adj. 热切的,渴望

33、的,剧烈的,低廉的 be keen to do sth. 渴望做某事 be keen on doing sth. 热衷于做某事 with keen interest 殷切,热切 keen competition 激烈竞争 eg. We await with keen interest your early offer.,Sample Letter 1 counter offer P131,Sample Letter 2 counter offer P137,Sample Letter 2 P137,Language Points,1. usual terms =on/under/accordi

34、ng to usual terms (根据)惯常条件 inst=instant 本月 usual practice 惯例 It is our usual practice to我们的惯例是 eg. It is our usual practice to cover the insurance for 110% of the invoice value.,我们的惯例是按发票金额的110%投保。,2. regret v. 遗憾,抱歉 regretful adj. 遗憾的 regrettable adj. 令人遗憾的 to our regret 令我们感到遗憾的是 eg. 很遗憾,我们发现贵方的报价

35、过高。 Much to our regret, we find your price too high.,类似表达,我们很遗憾(得知) We regret that you can not accept our offer. We are regretful that It is regrettable that We regret to note/learn that We note with regret that,我们很抱歉(告知) eg.We (very much )regret to state that we can not accept your new order at pre

36、sent. 我们很抱歉告知贵方,目前我们无法接受你方的新订单。,3. out of line 不相合 eg. We are regretful that your price is out of line with the prevailing market price. 很遗憾,你方价格与现行市场不相符。,4. level n. 水平,等级 价格(水准),价值(水准) prevailing market level/price 现行市价 at ones level/price 按照某人的价格 eg. 我们已经按照我方价格在你地与其他买主达成交易。 We have concluded busi

37、ness with other buyers in your area at our level.,to the level=to the extent 到程度/水平 eg. It is impossible for us to cut down the price to the level/extent you indicated. 我们不可能将价格降至你所要求的水平。 5.indicate v. 注明,表明,指出 eg. P138 Please make us a firm offer, indicating the best possible shipment. 请给我们报一个实盘,告知

38、最早船期。,Sample Letter 2 counter offer P137,Information indicates/states that 迹象表明 Eg. Information indicates that other competitors are selling similar goods at a price 10% lower than yours. 迹象表明,其他竞争者正以低于你方10%的价格出售此类产品。 indication n. 迹象,表明 Indication shows/There is indication that.,at a price *% lower

39、 than 以低于*%的价格 eg.我们希望能按比美国同类产品低10%的价格成交。 We hope to conclude the transaction at a price 10% lower than those of similar products in America.,6. parcel n. 包,包裹,一批,一宗 a parcel of samples 一包样品 eg. This is the only parcel left. 这是仅剩的一批货。 v. 把分成数份后分配+ out 打成包裹,捆扎 +up eg. Parcel out a shipment to several

40、 buyers. 把一批船货分发给几家买主。,Sample Letter 2 counter offer P137,Sample Letter 2 counter offer P137,Sample Letter 2 counter offer P137,7. persuade v. 说服,使相信 用法: 说服某人做某事 persuade sb. to do sth. persuade sb. into doing 使某人相信 persuade sb. of sth. persuade sb. that eg. 很遗憾,我们未能说服他们接受替代物。 We regret that we have

41、 not been able to persuade them to accept a substitution.,8. be prepared to do sth. 打算做某事 eg. P139 We are prepared to allow you a 2% quantity discount if your order exceeds 500 dozen. 如你方订货超过500打,我们打算给你方2%的数量折扣。,10. 达成交易 come to terms/business close a bargain/deal put the deal through give ones hand

42、 on bargain conclude a deal/transaction in view of 鉴于,11.limit n. give a limit 限价 buy (sell) at limit 限价买进(卖出) buy below limit 低于限价买进 sell above limit 高于限价卖出 exceed a limit 超过限价,Sample Letter 2 counter offer P137,Sample Letter 3 counter-counter offer P140,Sample Letter 3 P106,Language Points,on the

43、high side 偏高 be on the side = rather/too 表示价格高 Your price is too/excessive/rather/ bit/slight high. Your price is on the rise/decline. 你方价格在涨/降。 The price is the lowest possible. the rock-bottom price.,Sample Letter 3 counter-counter offer P140,2. co-operate with sb. in eg. P141 We hope you will co-

44、operate with us in promoting this new product. 我们希望你和我们合作推销这一新产品。,3. see ones way (clear ) to do sth. doing sth. 有可能/有意/设法做某事 不能做某事 be unable to do cannot see ones way to do be not in a position to do,1、我们不能再进一步降低价格,因为这已是我们的最低价了。 2、即使我们很想与贵方进行交易,但很抱歉,我们不能接受你方的还盘。,We cannot see our way clear to make

45、any further reduction, as this is our rock-bottom price.,Although we would like to do business with you, we are very sorry that we are unable to entertain your counter offer.,Let us meet each other half way 让我们各让一步,Let us meet each other half way and make the payment by D/P. 让我们双方各让一步,将价格降低5%。,让我们双方

46、各让一步,用付款交单的方式付款。,Let us meet each other half way and reduce the price by 5%.,Sample Letter 3 counter-counter offer P140,4. account n. 账户,账款,账目 1) for account of 为,代,受委托 eg. We hereby issue an irrevocable L/C in your favor for account of China Trading Co.,Shanghai. 兹受上海中国贸易公司的委托,开立以你方为受益人的不可撤销信用证。(P1

47、43) 2)for sbs account = for the account of sb. 由某人负担 eg. The arbitration fees shall be for the account of the losing party. 仲裁费用须由败诉方负担。 (P143),3)on account of 由于,因为 =because of /due to eg. On account of lack of direct steamer, please allow transhipment in your L/C. 因为没有直达船,在你的信用证中请注明准许转船。(P143) 4)t

48、akeinto account/consideration 考虑,重视 eg. You should take into account not only the price but also the quality.,5) on ones account 为自己的利益,自行负责 not on any account 无论如何 account v. + for 说明原因, (数量等)占 eg. Oil exports account for 30% of the total export bill. (P144) 石油出口额占出口总账单的30%。 keep sb. posted/informed/advised of sth. that clause. 把情况随时向你汇报。,Choose the best answer: 1) If you could make a reduction _ 5% in quotation, please let us know. a.


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