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1、优秀精品课件文档资料,复习,Unit 1-6,Unit 1 1. 去滑板 2. 锻炼 3. 几乎不曾 4. 一周两次 5. 一个月一次 6. 一年三次 7. 一周三或四次 8. 网上冲浪 9. 多久(一次) 10.的结果 11.活动调查 12. 有某物给某人 13.在周末,go skateboarding,exercise = do / take exercise,hardly ever,twice a week,once a month,three times a year,surf the Internet,How often,three or four times a week,the

2、result of,activity survey,Here is/are sth for sb.,on weekends,14.活跃的;积极的 15.至于;关于 16.垃圾食品 17.想要(某人)做某事 18.对有好处 / 坏处 19.健康的,20.每晚你睡几个小时? 21.九个小时 22.从学校放学回家 23.饮食习惯,24.尽(最大)努力/试着做,be active,as for,junk food,want (sb) to do sth,be good / bad for,be healthy,How many hours do you sleep every night?,come

3、home from school,eating habits,try (ones best )to do sth,for nine hours,25.大量,许多 26.当然 27.注意健康 28.有健康的生活方式 29.帮助某人做某事 30.取得好成绩 31.学得好/更好/最好 32.为什么不做某事? 33.与相同 34.与不同 35. (和 )的不同点 36.有几分/一点不健康,a lot of = lots of,of course =sure = certainly,look after my health,have a healthy lifestyle,help sb (to) do

4、/with sth,get good grades,study well / better / best,be the same as,be different from,be kind of unhealthy,why not do sth?= why dont you /we do sth?,the differences (betweenand ),39.提高英语,37.保持健康 38.少吃肉,keep in good health = keep/stay healthy,eat less meat,improve English,句子大练兵,1、你多久吃一次蔬菜?我每天都吃,How o

5、ften do you eat vegetables ?,I eat them every day .,2、她周末干什么? 她经常在家看电视。,What does she do on weekends ?,She often watches TV at home .,3、至于家庭作业,大部分学生一周做3到4次作业,As for homework , most students do homework three or four times a week .,4、一些学生一周上一两次网。,5、你每天晚上睡几个小时?,6、因此我可能有几分不健康,尽管我有一个健康的习惯。,7、吃水果对我们的健康有好

6、处。,8、我尽量每天都做运动。,Some students surf the Internet once or twice a week.,How many hours do you sleep every night ?,So maybe Im kind of unhealthy , although I have a healthy habit .,Eating fruit is good for our health .,I try to do exercise every day .,10、他每天晚上睡9个小时。,9、我的健康的生活方式帮我取得好成绩。,11、她的饮食习惯和你的一样吗?

7、,My healthy lifestyle helps me get good grades .,He sleeps for nine hours every night .,Are her eating habits the same as yours ?,一、根据句意和首字母完成单词 1、He is very strong because he often e . 2、Do you like s the Internet ? 3、Here are the r of his survey . 4、We wash our hair t a week . 5、I like the TV p on

8、 CCTV-10 . 6、I dont think junk food is good for our h . 7、My eating h are pretty good . 8、Dont worry . M he can help you . 9、Its important to keep h . 10、Can you tell me the d between the two words ? 11、My grandpa is still healthy , a he is over 80 . 12、Jim goes to see his parents o a month .,xercis

9、es,urfing,esults,wice,rogram,ealth,abits,aybe,ealthy,ifferences,lthough,nce,二、用所给词的正确形式填空 1、I look after my and I am .(health) 2、My teacher wants me (write) a letter to you . 3、They (hard) go out of this small town . 4、The boy is trying (climb) up the tree . 5、This word is (difference) from the othe

10、r . 6、We must do eye (exercise) every day . 7、My mother (have) a healthy lifestyle . She eats (little) junk food but more vegetables . 8、I practice (speak) English every day . 9、What can I do (improve) my math? 10、Jim often (play) computer games .,health,healthy,to write,hardly,to climb,different,ex

11、ercises,has,less,speaking,to improve,plays,选用方框里的字,用其适当形式填空,help, make, a lot of, want, early , exercise, try, and, give, take,1. I have _ toy cars in my room. 2. I eat fruit _ drink milk every day. 3. My parents often _ me to the park on Sundays. 4. He usually comes to school_. 5 Jim, _ this book t

12、o Ann. 6. Mum _ me to get up at 6:00 and run with her. 7. You must _ to eat less meat. 8. Does it _ a big difference if you eat fruit every day? 9. A lot of vegetables_ you to keep in good health. 10.Grandma is pretty healthy because she _ every day .,U1,a lot of,and,take,early,give,wants,try,make,h

