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1、Unit Fourteen,2019/8/10,2,Contents,Introduction Text (A) analysis Some comments on writing Text (B) analysis Further reading Exercises,2019/8/10,3,Introduction,Written by Bruce Alberts, editor-in-Chief of Science, Text A gives some advice to the young who wish to become scientists in the future. Tex

2、t B explains what makes a scientific paper and the popular format.,2019/8/10,4,Text analysis,Text A On Becoming a Scientist,2019/8/10,5,Bruce Alberts,president emeritus(荣誉主席) of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences and chair of the National Research Council (1993-2005), has been named by the Board

3、of Directors of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) to serve as editor-in-chief of its journal Science beginning 1 March 2008.,2019/8/10,6,Text Structure,Part I (para. 14) It is critical that beginning scientists select their mentors wisely. Part II (para. 57) Besides tech

4、nical skills, it is critical to be able to design research strategies.,2019/8/10,7,Answer the questions,1. What has the author learned at Harvard? (para 1) 2. How can a person think and function as a scientist? (para 1) 3. What is the first piece of advice that Albert gives to prospect scientists in

5、 helping them select their mentors? (para 2),2019/8/10,8,Answer the questions,4. According to Albert, what are the criteria for a good advisor? (para 3, 4) 5. How important is it for scientist be able to design research strategies? (para 6),2019/8/10,9,Language points,Para 1 1. apprenticeship serve

6、ones with sb. 做某人学徒 serve out ones 学徒期满, 出师 2. mentor - a wise and trusted counselor or teacher 贤明和忠实的顾问或良师, 导师, 指导者,2019/8/10,10,Para 2 not nearly - 绝不, 相差甚远, 远非 ethical standard - 道德规范 consult about the matter 商议此事 consult with counsel 与法律顾问商议 consult for a large building firm为大型建筑公司做咨询工作,2019/8/1

7、0,11,Para 4 empower sb. to do sth. - 授权某人做某事 innovate - v.tr. to begin or introduce (something new) for or as if for the first time 革新:第一次或好象第一次开始或介绍(新东西) v.intr. to begin or introduce something new 创新:开始或介绍新东西,2019/8/10,12,Writing,Because so much of ones scientific future is shaped by early experie

8、nces, it is critical that beginning scientists select their mentors wisely. But what constitutes a “good” choice is not always obvious. Please write an essay of 300 words on how to choose your mentor/supervisor for graduate students.,2019/8/10,13,Text B What Is a Scientific Paper?,2019/8/10,14,Quest

9、ions for comprehension,1. How does the Council of Biology Editors (CBE) define primary literature? 2. What kind of process is peer-review? 3. Why has the writer belabored on the definition of scientific paper? 4. In terms of organization, what is the most popular order of a scientific paper? 5. Does

10、 IMRAD format apply to each research field? Why or why not? 6. What should be the main concerns of scientists and editors in reporting data?,2019/8/10,15,NO. 1,According to the CBE, an acceptable primary scientific publication must be the first disclosure containing the sufficient information to ena

11、ble peers (1)to assess observations, (2) to repeat experiments, and (3) to evaluate intellectual processes; moreover, it must be susceptible to sensory perception, essentially permanent, available to the scientific community without restriction, and available for regular screening by one or more of

12、the major recognized secondary services.,2019/8/10,16,NO. 2,Peer-review refers to the process through which a research paper is critically evaluated prior to publication, by scientists with in-depth knowledge of the authors area of research or investigation, to ensure that the work under review is a

13、ccurate, reliable, well-written, and worthy of publication; the process is generally guided by an editor who makes the final decision.,2019/8/10,17,NO. 3 (1),He did it for two reasons. First, to get rid the confusion. The community of science has long been unable or unwilling to define primary publi

14、cation. As a result, much of the literature is buried in meeting abstracts, obscure conference reports, government publications, or in books or journals of minuscule circulation. Other papers, in the same or slightly altered form, are published twice or more often; occasionally, this is the result o

15、f poor ethics on the part of the author, but more often it is the lack of definition as to which conference reports, books, and compilations are (or should be) primary publications and which are not redundancy and confusion result.,2019/8/10,18,NO. 3 (2),Second, to help graduate student or the buddi

16、ng scientist. A scientific paper is, by definition, a particular kind of document containing certain specified kinds of information. A scientific paper “demands exactly the same qualities of thought as are needed for the rest of science: logic, clarity, and precision.” If the graduate student or the

17、 budding scientist (and even some of those scientists who have already published many papers) can fully grasp the significance of this definition, the writing task should be a good deal easier.,2019/8/10,19,NO. 4,IMRAD, an acronym for Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, and Discussion, is

18、the most popular pattern for scientific paper.,2019/8/10,20,NO. 5,Generally speaking, IMRAD is the best choice for scientific papers reporting laboratory studies. There are, of course, exceptions. For example, reports of field studies in the earth sciences and clinical case reports in the medical sc

19、iences do not readily lend themselves to this kind of organization. If a number of methods were used to achieve directly related results, it might be desirable to combine the Materials and Methods and the Results into an integrated “Experimental” section. In addition, many primary journals publish “

20、Notes” or “Short Communications”, in which the IMRAD organization is abridged.,2019/8/10,21,NO. 6,Both scientists and editors should work on a system of reporting data this is uniform, concise, and readily understandable. To determine how to organize research papers, scientists will need to refer to

21、 the Instructions to Authors of their target journal and bear in mind that without publication, science is dead.,2019/8/10,22,Further reading,immersion increased/extended tenure-track veterans autonomy labs flexibility Pilot,2019/8/10,23,E-C,科学这个词似乎具有某种魅力。它一旦被提出,就应该立即得到认可,而不允许有任何可能的讨论。 这种需要人们立即认可的情况


23、 branch of science deals with a class of things, the changes in the members of the class, and the relations between these members. Thus the ideal form of a natural science is the same as that of mathematics. The objective in a natural science is to discover relations which assert that when an event

24、P is present in a situation, then the event Q is also present.,2019/8/10,26,C-E,As a branch of science advances from a descriptive and qualitative stage to one where the relations can be expressed in a quantitative and explanatory manner, the science assumes a mathematical form. Astronomy at one tim

25、e was a descriptive science, but the work of Kepler and Newton established the foundations, by means of which the laws of the motions of the heavenly bodies could be expressed mathematically.,2019/8/10,27,C-E,It is in this sense that mathematics is sometimes called the language of science. The hypot

26、hetical propositions of mathematics are called into play when the generalizations of science take on a quantitative form and frequently suggest new experiments; while, on the other hand, complexities in observed data of science stimulate the development of mathematics and broaden its foundation.,2019/8/10,28,Topics for research and presentation,1. Ethics in research 2. Major journals in your field 3. Modern Language Association (MLA) format for papers,


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