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1、英语专业四级考试对便条写作要求,根据英文背景提示,在十分钟内写出字数约 50-60的便条,通知,请帖等,分值为10分. 特定的格式,特定的句试,特定的内容,Note评分标准(10),格式(2分) 日期与称呼共1分; 结尾为1分(不论大小错误都扣1分) 正确称呼:位置在日期下一行左侧, 如:Dear Michael,(:)/ Michael, (:) 正确结尾: 如:Yours sincerely, / Sincerely yours,/ Truly yours,/ Yours, etc. (若在一行,名字没写写或人名XX 等扣1分 格式需前后一致,如全左或全右,若不符合,则扣1分。 凡不符合上

2、述正确格式或要求均扣1分,内容3分: organizing + interest + two details (少一点扣1分,最多扣3分, two details 需要有所展开, 若只是提到when and where扣1分) 语言4分:严重错误1分,一个句子或同类错误扣1分,拼写等小错误两个扣1分,最多扣4分。 语言得体性1分:总分在8分以上可考虑加此分。,评分总体要求: 语言没有错误,格式对,内容完整,语言得体,字数符合要求 便条总字数(包括3部分格式)要求在50-60字,少于50或多余80扣1分 该部分总分为10分,6分为及格线。,造成错误的原因,不写日期或日期格式不对,很多学生习惯将它

3、太写在右下方。 署名后不应该有任何标点符号,而很多学生习惯点上句号。 结束语与署名写在一行。 Yours写成Your 结束语后不加逗号 语言不得体,比如,对于很随便的情景,使用很正式的句子结构和用词。 Jan. 1, 2003 Feb. 1 March 9April 9May 9June 9July 9Aug.9Oct. 9Nov. 9Dec. 9,Components of note,1.Salutation 2. Date 3.Body 4. Complimentary close,1. Salutation,A. Sir; Gentleman; Dear President; Dear

4、Madame B. Dear Mr. Wallash C. Dear Mama; My dear Tom,2.Date,日期应写在右上角,差不多与收条人的称呼平齐,或高一行e.g. 1.) May 6, 2005, May 6th,2005 2.) 6May, 2005 3) Jan. 1, 2003 Feb. 1 March 9 April 9May 9June 9July 9Aug.9 Oct. 9Nov. 9Dec. 9,3.Body,便条的正文是便条的主体.,4. Complimentary Close,结束语应写在便条正文之后两三行,位置中偏右,应该有致敬的结束语和谦称.谦称. 有尊

5、卑亲疏之分,应该与收条人的称谓相配.在谦称敬语的后面应该加上逗号.e.g Sincerely yours, Kate Yours truly, Kate Yours very truly, Kate,Very truly yours, Kate Your faithfully, Kate Yours, Kate,常用的结束语有: 1. Awaiting your good news. 2. Looking forward to your early reply. 3. Hoping to hear from you soon. 4. We wait for your good news. 5.

6、 I hope to hear from you very soon. 6. We look forward to your reply at your earliest convenience. 7. I look forward to our next meeting there in Los Angeles. 8. Your early reply will be highly appreciated.,9. The help you give me is sincerely valued. 10. I hope everything will be well with you. 11.

7、 Please let us know if you want more information. 12. I hope you always enjoy yourself. 13. I wish you every success in the coming year. 14. Please remember me to your family. 15. With best regards to your family. 16. All the best. 17. With love and good wishes.,Types of note,1.to form an invitation

8、 2. A note of accepting of invitation 3. A note of declining of invitation 4. A note of canceling an appointment or arrangement 5. A note of condolence 6. A note accompanying a present 7. A note of regretting not seeing someone,8. A note of returning sth. borrowed 9. A note of asking after ones heal

9、th Notice 10. Inquiry 11. Complaint 12. Condolence,Examples &requirements 1. a note of invitation,1. To form an invitation (dinner/party) a. the occasion for the invitation b. the reason for inviting the addressee c. the time and the place d. the hope of having the invitation accept/receive an invit

10、ation e. the reason for this(optional),Workshop 1,You are going to hold a birthday party for your 20th birthday. And you are writing a note to invite your friend.,May 5, 2005 Dear Tom, Next Monday is my 20th birthday. Imagine, there are already twenty years behind me! No wonder I feel old! My parent

11、s are holding a dinner party to mark the occasion, The first person they wish to invite is you, my childhood pal. Indeed, all of those 20 years are more or less associated with you. Well be expecting you any time after six. See you then. Truly yours, Tom,Workshop 2 You are going to have a house-warm

12、ing party this Saturday afternoon. Write an invitation to your best friend, Jimmy.,6 June, 2005 Dear Jimmy, We have just moved to a suburban district in southeastern Shanghai.Now that everything is more or less orderly again, were going to have a house warming party this coming Saturday afternoon. W