13、elp,exercises,句型转换: 1. Anns mother shops once a month. 2. He is writing on the blackboard now. 3. Jim goes to see Uncle Li in the evening.(否定句) 4. There are some beautiful flowers in the garden (一般疑问句) 5. She only eats junk food once a week because junk food isnt good for health.,U1,How often does A

14、nns mother shop?,What is he doing on the blackboard now?,Jim doesnt go to see Uncle Li in the evening.,Are there any beautiful flowers in the garden?,Why does she only eat junk food once a week?,Unit 2 1.怎么了?得什么病了? 2. (重)感冒 3. 发(高)烧,4. 胃痛 5. 牙痛 6. 头痛 7. 喉咙痛 8. 背痛 9. 躺下休息 10. 加蜂蜜的热茶 11. 看病 12. 看牙医 13

15、.多喝水 14.应该/不该做某事,=whats up,Whats the matter/trouble (with sb)?,= Whats wrong (with sb)?,have/get a (bad) cold,have a (high) fever,have a stomachache,have a toothache,have a headache,have a sore throat,have a sore back,lie down and rest/have a rest,hot tea with honey,see a doctor,see a dentist,drink

16、lots of water,should / shouldnt do sth,=have a backache,15.好主意。 16.我感觉不舒服。 17.太糟了。 18.我(不)是这样认为的。 19.我希望你能尽快好起来。 20.疲劳 21.压力大 22.早上床睡觉 23.听音乐 24.参加派对 25.需要阴和阳的平衡来保持健康 26.此刻;现在,Im not feeling well=I dont feel well=I feel terrible/bad.,Thats a good idea.,Thats too bad.,I (dont) think so.,I hope you fe

17、el better soon.,be + adj.,be/ get tired,be /get stressed out,go to bed early,listen to music,go to/join the party,need a balance of yin and yang to be healthy,at the moment = now,27.传统中医 28.例如 29.在某方面很弱 30.太多 实在太 31.生()气 32.中药 33.吃药 34.在西方国家 35.吃均衡的饮食 36.(对某人来说)做某事很 37.少数几个/一些(肯定) 几乎没有(否定) 38.很遗憾听到这

18、个消息,traditional Chinese doctors,for example,be weak (in sth),too many +可数n.复数,too much +不可数n.,much too + adj. / adv.,be/get angry (with sb.),Chinese medicine,take medicine,in western countries,eat a balanced diet,Its +adj. + (for sb ) + to do sth,a few + 可数n.复数,a little + 不可数n.,few + 可数n.复数,little +

19、 不可数n.,Im sorry to hear that.,Doing sth is+ adj + (for sb ).,句子大练兵,1、你怎么了?我头疼。,Whats the matter with you ? / Whats the trouble with you ? / Whats wrong with you ?,I have a headache . I have a pain in my head .,2、你应该好好休息几个晚上。,You should have a good rest for a few nights .,3、我希望她尽快好起来,I hope she will

20、feel better soon .,4、牙疼什么时候开始的? 大概三天前。,When did the toothache start ? About three days ago .,5、听说你妈妈生病了我很难过。,6、当你很累的时候,你晚上不应该太过努力学习。,7、传统中医坚信要保持健康我们需要阴、阳的平衡。,8、中药在许多西方一些国家很受欢迎。,9、拥有一个健康的生活方式是很容易的,吃均衡的饮食 也是很重要的。,Im sorry to hear that your mother is ill .,When you are tired , you shouldnt study too ha

21、rd at night .,Traditional Chinese doctors believe that we need a balance of yin and yang to keep healthy .,Chinese medicine is popular in some western countries .,Its easy to have a healthy lifestyle , and its important to eat a balanced diet .,10、我真的需要每天练习说英语来提高我的英语水平。,I really need to practice spe

22、aking English every day to improve my English .,11、Jim 昨天发烧。,12、那是个好注意。,Jim had a fever yesterday .,Thats a good idea .,句型转换: 1. Whats your trouble, young man?(同义句) Whats _ _ _you, young man? Whats _ _you, young man? 2.Be quick, please(否定句)_ _quick,please. 3. She had a cold two days ago.(划线部分提问) _ _

23、she_a cold? 4.My brother does his homework in the evening.(改为一般疑问句) _your brother _ his homework in the evening? 5.He hopes that he will be a doctor some day.(改为简单句) He hopes _ _ a doctors some day. 6.Look! The bus is coming here.(改为倒装) Look!_ _ _ _.,the,matter,with,wrong,with,Dont,be,When,did,have,

