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1、,The differences between Chinese and English,Tom,He is Tom.,他是汤姆.,He is playing basketball.,他在打篮球,He wants to be a basketball player in future.,他想成为一名篮球运动员.,The same point between Chinese and English,主语+谓语+宾语,我叫玛丽.我有两个姐姐.一个在北京,另一个在上海.我喜欢流行音乐.我非常喜欢周笔畅.我很想成为一名歌手.,my name is Mary.,I have two sisters.,I

2、 am interested in popular music.,One is in Beijing, the other is in Shanghai.,I like ZhouBichang very much.,I want to become a singer very much.,汉语的程度副词在动词前,英语的程度副词在句子末尾,The different point :,I promised to pick her up at her hotel at 8:00am.,My car broke down on the way to the office yesterday.,我答应早

3、上八点在她的饭店用车接她.,昨天在去办公室的路上我的车坏了.,英语有时态,汉语用一些状语就说明时态了. 每个时态动词几乎都要发生变化.英语的地点状语在前,时间状语在后.汉语正好相反.,Football is perhaps the most popular sport in the world and it is played by millions of people all the year round.,足球也许是世界上最受欢迎的体育活动.一年到头有数百万人在踢足球.,A new play will be put on .,一个新的电视剧即将上映.,英语有被动语态,而汉语通常情况下不去特

4、别强调.,When my father got home yesterday evening, my mother was reading the newspaper.,昨天晚上当我父亲到家时,母亲正在读报.,He was walking down the street when a UFO landed.,当一个不明飞行物降落时,他正走在大街上.,英语的时间状语放在句首或句末都可以,而汉语的时间状语只能放在句首.,This is a good opportunity to learn English.,这是一个学英语的好机会.,The man who is reading book is T

5、om.,看书的那个人就是汤姆.,汉语中的定语要放在被修饰词前,而英语中两个以上的词组或是一个句子做定语时, 放在被修饰词后.,充分利用课堂上的时间很重要.,It s very important to make good use of your time in class.,和他谈这事没用.,It is no use talking about it with him.,汉语中没有形式主语,而英语中当不定式,动名词或句子做主语时, 通常情况下把他们放在句子后面,而主语用it来代替.,她去了哪儿还不知道.,It is not known where she has gone.,我发现和他一起工作

6、很困难.,I find it difficult to work with him.,汉语中没有形式宾语,而英语中当宾语有补语时,宾语是不定式,-ing形式或宾语从句时,往往把宾语放在它的补语后面, 用it作形式宾语,放在宾语补语之前.,我认为和他争吵没用,I think it no use arguing with him.,我们认为他们已经知道这个事实不可能.,We think it impossible that they have known the fact.,他抢了小刚的自行车.,He robbed xiaogang of his bike.,李虎骗取了李丽的金钱.,Lihu ch

7、eated Lili of her money.,老人抓住了小男孩的手走了.,The old man took the boy by the hand and walked away.,英语中一些动词的使用与汉语中动词的使用有区别,英汉语言的差别小结:,1.汉语的程度副词在动词前,英语的程度副词放在句子的末尾.,3.英语的地点状语在前,时间状语在后. 而汉语正好相 反.,4.英语的时间状语可以在句首或句尾,而汉语的时间状语只能在句首.,5.汉语中的定语要放在被修饰词前,而英语中两个以上的词组或是一个句子做定语时, 放在被修饰词后.,6.英语有形式主语和形式宾语,汉语没有.,7.英语和汉语在动词

8、的用法上有不同.,2.英语有时态,每个时态动词几乎都要发生变化.汉语用一些状语就说明时态了.,practise,1.到学校每天要花费我半个小时的时间. 2.他过去经常晚饭后在河边散步. 3.当我进入办公室时,李明正在上网. 4.他没有能谈心的朋友.,It takes me half an hour to get to school.,He used to have a walk along the river after supper.,Liming was surfing the internet When I came into the office.,He has not a frien

9、d to talk with.,5.2008年奥林匹克运动会将在北京举行. 6.我认为学好英语很有必要. 7.警察控告他犯有偷窃罪.,I think it necessary to study English well.,The police accused him of stealing.,practise,The 2008 Olympic games will be held in Beijing.,Homework: wb p161 3-7 p170 4,Thank you,He didn t study until his mother came .,他直到妈妈回来才学习,他直到完成作

10、业才上床睡觉.,He didn t go to bed until he finished his homework.,He jumped into the river before I could stop him.,我还没来得及阻止他,他就跳进了河里.,Her dress fit her so well as if she was growing out of it.,她的衣服不肥不瘦,非常合体.,英汉互译时要捕捉主要意思,不要直译.,Many great players come from the same kind of neighborhood- a poor, crowded ar

11、ea where a boy s dream is not to be a doctor, lawyer, or businessman, but to become a rich, famous athlete.,很多著名的球员都来自相同类型的居民区. 那里贫穷,拥挤,男孩子的梦想不是成为医生,律师或商人,而是成为富有著名的运动员.,当遇到英语的句子是复合句的时候,应该用几个单句来表达.,6000years before Christ, 1,000,000years were necessary to double the population.,公元前6000年,人口翻番需要1,000,000年.,当遇到数字时,直接写出来就可以了.,


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