13、e will have a good time on Saturday, we are sure. Many old friends are coming, too. Give us a ring to say that you are coming. Yours, Kathy,2. Accepting an invitation,A note of accepting an invitation a. appreciation of being invited b. his/her certainty if having a good time c. his/her assurance of

14、 being punctual, his/her apology for having to be late d. his/her offer help e. his/her looking forward to the occasion,Sentence patterns:,Sentence patterns: A. We are delighted to accept B. It is with great pleasure C. We are sincerely happy to join you,Workshop 3,You will accept Jessies invitation

15、 to her home dinner. Write her a note to show your thanks.,May 6, 2005 Dear Jessie, Please accept our hearty thanks for your kind invitation to your home dinner on Wednesday. Thank you for including us among the limited number of your guests. You may be sure we will join you on that day and we are l

16、ooking forward to the pleasure of being with you. Yours sincerely, Tom,Workshop 4 You are Kate, write a note of accepting your friend, Rebeccas invitation to her birthday/Christmas party/house-warming party. ,16 March, 2005 Dear Rebecca, Thank you for asking me to go to your house-warming party. I h

17、ave long heard that youve moved to the suburbs, a rather quiet and beautiful residential place. I am eager to go and see for myself. You can count on me to be punctual. Do you want me to come earlier to give you a hand? Looking forward to seeing you. Love, Kate,3. A note of declining an invitation,A

18、 note of declining an invitation a. appreciation for being invited b. reason for not being able to attend c. regret for missing such an occasion d. extending felicitations (congratulations), etc.,Declining an invitation,Sentence patterns: I shall have to say no to your kind invitation Very regretful

19、ly, Unfortunately, it will be impossible Because of , we find we cannot,Workshop 5 You are writing a note to your friend, Jessie to explain you cant accept her invitation to her birthday party.,14 April, 2005 DearJessie, Thank you for inviting me to your 29th birthday party. I really ought to be the

20、re, but as I have an appointment with Professor Zhang, who is leaving for the United States the next day. Im afraid I cant be present. Im dreadfully sorry to have to be absent on this very important occasion. Please extend my heartiest congratulations to your parents. Yours sincerely, Rebecca,4. A n

21、ote of canceling an appointment, a. what appointment it is b. the reason to cancel it c. suggestion to make up for it d. expressing regrets,Workshop 6 You cant come to interview Mr. Song with your friend Jessie tomorrow morning. And write a note to her to express your regrets.,7 July,2005 Dear Jessi

22、e, I was just informed that Prof. Ian Henderson would arrive in Shanghai at 10a.m. tomorrow. I was asked to meet him at the airport as he is our much respected senior advisor. I regret that I cant go to interview Mr. Song with you tomorrow morning. Will you please see to it that some one else takes

23、my place? I am very sorry to give you such short notice and for the trouble I caused to you. My regrets. Yours sincerely, Grayson,Workshop 7 You were given an unexpected assignment yesterday, so you cant take part in the next alumni-meeting. Write a note to cancel the appointment.,7 July,2005 Dear X

24、iaogang, I was given an unexpected assignment yesterday. I was to write a report on our study of the mystery of memory, and Ill be busy for the coming week. So it is impossible for me to attend the alumni-meeting next Sunday. Please say “hello” to all of our old pals. Thank you. My deepest regrets.

25、Yours sincerely, Jessie,5. a note of condolence/consoling(sympathy), a. the distress at hearing the sad news b. some good words about the departed c. expressing regrets at his/her passing away d. some comforting words e. extending condolence,Sentence patterns:,I am sorry to learn/hear you It is real

26、ly a pity that you failed in I felt surprised that you Dont worry about your you will soon become Dont lose heart; with you will be successful in the future.,Workshop 8 Your friend, Jessies grandmother passed away. And you write a note to extend condolence.,7 September, 2005 Dear Jessie, We were sho

27、cked at the sad news in the newspaper this morning. Your grandmas sudden passing away has indeed caught us quite unprepared emotionally. Her image at the Charity Bazaar two weeks ago remains fresh in our mind. It is a great loss to all who knew her. However, this is life. Please accept our profounde

28、st condolences. Yours sincerely, Mark,Workshop 9 Your friend, Jessie has lost her position. And you write a note to console her.,7 September, 2005 Dear Jessie, I was astonished when I learned that you have lost your position. Please dont feel too much distressed for this frustration. A well-educated

29、 and competent young people like you cant be laid off too long, and I am sure you will soon get an even better position. Please let me know what I can do to help you. Yours sincerely, Jeff,6. A note accompanying a present,a. the reason of sending the present b. the hope that the present will suit th

30、e receiver,Workshop 10 Your friend, Jessie has lost her position. And you write a note to console her.,7 September, 2005 Dear Meili, I happened to come across this Students Dictionary of English Phrasal Verbs at the Foreign Language Book Store this morning. It reminded me of your English studies. I