24、Does,do,to,be,Heres,coming,the,bus,适当形式填空: 1. He shouldnt eat _ (something) for 4 hours. 2. Many sports help you to keep in good _ (health) 3. I hope _ (be) healthy. 4. Maybe you should _ (see) a dentist. 5. When_ (do) it start? About two days ago. 6. Now I feel _ (good). 7. I usually go to school o

25、n _(foot). 8. My little son has eighteen _ (tooth) 9. My mothers _ (ill) makes me unhappy. 10. If you have trouble, I can give you some _ (advice),anything,health,to be,see,did,better,foot,teeth,illness,advice,11. Im tired and I have a lot of _ (headache). 12. Dont_ (be )stressed out. 13. Its import

26、ant _ (sleep) nine hours a night. 14. I dont feel _ (good) today. 15. I need to take some _ (medicine). 16. He is kind of unhealthy, he should _ (exercise) every day. 17. When you have a stomachache, you shouldnt eat _ (something) for some time. 18. The baby has four _ (tooth) at the age of one. 19.

27、 A cow has four _ (stomach) 20. She looks _ (beautiful) and sings _ (beautiful),headaches,be,to sleep,well,medicine,exercise,anything,teeth,stomachs,beautiful,beautifully,一、根据句意和首字母完成单词 1、Im s out , I want to listen to music . 2、Its i for us to eat a balanced diet . 3、If you are t , please have a dr

28、ink . 4、Dont be a with the boy .He is only a kid . 5、A doctor can give you some a . 6、Eating a b diet can help us to keep healthy . 7、I cant work out the difficult math p_ . 8、T_ Chinese doctors b_ we need a balance of yin and yang to stay healthy . 9、He is a good student , and he usually goes to sc

29、hool e . 10、They didnt finish their homework u 11 oclock. 11、Whats the m with you , madam ?,stressed,important,thirsty,angry,advice,balanced,problem,Traditional,believe,early,until,matter,二、用所给词的正确形式填空 1、I think you are ill . You need (see) a doctor . 2、Its good (eat) hot yang foods if you have too

30、much yin . 3、“How are you (feel) now ?”. “Very well .” 4、Li Ming was too tired . So he stopped (have) a rest . 5、Its important (sleep) 8 hours a night . 6、Do you enjoy (live) in China ? 7、The football match (start) a few minutes ago . 8、Theyd like (fly) kites in the afternoon . 9、 (not eat) junk foo

31、d ! 10、We should (help) each other .,to eat,to see,feeling,to have,to sleep,living,started,to fly,Dont eat,help,11、A cat has four (foot) . 12、How many (child) do you have , Mrs. Black. 13、There (be) a basketball game this afternoon. 14、Gina often (carry) the little girl after school . 15、I (real) ne

32、ed some help .,feet,children,will be,carries,really,句型转换,1、I believe that he has too much yin . (改为否定句) 2、Whats wrong with Bill ? (改为同义句) 3、Sleep 8 hours a night .(改为提建议句) 4、She had a toothache three days ago .(画线提问),I dont believe that he has too much yin .,Whats the matter with Bill ? Whats the tr

33、ouble with Bill ?,You should sleep 8 hours a night .,When did she have a toothache ?,5、The teacher is busy now . (改为同义句) 6、To eat healthy food is important for us. (改为同义句) 7、You should eat something .(改为否定句) 8、Hes not feeling well .(改为一般现在时) 9、My mother is ill .(画线提问) 10、down , rest , she , lie , sh

34、ould , and (连词成句),The teacher is busy at the moment .,Its important for us to eat healthy food .,You shouldnt eat anything .,He doesnt feel well,Whats the matter / trouble with your mother?,She should lie down and rest .,1、Mary is thirsty . Give some orange , please . A、his B、her C、hers D、yours 2005

35、 山东济南,2、Yesterday afternoon , when we got to the town , of the shops there was open , so we shouldnt buy anything .2005 山东济宁 A、all B、any C、some D、none,3、Would you please buy some salt for me , Tony? There is left .2005 湖北武汉 A、little B、a little C、few D、a few,4、There is knocking at the door . Go and s

36、ee who it is . 2005.湖南常德 A、nobody B、somebody C、anybody D、everybody,中考题型接轨,5、- When did Mr. Black move to London ? - June 20,1999 . 2005.乌鲁木齐 A、On B、At C、In D、With,、- Can you play football ? - Yes , I can , I can play it well . 2005.浙江金华 A、or B、so C、and D、but,6、Miss. Green goes to the doctors Monday

37、mornings. 2005.湖北武汉 A、on B、at C、in D、with,8、So homework really makes the students feel tired . 2005.广东茂名 A、much B、many C、little D、few,、 the song is not very popular, I enjoy it . 2005.湖北 A、Because B、Though C、If D、And,10、Kate is really . Shes never angry with others . 2005.乌鲁木齐 A、tall B、friendly C、lu

38、cky D、clever,A: Good morning . Whats your trouble ? B: I dont feel very well . A: Did you your temperature ? B: Yes , I did . My temperature is a little . A: How long have you been this ? B: Ever last night . A: Oh , I see . Youve got a . B: Get a cold ? A: Yes . Youd better at home for two or three

39、 days . B: Is it serious ? A: No , I dont think it is too . But you really need a good and take this medicine . B: How do I take this medicine ? A: Three a day . B: OK . Thank you . A: Its my pleasure .,take,higher,like,since,cold,stay,serious,rest,often,times,Unit 3 1.假期你打算做什么? 2. 去野营 3. 去远足 4. 去观光

40、 5. 去骑自行车 6. 听起来 7. 那听起来很棒。 8. 休闲在家 9. 你将和谁一起去? 10. 在12号 11. 在(深)山里 12. 你将呆多长时间? 四天。 13. 离开太长时间,go bike riding=ride a bike=go riding,go + V+ing 去,What are you doing for vacation?,go camping,go hiking,go sightseeing,That sounds nice.,sound + adj.,relax at home,Who are you going with?,on the 12th,in t

41、he mountains,How long are you staying?,For four days.,go away for too long,14. 把某物寄给某人 15. 把某物给某人看 16. 回到学校 17. 去渡假 18. 散步 19. 假期计划,20. 租录像带 21. 以而出名 22. 过长假 23. 今年夏天 24. 考虑某事/做某事 25. 决定做某事 26. 在欧洲,get/come back to = return to 回来,send sb sth=send sth to sb,show sb sth=show sth to sb,get/come back to

42、 school,go for vacation,take walks,take a walk = have a walk = walk,vacation plans?,rent videos,be famous for,take / have a long vacation,this summer,think about sth / doing sth,decide to do sth,decide on sth / doing sth,in Europe,27. 做一些不同的事 28. 计划做某事 29. 在乡村 30. 花时间 / 金钱于某物/做某事 31. 多睡 32. 迫不及待做某事

43、33. 做完某事 34. 需要做某事 35. 询问某人某事 36. 一个观光的好地方 37. 随身带上某物,do something different,plan to do sth,in the countryside,spend time / money on sth/ (in) doing,sleep a lot,cant wait to do sth,finish doing sth,need to do sth,ask sb about sth,a good place to go sightseeing,take sth with sb,38. 离开某地 动身前往某地 离开去,le

44、ave +(from) 地点,leave for +地点,leave for ,句子大练兵,1、你打算寒假怎么过?我想去西藏过一个星期。,What are you doing for winter vacation ?,Im going to Tibet for a week .,2、你和谁一起去北京?,Who are you going to Beijing with ? .,3、你将在夏威夷呆多久?,How long are you staying in Hawaii ?,4、当我们回到学校的时候,给我看看你的照片。,Show me your photos when we get back

45、 to school .,Show your photos to me when we get back to school .,5、请在香港给我寄张明信片。,6、我能问你一些关于你假期计划的问题吗?,7、他将在六月的第一个星期离开而且一直呆到九月份。,8、我打算在美丽的乡下度过时光。,9、我迫不及待想骑自行车去临海旅行。,Please send a postcard to me from Hong Kong .,Can I ask you some questions about your vacation plan ?,He is leaving the first week in Jun

46、e and staying until September .,I plan to spend time in the beautiful countryside .,I cant wait to go bike riding to Linhai .,10、他刚刚完成他的家庭作业。,He just finished doing his homework ,11、我爸爸下星期二动身去泰国。,12、我听说香港是一个观光的好地方。,My father is leaving for Thailand next Tuesday .,I hear that Hong Kong is a good place to go sightseeing .,13、Ben 曾想过去希腊或美国,但决定去法国。,Ben thought about going to Greece or America, but decided on France .,练习: 1. We are going _(camp) this Sunday. 2. Liu Hong is the _ (twelve)


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