31、have always appreciated your work style, so earnest and meticulous. And I have wanted to do something to help make your studies easier for you,. Here is a reward for your hard work. I hope it will be helpful to you. Yours sincerely, Jessie,7. A note of regretting not seeing someone,a. an explanation

32、 of the reason for being absent b. the tone must be apologetic c.a hope to remedy missing the opportunity,Workshop 11 You have just got the news of your old friend, Conrad And you write a note to express your regrets and happiness.,7 September, 2005 Dear Conrad, I just got back form a lecture. I saw

33、 your note and read it with great regret. When you were in my neighbourhood I had to be away! What a trick Lady Luck played on us! Fortunately youll still be in town for the next two days. Well still be able to meet and have a nice chat. Ill call on you at your hotel at 6:00 p.m. tomorrow. Be seeing

34、 you. Yours sincerely, Jessie,8. A note of returning something borrowed,a. the thing that is being returned b. his/her gratitude for the addressees kindness c. the thing has served its purpose d. hope to get more help in the future,Conrad,Workshop 12 You have borrowed six cassette tapes from your fr

35、iend Marian. Write a note to show your gratitude.,7 September, 2005 Dear Marian, Here are the six cassette tapes you were so kind as to lend me. Im happy to inform you that they have helped me enormously. I more than passed the listening test- I was highly praised by the teacher. They have really he

36、lped me wonderfully. I really dont know how to thank you enough. I hope youd help me again in the future. Again my heartfelt gratitude! Yours sincerely, Jessie,9. A note of asking after ones health,a. source of sad news b. expression of regrets c. some comforting words d. some “get well soon” words,

37、Workshop 13 Your friend, Harold, is down with the flu. Write a note to ask after his health.,7 September, 2005 Dear Harold, Gary told me yesterday that you are down with the flu. To tell you the truth, I was a little surprised. You never used to be sick. Then I recalled that youd been extraordinary

38、busy with your work recently. You must have been weakened physically somehow. You do need a good rest. Im sure youll be up and around very soon. Take care and best regards! Yours sincerely, Jessie,10. a note of recommendation, I take the pleasure in recommending you Mr.Liu wei who hopes to attend yo

39、ur college for postgraduate studies Please allow me to recommend Chang Ling as a candidate, who, in my opinion, is qualified for It is my pleasure to recommend George Blake for your consideration as he applies for in your company I have the honor to introduce to you With reference to your advertisem

40、ent on the local newspaper I beg to offer my self for the position as an accountant. I take the liberty to introduce,Workshop 14 You recommend Liu Gang to Mr.Wallash for a position. Write a note to Mr.Wallash and express your reasons.,7 September, 2005 Dear Mr.Wallash, Its my pleasure to recommend L

41、iu Gang for your consideration as he applies for the post as a market analyst in your company. He is a young man of my acquaintance. And I have known him and his family for sometime. This young man is ambitious, capable and reliable. I hope you can find a place for him. Yours sincerely, Jessie,11. A

42、 note of notice,This is to announce /declare that Ais organized by to A is advocated and sponsored by to,Workshop 15 Write a note to all students that groups of students will be organized to help some western students, which is one part of Hope Project.,7 September, 2005 Dear schoolmates, As part of

43、 the activities of Project Hope, we will organize several groups of students of different specialities to help the pupils with their studies in the western part of our country from July 14 to August 20. Those who are voluntary to offer their help should enroll their names to the Students Union befor

44、e June 27. We believe these volunteers will also benefit a lot from this activity. Yours sincerely, Jessie I,12. A note of complaint, I write to show my great anger at your I am writing to protest against your My complaint about your is based on the fact that Hope you will improve your It is high ti

45、me you took some measures to solve I sincerely hope such things will never take place again.,Workshop 16 Your room is a little dirty. Write a note to complain the situation.,7 September, 2005 Dear roommates, Our room used to be very clean and tidy. But recently things went to the opposite. What we c

46、an see is the litters here and there, the unwashed clothes under the bed, even worse some dirty shoes and socks with bad smells on the floor. All these have made our room very messy and smelly. Dont you think we should stop this so as to live in a clean and tidy place again? Yours sincerely, Jessie,

47、13. a note of thanks,a. to show thanks b. reasons for thanks or say some benefits of help c. say thanks again,Sentence patterns:,I dont know how to express my gratitude for you I cannot tell you how much I owe you It was thought (more than kind, generous, etc.) of you Thank you again for your genero

48、sity (hospitality, generous help, etc.),Workshop 17 You got a good position for your friends recommendation. Write a note to show your thanks.,7 September, 2005 Dear Sir, Many thanks for the great favour you did me, and the kind interest you took in me. Im glad to inform you that by your invaluable

49、recommendation I have obtained the position I applied for here in the company. I shall exert myself in performing my duties, and try to be worthy of your assistance. My best regards. Yours sincerely, Jessie,Workshop 18 Write a note to your friend, Lucy , who paid a kind visit to you when you were ill.,7 September, 2005 Dear Lucy, Thank for your kind v


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